Is the PowerShell ConsoleShell on .NET 4.0 approved for production? - powershell

After reading several other blog posts and articles (references found below) there appear to be several ways to run PowerShell on .NET 4.0 but few are sufficient for our purposes. Due to how we deploy our software we cannot update the registry or change add an application. This leaves us with two options, create our own shell by using ConsoleShell or override PSHost. We would like to be able to use the first option, ConsoleShell, due to it's simplicity but would like to know what issues we may encounter and whether doing so is recommended.
Based on other questions I have seen that you can use the following methods to run PowerShell as .NET 4.0. None of these methods appear to be officially sanction by Microsoft but the first shown below is included as a work around in this Microsoft connect issue.
The options to run PowerShell in .NET 4.0 appear to include:
Update the app.config to include .NET 4.0 as supported
Add a registry setting to switch the version
Use ConsoleShell to host your own PowerShell Console
Implement your own PowerShell host, PSHost , as done by PoshConsole or Nuget

As far as it is not officially approved (to my knowledge), then nobody can approve it but you. If your scenario works and passes reasonable tests, approve and use it.
I use PowerShell on .NET 4.0 but with the option 4, and used to use the option 1, too (I do not like the option 2, personally). Thus, I approved it, production or not, I use it a lot and it works. I still use PowerShell on .NET 2.0 for two reasons: 1) PowerShell.exe starts faster (especially x64); 2) to be sure that part of my PowerShell development is compatible with .NET 2.
Another thought. If something does not work properly in PowerShell on .NET 2.0 (there are some issues, indeed, see Connect) then the fact "it is approved for production" itself does not help much. One has to overcome existing issues, .NET 2 or .NET 4 does not matter.
P.S. I should have mentioned that I tried the option 3 as well. I did not find use cases suitable for using it in my scenarios. But I did not find any issues in using ConsoleShell either.
P.P.S Yet another option. Make a copy of PowerShell.exe, rename it into MyConsoleShell.exe, use it together with MyConsoleShell.exe.config configured for .NET 4. As far as you are going to use a separate application anyway, then why not to consider this?

I'm a bit of a powershell N00b, but I threw this together as a way of forcing an arbitrary script to use .NET 4.0 in my script:
# Place this at the top of your script, and it will run as a .NET 4 ps script.
# #############################################################################
if ($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major -lt 4) { try {
$cfgPath = $Env:TEMP | Join-Path -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid())
mkdir $cfgPath | Out-Null
"<configuration><startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy='true'><supportedRuntime version='v4.0'/></startup></configuration>" | Set-Content -Path $cfgPath\powershell.exe.activation_config -Encoding UTF8
$darkMagic = 'COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath'
$old = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($darkMagic)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($darkMagic, $cfgPath)
& powershell.exe $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $args
} finally {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($darkMagic, $old)
$cfgPath | Remove-Item -Recurse
# ##############################################################################
# My script starts here:
echo "Your arguments are: $args "
echo "The CLR Major Version is : $($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major)"
It places a check in the beginning of the script, and if it's not .NET 4.0 it creates a configuration file, sets an environment variable and re-runs the powershell script so that it runs under .NET 4.0.
it does incur a bit of a startup time penalty of about a second or so on my pc, but at least it works :)


Get installed software product context using powershell

I can easily get all installed software products on a machine using
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product
Now I'd like to also fetch the Product Context. How can I access this information for every installed product using PowerShell.
In VB I did that by using the WindowsInstaller COM-Object and then querying the information. In essence this:
Set Com = CreateObject('WindowsInstaller.Installer')
Set Products = Com.ProductsEx(vbNullString,"S-1-1-0",7)
For Each P in Products
context = P.Context
Which I dont not manage to replicate in PowerShell
I realize this question is a bit stale, but I disagree with what seems to be the prevailing notion that working with Windows Installer in PowerShell is somehow a "pain" and more complicated than working with it in VBScript (this post is just one of many).
I have found that VBScript Windows Installer code translates quite literally to PowerShell, which means there are numerous examples of VBScript Windows Installer scripts that can be adapted to PowerShell and used to learn how to work with Windows Installer in PowerShell.
For this specific question of install context, the PowerShell code is quite similar to the VB code the OP gave.
# code must be run with admin rights to use "S-1-1-0" SID
enum InstallContext {
FirstVisible = 0 # product visible to the current user
None = 0 # Invalid context for a product
UserManaged = 1 # user managed install context
UserUnmanaged = 2 # user non-managed context
Machine = 4 # per-machine context
All = 7 # All contexts. OR of all valid values
AllUserManaged = 8 # all user-managed contexts
$Installer = New-Object -ComObject WindowsInstaller.Installer
foreach ($P in $Installer.ProductsEx("", "S-1-1-0", 7)) {
NOTE: I used Enums (about Enum - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs) with PowerShell here since tagMSIINSTALLCONTEXT is an enum in the msi.h file.
It's a pain to use that com object in powershell. I would use vbscript instead and save the text output to a powershell variable, or find an msi powershell module. That com object doesn't have a "type library" or support "IDispatch". The Windows Powershell in Action appendix for 2nd edition goes into it, but even there it's not pretty. That vbscript code has errors.

