How to get row values from a Rounded Rectangle List in Dashcode? - iphone

I am new to dashcode and trying to build a simple web app for iphone using it. My primary aim is to have a Rectangular List (I have used the "Rounded rectangle list"). It is a static list and has three rows. What I want is a website to open when user clicks on any of the row, and each row would have a different URL. I was able to add a Rounded rectangle list with three static rows like
The object ID is "list"
Row 1-- Label- "Gift Cards" , Value - ""
Row 2-- Label- "Toys" , Value - ""
Row 3-- Label- "Bikes" , Value - ""
i added onclick even to call a java script function like below
function myButtonPressHandler(event)
var websiteURL = "";
location = websiteURL;
the above code opens the same URL "" when the user clicks on any of the three buttons, but what I want is to fetch the value of each child node (which would be their respective URLs) at runtime and open it using location = WebsiteURL something like below (did'nt work for me :( -
function myButtonPressHandler(event)
var websiteURL = document.getElementById("list").children;
var WebURL = websiteURL[???].value;
location = WebURL;
Any help would be appreciated.

OK ... so figured out my own answer. The Rounded Rectangular list is actually a multidimensional array. so to get the value of each of the rows i.e. the Http URLs and open them on the browser when the rows were touched/tapped/pressed is as below.
function buttonpresshandler(event)
// Insert Code Here
var list = document.getElementById("list").object;
var selectedObjects = list.selectedObjects();
//Open webpage with the value of each label
location = selectedObjects[0][1];


Getting values from cells in google scripts

I am trying to make working sheets for my work. In Google scripts, I've created "Custom Menu" for my sheet wich is sending email correctly. But now I want to get value from the specific cell and check if it is below, for example, 2, send an email with that value. For now, I have this:
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
ui.createMenu('Custom Menu')
.addItem('First item', 'menuItem1')
function menuItem1() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
.alert('You clicked the first menu item!');
if( 'A1' > 3){
MailApp.sendEmail('', 'subject', 'message');
I don't know how to get this value from this cell. This 'If" is just an example of what I am trying to do, I know it is not working. Thank you in advance for any kind of help.
First, You need to find the sheet:
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
Then, you need to specify a cell range and get the value(s):
var value = sheet.getRange("A1").getValue();
You can browse the API for more functions here:

How to get the parent of an element

For example, I am randomly picking a button element from within the rows of a table.
After the button is found, I want to retrieve the table's row which contains a selected button.
Heres is my code snippet:
browser.findElements(by.css('[ng-click*=submit]')).then(function (results) {
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * results.length);
var row = results[randomNum];
// ^ Here I want to get the parent of my random button
As of the most recent Protractor (1.6.1 as of this writing), the syntax changed a bit:
var row = results[randomNum].element(by.xpath('..'));
(use element() instead of findElement()).
Decided to use xpath.
var row = results[randomNum].findElement(by.xpath('ancestor::tr'));
You can now use
var element = element(by.css('.foo')).getWebElement()
var parentElement = element.getDriver() // gets the parent element
to get the parent element. See for more info.
Actually, at the moment there is an easier way to select the parent of an element avoiding to use xpath.
From an ElementFinder you can simply access the parent element through parentElementArrayFinder and for example then trigger directly the click method:;

