How to integrate the facebook app in Page Tab - facebook

I am trying to Make a simple facebook tab landing page with an app, and I cannot seem to get it to work. I tried researching this, but a lot of the tutorials on how to do this is are out of date because they change the process on how to do this so often. I am attaching my settings screen and the error I am getting in a screen shot. Not sure what is wrong with my base url, but i know for a fact the page is at the location specified.
here is the screen shot

Be sure that in the Page Tab URL you point to a file in your server that already exist in your server.
If you can't access the page, try to add the whole file name in the Page Tab URL
like: http://mydomain.tld/filename.php
to start using the api take a look at the docs here:
Facebook JS API Documentation
Facebook PHP API Documentation

The Settings where you trying to configure the Tab is just not correct. The easiest way to do this is to install and configure it the way you want!


How to add Facebook App (webpage) as Tab on Facebook page

I have looked at existing questions but found nothing that answers my questions.
I have an app on facebook (its actually a webpage added as an app). I have added Page Tab as a platform. I also have a page for the app.
Now, I am trying to add this app to another page, as a tab.
I am not finding any way to do this right now. When trying to manage tabs, I can add apps. But I only see "notes" as an option. Any idea how to do that ?
The docs tell you how to add an App to a Page:
For example, open this in your browser with the appropriate parameters: will see a list of all Pages you manage and you can add the App to those.

How do I display a facebook app without the apps.facebook link

I have a facebook iframe app which opens properly with a link like<app_name>
However I want it to open with a profile like<name>/app_<app_id>.
For example:
Any idea how this can be achieved?
What you need to do is add this application as a page tab to gain accces to a URL like that.
More info on how to get started with your tab application can be found on Facebook's documentation -

Adding Facebook Apps to Page Tabs

I have googled and googled around for this and found the blog post from Facebook about remove app profile pages etc. I also found that you can go to this link:[ID NUMBER HERE]&display=popup&next=[URL OF YOUR DOMAIN]
The problem is what do i put in URL OF YOUR DOMAIN. I cant put a site url in the app settings because its not a web site application, its a page tab application. Any combo of URL's i try, it just errors with "URL not owned by application"
Any ideas or experiences with this?
Use FB.ui method of JS-SDK with method pagetab as shown in example of Add Page Tab Dialog documentation this will automatically provide needed info to dialog.
FB.ui({method: 'pagetab'}, function(){
// User either closed dialog or added tab, you can call Graph API to check...
You have to register the URL first with Facebook and then use it. First go to Then go to your app and hit [Edit App]. At the Basic Info section, you'll find a textbox requesting you to enter the APP Domain. Once you save it will work fine.
I simply entered, no http, no slashes.

FB App works in Iframe, but doesn't appear when used as Page Tab

Okay, allow me to say first off that I am working on developing my first FB app/page tab at the moment. I'm not looking for anything fancy yet, just workability.
That being said, I have managed to create a FB app that loads from the hosting requested, and displays it under the app page. I have also made it so that I can add it as a page tab to FB pages. What I am having an issue with is that clicking on the page tab for the app, it does not show any content in the iframe on the page, though it shows on the canvas page for the app.
So, my question is, do you have any ideas as to why it might be showing on a canvas iframe and not the page tab iframe? I am currently guessing that it has to do with how the signed request is processed, but am not completely sure. I am using the PHP SDK for FB given here: for the FB-related functions, and am tracing through that currently for where I might be going wrong.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks. =)
I had the same problem and was able to solve it by providing different (http vs https) URLs for the secure and non-secure canvas and page tab URLs. Just remove post the non-secure URL for the non-secure canvas/page tab URL fields. I believe this is because Facebook doesn't check to see if the user has secure browsing turned on until after they have logged in.
You could try to change the order of appear of the app tab; it worked for me.

Facebook tab application scripting

I have a web application that I am trying to port to Facebook. The app uses a few external javascript files. So initially I wanted to create an iframe Facebook application. However, it turns out that you cannot use iframes when creating a tab application(which is a requirement). By tab application I mean placing your app on the profile page next to the wall, info, photos, ect. tabs.
Does any one know of a good tool to help convert my javascript to the FBJS scripting? Or better yet does anyone have a work around so that I can include my own javascript in this tabbed application?
Thanks for the help.
From my understanding loading external js is disabled when the user first visits the tab page (the passive page). But, once a page loads and the user interacts with it in some way (ajax post, redirect) the page is "active" and you can run flash, javascript, etc...
If you're using Ruby on Rails and Facebooker, I wrote a nice little tutorial on how to inline your javascript inside a profile tab while keeping your code DRY :
I thought you might find this interesting, how to add a Live Chat Tab to a Facebook page: