How to safely override tab key just for indentation in emacs - emacs

I'm a new user to emacs, and I don't particularly like the way emacs modes handle indentation, especially when mixing modes (say ASP and perl). I have written the following functions to indent things the way a "classic" editor would:
(defun classic-indent (width)
"Tab the current line or block the 'classic' way"
(if (not (use-region-p)) (select-current-line))
(indent-rigidly (mark) (point) width)))
(defun indent-forward ()
"tab two space forward"
(classic-indent 2))
(defun indent-back ()
"tab two spaces back"
(classic-indent -2))
(defun select-current-line ()
"Select the current line"
(end-of-line) ; move to end of line
(set-mark (line-beginning-position)))
The idea here being to bind indent-back to <backtab> and indent-forward to <tab>. The functions work great when calling them with M-x, and the <backtab> binding works fine, but if I try to bind <tab> directly, it interfere's with all sorts of cool things like auto-completion. I tried setting indent-line-function with:
(setq indent-line-function 'indent-forward)
and setting my major modes indentation function with:
(setq cperl-indent-command 'indent-forward)
but neither has any effect. I'm not sure if I'm setting them wrong or if this is even the right approach.
to sum up, How can I override indentation with the tab key without clobbering other 'tab' behavior like auto-completion?

Emacs wiki has a whole category page about indentation and TAB: See that for other wiki pages about libraries or snippets that give you various kinds of TAB DWIM ("smart" TAB) behavior. Here are a couple:

It's likely the major-mode default is overriding your setting when you load a buffer. Do something like this ensure your indent-line-function is used buffer-local and it will work.
(add-hook 'elixir-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(electric-indent-mode -1)
(setq indent-line-function 'indent-forward)))


Indent code in org-babel src blocks

In an org-mode file, with code like the following:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook
(lambda ()
(when (within-the-body-of-a-begin-src-block)
I would like the TAB key to indent the code as it would if it were in a buffer in lisp mode.
What I need is:
A way to figure out whether the cursor is within a src block. It needs to not trigger when on the header line itself, as in that case the default org folding should take place.
A way to indent the code according to the mode (emacs-lisp in this case) specified in the header.
Org can already syntax highlight src blocks according to mode, and the TAB hooks are there. This looks do-able.
Since Emacs 24.1 you can now set the following option:
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
...and that should handle all src blocks.
Just move point into the code block and press C-c '
This will pop up a buffer in elisp-mode, syntax higlighting ad all...
Here's a rough solution:
(defun indent-org-src-block-line ()
"Indent the current line of emacs lisp code."
(let ((info (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light)))
(when info
(let ((lang (nth 0 info)))
(when (string= lang "emacs-lisp")
(let ((indent-line-function 'lisp-indent-line))
(add-to-list 'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook
It only handles emacs-lisp blocks. I've only tested with the src block un-indented (not the org default).
It is tough in general to make one mode work inside another - many keyboard commands will conflict. But some of the more basic strokes, like tab for indent, newline, commenting (org will comment the lisp code with #, which is wrong) seem like they could be made to work and would have the largest impact.
(defun my/org-cleanup ()
should do it, where `indent-buffer' is defined as:
(defun indent-buffer ()
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max)))

Overload a Keybinding in Emacs

I've looked through a number of other questions and el files looking for something i could modify to suit my needs but I'm having trouble so I came to the experts.
Is there anyway to have a key behave differently depending on where in the line the cursor is?
To be more specific I'd like to map the tab key to go to the end of the line if I'm in the middle of the line but work as a tab normally would if my cursor is positioned at the beginning of the line.
So far I have braces and quotes auto-pairing and re-positioning the cursor within them for C++/Java etc. I'd like to use the tab key to end-of-line if for example a function doesn't have any arguments.
Behaving differently depending on where point is in the line is the easy bit (see (if (looking-back "^") ...) in the code). "[Working] as a tab normally would" is the harder bit, as that's contextual.
Here's one approach, but I was thinking afterwards that a more robust method would be to define a minor mode with its own binding for TAB and let that function look up the fallback binding dynamically. I wasn't sure how to do that last bit, but there's a solution right here:
Emacs key binding fallback
(defvar my-major-mode-tab-function-alist nil)
(defmacro make-my-tab-function ()
"Return a major mode-specific function suitable for binding to TAB.
Performs the original TAB behaviour when point is at the beginning of
a line, and moves point to the end of the line otherwise."
;; If we have already defined a custom function for this mode,
;; return that (otherwise that would be our fall-back function).
(or (cdr (assq major-mode my-major-mode-tab-function-alist))
;; Otherwise find the current binding for this mode, and
;; specify it as the fall-back for our custom function.
(let ((original-tab-function (key-binding (kbd "TAB") t)))
`(let ((new-tab-function
(lambda ()
(if (looking-back "^") ;; point is at bol
(move-end-of-line nil)))))
(add-to-list 'my-major-mode-tab-function-alist
(cons ',major-mode new-tab-function))
(lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "TAB") (make-my-tab-function)))
t) ;; Append, so that we run after the other hooks.
This page of Emacs Wiki lists several packages (smarttab, etc.) which make TAB do different things depending on the context. You can probably modify one of them to do what you want.

