I'm trying to call a report and send to local printer from a web app using JasperReports Server. There is a lot of documentation out there outlining output formats like PDF but I'm not finding anything on printing. I'm calling the report with url like
This downloads a pdf, is there anyway to get this to send to local printer?
This worked for me
w3m -dump_source "http://www.goo.com:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&j_username=joeuser&j_password=joeuser¶m=1&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports&reportUnit=%2Freports%2Fmyreport&output=pdf" | lpr
I need to download an archived google group.
Following link is one of the messages of that group for example.
The problem is, what i see in the browser does not appear in the downloaded webpage.
With my very limited knowledge, It seems to me like the reason behind it is this content is dynamically created by java-script. Or else, these downloaded files are with so called 'mbox' extension which is encrypted ?
What I've tried so far
First trys
Simple download
wget https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.aeronautics/ViFtpXfVm7M
With mirror
wget --mirror https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.aeronautics/ViFtpXfVm7M
Assuming its encrypted
With cookies.
wget --load-cookies=cookies.txt https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.aeronautics/ViFtpXfVm7M
Got thunderbird to setup my gmail and opening. did not open correctly
Assuming the content was javascript generated
Downloaded using phantomJS
Downloaded using phantomJS with a different script
Used scripts available from Github
But none did not work so far.
Can anyone please shed some light on how to download this page with its message as a readable html or txt file ?
You could use https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/sci.aeronautics/msgs/atom.xml?num=100 to get some of the posts - but it only gets roughly half the posts in this case.
And it has all the messages from all topics together.
View it in Firefox or Classic Opera to see directly in a more human-readable form.
But since you say you already got a file in standard mbox format, what exactly is wrong with it - did you attempt to import it into a locally installed email or newsclient ? (like Thunderbird)
I am trying to generate a pdf from a Tableau workbook which has two sheets using the url method:
E.g: https://TableauServer/views/workbook/sheet1?:format=pdf¶meter=value
I am doing this in a program which will issue the url request to the url. The url works fine for one sheet. But the problem is how to generate one pdf file with both sheets in it?
If you first put your two sheets into a single dashboard and then use the URL for the published dashboard (still using the format=pdf parameter), this should work just fine.
We know it's possible because within the Tableau pages itself if you download a PDF it gives you several formatting options, including the option to put all the worksheets in a workbook into a single PDF.
I couldn't find any documentation on it though. What I ended up doing was looking at the network console in the browser (usually F12) when I downloaded the PDF from the browser by clicking the Download button. That showed me the URL end point and the JSON body the server expected in the request payload.
The endpoint URL wasn't too cryptic and ended with "commands/tabsrv/pdf-export-server". The challenge was to take the JSON in the request payload and find the right settings to get it into a single PDF.
This method is a more technical approach and requires very little coding skills; any language that has functions for http calls will work (I use python for it).
If you don't mind doing it outside a browser, tabcmd has lots of functionality to control PDF generation at the command line.
As part of my web application, i am using iReport tool to generate reports and its working fine but my doubt is, is it possible to generate xls type report in browser like pdf (we can show the pdf file in the browser)? Means I need to show reports in xls file or word document in the client machine, is it possible? Can anybody clear my doubt?
Although it is a bit late, I'll try to give a generic answer
you can fetch your data to your local Jasper Reports server via JSON.
There is a sample of JsonDataSource in the 4.5.0 version of jasperreports at *\demo\samples\jsondatasource
to run report and receive output pdf, etc. you can use REST API for Jasper Server
then you send output to end user
I am developing an application which can upload Media files (Audio, Video, Image) to the server. I found out a way by using PHP server code we ware able to get the image in server and store it. I like to know what is the better way to upload a image to a server (SOAP or REST or using PHP).
Microsoft has an article on how to use DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)
IBM also has another way of sending soap attachments that seems a little older.
there are two way to upload the file using soap first is using base64_decode() and base64_encode() method
and anothere is using URL that is send by android (SOAP) php server..
code is
$tmpfile1 = './ABC.wmv'; (file from location)
$filename1 = 'video';
$handle1 = fopen($tmpfile, "r");(open in read mode)
$contents1 = fread($handle1, filesize($tmpfile1));
$profile_video = base64_encode($contents); (and decode it)
I support a web-application that displays reports from a database. Occassionally, a report will contain an attachment (which is typically an image/document which is stored in the database as well).
We serve the attachment via a dynamic .htm resource which streams the attachment from the database, and populates the content-type based on what type of attachment it is (we support PDFs, RTFs, and various image formats)
For RTFs we've come across a problem. It seems a lot of Windows users don't defaultly have an assocation for the 'application/rtf' content-type (they do have an association for the *.rtf file extention). As a result, clicking on the link to the attachment doesn't do anything in Internet Explorer 6.
Returning 'application/msword' as the content-type seems to make the RTF viewable when clicking on the link, but only for people who have MS Office installed (some of the users won't have this installed, and will use alternate RTF readers, like OpenOffice).
This application is accessed publicly, so we don't have control of the user's machine settings.
Has anybody here solved this before? And how? Thanks!
Use application/octet-stream content-type to force download. Once it's downloaded, it should be viewable in whatever is registered to handle .rtf files.
In addition to the Content-Type header, you also need to add the following:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=my-document.rtf
Wordpad (which is on pretty much every Windows machine) can view RTF files. Is there an 'application/wordpad' content-type?
Alternatively, given the rarety of RTF files, your best solution might be to use a server-side component to open the RTF file, convert it to some other format (like PDF or straight HTML), and serve that to the requesting client. I don't know what language/platform you're using on the server side, so I don't know what to tell you to use for this.