Applying derivative operation on Signal in Matlab - matlab

I've been given the formula below to apply to a signal. I'm not sure how to plug this into Matlab, can anyone explain?
y(n) =1/8[2x(n) + x(n − 1) − x(n − 3) − 2x(n − 4)]

If x is your input signal and y is your output, the expression you have can be regarded as an FIR filter. You can write the coefficients of x in a vector as b = (1/8)*[2, 1, 0, -1, -2]; (the 0 in the middle is the coefficient of x(n-2)). Then you can apply it to your input data vector x using the filter function: y = filter(b, 1, x); (the 1 in the middle represents the coefficient of y(n)).
It may also be of interest to see the frequency response of the filter. To do so, you can use the freqz command: freqz(b,1);. See the documentation for more details, including how to calibrate the x-axis of the plot in Hz. Use of this function requires the Signal Processing Toolbox from the Mathworks.


How can I code a contour integral representation of cosine?

I am pretty new to MATLAB computation and would appreciate any help on this. Firstly, I am trying to integrate a cosine function using the McLaurin expansion [cos(z) = 1 − (z^2)/2 + (z^4)/4 + ....] and lets say plotted over one cycle from 0 to 2π. This first integral (as seen in Figure 1) would serve as a "reference" or "contour" for what I want to do next.
Figure 1 - "The first integral representation"
Now, my next problem comes from writing in MATLAB cos(z) in
terms of an integral in the complex plane.
Figure 2 - "showing cos(z) as an integral in the complex plane"
Where I could choose an equi-sampled set of points 'sn' along the contour, from 'sL' to 'sU'
and separated by '∆s'. This is Euler’s method.
I am trying to write a code to numerically approximate the integral
along a suitable contour and plot the approximation against the
exact value of cos(z). I would like to do this twice - once for
z ∈ [0, 6π] and once for complex valued z in the range
z ∈ [0 + i, 6π + ]. Then to plot both the real and imaginary part of the
computed cos(z)
I am aware of the steps I am looking to implement which I'll bullet-point here.
Choose γ, SL, SU , N.
Step through z from z lower to z upper (use a different
number of steps (other than N) for this).
For each value of z compute cos z by stepping along the contour in
N discrete steps from SL to SU .
For each value of sn along the contour compute the integrand e^(sn-(z^2/4sn))/sqrt(sn) and add it to the rolling sum [I have attached figure 3 showing an image formula of the integrand if its not clear!] Figure 3 - "The exponential integrand I am looking to compute"
Now I will show what I have attempted in MATLAB!
% "Contour Integral Representation of Cosine"
% making 'z' a possible number such as pi
N = 10000000; % example number - meaning sample of steps
z_lower = 0;
z_upper = 6*pi;
z1 = linspace(z_lower,z_upper,N);
y = 1;
Sl = y - 10*1i;
sum = 0.0;
for z = linspace(z_lower,z_upper,N)
for Sn = linspace(Sl,Su,N)
sum = sum + ((exp(Sn) - (z.^2/4*Sn))/sqrt(Sn))*ds;
sum = sum*(sqrt(pi)/2*pi*1i);
Edit1: Hiya, this figure will show what I am expecting - the numerical method to be not exactly the same as the "symbolic" integration lets say. In figure 4, the black cosine wave is the same as in figure 1 and the blue is the numerical integration method.Figure 4 - "End Result of what I expect to plot

How can find the Fourier Coefficents of this DFT?

I have a data which contains 16 elements:
x=[8.57837e-08, 2.07482e-06, 4.43796e-06, 7.66462e-06, 1.10232e-05, 1.35811e-05, 1.27958e-05, 5.94217e-06, 2.49168e-08, -6.58389e-06, -1.30551e-05, -1.345e-05, -1.07471e-05, -7.38637e-06, -4.42876e-06, -1.88811e-06 ];
A = length(x)
I do DTFT-DFT like dirac signals:
syms w
for i=1:length(x)
figure;fplot(angle(X_w),[0 2*pi]),title('DTFT phase graph')
figure;fplot(abs(X_w),[0 2*pi]),title('DTFT amplitude graph')
hold on
for k=0:N-1
for i=1:length(x)
The problem is I want to write this signal with cosinus and sinus components. But I don't really know how can I do.
Thank you all,
Direct computation of the Fourier coefficients might be a better option than trying to relate the DFT to the DFS. Looking at the continuous time formulas:
all you'd need to do is sum the input signal x multiplied (element wise) by a cosine over it's domain for the real coefficient and sum the input signal x multiplied (element wise) by a sine over its domain for the imaginary coefficients.
Secondly, you could potentially use conjugate symmetry and these formulas to calculate the relationship between your Xk and the desired An and Bn coefficients.
Xk = (An-j*Bn)/2
Xk* = (An+j*Bn)/2)

Downsampling in MATLAB - why scaling filter coefficients?

