Is there a a way to migrate data from Core Data to Online Database? - iphone

My app currently uses core data. I created a new version of the app that is all cloud based and the database is online. Therefore this requires user registration/accounts to access the data. The easiest thing is for me to make it a separate app, but then I lose the user base I already have.
Is there a way for me to transfer data from the iPhone's core data database to the online database? I am using

Have a look into this github project,

Sure. To transfer data from CoreData to Parse, just create a PFObject for each row in your CoreData table, and save them to Parse. You can use saveAll to be faster. Then, you don't need the local copy in CoreData any more, so you can remove it.


Core Data vs mysql

I already have a django application and am trying to develop an iPhone app. I'm using mysql as the database for the django app.
Here are some questions I was having :
Is it necessary to use Core Data for anything?
Can I create a rest api to interact with the mysql database?
If so, would there be any advantage, at any place or reason, to use Core Data in addition to mysql. For example, for an app like Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. are they using Core Data at all? If so, why and how?
Core Data is one way to give you a local database on the phone. With only MySQL on the server, the app cannot access any data when offline. Even in an online-only app, a local cache of some of the data can be useful to speed things up.
Similar to Django,where it has and database-abstraction API that lets you create, retrieve, update and delete objects, iOS has an CoreData. What under-lies is still SQL. From the django end, you need to create an api that returns the class of objects or something. On the iOS side, you have to call this api and parse the data and save it locally using CoreData.
Hope this helps..

Migration options for preloaded sqlite database in iphone app

My app uses a preloaded SQLLite database with coredata bindings. I create the preloaded database file with a secondary app that has the core data bindings/model etc. I put the preloaded db into my app's resources folder and copy that to the writable documents folder when the app is first run.
My question is about migration. Since my app released, my users have been creating data and in my next release I want to change the data model and migrate some of the data to the new model. I'm just not sure the best way to do this. I've read about core data migration methods but they seem to require my app to be a core data project, which it isn't (though my secondary database-creating app is). Will I have to do this migration manually by issuing direct SQL statements against the db? And what about the core data bindings, will I have to manually update them?
I'm really just looking for pointers in the right/best direction. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
SQLLite doesn't really have any data migration tools like Core Data. Unless you count "ALTER TABLE". If the migration is very complex, or you think you will have more complex migrations in the future you could make a Core Data model that more or less lines up with the old SQLite model and import to it, and then migrate to a newer Core Data model, and then stick with it.
This is likely slower then ALTER TABLE though, or at the very least "not faster".

moving data to core data

i have a .sqlite file with all the data i want to be used with my iPhone app .
but i feel i should be using Core data for what i want done.
is it possible to some how move all the data that is held within my .sqlite file to core data's .sqlite file ?
i have created only 2 fields in my .sqlite file and 2 attributes in the core data file, but i don't think i can replace the coreData's sqlite file as core data added additional fields to it.
what is the best way to handle this .
Since you generated the database yourself, the best way to move the data into a Core Data store is to use Core Data itself to re-generate the data. You can do this either through a throw-away app or within your app itself.
The fact that Core Data on the iPhone uses SQLite as a backing store is an implementation detail. Trying to recreate the core data store yourself may to cause very obscure bugs, you'll be much safer by allowing Core Data to generate the database.
#ExtremeCoder's answer is an option, but even writing an app to read from SQLite and store into Core Data would be a better choice than what that blog suggests.
Check this out:

Update core data database in app update without migrating

I have an application in iTunes app store using core data. Currently I'm developing a new version that has a new core data model. I do not want to migrate the data when updating. I just want to remove the old one and in with the new.
Whats the best way to handle this? My current (temporary?) solution is to change the path of the sqlite file which leaves the old database in the app.
Is there a migration option to remove the store if it can not be migrated, or some other solution?
I would probably check for the existence of the original database using NSFileManager and delete/remove it if found. The best place to do this is probably when you create the persistent store that Core Data uses.

How to add database layer in core data application

I am fairly new to core data technology and i searched a lot on how to add the database to a core data can anybody guide me on how to integrate the database layer? i have seen the iphone tutorial on core data (i.e books example) but i am not able to understand how to .sqlite file has been included in that application
The SQLLite file is automatically generated at startup by core data, by the persistent store manager.
If you have a project generated to start with Core Data, look in the App Delegate at the persistentStoreCoordinator method - that's where it manages the file created and sets the path where it will exist. If there's an existing one it will make use of it, though you'd have to copy over a pre-loaded one into the writable path it sets up for the database.
Core Data is NOT a database, it is a persistent object store. You have no control over how the data is stored in the file. (So trying to get it to use your own designed database is a bad idea.) You only get to chose wether it uses XML, binary or sqlite as its backstore.
To see how your app gets the data from the file, look in the app delegate. (That is where most sample code put it.) You'll find some methods for the managed object context, and the persistent store coordinator. The latter will create the file if needed. Besides the save call during quit, or other relevant times, you don't have to do much with it. (You can do some stuff, but I can't recommend that when you're new to Core Data.)