retrieving field by name from any Mapper in lift - lift

How do we retrieve desired filed from any mapper so as to use it in Query parameter.
In my case i want to find records where my 'desired-field' is having value = somevalue.
It tried the following way
// foo defined here...
def foo ( modelObject:Mapper[_])={
var field =modelObject.fieldByName("UserName").openTheBox.asInstanceOf[MappedField[_,Users]]
var requiredUser = modelObject.find(By(field, "dummyUser")
but then it forces me to specify the actual Mapper in the asInstanceOf[MappedField[_,Users]] ( Users instance is passed here ). I want to make it work for any Mapper and not just 'Users'.
It doesn't work with asInstanceOf[MappedField[_,_]]
I understand that each Mapper may not have the field that i want and In that case if the .fieldByName() function should throw some exception, it's acceptable. But at least for those having the filed, it should work.
can anyone help me in this...

def foo[A<: Mapper[A],T](modelObject: A) = {
val field = modelObject.asInstanceOf[Mapper[A]].fieldByName("userName").openTheBox.asInstanceOf[MappedField[T, A]]
modelObject.asInstanceOf[MetaMapper[A]].find(By(field, "dummyUser".asInstanceOf[T])
Can you do something like this when you call:

Instead of having a super method that does all that stuff why don't you pass the lookup function as parameter.
def foo[T](find: () => Option[T]) : Option[T] = find()
and call this:
foo[User](() => User.find(By(User.userName, "dummy"))


Understanding Some and Option in Scala

I am reading this example from their docs:
class Email(val username: String, val domainName: String)
object Email {
def fromString(emailString: String): Option[Email] = {
emailString.split('#') match {
case Array(a, b) => Some(new Email(a, b))
case _ => None
val scalaCenterEmail = Email.fromString("")
scalaCenterEmail match {
case Some(email) => println(
s"""Registered an email
|Username: ${email.username}
|Domain name: ${email.domainName}
case None => println("Error: could not parse email")
My questions:
What is Some and Option?
What is a factory method (just some function that creates a new object and returns it?)
What is the point of companion objects? Is it just to contain functions that are available to all instances of class? Are they like class methods in Ruby?
What is Some and Option?
Option is a data structure that represents optionality, as the name suggests. Whenever a computation may not return a value, you can return an Option. Option has two cases (represented as two subclasses): Some or None.
In the example above, the method Email.fromString can fail and not return a value. This is represented with Option. In order to know whether the computation yielded a value or not, you can use match and check whether it was a Some or a None:
Email.fromString("") match {
case Some(email) => // do something if it's a Some
case None => // do something it it's a None
This is much better than returning null because now whoever calls the method can't possibly forget to check the return value.
For example compare this:
def willReturnNull(s: String): String = null
willReturnNull("foo").length() // NullPointerException!
with this
def willReturnNone(s: String): Option[String] = None
willReturnNone("foo").length() // doesn't compile, because 'length' is not a member of `Option`
Also, note that using match is just a way of working with Option. Further discussion would involve using map, flatMap, getOrElse or similar methods defined on Option, but I feel it would be off-topic here.
What is a factory method (just some function that creates a new object and returns it?)
This is nothing specific to Scala. A "factory method" is usually a static method that constructs the value of some type, possibly hiding the details of the type itself. In this case fromString is a factory method because it allows you create an Email without calling the Email constructor with new Email(...)
What is the point of companion objects? Is it just to contain functions that are available to all instances of class? Are they like class methods in Ruby?
As a first approximation, yes. Scala doesn't have static members of a class. Instead, you can have an object associated with that class where you define everything that is static.
E.g. in Java you would have:
public class Email {
public String username;
public String domain;
public static Optional<Email> fromString(String: s) {
// ...
Where as in Scala you would define the same class as roughly:
class Email(val username: String, val domain: String)
object Email {
def fromString(s: String): Option[Email] = {
// ...
I would like to add some examples/information to the third question.
If you use akka in companion object you can put every message that you use in case method (it should proceed and use by actor). Moreover, you can add some val for a name of actors or other constant values.
If you work with JSON you should create a format for it (sometimes custom reads and writes). This format you should put inside companion object. Methods to create instances too.
If you go deeper to Scala you can find case classes. So a possibility to create an object of this class without new is because there is a method apply in "default" companion object.
But in general, it's a place where you can put every "static" method etc.
About Option, it provides you a possibility to avoid some exception and make something when you don't have any values.
Gabriele put an example with email, so I'll add another one.
You have a method that sends email, but you take email from User class. The user can have this field empty, so if we have something like it
val maybeEmail: Option[String] = you can use for example map to send an email => sendEmail(email))
So if you use it, during writing methods like above you don't need to think that user specify his email or not :)

