PostgreSQL - create a new DB through pgAdmin UI - postgresql

I have installed PostgreSQL DB server on my Ubuntu machine. Now I want to create a new Database through some GUI application. I tried pgAdmin but didn't find any option to create a new DB. But I could add existing db servers.
Is there any way to create a DB and then tables through pgAdmin or some other app.
Basically I am looking for an application for PostgreSQL like SQLYog for MySQL.

Open pgAdmin
Connect to database server
Edit => New Object => New database
Or use plain SQL when connection to any database: CREATE DATABASE my_database;

HI ... Verify that u have done above steps to install the postgresql properly ... and follow the below instructions to create a database in POSTGRESQL
1.Install latest PostgreSQL 9.1 in console:
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev
2.PostgreSQL has a super user is called postgres. Change user to the PostgreSQL user:
sudo su - postgres
3.Change password of postgres user:
psql -d postgres -U postgres
psql (9.1.3) Type "help" for help
postgres=# alter user postgres with password 'YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD';
postgres=# \q
#logout postgres user
4.Restart the PostgreSQL server:
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
pgAdmin III: PostgreSQL administration and management tools
If pgAdminIII is not installed, the installation is easy:
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
Open pgAdminIII and add new localhost server. Go to menu File > Add Server
Set up pgAdmin III server instrumentation:
When connecting to a PostgreSQL database using pgAdmin you may receive an error letting you know that the server instrumentation is not installed.
Install postgresql-contrib package:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
Install adminpack extension:
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION "adminpack";
postgres=# \q
1.Double Click your database in Left pane on PGAdmin to select it
2.Now click the a Icon named "SQL" ,probably 6th icon, and type CREATE table query in resultant window
3.Create table query
Post any queries below.............Have a error free day.

One of problems with DB creating is connected to permissions.
If there are no grant for creating database, the path "Object -> Create -> Database" is off (unclickable) and you can't pick this menu option. Likewise, "Databases -> Right Mouse Button" doesn't have "Create" option. One more sign of this case is the reaction in SQL:
ERROR: permission denied to create database
********** Error **********
To solve the problem you can reconnect to the Server with the first login ('postgres' for example). And afterwards the menu will work.

Of course you can create a database with pgAdmin.
You have to understand the basic concept of PostgreSQL. First you have to connect to a database cluster, which you can only do by connecting to a database in that cluster. Now, if your database does not exist, yet, there is the default maintenance db postgres you can connect to. Connect to it and issue CREATE DATABASE there. Then change to the new database.

On windows right click on the db connector
My db connector is PostgreSQL->Create->Database, expand the database
Next expand schema
under which tables is found, then right click, and create tables
To create tables Expand database->under that expand schema->under tables , click on create tables
To add columns and data types to tables
under the respective table, right click properties and select column fields and add name of columns, data types as needed properties->columns

So, I'm late to the party, but it seems that regular old PG_Admin, and the EnterpriseDB installation are different packages. PG_Admin by itself just manages and connects to servers, but doesn't seem to create them. This is definitely not clear, but yeah you get those errors because you're trying to connect to a server that doesn't exist. You could also use WSL to do this, but you'd have to have WSL and your server up and running everytime to you play.


Postgres add user impossible

I get from customer Postgres 8.4, a very strange edition
I login with Postgres user under trust settings.
But in pgAdmin i got a lot of relations errors
I thought normally tables should goes to DB Catalogs Tables, but here DB Catalogs Tables not exists or i cant see them, all tables i see in db Schemas, and database is working as i can access it through ODBC and Postgres connector, but then i see all 2809 tables i a row without separation. It like multi tenat services, but misconfigured or not suit with pgAdmin.
From pgAdmin i cant create any user and roles, from ssh psql created user cant connect through odbc or Postgres connector, and do not appears in pgAdmin Login/Group Roles tab.
So why i cant access in pgAdmin4 Login/Group Roles tab?
Why cant create user from pgAdmin4?
Why cant access pg_catalogs from pgAdmin4?
Why user created from ssh psql cant access database from ODBC or Postgres connector? (got always table is empty)
If this is multi tenant services why it not work like expected from pgAdmin?
PgAdmin 4 version 5.6
PgAdmin4 says it supports 9.5 and newer. 8.4 is not newer than 9.5.

Fail to connect PostgreSQL DB from my Linux User

I am new to technologies , please do not judge my question too strong :).
I installed in My Ubuntu 18.04 PostgreSQL 10.7. To be able to enter my DB I need to enter the following commands from my terminal. sudo -u postgres psql.
Is there any shortened way where I can connect it from my Ubuntu User account. For example. if I input psql it will open database environment where I can type PostgreSQL commands.
Thank you.
Just execute this command in your terminal :
alias psql='sudo -u postgres psql'
So the next time, you input psql and execute, you will be in database environment.
I see two options:
1) Create alias for this command sudo -u postgres psql .
2) Go to psql and create new superuser and database for it:
You shouldn't be using the superuser account for your normal database work. That is as if you were using root for everything in Linux.
You need to create a regular user with the privileges to create or modify tables in your database. This can be done by granting the user all privileges on the database (which is not the same as making that user a superuser) or make that user the owner of that database.
As documented in the manual psql tries to connect to a database with the name of the current Linux user and with a database user with the name of the current Linux user. So if you want to keep things simple create a user with your regular Linux user's name and an database that is owned by that user:
create user rob password 'somepassword';
create database rob owner = rob;
Assuming your Linux user is rob, then all you need to do is:
and you are connected to a database where you can create and manage tables.
Depending on how you installed Postgres, you might need to adjust pg_hba.conf to allow rob to log in directly.
Again: please do NOT use the superuser account for your normal work.

