Dependency issues with Eclipse and a maven multi module project - eclipse

I have a multi-module maven project made up of three sub-modules: web, service and domain. I use m2e and have managed to import the maven projects into Eclipse.
What's more, the service and domain projects are in the web's java build path and the domain project is in the service's java build path.
It is very strange because compilation errors are displayed which seem to indicate that for instance service does not see domain. However when I click on a class in error in eclipse, I can navigate to the domain class.
Furthermore, I can add the web project to the Tomcat server instance but the web project does not contain the other two projects.
Can anyone please help?
web pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.formos.tapestry</groupId> <artifactId>tapestry-testify</artifactId>
<version>1.0.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.formos.tapestry</groupId>
<artifactId>tapestry-xpath</artifactId> <version>1.0.1</version> <scope>test</scope>
</dependency> -->
service pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Shared version number properties -->
Core utilities used by other modules.
Define this if you use Spring Utility APIs (org.springframework.core.*/org.springframework.util.*)
Expression Language (depends on spring-core)
Define this if you use Spring Expression APIs (org.springframework.expression.*)
Bean Factory and JavaBeans utilities (depends on spring-core)
Define this if you use Spring Bean APIs (org.springframework.beans.*)
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) Framework (depends on spring-core, spring-beans)
Define this if you use Spring AOP APIs (org.springframework.aop.*)
Application Context (depends on spring-core, spring-expression, spring-aop, spring-beans)
This is the central artifact for Spring's Dependency Injection Container and is generally always defined
Various Application Context utilities, including EhCache, JavaMail, Quartz, and Freemarker integration
Define this if you need any of these integrations
Transaction Management Abstraction (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-aop, spring-context)
Define this if you use Spring Transactions or DAO Exception Hierarchy
JDBC Data Access Library (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context, spring-tx)
Define this if you use Spring's JdbcTemplate API (org.springframework.jdbc.*)
Object-to-Relation-Mapping (ORM) integration with Hibernate, JPA, and iBatis.
(depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context, spring-tx)
Define this if you need ORM (org.springframework.orm.*)
Object-to-XML Mapping (OXM) abstraction and integration with JAXB, JiBX, Castor, XStream, and XML Beans.
(depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context)
Define this if you need OXM (org.springframework.oxm.*)
Web application development utilities applicable to both Servlet and Portlet Environments
(depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context)
Define this if you use Spring MVC, or wish to use Struts, JSF, or another web framework with Spring (org.springframework.web.*)
Support for testing Spring applications with tools such as JUnit and TestNG
This artifact is generally always defined with a 'test' scope for the integration testing framework and unit testing stubs
domain pom.xlm
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
super pom.xlm:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>bignibou super pom</name>

Define domain and service modules inside the dependency management tag in super pom. So basically add following definition inside super pom:
After adding these definitions to the super pom, you will also have the chance to remove version numbers for these dependencies from module pom's.

You shouldn't work with eclipses build paths.
Add the service and domain to the web pom.xml dependencies.
Add the domain to the pom.xml from your service.
After you set up the dependencies correctly m2e will configure the build paths correctly for you.


Vaadin push: Push is not available

I have a Maven project, I added vaadin-push as dependency in the pom.xml.
The first problem is in the MainUI class, when I add the annotation #Push(PushMode.MANUAL) it doesn't recognize the PushMode so I am stuck with #Push. When I add it, i get the error message when I access the UI:
{"timestamp":1519112562626,"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","exception":"com.vaadin.server.ServiceException","message":"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Push is not available. See previous log messages for more information.","path":"/bp/list"}
I tried to follow the instructions on vaadin website on push so I added a web.xml (I didnt have one previously). I'm not sure whether it is being used. I would prefer to configure this solely by annotations.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0"
<servlet-name>Business Process UI</servlet-name>
<!-- Enable server push -->
What I actually want to achieve is to update the UI on a Rest request, I think the Rest part already works apart from the Push:
public class UILister {
private static HashMap<UUID,MainUI> uiByUuid = new HashMap<UUID,MainUI>();
public static void closeUIConnectorFrame(UUID uuid) {
MainUI ui = uiByUuid.get(uuid);
if(ui != null) {
ui.access(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public static void addUI(UUID uuid, MainUI mainUI) {
uiByUuid.put(uuid, mainUI);
pom.xml. I removed the vaadin-push since it tells me I am overriding the one configured automatically.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Business Check For BPS+</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <dependency>
<!-- -->
In your pom, add
You don't need to specify a <version> here, since the version is managed by vaadin-bom (bill of materials) which declares the correct version for each artifact (so that it is easier to avoid conflicting dependencies to different versions of the same framework), but importing the BOM doesn't add the dependencies by itself.
I removed the vaadin-push since it tells me I am overriding the one configured automatically.
The one configured automatically refers to the version managed by the BOM. For instance, when one adds a dependency to vaadin-push with a <version> tag, Eclipse it gives the following warning:
Overriding managed version 8.1.1 for vaadin-push