Scala: Dynamic selection criteria as a method argument

My intention is to create a function in Scala which accepts some kind of a dynamic query (similar to case expressions in pattern matching) and returns matching instances inside a List. Suppose that the list consists of instances of case class Person which has few properties with different types. The function should be able to accept a dynamic combination of values for some of the fields, and return matching Persons. I am specifically looking for a clean solution. One possible ways to use such a function would be to pass an object with an anonymous type as the query (the "pattern"):
def find(?): List<Person> = { ? }
val matches = find(new { val name = "Name"; val gender = Gender.MALE })
Ideally, I would like to develop a clean way of passing conditions, instead of concrete values, but it's not essential. Since I am learning Scala, I am not aware of all the techniques to implement such a thing. In C#, I used an anonymous type (similar to the second line of code above) and dynamic parameters to achieve something similar. What is a clean and elegant solution in Scala?
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but let's try it this way:
First, we define Person as case class Person(name: String, gender: Gender.Value) where Gender is an already defined enum.
Then we create a Query case class which has the same fields, but as options which default to None, and a method for comparing the query to a person:
case class Query(name: Option[String] = None,
gender: Option[Gender.Value] = None){
def ===(person: Person) = check(, name) &&
check(person.gender, gender)
private def check[T](field: T, q: Option[T]) = field == q.getOrElse(field)
Unfortunately, in this solution === has to call check separately for each field. Let's leave it like that for now. Maybe it is sufficient (because, for example, the list of fields will not change).
Note that check returns true if the query's option is None, sot you don't have to pass all fields of the query:
val q = Query(name = Some("Ann")) // the gender is not important
q === Person("Ann", Gender.FEMALE) // returns true
And finally the find method:
def find(people: List[Person], query: Query) = people.filter(query === _)

Scala Implicit parameters by passing a function as argument To feel the adnvatage

I try to feel the advantage of implicit parameters in Scala. (EDITED: special case when anonymous function is used. Please look at the links in this question)
I try to make simple emulation based on this post. Where explained how Action works in PlayFramework. This also related to that.
The following code is for that purpose:
object ImplicitArguments extends App {
implicit val intValue = 1 // this is exiting value to be passed implicitly to everyone who might use it
def fun(block: Int=>String): String = { // we do not use _implicit_ here !
block(2) // ?? how to avoid passing '2' but make use of that would be passed implicitly ?
// here we use _implicit_ keyword to make it know that the value should be passed !
val result = fun{ implicit intValue => { // this is my 'block'
intValue.toString // (which is anonymous function)
println(result) // prints 2
I want to get "1" printed.
How to avoid passing magic "2" but use "1" that was defined implicitly?
Also see the case where we do not use implicit in definition, but it is there, because of anonymous function passing with implicit.
Just in case, I'm posting another example - simple emulation of how Play' Action works:
object ImplicitArguments extends App {
case class Request(msg:String)
implicit val request = Request("my request")
case class Result(msg:String)
case class Action(result:Result)
object Action {
def apply(block:Request => Result):Action = {
val result = block(...) // what should be here ??
new Action(result)
val action = Action { implicit request =>
Result("Got request [" + request + "]")
Implicits don't work like this. There is no magic. They are just (usually) hidden parameters and are therefore resolved when invoking the function.
There are two ways to make your code work.
you can fix the implicit value for all invocations of fun
def fun(block: Int=>String): String = {
implicitly is a function defined in Predef. Again no magic. Here's it's definition
def implicitly[A](implicit value: A) = value
But this means it will resolve the implicit value when declaring the fun and not for each invocation.
If you want to use different values for different invocations you will need to add the implicit paramter
def fun(block: Int=>String)(implicit value: Int): String = {
This will now depend on the implicit scope at the call site. And you can easily override it like this
val result = fun{ _.toString }(3)
and result will be "3" because of the explicit 3 at the end. There is, however, no way to magically change the fun from your declaration to fetch values from implicit scope.
I hope you understand implicits better now, they can be a bit tricky to wrap your head around at first.
It seems that for that particular case I asked, the answer might be like this:
That this is not really a good idea to use implicit intValue or implicit request along with implicitly() using only one parameter for the function that accept (anonymous) function.
Why not, because:
Say, if in block(...) in apply() I would use implicitly[Request], then
it does not matter whether I use "implicit request" or not - it will use
request that is defined implicitly somewhere. Even if I would pass my
own request to Action { myOwnRequest =Result }.
For that particular case is better to use currying and two arguments and.. in the second argument - (first)(second) to use implicit
Like this:
def apply(block:Request => Result)(implicit request:Request):Action2
See my little effort around this example/use case here.
But, I don't see any good example so far in regards to how to use implicit by passing the (anonymous) function as argument (my initial question):
fun{ implicit intValue => {intValue.toString}
or that one (updated version):
val action = Action { implicit request =>
Result("Got request [" + request + "]")

