Extracting specific lines with Perl - perl

I am writing a perl program to extract lines that are in between the two patterns i am matching. for example the below text file has 6 lines. I am matching load balancer and end. I want to get the 4 lines that are in between.
**load balancer**
My question is how do you extract lines in between load balancer and end into an array. Any help is greatly appreciated.

You can use the flip-flop operator to tell you when you are between the markers. It will also include the actual markers, so you'll need to except them from the data collection.
Note that this will mash together all the records if you have several, so if you do you need to store and reset #array somehow.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array;
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^load balancer$/ .. /^end$/) {
push #array, $_ unless /^(load balancer|end)$/;
print #array;
load balancer

You can use the flip-flop operator.
Additionally, you can also use the return value of the flipflop to filter out the boundary lines. The return value is a sequence number (starting with 1) and the last number has the string E0 appended to it.
# Define the marker regexes separately, cuz they're ugly and it's easier
# to read them outside the logic of the loop.
my $start_marker = qr{^ \s* \*\*load \s balancer\*\* \s* $}x;
my $end_marker = qr{^ \s* \*\*end\*\* \s* $}x;
while( <DATA> ) {
# False until the first regex is true.
# Then it's true until the second regex is true.
next unless my $range = /$start_marker/ .. /$end_marker/;
# Flip-flop likes to work with $_, but it's bad form to
# continue to use $_
my $line = $_;
print $line if $range !~ /^1$|E/;
**load balancer**

If you prefer a command line variation:
perl -ne 'print if m{\*load balancer\*}..m{\*end\*} and !m{\*load|\*end}' file

For files like this, I often use a change in the Record Separator ( $/ or $RS from English )
use English qw<$RS>;
local $RS = "\nend\n";
my $record = <$open_handle>;
When you chomp it, you get rid of that line.
chomp( $record );


perl regex too greedy

I went through similar questions asked by other members and applied (or tried to apply) solutions from their inquiry but they did not work on my issue. My pattern match and grouping is too greedy and does not stop at first pipe(|). If I get more specific, I think it can but I'm trying to figure out how I can stop the pattern match at the first instance of the pipe?
Here are couple of lines
I'm expecting my perl script to return the following output from the above data:
I tried all this and few other veriations but could not get it to produce the above output:
#$msg =~ s/([^|]*).*|52=([^|]*).*|11=([^|]*).*/$1|$2|$3/;
$msg =~ s/(.+)\|??.*|52=([^|]*).*|11=([^|]*).*/$1|$2|$3/;
#$msg =~ s/^([^|]*).??|52=([^|]*).??|11=([^|]*).*/$1|$2|$3/;
#$msg =~ s/^([^\|??]*).*|52=([^\|??]*).*|11=([^\|??]*).*/$1|$2|$3/;
#$msg =~ s/(.*\|??).*|52=(.+\|??).*|11=(.+\|??).*/one $1|two $2|three $3/;
#$msg =~ s/(.*?|).*|52=(.*?|).*|11=(.*|?).*/$1|$2|$3/;
#$msg =~ /(.*)|??.*|52=(.*)|??.*|11=(.*)|??.*/$1|$2|$3/;
#$msg =~ s/|.*-[0-3][0-9]:/|/;
print "$msg\n";```
I realize there are other more than one way to skin the cat but there are cases where I need to use the pattern match approach. How can I get it to produce the expected output using the pattern matching where it stops each group at first pipe(|)? Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
Try this:
s/(.*?)\|.*\|52=([^|]*).*\|11=([^|]*).*/$1 $2 $3/;
There were a couple of pipe delimiters that needed escaping.
You need to look at non-greedy matching https://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch06_16.htm
The first matching group is (.*?) instead of (.*). The ? means we match as little as possible.
In general, for parsing FIX in perl, as long as there are no repeating groups, I would recommend splitting on | first and then creating a hash of tag-value pairs.
I would do it a little bit different - split line into array and work on individual element of array.
The regex may be an acceptable solution for one particular case if format of line predetermined and will never change.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $debug = 0;
while( my $line = <DATA> ) {
my #array = split /\|/, $line;
print Dumper(\#array) if $debug;
$array[7] =~ s/.+?-//;
$array[11] =~ s/\d+=//;
printf "%s\n", join '|', #array[0,7,11];

