About using the Microsoft Chart library and a general clarification sought in C# - asp.net-mvc-2

I am using the Microsoft Chart.
I have a UI to get the value for each property of this object. Then i store all these values in the DB.
Now that I have the properties from the DB I have to bind them to the corresponding properties of the Chart object.
Which is the most efficient and right way. Shall i do it using reflection or other ways.
I came to know that this class has a method that can export all the settings for the chart, including the values in an XML format. What if i can try to create an import data and properties method.
suggest the best way. I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 with C# and VS2010.
I tried to get the xml from the Chart Object calling SaveAsXml() and then used that to load it as a template and tried back to get the chart object. that does not event work.

Better to Use jQuery Charts for better UI control and to use MS Charts for hiding data from the user.


Scala-Play: How to dynamically generate a view?

For a Web Service framework I am currently working on I'd like to add the possibility to test the generic Json services based on their metadata. It should be possible to dynamically build a view to let users test available Web Services. Is there a provision or some supported way to generate views dynamically in Play? if not and supposing that I simply make a template and generate it on the fly, how can this view be injected into the application at runtime?
I will be happy to see documentation/examples/pointers that could help develop such solution ...
I am assuming that you want to create a scala.html and use it on somewhere by taking the html created, is that?
If you create a scala template myView.scala.html then on MyController you can call views.html.myView.render().body(); Then you would have the html created by the template.
Template Documentation

How to populate sapui5 smart table with data from a CSV file after importing?

I am new to SAPUI5 and so am struggling to use sap.ui.comp.smarttable.SmartTable of sapUI5. I saw various examples but all of them make use of oData service which I don't need to use in my case.
Basically what I need to do is, import CSV file and show its data in smartTable. I am successful in showing the data in a simple table in SAP but unable to figure out how to use smarttable without any oData service in SAPUI5.
I am using XML view for view part.
Please help.
Not. It is not possible. As mentioned here in documentation,
The SmartTable control creates a table based on OData metadata and the configuration specified. The entitySet attribute must be specified to use the control

how to create my own sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ObjectPage

I'm trying to make my own Object Page for Smart template using UI5.
I tried using extensions, but it injects my custom view to existing objectpage,
but i want to add my own custom object page.
using smart template for sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ListReport.
The help states that you can completely replace the object page with your own by specifying your own custom component. You would then be free to code it up however you like.
See here: https://sapui5.ap1.hana.ondemand.com/#/topic/7e6e86984e6846bb8cfdfd3efb4d3e4b

How to integrate ECharts with BIRT/Pentaho?

I'm looking for a report engine which may:
connect to data source via JDBC
create logic data set by grouping/aggregating the raw data
include a data filter on the top of each report, which allows my client use the report interactively
add custom charts, in my case, it's ECharts https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts
support multi-tenancy paradigm (new requirement)
Now BIRT and Pentaho are the two players on my table.
For pentaho, it's really hard to find useful document to at least clarify if it's capable. Please if you're familiar with it, let me know if pentaho community version meets my requirements.
For BIRT, I've found evidence it support my first 3 needs. But for custom charts, I can only find examples/docs about adding custom IMAGE/SVG charts. As ECharts is based on canvas, I'm not sure if it's possible to integrate ECharts with BIRT.
Thank you!
Yes, it is possible to integrate javascript charts in BIRT. Basically:
Select the top-level element of your report outline -> Script tab -> clientScripts
Include here your echart resources (.js and .css) using "head.js" (see link below for more informations)
Add a text element to the report
Set the type of this new element to 'HTML'
In a script tag, initialize your echart object in a "head.ready()" instruction (see link below for more informations). The tricky part is to understand how to use a server-side dataset in a client-side chart within this html script.
You can find more informations and a full example of a such report here, this example embeds a jvectormap in a birt report. Furthermore, see a live demo here, where a JIT chart is integrated in a BIRT report.
However since these charts are created using a client-side framework, obviously BIRT won't be able to export them in PDF format. You can see in the live demo linked above, how a BIRT report can easily handle a different output when users export to PDF.
You can do it in Pentaho, but which tool to use it's a matter of debate.
Using Pentaho Report Designer:
- Connects to DBs using JDBC;
- Allows grouping rows based on a field or fields and calculating functions such as running sums;
- Can use selectors (single or multi-valued selectors) to interact with the report, passing the selector values to the queries;
- As far as I can tell, you don't have many options to choose a specific charting engine.
However, you can use CCC as the charting engine, which is a Protovis based Javascript charting engine, cross-browser compatible (for the most part), renders SVG charts with a decent fallback for IE (I believe the fallback is flash but I'm not sure if it changed recently) and produces decent looking charts.
If you HAVE to use that chart library, then I suggest using C-Tools dashboards instead, where you can embed as many different JS files you want and you have full control over the JS and CSS of the page. But most of the reporting functions from PRD will have to be implmented by you.

Drill down Fusioncharts PHP class

Can anyone tell me how do i create drill down fusioncharts using PHP class wherein all the data is present in one file and i can link the chart to the another chart present in that same file?
You actually need to create LinkedCharts (as per FusionCharts coined it). PHPClass does not allow you to create the data for the LinkedCharts. You would need to create the data using
your own PHP code and the pass the data to the chart.
Also, to change chart type, you would need to add JavaScript LinkedChart configuration.