nested "if"/"match" statement in scala: better approach?

I have a series of validation functions that returns an Option[Problem], if any, or None if no validation problems are found.
I would like to write a simple function that calls each validation function, stop and return the first not-None result.
Naturally I can write this method in the "java-style", but I would like to know if a better approach exists.
This was the original Java solution:
Each method throws an exception in case of problem. I would stay away from the exceptions while I'm writing Scala.
As an example, let's say we want to validate a String. Our validation function takes a String and a list of validators, which are functions from String to Option[Problem]. We can implement it in a functional manner like this:
def firstProblem(validators: List[String => Option[Problem]], s:String) =
This creates a new list by applying each validation function to the string and keeping the result only if it is a Some. We then take the first element of this List. Because of the call to view, the list will be computed only as needed. So as soon as the first Problem is found, no further validators will be called.
If you have finite and known at compile time number of validations you may use .orElse on Options:
def foo(x: Int): Option[Problem] = ...
def bar(x: Int): Option[Problem] = ...
def baz(x: Int): Option[Problem] = ...
foo(1) orElse bar(2) orElse .. baz(n)
Maybe you want--assuming the validation functions take no arguments
def firstProblem(fs: (() => Option[Problem])*) = { => f()).find(_.isDefined).flatten
You'll get an existing Option[Problem] if there are any, or None if they all succeed. If you need to pass arguments to the functions, then you need to explain what those arguments are. For example, you could
def firstProblem[A](a: A)(fs: (A => Option[Problem])*) = /* TODO */
if you can pass the same argument to all of them. You would use it like this:

In Scala, is there a way to have two overloaded methods that only differ in whether an implicit is available?

I'm writing a Scala application that accesses a database. Most of the time, there will be a connection available, but sometimes there won't be. What I'd like to do is something like the following:
object User {
def authenticate(username: String, password: String)
(implicit conn: Connection): Option[User] = {
// use conn to grab user from db and check that password matches
// return Some(user) if so, None if not
def authenticate(username: String, password: String): Option[User] = {
implicit val conn = DB.getConnection()
authenticate(username, password)
What I hoped would happen is that, if there's an implicit value of type Connection available, the compiler would use the first method. If not, it would use the second. Unfortunately, I've discovered that the compiler isn't quite that smart or, if it is, I'm not telling it what to do in the right way.
So, my basic question is, is there a way to write a method that expects an implicit argument and then provide an overloaded version of the same method that creates an acceptable value of the implicit parameter's type if there isn't one available.
You might say, "Why would you want to do such a thing? If you can create an acceptable value of the appropriate type, why not just always do it?" And that's mostly true, except that if I have an open database connection, I'd prefer to go ahead and use it rather than creating a new one. However, if I don't have an open database connection, I know where to get one.
I mean, the simple answer is to just give the two methods different names, but I shouldn't have to, gosh-darn-it. But maybe I do...
You don't need overloaded methods. Just give your implicit parameter a default value, i.e.
object User {
def authenticate(username:String, password:String)(implicit conn:Connection = null): Option[User] = {
val real_conn = Option(conn).getOrElse(DB.getConnection())
// do the rest with the real_conn
The cleaner solution which I can think of is using nested methods and as someone suggested, default values for implicits.
class Testclass {
def myMethod(a:Int)(implicit b:Option[Int]=None):Int = {
def myMethodInternal(a:Int, b:Int):Int = {
// do something
val toUse = b.getOrElse(30)
Inside your method you define an myMethodInternal, which takes no implicits but only explicits parameters. This method will be visible only inside myMethod, and you will prepare your second parameter like the following:
val toUse = b.getOrElse(30)
And finally call your method with explicits parameters: