publish_actions authentication permission issue - facebook

The problem with my application is when I test the application as a developer, it ask asks for publish actions permission as it should but when other users go to my application it doesn't ask for publish_actions permission from them.
I added the publish_actions permission in application setting, but it's not working. I also tried to include the publish_actions permission in the configuration file, but it didn't work either.

While Facebook is never 100% clear about how their API works, and this can be a major source of frustration, I would guess that the issue is that the app will need to be approved before anyone but the developer can accept the publish_actions permission for it.
This page on the Facebook dev site might help:


Facebook manage_pages

I develop helpdesk that imports posts from user's pages. But I need to have a manage_pages permission and manage_notifications. I created facebook app and set the permissions but thay have to be reviewed. Facebook wants to test the app how I use the imported posts. But how can I do that if I dont have the permission? Is there any way how to get this permission only for test ? I would like to implement this before ask facebook to review my app.
Thanks for all idea.
Permissions work without review for everyone with a role in the App, of course you donĀ“t need to go through the review process for testing.
More information:

Facebook Graph API 2.0 Permissions Request Denied

I'm working on a notification web-app that has a Post-to-Facebook feature. Until the (Graph) API v2.0, it worked great. A user would authenticate with their Facebook account, put their token into our app, and we'd use that to make posts to their wall/page for them when a new notification was sent.
We have applied for the permissions we need to use on Facebook's new API (publish_pages, publish_actions, manage_pages). We received a notice that our application was rejected, so we re-worded the same application for permissions to try to clarify what we use the permissions for, resubmitted it, but have been rejected again.
An app that does almost exactly the same thing we hope to do was granted these permissions (we know, because we both work with- and compete with- that app). Until we found out that that app can still publish posts to Facebook, we believed that all requests to repost/automatically post on users' behalfs were being denied because of a Facebook policy change.
We can't figure out who to contact or where to appeal the denial of these permissions. This probably isn't the right forum (since this isn't specifically a technical question about the API), but I can't see where to take this issue next.
Did you have a look at the Login Review FAQs:
or otherwise refer to

Facebook every time denied new permission

I need user_posts permission on my web and facebook every time deny this review with this message:
user_posts - Web - We could not reproduce the requested permission. Please
submit detailed, step-by-step English instructions in the "Add Notes"
section of the permission, and make sure to provide the relevant
version of your app. See here for additional information on login
permission requirements.
When people logging on my app, i ask for this permissions: email, publish_actions, user_friends and user_posts. Why facebook send me this message? Detailet step-by-step is writed fine.
Thanks for help.
Well, ask Facebook says, you should outline why and for what you need the user_posts permission. It should also be visible to them where in your application this is used.
If they can't see this, they will not grant you the permission.

new app-id - OAuthException (#200) on post comment

Since I created a new (Facebook) App last week, I get an OAuthException whenever I want to comment on a post.
"(OAuthException) (#200) You do not have sufficient to permissions to perform this action".
With the old App, my application works fine.
Now I found out that Facebook has changed the login policy recently. I also found the following remark on
"If your app asks for more than than public_profile, email and user_friends it will require review by Facebook before your app can be used by people other than the app's developers".
So if I post with the same account with which I created the App, it should work, right? Only it doesn't...
Remark: if I use the new App with another Facebook-account, I have even less permissions (e.g. cannot access the account's pages). So I have more permissions if I use the same account, but still I cannot post!
I use Graph API via .NET Facebook-Client; my App is a native app (desktop app).
Could someone please tell me how to post with a new App? This is the main use-case of our application! Thank you very much!
Here is a screenshot of what I see instead of the login-screen when I use extended permission "publish_action" instead of "publish_stream"
You must be able to post with your own account since you are the admin of the application. - since only the admins/developers/testers will be able to test the app with the publishing functionality before it gets approved by facebook.
If you still are not able to, you must have not granted the permissions to the app. Things to check-
You are using publish_actions and not publish_stream
Check in your application settings whether or not you can see the publishing permission is granted for that app.
If not granted, go through the login process again and grant the publishing permission (may be by removing the app from settings and then authorizing again OR logout the app and then login again with publish_actions)
Problem solved - it was a stupid typo: I wrote publish_action instead of publish_actions (should be plural)! Thanks again to CBroe who pointed it out in this thread!

Using an app access token, why do i need publish_stream permission instead of just publish_actions

I'm using an app access token to write to a facebook user's wall (using the facebook graph toolkit in i've found that the process works fine if i have publish_stream permission but fails if i only have publish_actions. i would prefer to work only with publish_actions to avoid the second screen permission request.
this issue seems to go against the fb docs which state "Moving forward, we recommend that apps only ask for publish_actions, as this permission encompasses the other two and we want to simplify the model." (
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced and overcome this issue.
You need to check out this.
It says-
publish_actions will now include basic publish_stream permissions (including posting on a user's timeline, posting photos/videos, commenting on and liking content), which will appear on the first Auth Dialog screen. With this change, apps that were previously granted publish_stream do not need to request publish_actions.
as you said, BUT-
If you need specific capabilities like posting to a friend's timeline or to groups, you will still need to request publish_stream, which appears on a second screen where users can also opt out.