MongoDB $addToSet creates value as object - mongodb

On an Update, I'm trying to create a new array element or add to an existing array, which is how I interpreted $addToSet to work:
But what I get if "tag" doesn't exist is the value as an object, not an array:
"tag": {
"0": "FreeShipping"
db.collection.update({ size : 10.5 }, {$addToSet : {tag : "FreeShipping"}} );

I just tried duplicating this and got the correct result please check below:
> use test
switched to db test
> db.test.insert({item:"test"});
> db.test.findOne();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4ed69f9d1812423106a229ac"), "item" : "test" }
> db.test.update({item:"test"},{$addToSet:{tag:"FreeShipping"}});
> db.test.findOne();
"_id" : ObjectId("4ed69f9d1812423106a229ac"),
"item" : "test",
"tag" : [
Can you please show your queries for adding it? Along with what version of MongoDB you're currently using as it seems to be working as expected (and as you're assuming).


find() return the latest value only on MongoDB

I have this collection in MongoDB that contains the following entries. I'm using Robo3T to run the query.
"_id" : ObjectId("xxx1"),
"Evaluation Date" : "2021-09-09",
"Results" : [
"Name" : "ABCD",
"Version" : "3.2.x"
"_id" : ObjectId("xxx2"),
"Evaluation Date" : "2022-09-09",
"Results" : [
"Name" : "ABxD",
"Version" : "5.2.x"
This document contains multiple entries of similar format. Now, I need to extract the latest value for "Version".
Expected output:
Measures I've taken so far:
(1) I've only tried findOne() and while I was able to extract the value of "Version": db.getCollection('TestCollectionName').findOne().Results[0].Version
...only the oldest entry was returned.
(2) Using the find().sort().limit() like below, returns the entire document for the latest entry and not just the data value that I wanted; db.getCollection('TestCollectionName').find({}).sort({"Results.Version":-1}).limit(1)
Results below:
"_id" : ObjectId("xxx2"),
"Evaluation Date" : "2022-09-09",
"Results" : [
"Name" : "ABxD",
"Version" : "5.2.x"
(3) I've tried to use sort() and limit() alongside findOne() but I've read that findOne is maybe deprecated and also not compatible with sort. And thus, resulting to an error.
(4) Finally, if I try to use sort and limit on find like this: db.getCollection('LD_exit_Evaluation_Result_MFC525').find({"Results.New"}).sort({_id:-1}).limit(1) I would get an unexpected token error.
What would be a good measure for this?
Did I simply mistake to/remove a bracket or need to reorder the syntax?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if I understood well, but maybe this could be what are you looking for:
"$project": {
lastResult: {
"$last": "$Results"
"$project": {
version: "$lastResult.Version",
_id: 0
It uses aggregate with some operators: the first $project calculate a new field called lastResult with the last element of each array using $last operator. The second $project is just to clean the output. If you need the _id reference, just remove _id: 0 or change its value to 1.
You can check how it works here:
Hope I helped

how to use update query in mongoDb?

I have few documents in user Collection like below .I need to update ancestors field alone,Need to add few more values.
"_id" : ObjectId("5d9fd81f3d598088d2ea5dcc"),
"DOB" : ISODate("1979-05-23T00:00:00Z"),
"userImage" : "sathish_1589780950636.jpeg",
"createdDateTime" : ISODate("2016-02-01T09:43:27Z"),
"modifiedDateTime" : ISODate("2017-04-26T15:57:09Z"),
"status" : "active",
"ancestors" : [
"parent" : ObjectId("5d9fd81b3d598088d2ea5dc7")
When i tried the below query.
db.users.update({"_id" : ObjectId("5d9fd81f3d598088d2ea5dcc")},{$set:{"ancestors" : [
It just replace the old one and completely adding the new one.
I need the result to be like this .old data should also remain and new one should be added.
"ancestors" : [
This update query should be done in all documents in that collection. the above mentioned 3 values to be added in all documents, instead of find and update, I should be doing bulk updated
I think you can run the following:
db.users.updateOne({"_id" : ObjectId("5d9fd81f3d598088d2ea5dcc")},{$addToSet:{"ancestors" :{ $each: [
You can use mongodb method $push
db.users.update({"_id" : ObjectId("5d9fd81f3d598088d2ea5dcc")},
{ $push: {ancestors:ObjectId("5f45f9491ff4bd74ec754e3a") } })
[check doc][1]

How to update document field with reference field value?

