Expression Engine - For entrys listing, only show last category in tree? - categories

I have a category structure like this:
For a list of entries Im showing the category names for each one with this:
{categories show_group=“1”}{category_name}{/categories}
How can I limit the category names to only show the last in the tree when there is more than one? EG if an entry is part of ‘cat2’ and also ‘catA’, I only want ‘catA’ to display.
Update - Ive tried the following but total_results returns the number of entries, not the number of categories for each entry.
{exp:channel:entries channel="news|blog" category="<?php echo $cat_id ?>" orderby="date" sort="desc" disable="member_data|pagination" dynamic="no"}
{categories show_group="1"}{if count == total_results}{category_name}{/if}{/categories}

The efficient way would be to write a SQL query to get exactly the value you want. The inefficient but easy way would be to hide all results except the last one.
{!-- requires PHP parsed on output --}
<?php $lastCat = ""; ?>
<?php $lastCat = "{category_name}"; ?>
<?php echo $lastCat; ?>
It turns out {count} and {total_results} aren't supported within the {categories} tag pair. You can use PHP to substitute.
Whether inefficient is good enough depends on how many categories you have and how effective caching the page will be.


Adding Fields/ Columns to oc_product_description Table, Opencart

Background: Added some new columns in oc_product_description (I added some key product features and alternative name for ebay listing, so I can generate the product data into a template to use on ebay listings, whilst keeping and using the code on the opencart website..)
Problem: that when I save the product in opencart it deletes the data I just entered into the table, because it uses a Delete and then Insert function (by the looks of it?) in admin/model/catalog/product.php approx line 140. Which uses the $data['product_descriptions'] array which comes about in admin/controller/catalog/product.php approx line 765.. but here there are 3 possibilities.. either from the post or from a get function, or a new array..
I added hidden fields to the admin/view/catalog/product_form.php but what's going on here doesn't make it through to the table in the end..
I also added the new fields to the getProductDescriptions() function and directly to the $data array just as the other fields were already..
Please don't send me off to look up MVC models..Please help!!!
The problem was: that I had used the wrong name and value in the hidden fields..I obviously wasn't giving it much thought when I merely wrote:
<input type="hidden" name="name_ebay" value="<?php echo $entry_name_ebay; ?>">
In actual fact what was required was:
<input type="hidden" name="product_description[<?php echo $language['language_id']; ?>][name_ebay]" value="<?php echo isset($product_description[$language['language_id']]) ? $product_description[$language['language_id']]['name_ebay'] : ''; ?>">
I hope this post has offered some reminders or hints concerning Adding Your Own Fields to Opencart's Product Description Table, and using them in the admin
Take note mostly of:
i) use of language id in the view
ii) the delete, insert (instead of update) in model
iii) the change from post to $data array in controller
Furthermore, I did notice that the delete line,
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product_description WHERE product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'");
Seems to delete the record with this product id?? but without regard to language id?.. I'll have to look into whether this deletes the translated versions on a multi-lingual site of the products in the product_description table..?

Cakephp Controller isn´t processing form data

Hi I´m new with cakephp (v.1.3). I´m trying to do something simple.
I have two tables: fichas[id,... etc] and labos[id,laboratorio,ficha_id] so "labos" belongs to "fichas". (labos.laboratorio is ENUM field).
I would like to view a "ficha" given and labos.laboratorio so I´ve included the following code in "home.ctp"
<h3>Mostrar Ficha</h3>
<?php echo $this->Form->create('ficha',array('action'=>'localiza'));?>
<?php echo $this->Form->radio('laboratorio',array('A','B','C'),array('A','B','C')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->input('id',array('label'=>'Numero','type'=>'text')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->end("Mostrar");?>
Then in "fichas_controller.php" added the following:
function localiza(){
$this->Session->setFlash('Por favor introduzca un valor valido');
Finally in the model "ficha.php" the following:
function findID($id=null,$laboratorio=null){
return $this->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('Labo.laboratorio'=>$laboratorio,''=>$id)));
Obviously the file views/fichas/localiza.ctp exists
The thing is when I press the submit button in the form it just reloads the home.ctp page. Looks like the controller´s code is not being executed because i´ve tried to force the error message that should load the index action changing the if condition to true but the same result. I´ve changed the name of the function in the model expecting an error to ocurr but I get the same result.
I have another two forms in the home.ctp page but calling another actions and models.
One of them its almost identical and it works fine.
I can´t figure out the error.
Thanks in advance for any help.
The array key $this->data['Ficha'] likely doesn't exist. You've created the lowercase "ficha" form, this name should be capitalized, otherwise the data is available in $this->data['ficha']. So the form creation call would look like this:
<?php echo $this->Form->create('Ficha',array('action'=>'localiza'));?>
You can debug in two ways on Cake
Configure::write('debug', 2);
The other PHP ways
This way, you will know if you are passing the data->params properly.
Why is your model has first charcter in lower-case? It should be
Then you can issue a direct find on the controller, if you only want.
$d = $this->Fichas->find('all', array();
You might have added the home.ctp file into another controller. Try adding the controller in the following line:
<?php echo $this->Form->create('ficha',array('controller' => 'fichas', 'action'=>'localiza'));?>
Hope it helps.