Trying to undertsand how MATLAB does resampling, looking at toolbox/signal/resample.m.
This is the part where low-pass FIR filter coefficients are calculated:
fc = 1/2/pqmax;
L = 2*N*pqmax + 1;
h = firls( L-1, [0 2*fc 2*fc 1], [1 1 0 0]).*kaiser(L,bta)' ;
h = p*h/sum(h);
(In this case pqmax and p both represent downsampling ratio.)
Not sure what is the purpose of last line where all filter coefficients are scaled by downsampling ratio over coeffs sum, p/sum(h)? Does anyone know the theory behind?
MATLAB firls
MATLAB kaiser
firls theory: Least Squared Error Design of FIR Filters
In most filters, you want the output magnitude to remain equal after filtering, not scaled up or down.
Mathematically this is generally properly done in the filter equation, but in discrete numbers this doesnt generally doesn't apply.
If you divide the filer by its sum, you make sure that for any input data p, the filter will always have a general scale factor of 1, as its normalized. For a p=ones(1:1000,1), if sum(h) is not 1, the result after filtering will be scaled, i.e. the values of p_filtered will not be 1.

How do I plot the frequency response of a digital filter in MATLAB?

I am trying to graph the frequency response. I was asked to use filter in MATLAB, but since I've read the manual, I still don't get how it performs a Z transform.
I have the impulse response of the digital filter written below:
for i=1:22;
y(i)= 0;
x(22) = 1;
for k=23:2523
x(k) = 0;
for n = 22:2522;
y(n) = ((1/21)*x(n))+((20/21)*y(n-21));
It's just a feedback system of y[n] = 1/21*x[n] + 20/21*y[n-21]
Below are my calculations to compute the Z transform of the above system, which ultimately determines the impulse response:
Z(y) = Z((1/21)*x(n)+(20/21)*y(n-21))
Y(Z) = (1/21)X(Z)+(20/21)*Z.^-21Y(Z)
Z(Z)-(20/21)*Z.^-21Y(Z) = (1/21)X(Z)
Y(Z)(1-(20/21)*Z.^-21) = (1/21)X(Z) // divide by X(Z)*(1-(20/21)*Z.^-21)
Y(Z)/X(Z) = (1/21)/(1-(20/21)*Z.^-21)
H(Z) = (1/21)/(1-(20/21)*Z.^-21) // B = 1/21, A = 20/21
H(Z) = (B*Z.^21)/(Z.^21-A)
How can I plot the frequency response of H(Z)? Should I use filter?
If you just need to plot the impulse response it's easy. The impulse response is the response of the digital filter to a Dirac pulse. You already have the difference equation, so you're already in 'z' and you don't care about the 's', you don't have to perform the 's' to 'z' transform (which is a topic in itself!).
So just generate a signal x(n) consisting of zeros everywhere except the first sample x(1) being 1. Pass it through the filter (yes, your difference equation). The y(n) you get is your impulse response h(n). That's basically what you did.
And of course if you FFT this h(n) you get the phase and magnitude response.
Use freqz from the signal processing toolbox (hope you have it). You first need to find the Z-transform, which you have already done here:
Y(Z)/X(Z) = (1/21)/(1-(20/21)*Z.^-21)
freqz takes in a vector of coefficients which correspond to the numerator and denominator of your transfer function. It's called like so:
freqz(b, a);
b and a are the numerator and denominator coefficients of your transfer function. This will produce a figure that shows the magnitude and phase response (hence frequency response) of the above system.
Therefore, all you need is to do this:
b = 1/21;
a = [1 zeros(1,20) -(20/21)];
freqz(b, a)
Take special note of the a vector. It has 1, followed by 20 zeros, then followed by -(20/21). Because you have a coefficient to the power of -21 and nothing else other than the 1 before it, that means that those coefficients between -1 to -20 are zero, and there are 20 of these coefficients that are zero in total, which is why we need to fill in the vector with zeroes between the 1 and -(20/21) term.
We get:
If you want to plot the poles and zeroes of your filter, use a combination of tf and pzmap:
sys = tf(b, a, -1);
tf creates a transfer function by specifying the numerator and denominator coefficients of your filter, and -1 implies it's a discrete-time filter, but we don't know what the sampling time is. pzmap plots the poles and zeroes in the z-domain with the unit-circle overlaid.
We get this:
This makes sense as you have no zeroes in your system, and 21 poles, as you have 21 delay elements when examining the discrete-time sequence in your example.
From Matlab's filter documentation:
filters the input data, x, using a rational transfer function defined by the numerator and denominator coefficients b and a, respectively.
As you might know, filtering an impulse input would give you the impulse response. It then remains to obtain those b and a coefficients.
You could either obtain those directly from the difference equation
y[n] = 1/21*x[n] + 20/21*y[n-21];
(as indicated in the rational transfer function link above) or equivalently from the rational transfer function you have derived:
%H(Z) = (B*Z.^21)/(Z.^21-A)
In either case, you should get the following a and b coefficients:
a = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20/21];
% or equivalently: a=zeros(22,1); a(1)=1; a(22)=-20/21;
b = [1/21];
% setup the impulse input
x = zeros(2500,1);
x(1) = 1;
% compute the impulse response
y = filter(b, a, x);
This impulse response can be plotted as you have done:
As far as how this related to the transform H(Z), the closed form expression you obtained can be evaluated in terms of a Laurent series expansion, which then has the coefficients of the time-domain y (impulse response) series.
However, H(z) is an analytic function defined in the |z| > R (where R=power(20/21,1/21) in your case) region of convergence in the complex plane. It is more typical to plot the frequency response, which corresponds to the H(z) evaluated on the unit-circle (i.e. for complex number satisfying |z|=1 or equivalently z = exp(j * theta) with theta in the [0-2pi] range). An efficient method to compute values of H(z) at regularly spaced points on that unit-circle is to take the FFT of the impulse response:
FrequencyResponse = fft(y);
P.S.: the computation of filter and fft can be done in the single call freqz if you have the signal processing toolbox (although you were specifically asked to use filter).

