pycuda -- 'CUDA_ROOT not set, and nvcc not in path.' - pycuda

Although i had installed pycuda and using it ok,it started (without doing sth) not to work.So,i i tried to do the install again ,but when i am doing
python --cuda-root=/usr/local/cuda/bin
it gives me the error in the title.
The nvcc file is in the above directory.

pycuda is not finding nvcc. Did you try adding /usr/local/cuda/bin to your env PATH variable? That's the way I have this setup.
As far as I can tell the doesn't call nvcc compiler it just creates the the makefile. I take that this problem happens when you run sudo -c "make install" which calls
A couple of things to try. Make sure that you have CUDA_ROOT set:
If it's empty, set it with:
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda/bin
Try running the make command again. Now with the -E to preserve your env:
sudo -E sh -c "make install"

I encountered the same issue on a Slackware64 13.37.
Install command su -c "make install" switches to root (0bv10u5Ly) thus CUDA_ROOT should be set in the root's profile. CUDA_ROOT is not an environment variable, it's used by the Add /usr/local/cuda/bin to PATH and define CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda/bin then try to install again.
This is the quick and dirty way but if none of above worked out for you like me, below will definitely work. (:
nvcc_path = search_on_path(["nvcc", "nvcc.exe"])
if nvcc_path is None:
print("*** CUDA_ROOT not set, and nvcc not in path. Giving up.")
and set
cuda_root_default = "/usr/local/cuda/bin"
in file. Then try su -c "make install".

In my case, I had to set CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda because with /usr/local/cuda/bin path, it was not able find include folder and it was failing with error didn't find cuda.h.


Bun Not Found After Running Installation Script

I have ran the installation script by pasting this code:
$ curl | bash
However, when I try to get the version of bun, it says it could not find it:
$ bun --version
Command 'bun' not found, did you mean:
command 'ben' from deb ben (0.9.0ubuntu2)
command 'bus' from deb atm-tools (1:2.5.1-4)
command 'zun' from deb python3-zunclient (4.0.0-0ubuntu1)
Try: sudo apt install <deb name>
I had the same issue running on Windows 10 WSL2 Ubuntu-22.04 with Bun v0.1.5.
The solution (and more detail just in case anyone needs it) below:
The executable for bun is in the directory "/home/username/.bun". You need to add this to your $PATH so that this can be found when typing bun commands such as "bun --help".
The bun setup process does not add this path so you need to do it yourself.
Two ways to do this :
(1) Manual method
Type in the terminal:
export BUN_INSTALL="/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.bun"
export PATH="$BUN_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"
Replacing YOUR_USERNAME with your real username (the current username can be found by typing 'whoami' in the terminal).
Note: This process will have to be REPEATED for every new shell you open.
(2) Automatic method
Edit the .bashrc file :
nano ~/.bashrc
at the end of this file add
Replacing YOUR_USERNAME with your real username (the current username can be found by typing 'whoami' in the terminal).
(Remember to save your changes with Ctrl-O)
Note: You will NEED TO OPEN A NEW SHELL for this to work OR type 'source ~/.bashrc' to use in the current terminal.
You should now be able to run bun commands in any new shell.
The installation script says a message at the end telling you how to add bun to your PATH manually. Here is that output:
Manually add the directory to your $HOME/.bashrc (or similar)
I advise you re-run the installation command and copy the environment variables and add them to your PATH.
export BUN_INSTALL="/Users/manendra/.bun"
export PATH="$BUN_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"
add these to your .bashrc, .zshrc or you can use export command to use for current session.
Note: Change your username place of (manendra) "/Users/manendra/.bun"
Manually add the directory to ~/.bashrc (or similar):
export BUN_INSTALL="$HOME/.bun"
export PATH="$BUN_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"
From the installer, last message is:
To get started, run
exec /bin/zsh
bun --help

second line on my system or python terminal now saying: “ -bash: zzzzz#: command not found“