How do I use CakePHP to append data to database when submitting from a form?

I've been developing this application for use in my biology lab where I require the following:
User adds in data into a text field.
When the user wants to update the text field, s/he cannot update the existing text, and can only append new text to the field.
Therefore, the form must contain a blank text field that the user can input text to append to the existing entry.
Ideally, I'd also like to append the timestamp for when each entry is recorded.
As you can see, it's sort of like a lab notebook, where the integrity of previously-entered data is important.
I'm having trouble with 2nd point, in that I don't know how to create a blank text field that saves the data to the corresponding field in the model.
Here is the code I currently have for the "view":
(I've tried to hide the existing data - "results_summary" - in a "hidden" element.)
<!-- File: /app/View/Experiments/update.ctp -->
<h1>Update Experiment</h1>
<p><?php echo $experiment['Experiment']['objective']?></p>
<p>Notebook <?php echo $experiment['Experiment']['notebook_number'] ?>, Page <?php echo $experiment['Experiment']['notebook_page'] ?> </p>
<p>Date Started: <?php echo $experiment['Experiment']['date_started']?></p>
<p>Date Ended: <?php echo $experiment['Experiment']['date_ended']?></p>
<p>Project: <?php echo $experiment['Project']['title']?>
<p>Status: <?php echo $experiment['ExperimentStatus']['title']?>
<p>Results Summary:</p>
<p><?php echo $this->Form->create('Experiment', array('action' => 'update'));
echo $this->Form->hidden('results_summary');
echo $this->Form->text('results_summary');
echo $this->Form->end('Update');
Does anybody have clues as to how I could go about solving this problem? I'm quite lost right now, as I haven't had the experience coding this before.
Based on requirements 3 and 4, I would model the database in a way that each summary entry is stored in a separate row. You'll need a separate table for that, something like this:
id | experiment_id | summary_entry | summary_entry_timestamp
Column experiment_id is a foreign key to the related id on experiments table. Tables/models are related so that Experiment hasMany ExperimentSummaryEntry.
Then, logging to the experiment results summary will be a matter of inserting a new row on that table.
I would have to agree with #bfavaretto
Without seeing your database structure it is hard to be sure.
I suspect that you are doing
Project hasMany Experiment
Experiment hasOne ExperimentStatus
You need an additional
Experiment hasMany ExperimentEntry
the entries table need to have
id int(11), experiment_id int (11), content TEXT, created DATETIME
if you are okay using DATETIME field for timestamp then I suggest using **created because cakephp will auto fill in for you.
instead of update experiment, you do a add experimententry.
in the afterSave method of ExperimentEntry you do a
$this->Experiment->id = $this->data['ExperimentEntry']['experiment_id'];
$latestSummary = $this->Experiment->field('result_summary');
$latestSummary .= $this->data['ExperimentEntry']['content']; // you may need to add a newline before you append. up to you
'Experiment' => array(
'result_summary' => $latestSummary
Code is not tested so use at own risk.
** no corresponding page in cakephp 2.0 docs for created and modified but definitely this works. I have tried it before.

Zend Framework multiplay forms

I want get the follow thing working.
I've a page with a couple of text articles, each article has his own 'id' in the database. Below every article I want to make it possible to discuss about it. So I setup a discuss form witch I print with my article trough a 'foreach'.
In the form I added a Zend_Form_Element_Hidden. In the view I want to set the value of the hidden field with 'article_id', this likes me the best way to put it in the database?
In the foreach I try the follow thing but when I do this, the form is gone and I only get the element where I add the value.
My code in the view:
foreach ($this->paginator as $article):
echo $this->form->getElement('article')->setValue($article['id']);
I hope some one can make this a bit more clear for me :)
With kind regards,
I am guessing you want to print the form inside the loop but only the element is being printed.
If that is your problem, the reason is because setValue() returns the element and not the form.
// Your Code
// This will only print the element and not the entire form
echo $this->form->getElement('article')->setValue($article['id']);
You will have to change your code to:
// Set the element value first
// Then render the form
echo $this->form;

Find and replace variable div contents

I have a php page which contains a large amount of HTML in it. One part of the HTML has a div in the following format:
<div class="reusable-block" id="xyzabcwy">there is a lot of HTML here which may be in any format</div>
Keep in mind, this div is contained within the DOM at any location however, I do know the div ID programatically.
I was originally finding this string within my database, since a record of it exists there however, the format between the data in the database record and the page are sometimes different due to whitespace but other than the white space, the strings are exactly the same. The problem is, I don't know what format the whitespace is in.
It seems it is better to write a regular expression to find this div and replace it entirely.
I could use a hand though.
Other ideas are also welcome.
Many thanks!
If you are using jQuery,
if not
document.getElementById('xyzabcwy').innerHTML = new_data;
otherwise, here is a PHP example.
Edit: PHP
$id = "xyzabcwy";
$html = "<div id=\"" . $id . "\">this is html</div>";
$newdata = "test";
echo preg_replace("#<div[^>]*id=\"{$id}\".*?</div>#si",$newdata,$html);
 This should output
<div id="123">test</div>
Answer from: Replace a div content with PHP