Multiple Point Selection in multiple series in Shinobi

I have two line series and how do I make points on both series selected at the same time? Basically, my chart has 2 y values sharing the same x value and I'm representing them as two series. I want to display both points as selected for a given X Value.
Hi there,Thanks for the reply. I'm doing that in
- (void)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart toggledSelectionForPoint:(SChartDataPoint *)dataPoint inSeries:(SChartSeries *)series atPixelCoordinate:(CGPoint)pixelPoint
SChartDataPoint* point1Series1 = [chart.datasource sChart:chart dataPointAtIndex:dataPoint.index forSeriesAtIndex:0];
point1Series1.selected = YES;
SChartDataPoint* point1Series2 = [chart.datasource sChart:chart dataPointAtIndex:dataPoint.index forSeriesAtIndex:1];
point1Series2.selected = YES;
When I print the selected state of both points after this line of code, they return 1(selected) but they don't seem to appear as selected on the chart only the one I selected on the chart on device seem to appear as selected though I'm calling redrawChart after that. Any help would be appreciated
I think that it's likely (and I'm guessing because I can't see your code) that your chart data source isn't returning a reference to a datapoint which is part of the chart, but instead generating a new datapoint object each time you request one.
In order to cope with this you can request the data points from the chart itself, via the dataSeries property on SChartSeries objects.
The following delegate method should perform the selection you require.
- (void)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart toggledSelectionForPoint:(SChartDataPoint *)dataPoint inSeries:(SChartSeries *)series atPixelCoordinate:(CGPoint)pixelPoint
// Selection details
NSInteger dataPointIndex = dataPoint.index;
BOOL selected = dataPoint.selected;
for (SChartSeries *chartSeries in chart.series) {
// If only one data point in the series can be selected at once, then deselect the rest
if(!series.togglePointSelection && selected) {
for(SChartDataPoint *dp in chartSeries.dataSeries.dataPoints) {
dp.selected = NO;
// Find the data point and perform the selection
SChartDataPoint *dp = chartSeries.dataSeries.dataPoints[dataPointIndex];
dp.selected = selected;
Hope that helps.
You should be able to set .selected on the datapoints and customise the properties to display points how you wish :)

TYPO3: Trying to add link to images

On our site, other admins add images via the "Resources" tab of the main page. These images are displayed as Banners in a Slider on the main page. However, now they want the ability to add links to specific images.
My first thought on this (after receiving some help on making a loop for images to be added to the page) was to perhaps let them be able to add the link to either the "Title" or "Caption" spot I saw there. And later, on the slider "create" function, pull the said data from the image and make <a> wrap around the image before the slider finished building. I've already tested the slider plugin with this functionality, and that would work fine, however, I can't seem to pull anything from the "Title" or "Caption" and add it to the image in any way.
My other thought would be, is there a way to extend the back end to give them an actualy spot to paste links on images so that I may pull that and wrap the image via the typoscript, or can i pull from caption and wrap image in <a> "if" the link is available.
In other words, does typoscript have a type of "if" statement? What I ahve so far, thanks to maholtz is as follows:
page.10.marks.topimage = TEXT
page.10.marks.topimage {
# retrieve data
data = levelmedia: -1, "slide"
override.field = media
# we have some filenames in a list, let us split the list
# and create images one by one
# if there are five images selected, the CARRAY "1" will be executed
# five times where current is loaded with only one filename
split {
# the images are separated via ","
token = ,
# you can do funny stuff with options split, f.e. if you want to give first
# and last image a different class... but thats another topic;)
# we just say, render every splitted object via CARRAY "1"
cObjNum = 1
1 {
# just render the single image,
# now there should be one filename in current only
10 = IMAGE
10 {
file.import.wrap = fileadmin/user_upload/|
file.import.current = 1
border = 0
file.height = 670
file.width = 1800
altText = Banner
titleText = Banner
# attempt to add link to image if available
caption.1.typolink.parameter.field = image_link = register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
wrap = <div id="slides">|</div>
I was thinking perhaps I could do something like:
10 {
file.import.wrap = fileadmin/user_upload/|
file.import.current = 1
border = 0
file.height = 670
file.width = 1800
altText = Banner
titleText = Banner
# attempt to add link to image if available
caption.1.typolink.parameter.field = ??? = register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
But as you can see, I'm stumped on how that might even work right. Can anyone help point me the right way.
As before mentioned, perhaps I could do ONE of two things:
Pull link from "Title" or "Caption" and add it to the IMAGE Date on output so that I can use that client side to wrap the image in appropriate a tag, |OR|
Pull link from there and use typoscript to wrap the image in a tags
When accessing the ressources via levelmedia = slide you're not directly accessing the FAL table. Therefore you have to load it again to access the fields you want. We solved exactly the problem you have with the following code. Insert it inside your 1 after 10 = IMAGE.
cObject = RECORDS
source.current = 1
tables = sys_file_reference
conf.sys_file_reference = TEXT
conf.sys_file_reference.field = #title or description

