Where are the Tesseract API docs? - tesseract

I've looked all over the Google code site but am just not finding anything that explains how to use Tesseract from an API perspective. Anyone know where I can find this?

The latest documentation is now available here and here.

Unofficial documentation for the current version 3.02 can be found here.
Unofficial documentation for version 1.04 can be found here

UPDATE 2012/05/26
You can download it from here (version 3.01): http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/downloads/detail?name=tesseract-3.01-doc-html.tar.gz&can=2&q=

Now the tesseract project has moved to github, and it provide the tesseract ocr online docs as pdf: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr , you can download to read.

I suggest starting here for a quick introduction and tutorial:
Which includes a link to:
It may be best to look at the raw source for baseapi (linked above) because the code/comments don't seem to cooperate perfectly well with doxygen (at least for that file's docs). However, you can presently find a doxygen-generated API reference at:
tesseract::TessBaseAPI Class Reference
Which is probably what you ultimately want to use as a top-level reference.


Tiny_mce image list

I was using a very old tiny_mce (tiny_mce_gzip.js) that is no longer working after a php upgrade. I need to able to use the image selector via the 'external_image_list_url' but trying to find my way round the documentation it only refers to this in v3. Does it still exist in the latest version?
Thanks for any help.
Easy to find when you know where to look for it. I was searching the documentation for a phrase in my old version that is no longer used. "images_upload_url" seems to be the replacement for "external_image_list_url" (although the content of the file pointed to is slightly different).

Is there a standard way to document Svelte components?

I come from the world of JavaDocs and love the DX of working on a thoroughly-annotated application after a certain level of complexity.
Being able to hover over and peek all the props (and implied types) of a component with some brief documentation would save me so much time instead of having to open up and read through the whole component. Better yet, running a command to generate a documentation site just like you can with JavaDocs would be dope!
Are there any standards or tools built around creating SvelteDocs? I looked through the VS Code marketplace and didn't see any documentation tooling related to Svelte.
I stumbled upon this question in search of more in-depth documentation for the hover/peek documentation method I've been using. It seems that it is not very well documented (ironically) but it is a part of Svelte language-tools and I've been using it for some time with Svelte for VS Code so I'm sure there was more documentation at some point. The way it's used is as follows in your component. I remember reading somewhere that it needs to be the first thing in your component, but I can't find that source anymore.
some markdown here
For some reasons the only documentation I can find of it is here. But it provides very nice markdown support so you can craft some very informative hover/peek documentation for your components.
Still can't locate official documentation for the #component commenting feature but realized it is indeed described in the FAQ: https://svelte.dev/faq#how-do-i-document-my-components Does this information belong in the actual docs? Maybe.
After more digging, I found just a couple projects for documenting Svelte.
SvelteDoc Parser -- takes a VueDoc approach, based on JSDoc standards, generates JSON documentation for Svelte components
Svelte-Docs -- documentation in Markdown mixed with Svelte's features, can embed components in the generated doc pages
Both look interesting while taking completely separate approaches to solving the issue of application documentation. Perhaps there's still room to build a CLI-based site generator for the SvelteDoc Parser which could be turned into a VS Code plugin!
It is difficult to find a good one. I recommend
It looks very promising. It offers export in Typescript definitions, JSON and Markdown. In my opinion there is only one critical bug left (Markdown generation) so hopefully it can be used very soon.

Any good tutorials on the Build and Analyze feature in Xcode?

I would like to know is there any tutorial to use xcode build and anylyse tool...
pls provide me links which points on it.
Thanks for any help
Check this apple link,
It will tell how to do this
Jayahari V's link now seems to be broken, partly replaced by http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/Xcode4UserGuide/Debugging/Debugging.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010215-CH3-SW1. If you still have the Xcode 3.2 documentation installed locally, searching for “Static Analysis in Xcode 3.2” gives a longer, though older, explanation. The technical documentation is being worked on: http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/cfe-dev/2011-March/013659.html. In the meantime, use the source, e.g., https://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/Checkers.td?view=co for a list of checkers and their help text.

Does any know if there is MongoDB-CSharp driver documentation?

I'm looking at using the MongoDB-CSharp driver for MongoDB on a small test project. The downloads have binary and source, but I can't find any documentation anywhere.
Does anyone know if there's documentation for MongoDB-CSharp, or should I just be reading the source??
I've been looking at the source :-). I found the Linq Integration Tests in the typedcollections branch to be a good start:
Craig's wiki is good too, but I only found that last weekend.
You may want to give the typedcollections branch a look rather than the downloads because that's were all the recent development has been going on.
MongoDB-CSharp is about to release a beta. With it comes some wiki documentation. You can check out the pre-release docs at http://wiki.github.com/craiggwilson/mongodb-csharp/. Can you tell me what other types of information would be useful?

Webservices on iPhone using Wsdl2Objc?

I have recently downloaded the most recent build of this awesome tool WSDL2OBJC from google code here: http://code.google.com/p/wsdl2objc/
After a bit of tweaking and downloading the latest version of the trunk from the svn repo I got a version that created the code for a WSDL I am using and compiles great and actually installs on my phone!
However, I'm not doing anything with it yet, because I am not really sure how to. There is very little in the way of sample code on the site, and there is a sample file in the project if you download it, but again it is very complicated and there are no real bits of documentation.
Has anyone managed to successfully use this stuff? It seems SOOO powerful and useful but from a look around the Internet, no one knows how to use it. We (all) would love someone who has figured it out to post a simple project or detailed walk-through of implementing this so we can put the code that lots of people have worked hard on to good use.
If anyone has found a blog entry or has this information it would be great to see!
I am totally stuck... with no errors. I would love to know how to use this now that it's all compiled successfully!
I wrote a short tutorial: http://brismith66.blogspot.com/2010/05/iphone-development-accesing-soap.html I hope it's helpful.