Unnormalization of ellipse coefficients after direct ellipse fitting

I am trying to understand the normalization and "unnormalization" steps in the direct least squares ellipse fitting algorithm developed by Fitzgibbon, Pilu and Fisher (improved by Halir and Flusser).
EDITED: More details about theory added. Is eigenvalue problem where confusion stems from?
Short theory:
The ellipse is represented by an implicit second order polynomial (general conic equation):
To constrain this general conic to an ellipse, the coefficients must satisfy the quadratic constraint:
which is equivalent to:
where C is a matrix of zeros except:
The design matrix D is composed of all data points x sub i.
The minimization of the distance between a conic and the data points can be expressed by a generalized eigenvalue problem (some theory has been omitted):
We now have the system:
If we solve this system, the eigenvector corresponding to the single positive eigenvalue is the correct answer.
The code:
The code snippets here are directly from the MATLAB code provided by the authors:
The data input is a series of (x,y) points. The points are normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation (in this case, computed as half the range). I'm assuming this normalization allows for a better fit of the data.
% normalize data
% X and Y are the vectors of data points, not normalized
mx = mean(X);
my = mean(Y);
sx = (max(X)-min(X))/2;
sy = (max(Y)-min(Y))/2;
x = (X-mx)/sx;
y = (Y-my)/sy;
% Build design matrix
D = [ x.*x x.*y y.*y x y ones(size(x)) ];
% Build scatter matrix
S = D'*D; %'
% Build 6x6 constraint matrix
C(6,6) = 0; C(1,3) = -2; C(2,2) = 1; C(3,1) = -2;
[gevec, geval] = eig(S,C);
% Find the negative eigenvalue
I = find(real(diag(geval)) < 1e-8 & ~isinf(diag(geval)));
% Extract eigenvector corresponding to negative eigenvalue
A = real(gevec(:,I));
After this, the normalization is reversed on the coefficients:
par = [
A(1)*sy*sy, ...
A(2)*sx*sy, ...
A(3)*sx*sx, ...
-2*A(1)*sy*sy*mx - A(2)*sx*sy*my + A(4)*sx*sy*sy, ...
-A(2)*sx*sy*mx - 2*A(3)*sx*sx*my + A(5)*sx*sx*sy, ...
A(1)*sy*sy*mx*mx + A(2)*sx*sy*mx*my + A(3)*sx*sx*my*my ...
- A(4)*sx*sy*sy*mx - A(5)*sx*sx*sy*my ...
+ A(6)*sx*sx*sy*sy ...
At this point, I'm not sure what happened. Why is the unnormalization of the last three coefficients of A (d, e, f) dependent on the first three coefficients? How do you mathematically show where these unnormalization equations come from?
The 2 and 1 coefficients in the unnormalization lead me to believe the constraint matrix must be involved somehow.
Please let me know if more detail is needed on the seems I'm missing how the normalization has propagated through the matrices and eigenvalue problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
