ORMLite foreigncollection - object searching - ormlite

I'm using ORMLite & SQLite as my database, and I'm working on a android app.
1) I'm searching for a particular object in the Foreign-Collection object as follows.
Collection<PantryCheckLine> pantryCheckLinesCollection = pantryCheck.getPantryCheckLines();
Iterator iterator = pantryCheckLinesCollection.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
pantryCheckLine = (PantryCheckLine) iterator.next();
//i'm searching for a purticular object match
2) Or else I can directly query from the relevant table and identified the item as well.
What I'm asking is out of these two methods which one will be much faster?

Depends a bit on the particulars of your situation.
If your ForeignCollection is eager fetched then your loop will not have to do any database transactions and will, for small collections, probably be faster then doing the query.
However if your collection lazy loaded then iterating through the collection will go back to the database anyway so you might as well do the precise query.


How to constrain a query for number of items in ObjectStorage property in Extbase?

I want to build queries in my Extbase repository that can filter out objects with a certain number of items. items is of type ObjectStorage in the model.
I tried to get objects with at least 1 item in this query, but it obviously doesn't work because the method "greater than" won't count the items in the objectStorage.
$x = 0; //any number
$query = $this->createQuery();
$constraints[] = $query->equals('deleted', 0);
$constraints[] = $query->equals('hidden', 0);
$constraints[] = $query->greaterThan('items', $x);
return $query->matching($query->logicalAnd($constraints))->execute();
So how can I do this?
I was thinking about an SQL Statement, but how could I add it to constraints?
I don't want to do everything with SQL.
I don't see how you could do it without either using $query->statement or iterating the whole result without the "count" constraint and then throwing away the records with items lower than $x. (Apart from pgampe's approach that was posted at the exact same time.)
Which approach you take depends on performance considerations. If you have a small result set, doing a foreach on the QueryResult wouldn't hurt so much. But since every result is converted into an object in the process, you'll have a big overhead by doing so when you have a lot of records.
Keep in mind that using $query->statement won't make you lose the ability to work with the records as domain objects. So it's not a big deal to go this way.
You can create yourself a custom constraint that does this. Have a look at how it is done in the \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Qom\QueryObjectModelFactory.

EF 6 Caching withing a context

I have a single DbContext.. First I do:
var all = context.MySet.Where(c=>c.X == 1).ToList();
later (with the same context instance)
var special = context.MySet.Where(c=>(c.X == 1) && (c.Y===1).ToList();
The database is hit AGAIN! Since the first query is guaranteed
to return all of the elements that will exist in the second, why is the DB being hit again?
If you wish to avoid hitting the database again then you could try this;
var special = all.Where(c=>(c.X == 1) && (c.Y===1).ToList();
Since the list of all objects already contains everything you want you can just query that list and the database won't get hit again.
Your link expression is just a query, it only retrieves data when you enumerate it (for example calling .ToList()). You can keep changing the query and hold off actually getting the data until you need it. The entity framework will convert your query into an SQL query in the background and then fetch data.
Avoid writing "ToList()" at the end of every query as this forces the EF to hit the database.
If you only ever what to hit the database once then get the data you need by calling "ToList(), To.Array etc and then work with that collection (in your case the "all" collection) since this is the object holding all the data.

Fetch object by plain SQL query with SORM

Is it possible to fetch items by plain SQL query instead of building query by DSL using SORM?
For example is there an API for making something like
val metallica = Db.query[Artist].fromString("SELECT * FROM artist WHERE name = ?", "Metallica").fetchOne() // Option[Artist]
instead of
val metallica = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("name", "Metallica").fetchOne() // Option[Artist]
Since populating an entity with collections and other structured values involves fetching data from multiple tables in an unjoinable way, the API for fetching it directly will most probably never get exposed. However another approach to this problem is currently being considered.
Here's how it could be implemented:
val artists : Seq[Artist]
= Db.fetchWithSql[Artist]("SELECT id FROM artist WHERE name = ?", "Metallica")
If this issue gets a notable support either here or, even better, here, it will probably get implemented in the next minor release.
implemented in 0.3.1
If you want to fetch only one object (by 2 and more arguments) you can
also do the following:
by using Sorm Querier
Db.query[Artist].where(Querier.And(Querier.Equal("name", "Name"), Querier.Equal("surname", "surname"))).fetchOne()
or just
Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("name", "Name").whereEqual( "surname","surname").fetchOne()

