Facebook Comments Plugin: Latest and Most comments? - facebook

I want to use facebook comments plugin on my website to allow users to comment on the articles on different pages. In that case, would it be possible for me to get a list of for example:
Latest comment posted anywhere on the website (for example to display on homepage)?
Users list with most number of comments?

You can analyze your comment plugin data with Facebook Domain Insights for your website.
First, you have to enable Facebook Domain Insights by adding a meta tag to your website. By this meta tag you relate your website with a personal Facebook account or a Facebook page.
You have to add one of these tags to your website:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="user_id" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="your_app_id" />
For documentation about Facebook Domain Insights, please visit the Domain Insights section in http://developers.facebook.com/docs/insights/
After enabling, you will see your domain appearing on Facebook Insights Page. Click on Comments Box section to analyze comment plugin data. There are various rich statistics.


Unable to share posts on my Facebook page

I found yesterday the some of the links of my website I want to post, can't be posted on my Facebook page.
After some research and reading in https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/, I found the some of the posts in my site are blocked but not all of them.
I got this message:
This link is blocked, or you have triggered an excessive amount of
scrapes. If you think you're seeing this by mistake, please let us
and this also
fb:app_id hasn't been included in the meta tags. Specify the app ID so
that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the
app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share
dialog. Otherwise, the default app id( 966242223397117 ) will be
And website is clean doesn't indicate any virus ...ets.
Some of the post's are OK but other are blocked and I can't get idea what is the difference between them.
Also check my open graph meta tag's, they also looks Ok. Any ideas how to fix this issue?
for the app_id issue:
Go to the following page: https://www.facebook.com/insights
Then use the "Create an App" and "Add your Domain" buttons to generate the app id for your site to be included in the meta tags on your web pages.
<meta property="fb:admins" content="1234" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="your_app_id" />
I have the same problem. It started after I updated my Yoast plugin to the latest version.

Facebook Comments Box - access all the comments on my website

How can I access all the comments from the Facebook Comments Box on my website?
When I checked the Facebook documentation, I have this link:
The comments for every URL can be accessed via the graph API. Simply go to: https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids={YOUR_URL}.
But it's only for one page, I want the global result for all the pages in the website.
Thanks for your help!
You can add yourself as a moderator (which is probably a good idea anyways) by adding this in head:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="{YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID}"/>
Or you can instead add a Facebook application (and all the moderators of that app) with:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}"/>
(but note that you can't do both).
Having done that, you can see all the comments to moderate here:
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anyway to subscribe to this queue.

Share link on facebook. facebook do not fetch to get description and image

I'm develop sucsongmoi.net (vietnamese language) and when viewer share link of site from their wall some link facebook get description and image, some link facebook could not get description and image.
eg: share sucsognmoi.net facebook do not get description, image
but when i share: sucsongmoi.net/nau-gi-hom-nay-84.html facebook could get description and image.
I feel odd because I implement same code for this.
when I share through:
then it works. Is that facebook cache my site (nhÆ° google index)? Then how can I update it?
thanks in advance
Here is a great tool facebook provides us to deal with exactly these issues -
Meet facebook's URL Debugger. With regard to YOUR problems, you can see from this report that facebook is unable to retrieve the title & url og:tags.... this is possibly due to the non-standard character set that you are using... can you try change the og:title value to something with only regular English letters? Or alternatively placing some Unicode characters instead.
I can not see ANY og:tags in your source. You can read more about Open Graph and the og:tags on this link.
Basically you have to place these tags in your page so that facebook can know what information to take and display when a user shares your url.
For example :
<meta property="og:image" content="http://ia.media-imdb.com/rock.jpg"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="IMDb"/>
This will tell facebook about the image to use and the website name.
If you want to control the information that is shown when your link is posted in a Facebook status then you must add some Open Graph tags to the head section of your web page.
They are explained here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/

facebook discussion on my web page - how to make comments visible for everyone?

I have facebook discussion on my web page and it works, but I'm unable to see comments of users that are not in my friend list.
For administrative purposes, which are described here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/ I've added between
<meta property="fb:admins" content="{YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID}"/>
with my facebook user id, but I am unable to find the administration settings or something like that. Thank you!

Facebook Site Linking Support

When someone posts a link to a web site in Facebook, it populates the link preview box with a photo and some text from the site.
If someone posts a link to my site in Facebook, it is generally just get the site's domain name and one of the images that appears on the site. No text appears.
I would like to be able to control what text and images appear in the link. Is there a specification that they use? Can I provide some metadata so Facebook will display what I want?
Here is Facebook's developer page on their share function.
Basically there are some simple metatags you can use to optimize what appears on FB
<meta name="title" content="title" />
<meta name="description" content="description " />
<link rel="image_src" href="thumbnail_image" / >
The wiki article doesn't mention this, but Facebook CACHES the results of your site for awhile. So, if you're debugging & doing quick iterations, you either need to wait awhile, or rename the page (index2.html, index3.html, etc) until you find something that works.