Postgresql Ubuntu strange behaviour (version incompatibility?)

I'm trying to run a postgresql Database on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
First I installed postgres using sudo apt-get install postgresql which installed version 9.5.1. I then created another user and a new database. I've granted all privileges for the new database to new new user and set the owner to the new user also.
I connected to the new database and filled it by restoring an plain backup (dump) I've created from another database (which has postgresql version 9.2) by using \i /path/to/dump.sql. I got no errors, and when I then typen \dt I got the list with the tables.
The problem is: When I now disconnect (\q) and re-connect (same as I connected before, sudo psql -U "username" dbname) and type \dt again, it says "No relations found". When I try to fill it again, I get a bunch of errors like "Relation relationname already exists".
Another problem/symptom appears when I try to use pgAdmin (installed via sudo apt-get install pgadmin3). When trying to connect using localhost, I can't connect using the newly created user (which which I can connect from the terminal). But I can connect using postgres with the password I set via Terminal. I do not see any DB I manually create from command line from pgAdmin tho.
So yeah, my guess is that at least one problem may be version incompatibility between 9.2 and 9.5. Is there any way to test/fix this? But I also think there should be other problems.
What you describe may happen if the SQL dump contains a SET search_path TO...command that sets it to a different value than what your user has by default.
So not only it will create its tables and other objects in that schema, but it will leave that search_path for the rest of the session, so when you do \dt in that same session, it does see and list the newly created tables.
But when you quit and reenter psql, this search_path is not longer in effect, you're back to the default search_path of your user, which supposedly doesn't reach the schema, so \dt no longer "sees" any table.
You can use show search_path to check this setting in a psql session, and grep "SET search_path" in the SQL file to check what it's being set to.
Per comment, it appears to be the case: the dump creates the tables into a schema that is outside of the user's default search path.
A possible solution for that user to work seamlessly would be to update its search path so that it always reaches this schema first. This can be done with:
ALTER USER username SET search_path TO schema1,"$user",public;
where schema1 is what the SQL dump refers to and where it created the tables.

How do I add PostGIS to PostgreSQL pgAdmin?

I've got PostgreSQL and pgAdmin installed, but I want to add a PostGIS server so I could work on a Geographic Informations System project.
I'm following this tutorial, which assumes PostGIS is set up. In the previous page of the tutorial, it instructs you to download their software package which includes PostgreSQL and pgAdmin. I already have those installed, so I would like to just add PostGIS but I don't see any way to do so.
Any ideas?
Connect to the database using a superuser account (most often the user named postgres but in more recent versions the id of the user who installed the application.) Then issue the following SQL commands to enable PostGIS functionality.
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
You can do this from within pgAdmin or via psql -U [superuser] [database] from a command line.
Alternately for the command adverse; as a superuser; from within pgAdmin right click on your database's Extensions and select New Extension. Then in the drop down associated with Name select the postgis* extensions needed.
Before adding PostGIS extension to Postgres. You first need to install PostGIS on Ubuntu 14.04
Add PPA from terminal
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
Install PostGIS with apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install postgis postgresql-10-postgis-2.5
After successful installation open psql
$ sudo -u postgres psql
List all databases
postgres=# \l
Connect to specific database
postgres=# \c DATABASE_NAME
Run the following to add PostGIS extension to Postgres
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
Exit from psql
postgres=# \q
Thank you
You don't install it to pgAdmin, it is an extension to Postgres itself. Once it is installed, you add it to a particular database, and its functions, nearly 1000, a few views and the spatial_ref_sys table, will appear in pgAdmin in that db. You can also install it to the template1 db, and then it will be automatically included in any other database that you subsequently create. You can get a binary install from
For PGAdmin installation of extensions:
Right click on the database name listed under the server cascade list, you will see an option "Create Script" - click on it.
This opens up a script with some information on creation/alteration of the DB. Clear this script and then paste the following lines:
Look at the icons at the top - you will see a RUN icon/button - looks like a "play" icon. Click on it.
Look at the Log output, it should have successfully run the command and installed the extension.

Can't see my databases in OpenERP

I installed openerp 7 on ubuntu and worked for a while.
When I restarted ubuntu, I opened openerp and tried to login but didn't find the databases I've created before and it took me to the (Database Management) page in order to create a new database as if it were my first time.
I tried to make a duplicate of an existing database as a workaround, but when I wrote the old database name, I got this message:
ProgrammingError: permission denied to copy database "test"
I tried to access postgres using pgadmin and I succeeded and could access all the databases from the pgadmin.
You need to give the access rights on particular database for particular openerp user.
First Create the OpenERP user that will own and run the application
sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/openerp --group openerp
Then Next,
First change to the postgres user so we have the necessary privileges to configure the database.
sudo su - postgres
Now create a new database user. This is so OpenERP has access rights to connect to PostgreSQL and to create and drop databases. Remember what your choice of password is here; you will need it later on:
createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt openerp
Enter password for new role: ********
Enter it again: ********
Finally exit from the postgres user account:
Here is source link