Gamecenter Matchmaking - How do I distinguish between player 1 and 2? - iphone

I am beginning to write a game using gamecenter matchmaking. Right now, two players can connect to each other, but I am having trouble figuring out how to distinguish between player 1 and 2. For example, I want player 1 to be able to move player 1 and player 2 to be able to move player 2.

The implementation would be specific to your app so it would be hard to answer more specifically, but basically each person's instance of the app could have an object that is "local player" and an object that is "opponent"... Both of them get to move the "local player" in their local instance, and changes to their "player" are obviously mapped to the "opponent" at the other end.

Just do a random number exchance to decide who will be player1 and make the first move.
Generate a random number and store it in a variable.
Send that generated random number to opponent.
Just like this, your opponent sends his own random number to you.
When you receive it, compare with yours.
If yours is greater than his, then you are player1 and he is player2. So you will make the first move.
If yours is lesser than his, then you are player2 and he is player1. So he will make the first move.
If yours and his number are equal (a very rare case) repeat the procedure.
As a reminder, you need to distinguish message types. So use different message type headers. For example: 'R' for random, 'M' for moves.


Anylogic Message Animation

I am trying to force agents of a population to exchange messages in AnyLogic. I would like each time agent A sends a message to B the icon of the message to move from A to B. How can I implement this?
The code Emile sent you works to move an agent from one place to another one. I understand you don't want to move your two agents, but instead you want to move only a "message icon" from one to the other. For that you can create an agent (let's call it agent "Message"), create it and locate it in the agentA, and tell it (as Emile said) to move to agentB: messageAB.moveTo(agentB.getPosition()); this way you'll get the effect you want.
You could also:
use a timer to move from one place to another, or
use an event and change the position of the icon dinamically depending on how much time you have remaining on that event
use a source/delay/sink for the same as in point 2
There are basically two ways to move an agent:
Jump to agent B: Instantly appears near agent B
Move to agent A at a certain speed
For each one the code is respectively as follows:
agentA.jumpTo( agentB.getXYZ() );
agentA.moveTo( agentB );
Where agentA and agentB refer to the agents which you might call differently depending where you are in the model.

Using the Minecraft plugin language Skript, how can I find the dimension (ex. "nether") of a player?

I'm pretty new to coding MC plugins, and I am currently making one with Skript. I need to be able to find what dimension a player is currently in, for example the nether or overworld.
However, this kind of thing doesn't work as I would expect:
{dimOfPlayer} = dimension of player
send "Dim: %{dimOfPlayer}%" # I get an error: "Can't understand this condition or effect"
Is there any way to actually get the dimension and print it to chat, or test what it is? Thanks!
You can do this by checking what WORLD the player is for example if you create a normal world there should be these 3 worlds "world", "world_nether" and "world_the_end". I think So then you can check the dimension of player like this.
if player is in world "World name":
#Do stuff

how to control cars speed using anylogic

i have to simulate a traffic on a highway using anylogic 8 learning edition, what I want to do is the control the car speed on road basis for ex if my car move from road1 to road 2 thru CarMoveTo I want to change the speed when it enters the road2... I tried to use "on enter" and "on exit" of the CarMoveTo but with no success and I even tried to use the Car API with no success too. I think I missed where is the suitable location to write the following code:
if (getRoad().equals("Road2"))
setPreferredSpeed(0, MPH);
Any Help?????
First, I think your getRoad().equals( "Road2" ) may be problematic. getRoad returns a road object according to intelliSense, not a string. Try taking out your quotation marks.
To set the speed at a certain road, try one of the following:
1) Use a stop line and on crossing the line, call your code to set the speed. No need to figure out what road you are on, because the stop line will inherently be on the road of interest.
2) Use a road network descriptor, and call your code "On Enter Road"
If move to only applies to road2, you could also set it there. However, if your move to block gives the car an overall destination that just happens to go through road2, then this would not be the right place, as it would get called just the first time the car enters the move to block.