Actually have 2 documents: Histories and Subsidiaries, but I forgot add to Histories the subsidiary name.
Histories Document:
"_id" : ObjectId("59480f91ba4d070b882ff924"),
"subsidiary" : ObjectId("5947fdf3ba4d070b882ff851"),
"campaignTitle" : "Prueba Autoredeeem",
"campaignId" : ObjectId("5948004fba4d070b882ff886"),
Subsidiary Document
"_id" : ObjectId("5947fdf3ba4d070b882ff851"),
"loginId" : 50174,
"name" : "Sucursal Alpha",
Now I need update History Document, add a "subsidiaryName" field with "" value from Subsidiary Document
This is my first aproach:
.updateMany({}, {$set: {subsidiaryName:
.findOne({"_id": ObjectId('5947fdf3ba4d070b882ff851')}, {_id: 0,name: 1})}})
But, the result gives me an Object inside subsidiaryName, instead flat text.
"_id" : ObjectId("59480f91ba4d070b882ff924"),
"subsidiary" : ObjectId("5947fdf3ba4d070b882ff851"),
"campaignDescription" : "",
"campaignTitle" : "Prueba Autoredeeem",
"campaignId" : ObjectId("5948004fba4d070b882ff886"),
"subsidiaryName" : {
"name" : "Sucursal Alpha"
Then, I have 2 problems:
How to set only flat text value to subsidiaryName field?
R: Add .name to project for get flat text
How to set .findOne() "id" param for current document instead ObjectId('HARD CODE')?
R: Iterate with forEach Cursor
IMPORTANT LIMITS: this is for MongoDB Shell (MongoDB 3.4)
Thank you, please support me for fix any language issues on this question.
Updated Answers thanks to #Astro:
if(doc.subsidiary !== undefined){
doc.subsidiaryName = db.getCollection('subsidiaries').findOne({'_id': doc.subsidiary}, {_id: 0, name: 1}).name;
Try this:
.updateMany({}, {$set: {subsidiaryName:
.findOne({"_id": ObjectId('5947fdf3ba4d070b882ff851')}, {_id: 0,name: 1}).name}})

Meteor/Mongo nested arrays update

I'm new to meteor/mongo/js as a stack and I'm getting lost in JSON arrays and referencing them. Based another SO answer ( and the docs) I think I am close...
A document in the Orders collection, the document has nested arrays.
Order -> orderLines -> lineItems:
Sample doc:
"_id" : "27tGpRtMWYqPpFkDN",
"orderLines" : [
"lineId" : 1,
"name" : "Cheese & Pickle",
"instructions" : "",
"lineItems" : [
"name" : "Cheddar Cheese",
"quantity" : 1
"name" : "Branston Pickle",
"quantity" : 1
"name" : "Focaccia Roll",
"quantity" : 1
What I'm trying to do from the meteor/mongo shell:
Add "instructions" of "foo" to orderLines where lineId = 1
Put a new item on lineItems array
This appears to hang...
meteor:PRIMARY> db.orders.update({_id:"27tGpRtMWYqPpFkDN","orderLines.lineId":"1", {$set: {"orderLines.$.instructions":"foo"}})
This doesn't like the identifier in the query
meteor:PRIMARY> db.orders.update({_id:"27tGpRtMWYqPpFkDN", "orderLines.lineId":"1"}, {$push:{"orderLines.$.lineItems":" { "name" : "butter", "quantity" : 1}"}});
2015-10-27T16:09:54.489+0100 SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Thanks all for your comments... but I found out some answers, posted for reference
Item 1 - using $set on a value within an array
This was failing due to two typos, one missing closing } at the end of the query, second was quoting the value "1" for itemId in the query.
This works:
db.orders.update({_id:"27tGpRtMWYqPpFkDN", orderLines.lineId":1},
{$set: {"orderLines.$.instructions":"foo"}})
I also realised that when I said "It appears to hang" it is the cli waiting for a valid statement, so hints at a missing } or )!
Item 2 - using $push to add data to an array - 2 levels nested
This was failing due to quoting around the array data
db.orders.update({_id:"27tGpRtMWYqPpFkDN", "orderLines.lineId":1 },
{$push:{"orderLines.$.lineItems": { "name" : "butter", "quantity" : 1} }})
Nested Arrays: can use $ positional operator
What I want to do next is use $set on an item in the second level array, and this would require using the $ positional operator twice:
db.orders.update({"orderLines.lineId":1,"Cheddar Cheese"},
{$set: {"orderLines.$.lineItems.$.quantity": 2}})
This throws an error:
Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path
There is an open MongoDB enhancement request for this but it's been open since 2010
$push adds a new element to an array. You're merely trying to set the value of a particular key in an array element.
db.orders.update({ _id: "27tGpRtMWYqPpFkDN", "orderLines.lineId": 1},
{ $set: { "orderlines.$.instructions": "foo" }})

Yet another MongoDB findAndModify

Please consider the following document, a part of the Runtime collection:
"entity_id" : 10,
"features" : [
"10" : "Test System 2"
"20" : "System 2 Description"
"180" : ISODate("2013-12-25T18:19:40.589Z")
"190" : ISODate("2013-12-25T18:19:40.589Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("52bb21bc8a2ebdc01c000001")
My goal is to update the value of the element of the "features" array having the key "20".
Here are the things I've tried (in mongo shell):
db.Runtime.findAndModify({ "query" : {"_id": "52bb21bc8a2ebdc01c000001"}, "update" : {$set : {"features.$.20":"Updated Description"}}} );
db.Runtime.findAndModify({ "query" : {"_id": "52bb21bc8a2ebdc01c000001"}, "update" : {$set : {"features['20']":"Updated Description"}}} );
db.Runtime.findAndModify({ "query" : {"_id": "52bb21bc8a2ebdc01c000001"}, "update" : {$set : {"features[1]":"Updated Description"}}} );
In all instances the shell prints
and nothing happens to the data. So, the main question is, of course, what is wrong with my code snippets. Also, how that "null" is supposed to get interpreted? And is there such a thing as mongo shell's log where one could find any clues? Many thanks for your help!
When using the $ positional operator in an update, your query needs to include a term that matches the element of the array you're updating:
query: {_id: ObjectId("52bb21bc8a2ebdc01c000001"),
'features.20': {$exists: true}},
update: {$set: {"features.$.20":"Updated Description"}}
Note that you also need to call ObjectId on your _id string to turn it into an actual ObjectId or it won't match the doc.