Watchdog monitoring UNIX domain socket, triggering events upon specific content - sockets

I am on an embedded platform (mipsel architecture, Linux 2.6 kernel) where I need to monitor IPC between two closed-source processes (router firmware) in order to react to a certain event (dynamic IP change because of DSL reconnect). What I found out so far via strace is that whenever the IP changes, the DSL daemon writes a special message into a UNIX domain socket bound to a specific file name. The message is consumed by another daemon.
Now here is my requirement: I want to monitor the data flow through that specific UNIX domain socket and trigger an event (call a shell script) if a certain message is detected. I tried to monitor the file name with inotify, but it does not work on socket files. I know I could run strace all the time, filtering its output and react to changes in the filtered log file, but that would be too heavy a solution because strace really slows down the system. I also know I could just poll for the IP address change via cron, but I want a watchdog, not a polling solution. And I am interested in finding out whether there is a tool which can specifically monitor UNIX domain sockets and react to specific messages flowing through in a predefined direction. I imagine something similar to inotifywait, i.e. the tool should wait for a certain event, then exit, so I can react to the event and loop back into starting the tool again, waiting for the next event of the same type.
Is there any existing Linux tool capable of doing that? Or is there some simple C code for a stand-alone binary which I could compile on my platform (uClibc, not glibc)? I am not a C expert, but capable of running a makefile. Using a binary from the shell is no problem, I know enough about shell programming.

It has been a while since I was dealing with this topic and did not actually get around to testing what an acquaintance of mine, Denys Vlasenko, maintainer of Busybox, proposed as a solution to me several months ago. Because I just checked my account here on StackOverflow and saw the question again, let me share his insights with you. Maybe it is helpful for somebody:
One relatively easy hack I can propose is to do the following:
I assume that you have a running server app which opened a Unix domain listening socket (say, /tmp/some.socket), and client programs connect to it and talk to the server.
rename /tmp/some.socket -> /tmp/some.socket1
create a new socket /tmp/some.socket
listen on it for new client connections
for every such connection, open another connection to /tmp/some.socket1 to original server process
pump data (client<->server) over resulting pairs of sockets (code to do so is very similar to what telnetd server does) until EOF from either side.
While you are pumping data, it's easy to look at it, to save it, and even to modify it if you need to.
The downside is that this sniffer program needs to be restarted every time the original server program is restarted.
This is similar to what Celada also answered. Thanks to him as well! Denys's answer was a bit more concrete, though.
I asked back:
This sounds hacky, yes, because of the restart necessity, but feasible.
Me not being a C programmer, I keep wondering though if you know a
command line tool which could do the pass-through and protocolling or
event-based triggering work for me. I have one guy from our project in
mind who could hack a little C binary for that, but I am unsure if he
likes to do it. If there is something pre-fab, I would prefer it. Can it
even be done with a (combination of) BusyBox applet(s), maybe?
Denys answered again:
You need to build busybox with CONFIG_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL=y.
Run the following as intercepting server:
busybox tcpsvd -vvvE local:/tmp/socket 0 ./
Where is a simple passthrough connection
to the "original server":
busybox nc -o /tmp/hexdump.$$ local:/tmp/socket1 0
As an example, I added hex logging to file (-o FILE option).
Test it by running an emulated "original server":
busybox tcpsvd -vvvE local:/tmp/socket1 0 sh -c 'echo PID:$$'
and by connecting to "intercepting server":
echo Hello world | busybox nc local:/tmp/socket 0
You should see "PID:19094" message and have a new /tmp/hexdump.19093 file
with the dumped data. Both tcpsvd processes should print some log too
(they are run with -vvv verbosity).
If you need more complex processing, replace nc invocation in
with a custom program.

I don't think there is anything that will let you cleanly sniff UNIX socket traffic. Here are some options:
Arrange for the sender process to connect to a different socket where you are listening. Also connect to the original socket as a client. On receipt of data, notice the data you want to notice and also pass everything along to the original socket.
Monitor the system for IP address changes yourself using a netlink socket (RTM_NEWADDR, RTM_NEWLINK, etc...).
Run ip monitor as an external process and take action when it writes messages about added & removed IP addresses on its standard output.