At first, let me formalize the problem in a homogeneous space (as used in Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman's book Multiple View Geometry):
Assume that,
is our point in the unnormalized space, and
is our point in the normalized space, where lambda is an unimportant free scale (in homogeneous space [x,y,1]=[10*x,10*y,10] and so on).
Now it is clear that we can write
x = (X-mx)/sx;
y = (Y-my)/sy;
as a simple matrix equation like:
p=H*P; %(equation (1))
H=[1/sx, 0, -mx/sx;
0, 1/sy, -my/sy;
0, 0, 1];
Also we know that an ellipse with the equation
A(1)*x^2 + A(2)*xy + A(3)*y^2 + A(4)*x + A(5)*y + A(6) = 0 %(first representation)
can be written in matrix form as:
p'*C*p=0 %you can easily verify this by matrix multiplication
C=[A(1), A(2)/2, A(4)/2;
A(2)/2, A(3), A(5)/2;
A(4)/2, A(5)/2, A(6)]; %second representation
and it is clear that these two representations of an ellipse are exactly the same and equivalent.
Also we know that the vector A=[A(1),A(2),A(3),A(4),A(5),A(6)] is a type-1 representation of the ellipse in the normalized space.
So we can write:
where p is the normalized point and C is as defined previously.
Now we can use the "equation (1): p=HP" to derive some good result:
P'*(C1)*P=0 %(equation (2))
We see that the equation (2) is an equation of an ellipse in the unnormalized space where C1 is the type-2 representation of ellipse and we know that:
Ans also, because the equation (2) is a zero equation we can multiply it by any non-zero number. So we multiply it by sx^2*sy^2 and we can write:
And finally we get the result
C1=[ A(1)*sy^2, (A(2)*sx*sy)/2, (A(4)*sx*sy^2)/2 - A(1)*mx*sy^2 - (A(2)*my*sx*sy)/2;
(A(2)*sx*sy)/2, A(3)*sx^2, (A(5)*sx^2*sy)/2 - A(3)*my*sx^2 - (A(2)*mx*sx*sy)/2;
-(- (A(4)*sx^2*sy^2)/2 + (A(2)*my*sx^2*sy)/2 + A(1)*mx*sx*sy^2)/sx, -(- (A(5)*sx^2*sy^2)/2 + A(3)*my*sx^2*sy + (A(2)*mx*sx*sy^2)/2)/sy, (mx*(- (A(4)*sx^2*sy^2)/2 + (A(2)*my*sx^2*sy)/2 + A(1)*mx*sx*sy^2))/sx + (my*(- (A(5)*sx^2*sy^2)/2 + A(3)*my*sx^2*sy + (A(2)*mx*sx*sy^2)/2))/sy + A(6)*sx^2*sy^2 - (A(4)*mx*sx*sy^2)/2 - (A(5)*my*sx^2*sy)/2]
which can be transformed into the type-2 ellipse and get the exact result we were looking for:
[ A(1)*sy^2, A(2)*sx*sy, A(3)*sx^2, A(4)*sx*sy^2 - 2*A(1)*mx*sy^2 - A(2)*my*sx*sy, A(5)*sx^2*sy - 2*A(3)*my*sx^2 - A(2)*mx*sx*sy, A(2)*mx*my*sx*sy + A(1)*mx*my*sy^2 + A(3)*my^2*sx^2 + A(6)*sx^2*sy^2 - A(4)*mx*sx*sy^2 - A(5)*my*sx^2*sy]
If you are curious how I managed to caculate these time-consuming equations I can give you the matlab code to do it for you as follows:
syms sx sy mx my
syms a b c d e f
C=[a, b/2, d/2;
b/2, c, e/2;
d/2, e/2, f];
H=[1/sx, 0, -mx/sx;
0, 1/sy, -my/sy;
0, 0, 1];
a=[Cp(1,1), 2*Cp(1,2), Cp(2,2), 2*Cp(1,3), 2*Cp(2,3), Cp(3,3)]