Game Center Quickmatch: randomly matching opponents (GKTurnBasedMatch)

I want there to be a "Quickmatch" mode in my turn-based game, where the player gets automatically matched with the first player to become available. I'm using my own custom UI. My code so far looks like this:
- (void)quickMatch {
GKMatchRequest *request = [[GKMatchRequest alloc] init];
request.minPlayers = 2;
request.maxPlayers = 2;
request.playersToInvite = nil;
[GKTurnBasedMatch findMatchForRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(GKTurnBasedMatch *match, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"MATCH: %# %# %# %d",error,match,match.matchID,(int)match.status);
This successfully creates a match, but the 2nd participant in the match has a null ID (playerID:(null) status:Matching).
I thought that if I ran this same code on another instance, using a different Game Center ID, then the two users would be matched against each other... but that does not appear to be correct. Whenever I call the GKTurnBasedMatch loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler function, I continue to retrieve the same matches, each with only 1 valid participant (the local player).
This question appears to be similar to iOS Development: How do I auto match players in Game Center? which does indicate that setting request.playersToInvite = nil; should accomplish auto-matching, yet this doesn't appear to be working for me.
How can I cause Game Center to automatically match these players against each other?
Let me address the issues you are seeing here. First off, it is not necessary to set the playersToInvite property to nil, as that is the default state unless players are assigned to it, however that is not causing your "issue". I put that in quotes because you actually did the code correctly, and only perceive a problem that isn't there. Let me walk you through what happens when findMatchForeRequest is completed.
When the completion block is called, Game Center has created a new GKTurnBasedMatch object with two participants, the first is the local player (you), and the second is actually an empty participant with a nil playerID. The reason for this is that Game Center does not assign all participants when a match is created with random (unassigned) opponents. A random participant is assigned when the turn is sent to them. In your game, that match will not show up in the cloud for others to play in until you take your first turn.
Now, calling loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler on your other device/Game Center ID will not automatically display the match UNLESS you specifically invited that player with playersToInvite (and have already taken your turn as specified above). Think about it like this: if it worked that way, every player in the world would see every auto-match in existence when they called loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler.
The other Game Center ID must actually call findMatchForRequest with no playersToInvite property set in order to be matched into the empty seat available in the game your other ID created. This way the paradigm of "it's always your turn" when creating a match is preserved, but that player is now in the second slot, not the first. Simply create a game on the second ID in the exact same way you did on the first, and your game will be created with two participants, the first being from the ID that originally created it, and the second being the ID that joined the match by calling findMatchForRequest. The key here is findMatchForRequest doesn't ALWAYS create a new match if playersToInvite is nil. If there is an existing match with an open seat, it will simply match the local player into that.
Happy Coding!

Adding videos to Unity3d

We are developing a game about driving awareness.
The problem is we need to show videos to the user if he makes any mistakes after completing driving. For example, if he makes two mistakes we need to show two videos at the end of the game.
Can you help with this. I don't have any idea.
#solus already gave you an answer, regarding "how to play a (pre-registered) video from your application". However, from what I've understood, you are asking about saving (and visualize) a kind of replay for the "wrong" actions, performed by the player. This is not an easy task, and I don't think that you can receive an exaustive answer, but only some advices. I will try to give you my own ones.
First of all, you should "capture" the position of the player's car, in various time periods.
As an example, you could read player's car position every 0.2 seconds, and save it into a structure (example: a List).
Then, you would implement some logic to detect the "wrong" actions (crashes, speeding...They obviously depend on your game) and save a reference to the pair ["mistake", "relevant portion of the list containg car's positions for that event"].
Now, you have all what you need to recreate a replay of the action: that is, making the car "driving alone", by reading the previously saved positions (that will act as waypoints for generating the route).
Obviously, you also have to deal with the camera's position and rotation: just leave it attached to the car (as the normal "in-game" action), or modify it during time to catch the more interesting angulations, as the AAA racing games do (this will make the overall task more difficult, of course).
Unity will import a video as a MovieTexture. It will be converted to the native Theora/Vorbis (Ogg) format. (Use ffmpeg2theora if import fails.)
Simply apply it as you would any texture. You could use a plane or a flat cube. You should adjust its localScale to the aspect ratio of your video (movie.width/(float)movie.height).
Put the attached audioclip in an AudioSource. Then call movie.Play() and audio.Play().
You could also load the video from a local file path or the web (in the correct format).
var movie = new WWW(#"file://C:\videos\myvideo.ogv").movie;
renderer.material.mainTexture = movie;
audio.clip = movie.audioClip;
Use MovieTexture, but do not forget to install QuickTime, you need it to import movie clip (.mov file for example).