Difference between WebCommitDelay and IISCommitDelay

What is the difference between WebCommitDelay and IISCommitDelay?
MS docs says the same for both:
Instructs the IIS configuration system to delay the commitment of changes.
So what should I prefer and why? It looks like they have some differences indeed, because if I use WebCommitDelay, I can't use New-WebApplication ... -Force if the same application is exists, but I can do this if I use IISCommitDelay.
As far as I know, the IISAdministration PowerShell module which was a new way to manage IIS.
This module included numerous improvements over the existing WebAdministration cmdlets.
So the IISCommitDelay is the new method which is used to management the IIS.
Detials, you could refer to this article.

SpecialFolders with multiple versions of PowerShell

Is there a means in PS2.0 of getting at some of the Special Folders that are not enumerated until later versions?
For example, [Environment]::GetFolderPath("ProgramFilesX86") works in PS5.0 but produces an enumeration error in PS2.0. I was thinking maybe there is a .NET based approach, but my Google fu has me thinking that even in .NET prior to Framework 4 there is no way, but that also seems like a pretty glaring oversight.
The first of the below commands returns 47 in PowerShell 5.1.1 on Windows 10 1803. In PowerShell 2.0 on the same system, it returns 23. If you removed the pipe to Measure-Object and the Count property dotted notation, it'll actually show the names of the folders you can use. That's the seconds of the the below commands.
([enum]::GetNames([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]) | Measure-Object).Count
([enum]::GetNames([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]) | Sort-Object) -join "`n"
PowerShell 2.0 Special Folders:

Sitecore powershell script - how to initialize custom scripts

I used sitecore powershell last year to migration heaps of items.
I installed the latest one and I don't see "Initialization script" field under Console/All Users item.
I had used this field to intialize all my custom scripts like below so that I can access from PSE.
Execute-Script -Item (Get-Item -ID "{0B0E50B9-CD3C-4FE7-BB6D-D2A9AAEB7568}" -Path master:\)
Any help will be good.
This was removed in SPE 3.1 due to the unpredictable nature.
If you could post a new issue on what your custom script does, perhaps we can provide you with an alternate solution.

Deploying WSP remotely from PowerShell 3.0

I have this large application that I am using Windows RM 3.0 to deploy Databases, SSIS packages, and other things to multiple different servers and it is working just fine. It was requested that branding changes to a Business Intelligence SharePoint site be added to this process as well. So I create a custom build script to do so, and set Win RM to run this command from PowerShell on Sharepoint server
Install-SPSolution –Identity Payload\SharepointDeploy.wsp –WebApplication http://localhost/ -GACDeployment
when I run that, I get the following error
Install-SPSolution : Microsoft SharePoint is not supported with version 4.0.30319.18444 of the Microsoft .Net Runtime.
Reading around, it seems its a PowerShell 3.0 issue and when running in 2.0 it works fine. However, my existing process requires PowerShell 3.0 to work properly. Is there anyway to get this working with 3.0? Or can I spin up a 2.0 instance using an Invoke-Command or something? I can provide more details if needed.
You can build a custom endpoint which will run the required version of PowerShell. That way you won't have to mess with the default endpoint which you probably want to keep with its defaults
This would require you to connect to the new endpoint with something like
new-pssession -computername "SharePoint01" -configurationName "psv2".
You build and endpoint with the following cmdlet:
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Path "psv2session.pssc"
And then register an endpoint using that config with this cmdlet:
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name psv2 -Path psv2session.pssc –ShowSecurityDescriptorUI
It's fairly easy to do, and this link provides a good introduction to the setup: (although the blog deals with constrained endpoints, the teqnique is essentially the same for what you need to do)
I was facing the same issue with console application, I decreased the framework version from 4.5 to 3.5 from the project properties page and I works perfect!