What Did IMDB Use to Code Their iPhone Trivia App? - iphone

Their app is very well done, however doesn't seem to use any of the normal controls that come standard with the framework. Now it could be they just did an excellent job of restyling those components, but I'm thinking they used something like Adobe Air or something to code it which I think is allowed now whereas it wasn't in the past.
If anyone has any insight I'd really appreciate it!

I would wager that most of the main UI is done as HTML and rendered using a web view. The rest looks like standard UI with custom images.


Google Earth with WPF without using HwndHost

In my project, I want to embed Google Earth inside one of the User controls. I have seen many example in web where people say how to do it using winforms. I have seen few more sample who actually integrate it in WPF but using WindowsFormsHost/HwndHost I am eliminating this to avoid the airspace problem.
What exactly in my mind is something like to have a rendering Engine class and have an image in the control and use back buffering to draw data from rendering Engine class on the Image.
Has any one integrated Google Earth without using WindowsFormsHost/HwndHost? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Try using D3DImage. WPF gives a callback to fill in the back buffer. Have a look at great sample by Dr WPF on Code Project. You can find the sample here.

How to Delete nodes from HTML in iOS

What I am trying to do is to load a webpage into in a UIWebView. The problem is that I need to do some preprocessing on the html before displaying it in the web view.
The UIWebview loadHTMLString is quiet slow when the html is big. I don't need to display the full page therefore i am trying to remove some html nodes before displaying it in the web view to speed up the loading time.
I don't think using regex for that is a wise idea. I checked out NSXMLParser and TFHPPLE but I couldn't find any way to remove nodes from the html tree using an XPath or something.
I know I could do that using Javascript but that won't solve my problem. I also don't have no control on the website so I can't edit in the webpage itself.
Is there something as easy as deleteNodeUsingXPath or something :)
Cheers and thanks a lot for your help in advance.
One possibility solution: do a proxy website which strips out unwanted stuff. The iphone accesses the proxy website URL. The proxy website loads from the original website, strips out unwanted stuff, and replies with the remaining stuff.
There is a tool called Objective-C-HTML-Parser that will do what you are looking for. The documentation is thorough, and the implementation is pretty straight-forward.
Basically, you take your HTML string and make an HTMLParser object that you can then manipulate however you want. It is a very powerful library that basically lets you do whatever you want with HTML with easy-to-use Objective-C APIs.
Good luck!

HTML pages in iPhone apps. Where to start?

I'm looking to create a small reference app. It has a UItabBar and 4 views that each load a UITableView which can be drilled down to display, essentially a page of information and pictures, like a book.
If I want to make the page a little more stylised than just using labels and image views, the common consensus seems to be to create HTML pages and load them in a web view.
Being new to this, please could someone give me some direction on where to even begin with this? As I understand it, I essentially need to develop a web page with a text editor, and then what? Actualy upload online and create a public website? It's a little confusing, and as I'm not a developer, a little disheartening to think I'll now have to learn HTML as well as Obj-C to create a simple app.
I'm sure there are some great tools or alternatives out there and if someone could recommend such avenues I'd be incredibly grateful.
Kind regards,
If you want to display HTML pages in a UIWebView you can store them in your bundle and display them from there (so no need to put the pages online). It is best though to stick with the UI controls that Apple provides you with. If you need more customization try subclassing some of the standard controls.
If you customize your UI too much it will just confuse the user and degrade their experience.

jQTouch and Zend Framework

Anyone using Zend Framework to power their jQTouch iPhone Web app? Looks like jQTouch prefers to have all the "pages" on in one html output.
Anyway, I was just curious if anyone was doing that and was willing to share the skeleton of their project.
There are not a lot of possibilities here. If you want to have all your output in one view you should perhaps try to use action helpers, all action helper could generate a page and send its output to the response. Take a look at matthew weierophinney's article: http://weierophinney.net/matthew/archives/246-Using-Action-Helpers-To-Implement-Re-Usable-Widgets.html
Another possibility would be to take a look at jquery mobile instead of jqTouch.

Is it ok to use the web view to render non web content web developing for iOS4

I'm just learning the iPhone SDK and about drawing with CG and UIKit and whilst I can see the usefulness for building interfaces as a web developer I can't help but think it would be a hell of a lot easy if I could layout content (ie heading, paragraphs, lists, images) with html and css
presumably this is possible using the web view and injecting custom html and css into it
is there any reason this is a bad idea?
Yes. It's not only ok, it's pretty common. I recommend having a good reason to do so before using this method. "Because it's easier than using the UIKit framework" is not a good reason.
Go for it. It's one of the tools at your disposal, so don't be shy about using it.