display iPhone-View in a UIPopoverController on iPad (iPhone SDK) - iphone

i'm porting at the moment a iPhone-App to iPad.
I have to redesign some views but some views i want to present in iphone-size as popover.
Popovers are working well, but the content in the view in the popover has a wrong position.
There is a white border around the view an all UI-elements have a wrong position.
How can I make a correct position?

The problem was a missing target-membership of the NIB-Files to show.
I added the nibs to my ipad-Target and it worked.
But there is a new problem: It only work every second build.
Every second build there is the old error.
Have anyone an idea?


iOS7 issue with container view

EDIT**: Although someone has decided they would like to down vote without a reason I'm going to leave this up. I noticed that in viewDidLoad of my view controller container, the content view I setup was the same size as in IB. When I later tried to load other views with my view container controller, the content view had changed it's bounds. Hope this helps anyone else that has a similar issue. The excepted answer worked. Since this is a build for iOS 6 a simple check of OS version made this an easy fix.
I have a strange issue that seems to be iOS7 related. This is an iOS6 targeted app. I have followed apples own docs about creating custom container views here. The problem I'm seeing in iOS7 is the first view I load is within the proper bounds of the content view i have defined, the other two are filling the bounds of the entire screen so it hides under the navigation bar with my segmented control. I defined the view I'm loading in a separate view controller in storyboards. Is there some sort of constraint that is working against me?
I should add that I have noticed the content view I defined in my container controller is actually changing it's size after the initial view is loaded. I'm at a loss of how to stop iOS7 from changing that UIViews frame size when it really shouldn't be changing.
Here are some screenshots. Code is pretty much the same as in the apple docs, have tried a few other ideas, defining bounds etc. but I think it has something to do with IB since the content view is changing its bounds. It appears to only be doing so in iOS7.
There is actually a proper way to fix this,
Set edgesForExtendedLayout to UIRectEdgeNone for the view under the tab bar.
Of course, I might've just looked at the pictures and assumed this was your problem...sorry if its completely unrelated..
That's a known 'issue' in iOS 7. Since you can now have a blurred look through the UINavigationBars, UITabBars, ... This also causes issues in native apps (e.g. the Photos App) or APIs.

UIButton images look fine in IB but get stretched when displayed on app

I'm developing an Enterprise app for tracking mileage and maintenance for company vehicles. I've added graphic buttons to snazz it up a bit. The buttons look the way they're supposed to look on the XIB in IB, and on the iPhone all other UIViews look correct, but on one particular UIView the graphic images are stretched way out of proportion vertically.
The first image below shows how it's supposed to look, with the three graphics buttons at the bottom. The second image shows how it's showing on the phone. The Help button on this screen cap shows normally, but it can't be counted on to stay that way.
It also is not consistent. Calling this view at any time may show the image stretched or it may not show an image at all. It rarely shows the image normally, like the Help button looks below.
The development phone is a 4S running 6.1.3. The views are set for the Retina 3.5 screen. XCode is the latest (whatever it is).
Again, it's only on this one view that the problem shows up. There is another UIView on the same view controller that is hidden when this UIView is shown. The button graphics on the other view look fine. All of the other views and view controllers use the same graphics on the UIButton, without any problem.
In Interface Builder (Xcode) you created the view using a 4.5-inch screen height.
But the device where you are seeing the problem is a 5-inch screen. So the view is resized to fit.
And when it does that, the autolayout constraints that Interface Builder put on those subviews take over to determine what they do. Those constraints are causing the heights to change.
No need to turn Autolayout off. Autolayout can be very useful, but it seems to enjoy randomly assigning the constraint "Align Baseline to:" to UIButtons after repositioning them.
Just select the UIButton/UIImageView in question inside Storyboard, locate the constraint "Align Baseline to:", tap the gear icon and select "Promote to User Constraint", and tap once more and select "Delete". This should solve your issue.
In response to the comments here, I will answer my own question: I turned Autolayout off for this view controller, and that fixed everything. This is the first app I have written since XCode has begun development for the iPhone 5, so I wasn't aware of the Autolayout feature. I'll need to understand how it works and why it did what it did.
Thanks for all your help!

Xib Size - seems to think its longer than it is

This is a bit of a strange one, but basically I am having a problem whereby the xib size of my initial view controller seems to be longer than the screen.
So, if you have an ad banner set to be on the bottom of the screen... If I run the app in simulator, it does not show on iPhone 3GS/4/4S devices, yet WILL show on the iPhone 5.
I have tried changing the xib size settings, I even created a new xib file, but the same problem is occuring which leads me to believe it is hardcoded somewhere, but I cannot think where to look for this.
It is basically like it thinks the bottom of the screen is about 30-50px more than what it actually is... Hence why the iPhone5 displays ok as it has the taller screen.
Any help would be appreciated!
Its bcoz of the StatusBar. It reserve 20px of screen . You can remove this space by do change in Status bar is initially hidden in plist and set status bar to NONE in IB.
The iPhone 5 has a taller screen. The most flexible way to lay out your xib is via AutoLayout. Here is a tutorial to get you started:
Basically, you want the ad banner to be contrained to the bottom of the view.

iPhone MapView gets removed

I have a tabBar in my application. In one of the section i have two views which i toggle between using segment buttons.
In one of the view i have MapView which i use to display list of users using their pic as annotation. On the other view i have tableView which shows the same users in table format.
Now everything is working fine, i am getting all the users and it displays fine on the map. It works perfectly most of the time on all device and all iOS but sometimes when i bring the mapView to front or toggle or try to zoom in. Both the views (tableView and mapView) just gets removed somehow and i see black screen (which is btw my superview so thats not a problem).
Does anyone know why this happens. It happens frequently on iPhone 3G the older iPhone.
Thanx for any help.
I've had the same problem. I think it's due to low memory to which your app responds by deallocating the tableView and mapView. My solution was to have both views allocated in viewDidLoad. I'm not 100% sure about this, but you could give it a try.

displaying a smaller UIWebView as a form sheet

I'm trying to pop up a UIWebView on iPad with a web site that is specifically sized for the iPhone (320x480). I want the web view to be centered, and transition in using a zooming animation. Other apps have this functionality, but I can't seem to find out how to do it. I've tried various combinations of presentation & transition style, but no matter what I do, the web view takes up the entire screen and slides vertically to cover the screen. I've made the web view 320x480 in IB, and am using UIModalPresentationStyleFormSheet, which should make it at least slide up into the center of the screen using a small window, but that is not occurring.
anyone know what's wrong?
Are you setting the property of the parent UIViewController or the modal UIViewController? Because you should be setting the properties of the modal UIViewController before presenting the controller instead of the parent.
This might be no help at all because you're doing the right thing, but it was the first error I made when starting to use MVCs.
maybe any of the autosize property is set. just do one thing bind your webview with the code and through code try to set the frame. Hope it will work as it worked many times to me when i faced similar types of problem.