Emacs cc-mode tab behavior

Pressing tab multiple time doesn't move text to the right. Is there is a way to make it behave like Visual Studio's smart indent? First tab indents, subsequent tabs move text to the next tab stop. Thank you.
Something like this?
(defun even-more-tabby-indent (&optional arg)
"This indent function tries to be more like Microsoft's IDEs
than `C-INDENT-COMMAND' and does the following: If we're at the
beginning of the line or `C-TAB-ALWAYS-INDENT' is true or `ARG'
is non-nil, indent like a sensible text editor. Otherwise the
user probably WANTS MOAR TABS. So call `C-INSERT-TAB-FUNCTION'."
(interactive "P")
(if (or c-tab-always-indent (bolp) arg)
(c-indent-command arg)
(funcall c-insert-tab-function)))
You'll then want to bind tab insertion with something like
(defun setup-tabby-indent ()
(local-set-key (kbd "<tab>") 'even-more-tabby-indent)
(setq c-tab-always-indent nil))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'setup-tabby-indent)
I haven't used MS Visual Studio in many years, so I'm not sure whether this is exactly what you're after, but hopefully it's pretty clear how to modify.
M-i (tab-to-tab-stop) takes you to the next tab stop.

Emacs global configuration of tabs

I'm attempting to switch from Vim to Emacs, but I'm tearing my hair out trying to configure it to treat tabs how I wish. I require:
Inserted "tabs" to be expanded into two spaces. Emacs stubbornly sticks to eight, no matter what I do.
Tabs (i.e. real \t characters) to be represented on screen by two spaces.
Pressing TAB should insert a tab at the cursor rather than indent the entire line. Currently, I press TAB anywhere and Emacs destroys all whitespace at the start of the line; this is the most infuriating thing so far.
My current ~/.emacs reads
(setq standard-indent 2)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
but I have tried no end of suggested configurations from the web, none of which have done what they said they would. (Does the API constantly change? I'm using GNU Emacs 23.1.1, apparently.)
Emacs has extremely flexible support for handling indentation. Generally the mode that you are in dictates how they work - so if you're working on a C file then the way that pressing tab works will be different than if you're working on a Python file.
So it does depend which mode you're working in, which will limit the answers you get. In most cases I would recommend that you don't fight against it - for me the indentation behaviour is one of the best features of emacs. However, you do need to spend the time to customize it for yourself.
To change the way that tabs are displayed you need to set tab-width to 2. If you're editing Java or C style code then it sounds like you want to turn off all the nice indentation features by these to NIL:
I suggest you set these through the customization interface. If you use "M-x customize-group RET C" then you can see the various settings for C mode.
If you're editting different types of files then the instructions will be different.
Perhaps emacs is in the wrong mode for your file. You could try doing "M-x fundamental-mode" to see if you prefer the behaviour there.
;; * Inserted "tabs" to be expanded into two spaces. Emacs stubbornly
;; sticks to eight, no matter what I do.
;; * Tabs (i.e. real \t characters) to be represented on screen by two
;; spaces.
(setq-default tab-width 2)
;; * Pressing TAB should insert a tab at the cursor rather than indent
;; the entire line. Currently, I press TAB anywhere and Emacs
;; destroys all whitespace at the start of the line; this is the
;; most infuriating thing so far.
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode t)
(mapcar (lambda (hooksym)
(add-hook hooksym
(lambda ()
(kill-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode)
(kill-local-variable 'tab-width)
(local-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'self-insert-command))))
;; add other hook functions here, one for each mode you use :-(
;; How to know the name of the hook function? Well ... visit a file
;; in that mode, and then type C-h v major-mode RET. You'll see the
;; mode's name in the *Help* buffer (probably on the second line).
;; Then type (e.g.) C-h f python-mode; you'll see blather about the
;; mode, and (hopefully) somewhere in there you'll see (again e.g.)
;; "This mode runs the hook `python-mode-hook', as the final step
;; during initialization."
This should get you most of what you want. You'll probably have to customize some other programming modes you commonly use.
(defun insert-tab ()
"self-insert-command doesn't seem to work for tab"
(insert "\t"))
(setq indent-line-function 'insert-tab) ;# for many modes
(define-key c-mode-base-map [tab] 'insert-tab) ;# for c/c++/java/etc.
(setq-default tab-width 2)

emacs: visual-line-mode and fill-paragraph

I am now using Emacs 23 with visual-line-mode turned of for text editing but keep hitting M-q out of habit (thus adding hard-wrapping line endings...). I wonder if there is a way to add a conditional to disable fill-paragraph (or remove the binding to M-q) for modes in which visual-line-mode is turned on, but to re-enable it for those in which I am still using the auto-fill-mode? Thanks!
(defun maybe-fill-paragraph (&optional justify region)
"Fill paragraph at or after point (see `fill-paragraph').
Does nothing if `visual-line-mode' is on."
(interactive (progn
(list (if current-prefix-arg 'full) t)))
(or visual-line-mode
(fill-paragraph justify region)))
;; Replace M-q with new binding:
(global-set-key "\M-q" 'maybe-fill-paragraph)
Instead of using global-set-key, you can also rebind M-q only in specific modes. (Or, you could change the global binding, and then bind M-q back to fill-paragraph in a specific mode.) Note that many modes are autoloaded, so their keymap may not be defined until the mode is activated. To set a mode-specific binding, I usually use a function like this:
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook
(defun cjm-fix-text-mode ()
(define-key text-mode-map "\M-q" 'maybe-fill-paragraph)
(remove-hook 'text-mode-hook 'cjm-fix-text-mode)))
(The remove-hook isn't strictly necessary, but the function only needs to run once.)
you can use an advise for this.
For your .emacs:
(defadvice fill-paragraph (around disable-for-visual-line-mode activate)
(unless visual-line-mode
This will change fill-paragraph to do nothing when visual-line-mode is on. You can also add an error if you prefer that.
visual-line-mode has its own keymap: visual-line-mode-map. I recommend rebinding M-q only in that keymap.
The map is defined as part of startup, so you don’t need eval-after-load. Just disable the binding in that mode:
(define-key visual-line-mode-map [remap fill-paragraph] 'ignore)