Bootstrapping a Staging Clojure App via REPL incl. fetching dependenices

Deploying Clojure/Java apps is hard, so I had this idea yesterday I want to understand better. If I spin up a machine that has Clojure and boot-clj installed and run boot wait repl -s -H on the machine (let's ignore auth for now), I should be able to connect to it from my dev box and trigger the retrieval of dependencies over the wire (which will then be cached on the machine), then wire over all the source code and eval until I hit a snag, right?
Let's pretend this is a good idea. Is it possible to do this, and what are the hurdles involved? Right now I'm waiting 5 minutes for CircleCI to package up an uberjar, then fail because some Heroku token expired but all I want to do is see my code running on a staging environment so I can wire some more code and re-eval it.
The first thing t hat comes to mind is nREPL auth, which I see is not mentioned in any of the nREPL libraries. So let's say that's a higher-level networking concern and I'll do ACL via VPC.
Has anyone done this? Why is it a bad idea? Can you show your recipe for bootstrapping a Clojure app on a remote machine without the use of git or SSH (aside from initial REPL start)?
I should be able to connect to it from my dev box and trigger the retrieval of dependencies over the wire (which will then be cached on the machine), then wire over all the source code and eval until I hit a snag, right?
Is it possible to do this, and what are the hurdles involved?
Yes, but you need to specify -b (address server listens on) instead of -H (host to connect client to):
$ boot wait repl -s -b -p 3000
nREPL server started on port 3000 on host - nrepl://
Then connect to it however you like, for example with lein repl:
$ lein repl :connect
Now you can add a dependency in the REPL and it'll be downloaded on the server/host. In the client REPL:
boot.user=> (set-env! :dependencies #(into % '[[clj-time "0.14.0"]]))
And if you're watching the server console you'll see it downloading dependencies:
Retrieving clj-time-0.14.0.pom from (3k)
Retrieving joda-time-2.9.7.pom from (32k)
Retrieving clj-time-0.14.0.jar from (22k)
Retrieving joda-time-2.9.7.jar from (618k)
And then back on the client side:
boot.user=> (require '[clj-time.core :refer [now]])
boot.user=> (now)
#object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x1f68b743 "2018-03-15T12:16:29.342Z"]
Has anyone done this?
Yes, I've seen people host nREPLs from remote servers and connect to them to tinker with a running system.
Why is it a bad idea?
Generally speaking, we want reproducible builds and stable artifacts to give some degree of certainty about what code is being released. Doing this type of development on-the-fly on-the-server works against those goals, making it harder to determine what code is running where. I'd try to structure the system (and its testing) such that this degree of remote dynamism isn't required for normal development.
It sounds like your primary problem is a cumbersome link (CI/CD) in your dev/test/run feedback loop. I'd explore other options for optimizing that feedback loop before going to dynamic dependency-hot-loading nREPL, if you can avoid it. Of course, it's there if you need it!
Can you show your recipe for bootstrapping a Clojure app on a remote machine
Personally, I only ever deploy JARs to remote machines, and usually in a container. By that time I've already exercised/tested the system locally and have some confidence it'll behave as expected. If most of your system is untestable without deploying, that may be a sign you should break it into smaller, more testable pieces.

Multiple could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer Postgresql and Resque

I have a server that runs Postgresql. in the logs I am seeing this message for my resque based 'worker' box, multiple times a minute. Some minutes there isn't a message, others could be 10 times.
2016-01-12 13:40:36 EST:[16141]: LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
Now when i go into the box to look at netstat -ntp i don't see a port 33899, and most of them are at least in the 40xxx range by now. That may be conjecture but I'm at a loss to find out why a Redis/Resque/Puma Rails stack would be printing out these messages, let alone what that means even if i get to the bottom of it.
Will I gain memory back if they are closed 'normally'?
Is this a thing to be wary of?
How does one debug OLD ports that are open when the db box and the worker box both don't display the ports any more?
This message is probably due to the resque worker task not closing the database connection before it exits. It's not a huge problem, but presumably Postgres is doing a little extra work to clean it up, and it makes a mess of your log file...
One solution is to add a hook to your resque worker's task file (the same file that contains the self.perform definition):
def self.after_perform(*args)

Implementing a distributed grep

I'm trying to implement a distributed grep. How can I access the log files from different systems? I know I need to use the network but I don't know whether you use ssh, telnet, or anything else? What information do I need to know about the machines I am going to connect to from my machine? I want to be able to connect to different Linux machines and read their log files and pipe it back to my machine.
Your system contains a number of Linux machine which produce log data(SERVERs), and one machine which you operate(CLIENT). Right?
Issue 1) file to be accessed.
In general, log file is locked by a software which produce log data, because the software has to be able to write data into log file at any time.
To access the log file from other software, you need to prepare unlocked log data file.
Some modification of the software's setup ane/or the software(program) itself.
Issue 2) program to serve log files.
To get log data from SERVER, each SERVERs have to run some server program.
For remote shell access, rshd (remote shell deamon) is needed. (ssh is combination of rsh and secure communication).
For FTP access, ftpd (file transfer protocol deamon) is needed.
The software to be needed is depend how CLIENT accesses SERVERs.
Issue 3) distribued grep.
You use words 'distribued grep'. What do you mean by the words?
What are distribued in your 'distributed grep'?
Many senarios came in my mind.
a) Log files are distribued in SERVERs. All log data are collected to CLIENT, and grep program works for collected log data at CLIENT.
b) Log files are distribued in SERVERs. Grep function are implemented on each SERVERs also. CLIENT request to each SERVERs for getting the resule of grep applied to log data, and results are collected to CLIENT.
What is your plan?
Issue 4) access to SERVERs.
Necessity of secure communication is depend on locations of machines and networks among them.
If all machines are in a room/house, and networks among machines are not connected the Internet, secure communication is not necessary.
If the data of log is top secret, you may need encript the data before send the data on the network.
How is your log data important?
At very early stage of development, you should determing things described above.
This is my advice.

Emacs-client - whats the minimal installation?