print lines after finding a key word in perl

I have a variable $string and i want to print all the lines after I find a keyword in the line (including the line with keyword)
$string=~ /apple /;
I'm using this regexp to find the key word but I do not how to print lines after this keyword.
It's not really clear where your data is coming from. Let's assume it's a string containing newlines. Let's start by splitting it into an array.
my #string = split /\n/, $string;
We can then use the flip-flop operator to decide which lines to print. I'm using \0 as a regex that is very unlikely to match any string (so, effectively, it's always false).
for (#string) {
say if /apple / .. /\0/;
Just keep a flag variable, set it to true when you see the string, print if the flag is true.
perl -ne 'print if $seen ||= /apple/'
If your data in scalar variable we can use several methods
Recommended method
($matching) = $string=~ /([^\n]*apple.+)/s;
print "$matching\n";
And there is another way to do it
$string=~ /[^\n]*apple.+/s;
print $&; #it will print the data which is match.
If you reading the data from file, try the following
while (<$fh>)
print <$fh>;
Or else try the following one liner
perl -ne 'print <> and exit if(/apple/);' file.txt

Matching of data from output table

We need to match certain data element by element that is an output in tabular form obtained on the command prompt.The following is the approach being currently followed wherein the $Var contains the output. Is there an optimal way of doing this without directing the command output to file.
Please share your thoughts.
$Var = "iSCSI Storage LHN StgMgmt Name IP Name
0 Storage_1 admin
1 acct-mgmt storage1
2 acct-mgmt2 storage2";
#tab = split("\n",$Var);
foreach (#tab) {
next if ($_ !~ /^\d/);
$_ =~ s/\s+//g;
$first=0 if($_ =~ /Storage/i && /;
push(#Array, $_); }
$_ =~ /Storage/i && / is silly. That gets broken up like this: ($_ =~ /Storage/i) && (/ Either use $_ consistently or don't - the // and s/// operators automatically operate on $_.
Also you should know that in the regex /, the .s are being interpreted as any character. Either escape them or use the index() function.
Additionally, I would recommend that you separate each line using split(). This allows you to compare each individual column. You can use split() with a regex like so: #array = split(/\s+/, $string);.
Finally, I'm not really sure what $first is for, but I notice that all three sample lines in that input trigger $first=0 as they all contain that IP and the string "storage".
If I understand you correctly you want to invoke your script like this:
./some_shell_command | perl perl_script.pl
What you want to use is the Perl diamond operator <>:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $first;
my #Array;
for (<>) {
next unless /^\d/;
s/\s+/ /g;
$first = 0 if /Storage/i && /;
push(#Array, $_);
I've removed the redundant uses of $_ and fixed your substitution, since you probably don't want to remove all spaces.

How do I remove a a list of character sequences from the beginning of a string in Perl?

I have to read lines from a file and store them into a hash in Perl. Many of these lines have special character sequences at the beginning that I need to remove before storing. These character sequences are
| || ### ## ##||
For example, if it is ||https://ads, I need to get https://ads; if ###http, I need to get http.
I need to exclude these character sequences. I want to do this by having all the character sequences to exclude in a array and then check if the line starts with these character sequences and remove those. What is a good way to do this?
I've gone as far as:
our $ad_file = "C:/test/list.txt";
our %ads_list_hash = ();
my $lines = 0;
# List of lines to ignore
my #strip_characters = qw /| || ### ## ##||/;
# Create a list of substrings in the easylist.txt file
open my $ADS, '<', $ad_file or die "can't open $ad_file";
while(<$ADS>) {
$ads_list_hash{$lines} = $_;
$lines ++;
close $ADS;
I need to add the logic to remove the #strip_characters from the beginning of each line if any of them are present.
Probably a bit too complex and general for the task, but still..
my $strip = join "|", map {quotemeta} #strip_characters;
# avoid bare [] etc. in the RE
# ... later, in the while()
# /o means "compile $strip into the regex once and for all"
Why don't you do it with a regex? Something like
$line =~ s/^[## |]+//;
should work.
If you want to remove a list of characters (according to your title), then a very simple regular expression will work.
Within the loop, add the following regular expression
while( <$ADS> ) {
s/^[## \|]+//;
$ads_list_hash{$lines++} = $_;
Note the pipe charachter ('|') is escapted.
However, it appears that you want to remove a list of expressions. You can do the following
while( <$ADS> ) {
$add_list_hash{$lines++} = $_;
You said that the list of expression is stored in an array or words. In your sample code, you create this array with 'qw'. If the list of expressions isn't known at compile time, you can build a regular expression in a variable, and use it.
my #strip_expression = ... // get an array of strip expressions
my $re = '^((' . join(')|(',#strip_expression) . '))+';
and then, use the following statement in the loop:
Finaly, one thing not related to the question can be said about the code: It would be much more appropriate to use Array instead of Hash, to map an integer to a set of strings. Unless you have some other requirement, better have:
our #ads_list; // no need to initialize the array (or the hash) with empty list
while( <$ADS> ) {
push #ads_list, $_;
$ads_list_hash{$lines} = $_;
$lines ++;
Don't do that. If you want an array, use an array:
push #ads_lines, $_;
Shawn's Rule of Programming #7: When creating data structures: if preserving the order is important, use an array; otherwise use a hash.
Because substitutions return whether or not they did anything you can use a
substitution to search the string for your pattern and remove it if it's there.
while( <$ADS> ) {
next unless s/^\s*(?:[#]{2,3}|(?:##)?[|]{1,2})\s*//;
$ads_list_hash{$lines} = $_;
$lines ++;