I have been trying to pip install psycopg2 for some time now
I have just updated to python 3.7.4, before this problem started.
To set my path to a specific python version I used the code below.
nano .bash_profile
I thought that it would now be easy for my system to identify the path of the newly installed python, as to enable it to install psycopg2. Then the below started happening.
The second line of system terminal or python terminal is now always showing:
-bash: zzzzz#: command not found on my terminal
No matter what I type on my terminal, I am always getting command not found
This would mean you literally have "zzzzz" somewhere in the bash_profile. Bash is seeing "zzzzz" as just another command to run at startup like the rest of the profile script. As there is nothing in your PATH matching that string, bash reports the issue back to you.
Either remove the extra line from your .bash_profile. OR use a terribly wasteful work-around!
ln -s /bin/true /bin/zzzzz
This will create a symbolic link to the "true" binary (all it ever does is return true) from zzzzz. Now bash can find zzzzz and run it during start up, which does nothing. No more error and an absurd work around. You should fix the file.

Visual Studio Code Terminal cannot find `lesspipe` command

When I want to make some commands in Visual Studio Code terminal, it prints a message like this:
command 'lesspipe' is available in the following places
This also happens with dircolors. If I want to do something with git or sudo or some other command, it won't let me.
The text is in spanish.
command 'lesspipe' is available in the following places
* /bin/lesspipe
* /usr/bin/lesspipe
command not found because <</usr/bin:/bin> is not include in path variable.
I am assuming that you configured Visual Studio Code to use the default shell on Linux:
With that said and based on the error, it seems that there's something in your .bashrc (or .bash_profile) that messed up your PATH environment variable, something that removed /usr/bin and /bin from it. For example, if I put this some invalid commands at the end of my .bashrc:
When I open a Terminal on VSCode, those errors will display like this:
bash: /usr/bin/commandthatdoesnotexist: No such file or directory
I suggest you check your .bashrc. I don't know exactly what you added to it so I can't reproduce your problem. Check if you modified the PATH environment variable (did you re-define it? did you accidentally exported it incorrectly?). If you did, temporarily remove those changes.
On an actual terminal (outside of VSCode), you can try to do the following:
$ echo $PATH
# Should display something like this:
# /home/gino/bin:/home/gino/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
If PATH is not like that:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin
$ sudo vim /etc/environment # or sudo nano or sudo vi, whichever you use
Then edit PATH to look something like this:
Then try the terminal on VSCode again. If it's working now, re-check your modifications on .bashrc to see which one is causing the problem.
I would suggest to logout of root
$ sudo nano /etc/environment
replace the path by
$ PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr>

