Search people by company on Facebook using API - facebook

I need to search the list of people on Facebook using the API. I know Facebook has this function but it is on the web platform. I want to take this advantage into my application so I think the API is the only way I can do it.
I also know another application can do the similar thing is the Twigmore ( They can search people by location (within its own application). Does anyone know how does they manage this?
Any advice is highly appreciated,

You specify location and work in the friends API call with friends_location and friends_work_history permissions,work


Query friends list of facebook user using the service

From my understanding Facebook has made changes to their API such that third-party services can no longer have access to the friend list (at least names) of someone using your app (while being logged in facebook, of course).
Does anyone know if I maybe just missed one API endpoint, and it is still somehow possible? I just know that the original one is deprecated/has been removed. Thank you.
(Wasn't sure where to ask this, so I turned to stackoverflow. I know it's not the best use of the site, I apologize for that.)
No, you did not miss anything, accessing the friend list is no longer possible. You can only get data of users who authorized your App too, every other user is not available at all - for privacy reasons.

How can I find most shared/liked/commented post of a location (country/city) by calling facebook api

I'm looking for a way to find most shared/liked/commented facebook post of a location (country/city) by calling facebook api?
Is this possible to create through the Facebook API? I could not find how to pull information in general that many websites offer.
Any help would be greatl! Thanks
No, there is no direct possibility to do that. You can only get Pages/Places by location (Search API), read their feed (/page-id/feed), go through the posts and calculate on your own.

Facebook - refer a friend

I'd like to enquire with the Facebook heads on here about how best to do the following:
I'd like to run a promotion from my Facebook business page that encourages users to recommend a friend in order to gain access to enter a competition. Obviously being in the Facebook environment it would be preferred to encourage Facebookers to refer friend's on their profile. Anybody know if there's an app out there (I've searched and not found) that does this? Does the Facebook API allow access to select specific friend(s) to notify on Facebook?
Thanks for your help & suggestions.
Yes, you need to have read_friendlists as an added permission to your facebook app.
From there I think you can do a FB.api() kind of call to get that information
I think the requests dialog does what you were looking for?

Get application liker via graph api

How can i get all the facebook user id whose like my application via a graph api.
Please give any suggestion.
Like facebook fan page showing application liker randomly. I also want to access my application liker list and want to save in database.
Please tell me if any possibility? Need your suggestion...
Sorry, I don't think that's possible for privacy reasons Facebook doesn't allow it. You need to get people who like you application to install and authenticate it before you can find out more about them. However, I do remember someone managing to scrape the fans of a page before so maybe that's possible for applications as well...

Merge Twitter Outh and Facebook Connect Friends

Basically what I want to do is download all a users facebook and twitter friends and somehow find a way to figure out which entries represent the same person. I know it's possible because a lot of social search sites like spokeo achieve what I want and more, so does anyone know how they go about doing it or the best way to go about it?
I have a basic idea of the facebook and twitter api calls I need to be making however feel free to add any advice or warnings there as well. I know facebook hashes the emails which seems like it could pose a problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would allow the users to make associations themselves. Then use these associations as suggestions for future users. Over time you'll gather quite a well made associations from your users. Possibly using email addresses and names as suggestion points.
tried using hybridauth, you will get the emails from facebook and twitter which you can use to build the relationships needed