Lets say I have an Emacs-Server running on some remote server, with all the libraries and software necessary for running my application.
Then I want several clients to connect to that remote machine, using Emacs-client. Does each client need a full Emacs installation, or is there a minimal installation that is just enough to communicate with the remote server, where all the action is?
Could this (Emacs-)client installation be so minimal, that almost all software-updates can be done on the server, without affecting the Emacs-clients?
Is there a reason not to run the clients remotely as well, and simply use a local display? That way, pretty much all you need on the local machines is the ssh client and the X Window server.
ssh -X (user)#(server) "emacsclient -c"
Edits for the comments:
This command starts a new client to connect to an existing Emacs server (which it assumes is already running). You can use "emacsclient -a '' -c" to automatically start emacs --daemon if there is no existing server, but I don't know whether you want the connecting user to be starting the server.
In fact, I'm pretty unsure about the whole multi-user side of this to be honest, as I've never done that before. Authentication for the above is handled by ssh, but there may well be subsequent permission issues to deal with, or similar, when the server and the clients are started by different users.
This approach should be possible with Windows/Cygwin as client and/or server, as Cygwin provides Emacs, OpenSSH, and packages. (I regularly use Windows/Cygwin as a local display for Emacs running on Linux.) It may be harder to set up, though, and any permissions issues are probably different when you're using Cygwin.
I'm less sure how this would work without Cygwin. NTEmacs certainly won't talk to, so I imagine you'd be terminal based in that instance. (There are probably other options, but Cygwin sounds to me like the best-integrated approach to using all of Emacs, SSH, and X on Windows).
Lastly, I imagine you're probably getting your "Connection refused" error because localhost is not running a sshd daemon? I would say that configuration of ssh is outside the scope of this question, but there are lots of resources online for that.
Depending on what you're trying to achieve, you may be able to use a combination of Emacs and Screen. By starting up Emacs from Screen on the remote machine and detaching from it, you can subsequently re-attach from a different machine that doesn't have Emacs. Again, whether this will work for you or not depends on what you're trying to do; however, for many Emacs use-cases, this can be very effective. If you're not familiar with using Screen in this manner, here is some reading material:
screen - The Terminal Multiplexer
I am not sure that would be possible. emacsclient uses tramp to connect to a remote server, and just by looking at the number of requires in the tramp elisp files (41) it seems very unlikely. You can try it yourself with the following:
zgrep -oE "\(require '[a-z-]+\)" *el.gz | sed -e 's%[a-z0-9-]\+\.el\.gz:%%g' | sort | uniq -cu | wc -l
I'm not an expert in emacsclient, but I don't think is was designed to do what you're looking for. I think the general use case is that emacsclient allows you to redirect new requests to open a file with emacs to a persistent emacs process to avoid what may be a bit of an overhead in startup time. You seem to be looking for more of a true client/server relationship.
I think to meet the goal you're aiming at you'll probably need to look a little outside emacs, probably a project unto itself - 'emacsRemoteClient. It boils down to one or two models; the file you want to edit would need to have it's path sent over to the server machine so that emacs could do some sort of remote tramp access & then spawn the xwindow locally (using the local X env or requiring an x server on windows)... or two, transferring the file to some temp location on the server box and again spawning the remote x window locally (followed by syncing the changes between the tmp & local file).
Would be cool to have something like that... but suspecting it'll involve a bit of work. Maybe we just need a version of emacs written in javascript and it can live in the cloud or on your browser... oh to have emacs keybindings in the browser ;-)

SNMP traps not caught in Windows XP

I have an SNMP client, sending my PC SNMP traps with destination port 162.
I run a sniffer (Wireshark) from my PC, and see that the traps are indeed received.
The SNMP.exe and SNMPTRAP.exe system processes are up and running (I've even restarted them),and SNMPTRAP.exe is listening to port 162. I have no activated firewall (whether Windows or 3rd party).
The problem: On my PC I have three different applications, all registered to SNMPTRAP.exe. These are all off-the-shelf sw, not something I wrote. MG-SOFT Trap Ringer is, f.e., one of
them. NONE OF THEM CATCHES ANY OF THE TRAPS, and I have no idea where exactly the failure is.
Do you have any idea what may be causing this? Or how, perhaps, I can debug the SNMPTRAP.exe process?
You may disable Microsoft Trap Service in Services panel. Then MG-SOFT TRAP Ringer will work.
The reason is simply that when Microsoft's SnmpTrap.exe monitors port 162, it prevents other applications, such as MG-SOFT's one from monitoring that port.
How you can eliminate and corner the problem is, try below stuff.
How are sure its not catching traps ( since u see them in wireshark). I mean, should they be displayed on some GUI Screen, if yes are the fields empty? or logged into some file, if yes are you sure you are checking the correct file, have you configured either through conf files or command line options which file the traps need to be logged in?
If step 1 does not work, try installing or configuring the whole setup on different pc /laptop and see if it works?
If step 2 does not work, try a different trap daemon program ( SNMPTRAP.EXE), plenty of open source programs exist, if you could capture with different daemon program, then some issue with SNMPTRAP.EXE you are using.
I'm sure one of these steps should work for you, if not get back :)