Error in POM.xml file help in out for new coder

SEVERE: Servlet [spring] in web application [/RestControllerExample] threw load() exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
Spring MVC Framework and REST
Spring’s annotation based MVC framework simplifies the process of creating RESTful web services. The key difference between a traditional Spring MVC controller and the RESTful web service controller is the way the HTTP response body is created. While the traditional MVC controller relies on the View technology, the RESTful web service controller simply returns the object and the object data is written directly to the HTTP response as JSON/XML. For a detailed description of creating RESTful web services using the Spring framework
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns="" xmlns:web=""
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0">
<!-- Processes application requests -->
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- Set this to the respective version -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:tx=""
xmlns:mvc="" xmlns:context=""
<!-- Enable autowire -->
<context:annotation-config />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.example.spring" />
The problem is that you have a lot of duplicated dependecies in your pom file and the groupId in your pom file is different than the groupId in your spring-servlet.xml !
I think this pom configuration will work for you ,but you have to set one goupId for the two files so if your classes java are in this package com.example.spring use it as a groupId in the pom
<project xmlns=""
<!-- SLF4J and Logback -->
<!-- Spring dependecies -->
<!-- compile only, deployed container will provide this -->

Class files are not generated in pom.xml

I am using the below pom.xml for my application
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Prime Repo</name>
<!-- PrimeFaces -->
<!-- JSF -->
<!-- EL -->
But I am unable to generate the class files inside the target directory. Except class files I got everything. My Project Structure is, Projectname>src>com>...source files. I am following the same structure for my other application and I am getting the class files in that. But dont know where I am missing. Even the both pom.xml are similar
Your java source files need to go to src/main/java by maven convention (not src)

maven don't work with me, is there any dependency missing?

I'm new to maven, I'm using it with eclipse on Windows 7. And I'm trying to use maven with my test project and here is my pom.xml file :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<id>JBoss repository</id>
<!-- JUnit testing framework -->
<!-- Spring framework -->
<!-- Spring AOP dependency -->
<!-- MySQL database driver -->
<!-- Hibernate framework -->
<!-- Hibernate library dependecy start -->
<!-- Hibernate library dependecy end -->
Every time i try to build i get this error :
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details
I can see the org.slf4j.impl.StaticloggerBinder does exits in the dependencies , why can't it be loaded ? , am I missing some jar files or is there a version problem.
Any help please?
You're missing an actual logging implementation
Try adding the following dependency :

Eclipse, junit, Hibernate An internal error occurred during: "Fetching children of Database"

When i'm trying to open hibernate perspective in Eclipse, i receive the above error, with the following stacktrace:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger.log(Lorg/slf4j/Marker;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
at org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog.debug(
at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect.JDBCMetaDataDialect.getTables(
at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.JDBCReader.processTables(
at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.JDBCReader.readDatabaseSchema(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.LazyDatabaseSchemaWorkbenchAdapter$2.execute(
at org.hibernate.console.execution.DefaultExecutionContext.execute(
at org.hibernate.console.ConsoleConfiguration.execute(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.LazyDatabaseSchemaWorkbenchAdapter.readDatabaseSchema(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.LazyDatabaseSchemaWorkbenchAdapter.getChildren(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.BasicWorkbenchAdapter.fetchDeferredChildren(
at org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager$
This is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<name>FIP-Dt Tool</name>
I looked through the site, and i'm aware that the problem is about sfl4j inclusion, but unfortunately i tried to exclude it, update it, add a dependency, but every try fails.
The version that i can see from dependency hierarchi is 1.6.1, and is the same version that was in the hibernate core pom (but in that one the scope is test.
The library contains that class and method, but i don't know why hibernate tools cannot find them.
I tried with Spring Tool Suite ide, and with a fresh eclipse juno installation.
I'm running out of ideas. :(
Review your project pom and eclipse configuration: you've two different versions of log4j/slf4j.
The problem is with two or more versions of the same jar in the classpath as indicated by David.
In this situation you may try these:
•Your hibernate tools plugin (< eclipse_directory >/plugins/) and your project maven repository (< user_directory >/.m2/repository/org/slf4j) have different SLF4J jar version. Maintain same version in both of these folders (read classpath). Keep the latest one in both of these and delete the older one. It's a dirty hack but an acceptable way to keep jar versions in-sync.
•Another (better) way, keep your data access objects in a separate project. Create a simple maven POJO project and automate code generation through hibernate tools. Import this project into the project where you're maintaining business logic. This is a standard design in big projects and, the good part, you don't have to suffer the version conflict.