Missing Link for Scala and simplifying JDBC [closed] - scala

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm trying to get hold of an article that is supposed to be at http://scala.sygneca.com/code/simplifying-jdbc, but for the last week that site has timed out and I can't find the link cached on Google either. Does anyone know where I could find a copy of that article?


The old wiki got not delete it got migrated, here is the page you look for on the new wiki:


Delete all messages of facebook on one go [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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how i may delete all the messages of face book on one go note that i am using latest version of Facebook with timelines option on
once i done this with the help of crome addon but now that add on is not working due to some changes in facebook message page .
You can't. There is no SDK function call to do so.

bitbuckes and privacy [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've created an account on BitBucket.org and was going to upload my code on it. Now, wondering if it will allow public have access to the code like GitHub as it does if you go with free account.
Does anybody have experience with it?
The docs are pretty clear
Someone didn't make any attempt at all.

What does this link mean? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I saw this:
But I've seen it loads. The part I'm referring to is:
Is this some kind of tracking tool? And if so, what? I got this link off facebook, but I've seen it on Adwords too...
All the utm_ query string parameters are to do with Google Analytics.

Which file or directory do I point to for the Application Upload step for the Apple App Store? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have read several sites and they all say to upload the app, but I don't know what the exact file to point to is. Anybody out there know the answer?
As it turns out, there was a really helpful question which I didn't find. It is How can I build for release/distribution on the Xcode 4?
In the answers was one by benvolioT which points to a webpage. This webpage is just the answer for this question. It is worth bookmarking.

Google blogger in objective-c/iPhone [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How can i post blog on google blogger in my iPhone application. Is there any open source project?
There is no narive Ojective-C framework aa far as I know, but you can do it using the Blogger Protocol API. It does mean you'll have to do some of the dirty work, but it should work for you. If you have problems with it you can always post them here on Stack Overflow and I or someone else will try to help.