What is an UIImageView and how do I rotate it - iphone

From what I understand an UIImageView can contain a UIImage. Using the UIImageView you can then rotate the UIImage.
This, I believe, is done by assigning the UIImage an image of some sort and then, somehow, assigning the UIImage to the UIImageView.
I believe that I have "set" an image directly to a UIImageView and now wish to spin this image pinwheel style.
Is this possible or do I need to re-write so that my image is associated with an UIImage which is then, in turn, associated with the UIImageView?
I currently am using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation to attempt this on the UIImageView and the rotation looks more like it is flipping end over end and round and round.

First, a UIImageView is just a view that knows how do draw an image on screen. That is it.
If you want to animate the spinning of an image you can either:
create separate images and load the array of images into the UIImageView; or
load a single image and use Core Animation to rotate the image.
Applying just a transform on the view will change it but won't animate it. That is what Core Animation is for.


How can i make multiple customized uiimageview frame in one view?

I have to make view where there will be multiple curved or irregular shaped imageview. Now when i will touch a UIImageview then it will import image from photo gallery.For example: Suppose
I have an UIView with background image.
On that view i have 3 irregular shaped UIImageview.every UIImageview is attached with each other.
Now suppose i have touch in the first UIImageview then it will take an image from photo gallery.
When i have imported the image then that image will be as the background image of the UIImageview.
I have to make sure that if my UIImageviewis smaller then its background image then i will able to move the image or rotate the image or scale or zoom the image to adjust the image according to the size of UIImageview.
How can i do that whole process??? any help by link,source code,tutorial or anything else will be cordially appreciable.
Basically my first priority is that how can i make those irregular shaped UIImageView pro-grammatically.
Thanks In Advance
The one way of doing this is as follows:
Subclass from UIImageView set touchesBegan methods for each UIImageView for import image, setting on background and whatever you want to do on touch.
What does 'attached' mean? If all of them should move together, then, again, you have to deal with it in touchesBegan methods, sending messages like 'Hey views, i've moved on this vector:[vector], please do it too'.
In pt. 3.2 i didn't get your point. :( You can set in UIImageView subclass self.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit or UIViewContentModeScaleToFill, so its image will always fit the view.
About irregular shape, did you read links below? I suppose there's not an super easy way to do it :(
Draggable UIImageView Partially Transparent & Irregular Shaped
Simple way of using irregular shaped buttons

How do I replace an image in a rotated and scaled UIImageView?

I have a UIView with a UIImageView as a subview. I modify the UIView with CGAffineTransformRotate and CGAffineTransformScale. The UIImageView subview also transforms with it automatically.
I want to replace the UIImage in the UIImageView subview with a new UIImage. When I do this, the image is the wrong size and rotation, because the original been scaled and rotated.
How do I replace the image subview and have it appear as the previous image did (same size/rotation/location)?
Take another UIImageView2 and put your previous image in it first. Then after you scale and modify the original image to a new one and want to see your original one, you can show the UIImageView2 image.
I found the bug, I was removing the original image and didn't know it.
imageView.image = nextImage;
Changing the image as above keeps the scale and rotation from the parent. No trickery involved.

Tiling an image in a UIVIew

I am trying to tile an image for an app I am making. I am making rope that I can set the length for. In order to do this, I have a function that takes my rope length, sets the frame size accordingly, and then sets the background color like this:
(picture is a UIView)
picture.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"Rope.png"]];
The view is blank. I tested it before by displaying an image by making picture a UIImageView instead, and it worked, but it won't show up anymore.
EDIT: I have now tried a few different methods of tiling, the best I can get is a stretched image. I need a working way to tile an image and get the output of my tiled image into a UIImage, UIImageView, or UIView.
Not sure what I did wrong but it is working now.

how to draw an UIImageView into -drawRect of another view?

I have several UIImageView objects which have been rotated and scaled. Because they are just background images, and represent an non-highlighted-state, I want to draw them to the canvas of the view so that I can get rid of them in memory. The view has a big bitmap anyways, so it would save a lot of memory to put them in there rather than adding as subview.
It seems I can only call something like -drawInRect for an UIImage, but how about an UIImageView with transforms on it? Oh yes, and it's positioned with frame origin.
I just want to draw it to another UIView's bitmap the same way as it appears when adding as subview.
Using drawInRect: with a rect of different origin and size of the image, you can effectively make any scaling and translation you want. You can also handle rotations with the [CGContextRotateCTM][1] function (CTM = current transformation matrix). There are other CGContext..CTM functions as well, so you have multiple approaches.

UIImage and UIImageView problem

set a UIImageView.image property to a UIImage is unable add the image to the view,however if i set the imageview frame property,it works.can anyone tell me how it's happen?
and what will happen when i apply the UIImage instance method[drawInRect:] redraw the image frame which is larger than the view frame?i have tried but nothing happen,and what is this function doing actual?
Generally, how it works is, you add an Image to a UIImageView and then add the UIImageView to a UIView to display it on the screen. You can do this programmatically, or using Interface Builder. Optionally, you can create a CGRect (based on a frame, if you like), use this as the bounds for the UIImageView (or you can frame the UIView). There are several ways to do what you want to do.
It's hard to tell without seeing your code. It could be a number of things. You could be inserting the view with the image behind the currentView? You may not be retaining the UIImageView. We can't read minds here necessarily, (sometimes we do). But you'll need to be more helpful if you want a solid answer.
Or just take a look at this:
UIImageView Docs