How to have an Apps Script Gadget display results directly in the UI

On my Google Site I've inserted an Apps Script Gadget (by pasting the URL of an Apps Script that I published as a service). This Apps Script allows the user to enter a value (their 'Blow Number') and view the corresponding data (based on API calls to my Google Fusion tables).
Right now, the script returns 3 hyperlinks:
Click here for a table of Blow Number 1
Click here for a chart of Blow Number 1
Click here for a map of Blow Number 1
This is because my script function getblowdetails has 3 app.createAnchor variables. Instead of having the script return 3 hyperlinks (that the user has to click on and view the resulting URL in a new window), I would like for the script to automatically invoke the 3 URLs and display the table, chart, and map in panels on the same page.
So the user would enter their Blow Number and press enter. They would then view the table, chart, and map directly below the text box on the same web page.
Please see the Code that I've included below and advise...Thanks for the help- I'm an apps-script novice so a thorough and understand-able response is greatly appreciated!
Note: I've removed the URLs from the createAnchor variables because I'm only allowed to include 2 links in the post, but you can see them by going to and entering Blow Number = 1...then click on the hyperlinks.
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
// Create input boxes, buttons, labels, and links
var textBoxA = app.createTextBox().setId('textBoxA').setName('textBoxA').setFocus(true);
var buttonA = app.createButton('Get Blow Details').setEnabled(false);
var label = app.createLabel('Please enter your Blow Number here');
var link = app.createAnchor('where can I find my Blow Number?', '');
// Create a handler to call the getblowdetails function.
// A validation is added to this handler so that it will only invoke 'getblowdetails' if textBoxA contains a number
var handler = app.createServerClickHandler('getblowdetails').validateNumber(textBoxA).addCallbackElement(textBoxA);
// Create a handler to enable the button if all input is legal
var onValidInput = app.createClientHandler().validateNumber(textBoxA).forTargets(buttonA).setEnabled(true).forTargets(label, link).setVisible(false);
// Create a handler to mark invalid input in textBoxA and disable the button
var onInvalidInput1 = app.createClientHandler().validateNotNumber(textBoxA).forTargets(buttonA).setEnabled(false).forTargets(textBoxA).setStyleAttribute("color", "red").forTargets(label, link).setVisible(true);
// Create a handler to mark the input in textBoxA as valid
var onValidInput1 = app.createClientHandler().validateNumber(textBoxA).forTargets(textBoxA).setStyleAttribute("color", "black");
// only fire ServerHandler for onKeyUp if it passes validation
var textBoxHandler = app.createServerHandler('textBoxHandlerFunction');
// Add all the handlers to be called when the user types in the text boxes
return app;
function textBoxHandlerFunction(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
if (e.parameter.keyCode == 13)
app = getblowdetails(e);
return app;
function getblowdetails(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var panel2 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var link2 = app.createAnchor ().setStyleAttribute("color", "green");
var panel3 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var link3 = app.createAnchor ();
var panel4 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var link4 = app.createAnchor ();
return app;
I don't think you'll be able to actually download the result and show it. So, there's no easy solution.
But you can build that table and chart on Apps Script easily (assuming you can already fetch the info from tables using its API).
The last issue is the map. On Apps Script you can only create static maps, meaning, an image. You can add custom markers and polygons, set the zoom, etc. But in the end it's a photo. The user will not be able to drag it around or use the map as an embedded google map as one would expect.