How can i detect symbols using regular expression in perl?

Please how can i use regular expression to check if word starts or ends with a symbol character, also how to can i process the text within the symbol.
(text) or te-xt, or tex't. or text?
change it to
(<t>text</t>) or <t>te-xt</t>, or <t>tex't</t>. or <t>text</t>?
help me out?
I assume that "word" means alphanumeric characters from your example? If you have a list of permitted characters which constitute a valid word, then this is enough:
my $string = "x1 .text1; 'text2 \"text3;\"";
$string =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/<t>$1<\/t>/g;
# Add more to character class [a-zA-Z0-9] if needed
print "$string\n";
# OUTPUT: <t>x1</t> .<t>text1</t>; '<t>text2</t> "<t>text3</t>;"
Based on your example you seem to want to DELETE dashes and apostrophes, if you want to delete them globally (e.g. whether they are inside the word or not), before the first regex, you do
$string =~ s/['-]//g;
I am using DVK's approach here, but with a slight modification. The difference is that her/his code would also put the tags around all words that don't contain/are next to a symbol, which (according to the example given in the question) is not desired.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub modify {
my $input = shift;
my $text_char = 'a-zA-Z0-9\-\''; # characters that are considered text
# if there is no symbol, don't change anything
if ($input =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) {
return $input;
else {
$input =~ s/([$text_char]+)/<t>$1<\/t>/g;
return $input;
my $initial_string = "(text) or te-xt, or tex't. or text?";
my $expected_string = "(<t>text</t>) or <t>te-xt</t>, or <t>tex't</t>. or <t>text</t>?";
# version BEFORE edit 1:
#my #aux;
# take the initial string apart and process it one word at a time
#my #string_list = split/\s+/, $initial_string;
#foreach my $string (#string_list) {
# $string = modify($string);
# push #aux, $string;
# put the string together again
#my $final_string = join(' ', #aux);
# ************ EDIT 1 version ************
my $final_string = join ' ', map { modify($_) } split/\s+/, $initial_string;
if ($final_string eq $expected_string) {
print "it worked\n";
This strikes me as a somewhat long-winded way of doing it, but it seemed quicker than drawing up a more sophisticated regex...
EDIT 1: I have incorporated the changes suggested by DVK (using map instead of foreach). Now the syntax highlighting is looking even worse than before; I hope it doesn't obscure anything...
This takes standard input and processes it to and prints on Standard output.
while (<>) {
s {
( [a-zA-z]+ ) # word
(?= [,.)?] ) # a symbol
{<t>$1</t>}gx ;
print ;
You might need to change the bit to match the concept of word.
I have use the x modifeid to allow the regexx to be spaced over more than one line.
If the input is in a Perl variable, try
$string =~ s{
( [a-zA-z]+ ) # word
(?= [,.)?] ) # a symbol
{<t>$1</t>}gx ;