Sublime Text CoffeeScript build system: `env: node: No such file or directory`

I'm trying to set up a CoffeeScript build system in Sublime Text 3, but I keep getting the following error:
env: node: No such file or directory
[Finished in 0.0s with exit code 127]
[cmd: ['coffee', '-o','/Users/jcourtdemone/Sites/', '-cw', '/Users/jcourtdemone/Sites/']]
[dir: /Users/jcourtdemone/Sites/]
[path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]
My build system looks like this:
"name": "Coffee - AT",
"cmd": ["coffee","-o","${project_path:${folder}}/static/script","-cw","${project_path:${folder}}/static/coffee"],
"selector": "",
Two things strange about this.
1) It says it's looking in /usr/bin where a symlink to coffee exists.
2) Because of (1), I overrode $PATH to include the actual location of coffee which is /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin, but for some reason, $PATH isn't being overridden properly, it's sticking with the default $PATH.
Things to note:
i) I've verified that all paths are correct and pass normally through a regular terminal command.
ii) Tried with a "shell": true variable in the build system.
iii) I have another build system for Compass like this that works fine.
Anyone run into similar problems or issues? Any ideas?
In Terminal, type which node, then create a symlink to that location in /usr/bin. For example, if node lives in /usr/local/bin, create the symlink like so:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/bin/node
If you look at the source of your coffee script, you'll probably find that the first line is something along the lines of:
#!/usr/bin/env node
Exit code 127 in Sublime means that an env command has failed - so in your case, the build system is finding coffee, but it can't execute it because the node binary isn't in Sublime's default search path.
There are two ways to redefine the default search path for Sublime. The first (and easiest) is to always open it from the command line using the built-in subl command. If you're an OS X power user and don't mind messing with important system settings, check out my post on unix.SE on how to alter the default /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin path that you're seeing. Be forewarned that if you don't do things correctly, you may break your system. However, if you're running Mountain Lion (10.8.X) and you follow the instructions exactly, everything should be fine. (I haven't upgraded to Mavericks, so no guarantees on whether it'll work with that version.)
How to solve the problem under an Ubuntu System
The fact is "coffee" command will call /usr/bin/node to continue its work, however, the original "node" command for the node application on an Ubuntu system is changed from "node" to "nodejs" to avoid name conflicting. That is the reason, the shell will compliant you "/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory". whenever you type
$ coffee
To solve the bug, just let the shell find something named "node" in its default searching path, and this so-called "node" will promote nodejs. The command "nodejs" lies under path of /usr/bin/nodejs.
We will use symbol link to link "node" with nodejs, and place the link "node" within the default searching path, so that the shell will find it.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
But beware, make sure that you do NOT have another "node" command under /usr/bin/, you can check it by try to run
$ which node
I do NOT know what to do if you have installed another "node" application.
In Ubuntu you can install the package nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
this package just create a symbolic link to binary nodejs
You should be able to fix this all in your build system without needing to add a symlink on your machine.
For example if node lives in /usr/local/bin/node all you have to do is change the path in your build_system to be:
"path": "/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
I had the same problem with Sublime Text 2.
Creating this sublime build worked for me:
"cmd": ["coffee", "-c", "$file"],
"selector" : "",
"path" : "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin/:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
The following code worked for me in Ubuntu 14.04:
**$ sudo apt-get install NodeJS-legacy**
The other problem was the version checking frameworks such as for e.g: gulp -v the same code also solved this problem.
Type the next in the console:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

schroot is giving error on centos 6

When I'm using command: schroot -c 32bit -- bash --login -c "rm -rf ~/SC32 ;"
I'm getting these errors:
E: 20copyfiles: cp: cannot create regular file `/var/lib/schroot/mount/32bit-dcc62f68-de18-4d2a-95d9-b71f0be314ce/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory
E: 32bit-dcc62f68-de18-4d2a-95d9-b71f0be314ce: Chroot setup failed: stage=setup-start
Since i'm new to Linux Environment i don't know what to do to solve this error.
The Cent OS which I'm using is 6.3 with x64 architecture
Also i have configured 32bit in /etc/schroot/schroot.conf as
description=CentOS 6.3 32bit
Also I Have this directory available /chroot/32bit
I'm not the root user of the system.
Can anybody tell me what to do to resolve this error?
To debug problems with schroot, try running it verbosely:
schroot -v
or to make it really verbose
schroot -v --debug=notice
The actual failure here is to copy /etc/resolv.conf. There are two potential reasons for this
The source file isn't copyable. Normally unlikely, but try cp and cat by hand to check.
The destination doesn't exist. This is the usual cause of such errors.
Your chroot is /chroot/32bit and it's being (bind) mounted on /var/lib/schroot/mount/32bit-dcc62f68-de18-4d2a-95d9-b71f0be314ce. If /chroot/32bit/etc does not exist, then /var/lib/schroot/mount/32bit-dcc62f68-de18-4d2a-95d9-b71f0be314ce/etc won't exist either, and so the copy operation will fail. You must have a proper system available under /chroot/32bit with all the usual directories (/bin, /etc, /lib etc.).
Assuming that you do have a proper chroot in /chroot/32bit, then something has gone wrong during setup. Running with verbose or debug messages enabled may shed some light on the cause of the failure.
(schroot author)
I followed #Roger 's solution and all is well. But I found another workaround solution:
Enter your schroot directory, maybe like this location: /chroot/32bit, you can find this path in "/etc/schroot/schroot.conf" setting file.
cd /chroot/32bit
mv /chroot/32bit/etc/resolv.conf /chroot/32bit/etc/resolv.conf.bk
Then you can try your schroot login command and check is success.
schroot -c 32bit
Enjoy it!