Addthis Stumbleupon Button Style - addthis

I am using the following code to display stumbleupon button:
<a class="addthis_button_stumbleupon_badge" su:bdg:style="5"></a>
I want to render the stumbleupon button with style ="5", however it displays the default style. I am not able to figure out how to solve this. For a demo please this page:

It seems that the addthis docs are wrong.
Try instead: su:badge:style="5"


Is it possible to have only a share button and not a share + like button?

On the « Like Button » developer page, i can only get code for these 4 combinations :
1) like
2) recommend
3) like + share
4) recommend + share
source :
I just want to have a share button. Is it possible ?
I've tried this but it does'nt work of course :
<div class="fb-like" data-layout="button" data-action="share" data-show-faces="false" data-share="false">
I’ve seen in the past that share button was deprecated but it seems that i can still use it :
But the design of the share button seems to be old and not up to date.
so, we are in 2014 july.
Is it possible to have a share button with the same design of the like button ?
I know this type of question have been posted on stackoverflow but facebook API is constantly changing so we need a recent answer.
One solution would be to use the Share Dialog of the JavaScript SDK with a custom Share Button:
You can use any Button/Image you want for that.
You could also try changing the layout parameter, it looks like the default is "icon". Try with "button" instead.
Edit: I just tried changing the layout parameter, it is definitely the problem. The default is not "button_count" as mentioned in the docs, it is "icon".
Here´s a working example with "button" as layout:
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="https://xxx" data-type="button"></div>
I´ve filed a bug for this on Facebook.

How to customize a Facebook Send Button?

I'm trying to customize the appearance of a facebook 'Send' button.
I generate the button using the code provided in the docs, however I don't have a clue of how I could modify the button's image or text ?
Could anyone give me an example? I guess javascript is my only option here?
My code looks like this right now:
<fb:send href=""></fb:send>
This generates a button that looks like this:
You cannot customise the <fb:send /> button. However, you can achieve the same functionality using FB.ui ( Use the send method, eg.
method: 'send',
name: 'People Argue Just to Win',
link: '',
You can always create your own link and style it however you wish, then add the link from this list of all social sharing button links list - this works for sharing to all sorts of social sites.
For Facebook's share link, replace [URL] and [TITLE] with your data using urlencode()in the following code in your link's href:[URL]&title=[TITLE]
You're pretty much SOL when it comes to customizing these Facebook buttons. They have intentionally designed their buttons so that you can't change or customize them beyond the limited scope provided by Facebook.
Facebook's send button is in an iframe. If you wait for the iframe to load, you can select its contents with $('iframe').contents(). So replacing the text would look like
$('.fb_iframe_widget iframe').on('load', function(){
$(this).contents().find('.pluginButtonLabel').text('Custom Text');

Clean AddThis / Facebook Like / Recommend Button without Social Text?

I've been desperately seeking a way to disable the facebook social text right next to the "Recommend" button. Is it possible, to simply render a "Recommend" button, without anything else (no counter, no text, JUST the button)?
The problem is, CSS wont be applied since all the elements are inside the iframe, so I cant just hide the element itself using CSS (which in this case would be a td).
Also, I cant just put everything in a div and give it overflow:hidden and a fix width, since the pop up which appears when actually clicking the "Recommend" Button would then not be fully visible.
My current implementation comes via AddThis:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:size="small" fb:like:layout="none" fb:like:action="recommend" fb:like:width="10"></a>
Any ideas?
Facebook polcy IV 4 d:
You must not obscure or cover elements of our social plugins, such as the Like button or Like box plugin.
So if you can't do it by using their like button creation tool you shouldn't do it.
Using the Add This Facebook Like button you can avoid the count using this attribute
So in your case you would have
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:size="small" fb:like:layout="button" fb:like:action="recommend" ></a>
"Recommend" with a counter comes closest to your request. I too don't like the social text (e.g. "57 people like this. Be the first of your friends"), yet I do like the naked counter. The code that I use is:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count" fb:like:action="recommend" fb:like:width="135"></a>
See AddThis own documentation here.

Wordpress TinyMCE button to add a piece of code at the bottom of the post?

I'm currently looking to see if there's a Wordpress plugin like a tinyMCE button that will allow me to add custom code at the end of the post, something like:
<h3>please enter title</h3
<div id="content">please enter content</div>
If you don't know of any plugin could you direct me to some tutorials on how to create a custom button?
Thanks a lot!
Here is a WP specific tut
Here is a link to a tutorial on how to write a custom plugin. You will need to use it to insert a custom button with a custom functionality. It is not that difficult.

datepicker - open popup by clicking a href tag

I wonder how I can call the datepicker script from a link, something like
<div id="datepicker_popup">Choose Date</div>
and submit the chosen date to a PHP page. Any ideas? Thanx, chris
You could use css to format the textbox to look like a normal link. That way you'd not need to play about with it that much? :)
I would suggest using Jquery datepicker