How to compile Torque 2D with TGB Platformer Kit on Mac OS X 10.7? - torque

I'm trying to recompile Torque-2d (or even Torque) with the TGB Platformer kit on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) using Xcode and it just doesn't compile. I tried following the instructions from the developer but it didn't work, it complains about some functions that are deprecated.

probably too late but the setting for it to work is:
compiler = GCC4.0 (will not work with 4.2, yet 4.0 is not available in newer xcode4 without hacking)
C language dialect = C99


Unable to load standard library for target arm64 error in XCode on Macbook Air M1

On new Mac with M1 chip get the error after the build of React Native app in XCode 12.4:
unable to load standard library for target 'arm64-apple-ios8.0'
failed to build module 'SciChart' from its module interface; the compiler that produced it, 'Apple Swift version 5.1.3 (swiftlang-1100.0.282.1 clang-1100.0.33.15)', may have used features that aren't supported by this compiler, 'Apple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28)'
What I already tried:
Reinstall XCode;
Changed Swift Language Version;
Deleted VALID_ARCHS reference according Xcode 12 Beta 2 - unable to load standard library for target 'arm64-apple-ios14.0-simulator'
On Macbook with intel chip there are no errors with the same app. And both of my Macbook have the same swift version:
Apple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0
Can you help me please!
Guys if you have old React Native projects just build it on Xcode with rosetta and you will save your nerves and time. I was looking the decision all week, but in the total it was so easy, just run Xcode with rosetta on M1: please try to open Xcode through Rosetta - Right click on Xcode in applications folder -> Get Info -> set Open with Rosetta to true

Distribute Universal framework written in Swift

I'm facing the issue with distributing compiled swift framework. My framework heavily relies on the libxml2 dynamic library. In order to avoid issues with Swift module compatibility, I've set build flag BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION = YES.
So I've used Xcode 11.3 Swift v5.1.3 to build my framework. I've integrated it into the project. As being expected works fine in Xcode 11.3.
However, I have another error trying to build in Xcode 11.0 Swift 5.1.
I've got the error:
#import "libxml/HTMLparser.h"
/Applications/ error: 'libxml/xmlversion.h' file not found
#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
/.../DemoApp/ThirdParty/testXML.framework/Modules/testXML.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-tvos-simulator.swiftinterface:6:8: error: could not build Objective-C module 'libxml2'
import libxml2
/.../DemoApp/AppDelegate.swift:11:8: error: failed to load module 'testXML'
import testXML
Here is the repo with both framework and app projects.
I'm using both Xcode version on the same Mac.
Your project runs fine on my Xcode 11.3 tvOS simulator. However there's something I've noticed.
The framework you built only contains x86_64 architectures (simulator only), it won't work on physical devices.
For Xcode before 11.3 it seems like you need to add $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2 and ${SRCROOT}/libxml2 to Build Settings. That fixed the issue for me on Xcode 11.2.1

Where can I find a list of 'os' and 'dist' options for Travis-CI / Multi OS Build Matrix

Per the Travis-CI documentation you can run tests on different operating systems and distributions amongst them.
A the time of writing, a Google search doesn't turn up a list of all the possible os and dist options. All one has to go from is the following example which provides the following under the build matrix sub heading:
There are many options available and using the matrix.include key is
essential to include any specific entries. For example, this matrix
would route builds to the Trusty beta build environment and to an OS X
image using Xcode 7.2:
- os: linux
dist: trusty
sudo: required
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode7.2
Yet there's no guidance on what options are available for the os, dist, or osx_image keys. Does anyone know where to find these values?
If you take a look at The Build Environment, the "Virtualization environments" section contains a table listing the different operating systems Travis CI currently supports. Currently (2016-08-15) that includes:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server Edition 64 bit (without sudo)
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server Edition 64 bit (with sudo)
OS X Mavericks
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server Edition 64 bit (with sudo)
As it also states, the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server image is the default, so you can only switch to one other Linux distribution, namely trusty. Given that the dist property only have one possible value, I guess the need to "list all possible values" is limited.
However, for OS X, the above is not the end of the story. The documentation about the OS X environment lets us know that the osx_image property can have a range of different values that will change both the version of Xcode as well as the version of OS X:
OS X 10.11
osx_image: xcode8 (Xcode 8 beta 4)
osx_image: xcode7.3 (Xcode 7.3.1)
osx_image: xcode7.2 (Xcode 7.2.1)
OS X 10.10
osx_image: xcode7.1 (Xcode 7.1.1 GM)
osx_image: xcode7 (Xcode 7)
osx_image: xcode6.4 (Xcode 6.4)
osx_image: beta-xcode6.3 (Xcode 6.3)
OS X 10.9
osx_image: beta-xcode6.2 (Xcode 6.2)
osx_image: beta-xcode6.1 (Default, Xcode 6.1)
What's interesting about this is that beta-xcode6.1 is listed as the default image for OS X, which has an ancient version of Xcode and OS X and additionally seems to be in beta (whatever that means). It might thus be a good idea to explicitly configure one or more osx_image versions in the matrix if you're going to build for OS X.
Update: As of October 2017, the default is OS X 10.11 with Xcode 7.3.1, and the latest available is OS X 10.12 with Xcode 9.

SenTestingKit Not found In Xcode4

When I tried to import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>, I get this error: SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h: No such file or directory.
I am using unit testing for the first. I am using xcode 4.2 with ios 5 sdk. But in my system I have two xcode version installed,4.2 and 3.2.5. Although i am using xcode 4.2 ,xcode3.2.5 is the default xcode in my system. Can any one help me with the unit testing?
SenTestingKit.framework is at :
/Developer/Library/Frameworks/SenTestingKit.framework (OS X)
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOSX.X.sdk/Developer/Library/Frameworks/SenTestingKit.framework (iOS)
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulatorX.X.sdk/Developer/Library/Frameworks/SenTestingKit.framework (simulator)
for Xcode versions 4.3 and above prepend /Applications/ to the paths above
I don't know, but the frameworks path will be different for both xcodes. it might be in 3.2.5 frameworks path and when using 4.2, it may not find it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

How to use Cocos 2D 1.1.0, When I run a sample Cocos2D Appication it gives error

How to use Cocos2D 1.1.0, When I am choose a template as Cocos2D Application and name it "NewCocos", When simply run this project without doing anything It gives me
124 errors
of same type = error: missing binary operator before token "("
this errors shows near "#if defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(objc_arc)"
18 Warnings
of same type = warning: ignoring #pragma clang diagnostic
this warning shows near "#pragma clang diagnostic push" , "#pragma clang diagnostic pop" etc...
I am using XCode 3.2.4 and iOS / iPhone OS 4.1
In short statement gives (124 times) error of
error: missing binary operator before token "("
on the statement without quotes "#if defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(objc_arc)"
This is working fine in Cocos v1.0.1 older version but not working on cocos v1.1.0
Cocos2D v1.1 requires to set the compiler to "Apple LLVM compiler" in Build Settings. Only Xcode 4.0 and newer are shipped with the Apple LLVM compiler. Furthermore, to enable ARC you must be using at least Xcode 4.2 with the "Apple LLVM compiler 3.0".
You should seriously consider upgrading. Xcode 3.2 is over 2 years old now (released: August 2009). As mentioned here, only apps built with the latest, or if not "too old" the second to latest iOS SDK version are going to be approved by Apple (at the time of this writing iOS 5.0 is the latest SDK but iOS 4.3 apps are also still accepted). Regardless of that, Xcode 4 makes it a lot easier to submit apps through its built-in Organizer.
this is XCode 3.2.4 problem Update Your X-Code Minimum X-Code 4.2.0