mongodb dbrefs examples using Java - mongodb

I tried to find working examples of java/SpringData mongodb DBRefs but couldn't find any. I'm new to Mongodb and looking for ways to use SQL join-like functionality to aggregate/merge data from two mongo collections based on a common id.
Could someone point me in the right direction? Is application-level aggregating/merging is the only best solution with Mongo/Java/Spring combination?

There is a significant difference between DBRefs and Joins.
If you have two collections, that you are trying to join, then it might be worth looking at your data model. It could be the case, that you are using a relational modelling approach. This will not work with MongoDB.
It is usially better, to denormalize the dependent collection into the document of the master collection.
Then you do not need to join at all and make the most of the document model.


Are there technical downsides to using a single collection over multiple collections in MongoDB?

Since MongoDB is schemaless, I could just drop all my documents into a single collection, with a key collection and an index on that key.
For example this:
Would become this:
db.getCollection('all').find({'collection': 'dogs'})
db.getCollection('all').find({'collection': 'cars'})
Is there any technical downside to doing this?
There are multiple reasons to have different collections, maybe the two most importants are:
Performance: even if MongoDB has been designed to be flexible, it doesn't prevent the need to have indexes on fields that will be used during the search. You would have dramatic response times if the collection is too heterogeneous.
Maintenability/evolutivity: design should be driven by the usecases (usually you'll store the data as it's received by the application) and the design should be explicit to anyone looking at the database collections
MongoDB University is a great e-learning platform, it is free and there is in particular this course:
M320: Data Modeling
schema questions are often better understood by working backwards from the queries you'll rely on and how the data will get written.... if you were going to query Field1 AND Field2 together in 1 query statement you do want them in the same collection....dogs and cars don't sound very related while dogs and cats really look at how you're going to want to query.....joining collections is not really ideal - doable via $lookup but not ideal....

How to merge two collections in mongodb

I have two collections called Company_Details and Company_Ranks...Comp_ID is common in two collections. How do I merge these two collections to get complete details of a company.
Please help me
To make long story short, you either do that on client-side or consider the benefits of embedding those documents.
MongoDB does not support joins, as opposed to relational databases. This is both a pro and a con. It has helped MongoDB's developers to focus on scalability which is much harder to implement when you have joins and transactions.
You can follow the DBRef specification. Lots of drivers support DBRef and do the composition seamlessly for you. You can even do that manually. But most importantly, you can take advantage of embedding documents.
Embedding documents in MongoDB is a unique ability over relational databases. Meaning, you can create one collection consisting of compound documents. You'll enjoy atomicity, as there is no "partial success", and data locality: spinning disks are better in accessing data in sequence.
If querying is your motive and you don't want to change your schema. Then, try Apache Drill which allows you to query with SQLs. Then perform the full join, inner join, etc whatever you want. You can check for drill with MongoDB.
With MongoDB Version 3.2 and higher we got now the $lookup Command, which is the "same" as a Join in a RDBMS.
With that you can easy Query between your 2 Collections and get the Information you want.
For further Details Checkt out the Documentation

MongoDB data modeling - separate or combine collections?

i have a question for the performance in meteorJS. Before i used meteorJS is always wrote my Applications in PHP and MySQL. In MySQL i always created a lot of tables with many connections betweens them.
For example:
Table User
Table User_Data
My questions is now how i have to design my MongoDB collections. Its nice that the collection are build like js objects so i dont have to predesign my tables and can always easy change the collumns. But is it better to combine all data to one collection or to several collections ?
For example:
Table User
Is it better or worse for the performance ? Or is it the wrong pattern to design MongoDB Collections ?
The question mainly about MongoDB data modeling. What you'll learn applies to MongoDB used with Meteor or with anything else. talks about data modeling with MongoDB and is a good introduction.
In your particular case, you can read more about how to avoid JOINs in MongoDB.

MongoDb casscade update/delete

I'm trying to use mongoDB with Morphia but still I have a problem with deleting documents. Is there any additional plugin or wrapper which works with Mongo and provides something like transactions in DBMS?
No, there are no (multi document) transactions. There are two possible solutions:
You can restructure your data into a single document instead of spreading it over multiple tables. Thus MongoDB's single document transactions (if you call them that) are enough for you. You can solve many problems with embedded entities or arrays. You might want to start a question related to "schema" design, if you're unsure how to approach this.
Your problem absolutely needs transactions across multiple documents / tables. Then MongoDB is simply not the right tool and you should use a relational database.
Don't fight the tool, pick the right one...

Equivalent of ERD for MongoDB?

What would be the equivalent of ERD for a NoSQL database such as MongoDB?
It looks like you asked a similar question on Quora.
As mentioned there, the ERD is simply a mapping of the data you intend to store and the relations amongst that data.
You can still make an ERD with MongoDB as you still want to track the data and the relations. The big difference is that MongoDB has no joins, so when you translate the ERD into an actual schema you'll have to make some specific decisions about implement the relationships.
In particular, you'll need to make the "embed vs. reference" decision when deciding how this data will actually be stored. Relations are still allowed, just not enforced. Many of the wrappers for MongoDB actually provide lookups across collections to abstract some of this complexity.
Even though MongoDB does not enforce a schema, it's not recommended to proceed completely at random. Modeling the data you expect to have in the system is still a really good idea and that's what the ERD provides you.
So I guess the equivalent to the ERD is the ERD?
You could just use a UML class diagram instead too.
Moon Modeler supports schema design for MongoDB. It allows users to define diagrams with nested structures.
I know of no standard means of diagramming document-oriented "schema".
I'm sure you could use an ERD to map out your schemata but since document databases do not truly support--or more importantly enforce--relationships between data, it would only be as useful as your code was disciplined to internally enforce such relationships.
I have been thinking about the same issue for quite some time.
And I came to the following conclusion:
If NoSQL databases are generally schemaless, you don't actually have a 'schema' to illustrate in a diagram.
Thus, I think you should take a "by example" approach.
You could draw some mindmaps exemplifying how your data would look like when stored in a NoSQL DB such as MongoDB.
And since these databases are very dynamic you could also create some derived mindmaps to show how the data from today could evolve in time.
Take a look at this topic too.
Confusion about NoSQL Design
MongoDB does support 'joins', just not in the SQL sense of INNER JOIN (the default SQL join). While the concept of 'join' is typically associated with SQL, MongoDB does have the aggregation framework with its data processing pipeline stages. The $lookup pipeline stage is used to create the equivalent of a LEFT JOIN in SQL. That is, all documents on the left of a relationship will be pass through the pipeline, as well as any relating documents on the right side of the relationship. The documents are modified to include the relationship as part of the new documents.
Consequently, I postulate that Entity Relationship Diagrams do have a role in MongoDB. Documents are certainly related to each other in the db, and we should have a visualization of these relationships, including the cardinality relationship, e.g. full participation, partial participation, weak/strong entities, etc.
Of course, MongoDB also introduces the concept of embedded documents and referenced documents, and so I argue it adds additional flavor to the model of the ERD. And I certainly would want to see embedded and referenced relationships mapped out in a visual diagram.
The remaining question is so what is out there? What is out there for Mongoose for NodeJS? Mongoid for Ruby? etc. If you check the respective repositories for their corresponding ORMs (Object Relational Mappers), then you will see there are ERDs for them. But in terms of their completeness, perhaps there is a lot to be desired and the open source community is welcome to make contributions.