QueryDSL: querying relations and properties

I'm using QueryDSL with JPA.
I want to query some properties of an entity, it's like this:
QPost post = QPost.post;
JPAQuery q = new JPAQuery(em);
List<Object[]> rows = q.from(post).where(...).list(post.id, post.name);
It works fine.
If i want to query a relation property, e.g. comments of a post:
List<Set<Comment>> rows = q.from(post).where(...).list(post.comments);
It's also fine.
But when I want to query relation and simple properties together, e.g.
List<Object[]> rows = q.from(post).where(...).list(post.id, post.name, post.comments);
Then something went wrong, generiting a bad SQL syntax.
Then I realized that it's not possible to query them together in one SQL statement.
Is it possible that QueryDSL would somehow deal with relations and generate additional queries (just like what hibernate does with lazy relations), and load the results in?
Or should I just query twice, and then merge both result lists?
P.S. what i actually want is each post with its comments' ids. So a function to concat each post's comment ids is better, is this kind of expressin possible?
q.list(post.id, post.name, post.comments.all().id.join())
and generate a subquery sql like (select group_concat(c.id) from comments as c inner join post where c.id = post.id)
Querydsl JPA is restricted to the expressivity of JPQL, so what you are asking for is not possible with Querydsl JPA. You can though try to express it with Querydsl SQL. It should be possible. Also as you don't project entities, but literals and collections it might work just fine.
Alternatively you can load the Posts with only the Comment ids loaded and then project the id, name and comment ids to something else. This should work when accessors are annotated.
The simplest thing would be to query for Posts and use fetchJoin for comments, but I'm assuming that's too slow for you use case.
I think you ought to simply project required properties of posts and comments and group the results by hand (if required). E.g.
QPost post=...;
QComment comment=..;
List<Tuple> rows = q.from(post)
// Or leftJoin if you want also posts without comments
.orderBy(post.id) // Could be used to optimize grouping
.list(new QTuple(post.id, post.name, comment.id));
Map<Long, PostWithComments> results=...;
for (Tuple row : rows) {
PostWithComments res = results.get(row.get(post.id));
if (res == null) {
res = new PostWithComments(row.get(post.id), row.get(post.name));
results.put(res.getPostId(), res);
NOTE: You cannot use limit nor offset with this kind of queries.
As an alternative, it might be possible to tune your mappings so that 1) Comments are always lazy proxies so that (with property access) Comment.getId() is possible without initializing the actual object and 2) using batch fetch* on Post.comments to optimize collection fetching. This way you could just query for Posts and then access id's of their comments with little performance hit. In most cases you shouldn't even need those lazy proxies unless your Comment is very fat. That kind of code would certainly look nicer without low level row handling and you could also use limit and offset in your queries. Just keep an eye on your query log to make sure everything works as intended.
*) Batch fetching isn't directly supported by JPA, but Hibernate supports it through mapping and Eclipselink through query hints.
Maybe some day Querydsl will support this kind of results grouping post processing out-of-box...

Difference between LINQ to Entities with and without ObjectResult

I have the following LINQ to Entities query...
var results = from c in context.Contacts
select c;
which works fine in returning a collection of contacts. But I have seen sample code that does this instead...
ObjectResult<Contact> results = (from c in context.Contacts
select c).Execute();
What is the difference? The ObjectResult also has a collection of returned contacts. Is it just syntactic or is there a real fundamental difference?
ObjectResult<> is simply the type returned by EF when you start enumerating the IQueryable<> (i.e. context.Contacts).
So if you immediately enumerate either of your two queries, semantically it is the same.
The only difference is that in the first example if compose more query operations they will get appended to the query sent to the database when you enumerate, whereas in the second example they will get applied in memory by LINQ to Objects.
Also Execute(..) provides somewhat easier access to MergeOptions (like, should the database copy overwrite copies already in memory or visa versa). You can do this using the MergeOptions property on the ObjectQuery<> too, but that is a little more cumbersome.
Hope this helps