How to view wget source code? - wget

I've gone to this link
and downloaded different versions, but I have no idea how to actually unpack it.

You don't need to download it. Take a look at their source code repository and read everything using your browser. Here's main.c for example. More details available at How to Access the Wget Source Code Repository.

tar.gz is a common extension for files that have been "tarred" ("tape archive", using the "tar" program), and "gzipped".
Most Linux systems come with these pre-installed, so you can extract the files using something like this:
tar xf wget-1.13.tar.gz
In Windows, use some unzipper program such as 7-Zip, WinZip, or WinAce or use tar from mingw/cygwin.


How do you install Eigen?

I'm a complete beginner at Eigen, including headers and coding in general. I tried installing Eigen's libraries to do some stuff in Visual Studio Code but I can't find the solution, or rather I don't understand what the answers mean.
I have downloaded the zip from the site but don't know what to do with it. My main question is, should you not be able to see the definition to #include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense> in vscode? Because I can't and I don't understand if I'm supposed to.
I hear many of the answers say "Eigen c++ is a header only library: you don't have to install it, you just download it, unzip it and link your code against it." so does that mean i need to place the Eigen/Dense files in the default include? Because when I do I can't find them when I right click on /Dense> in the include code. Do I include them in my environment variables?
1. Download Eigen
$ wget -O
2. Extract and copy to /usr/local/include
$ unzip # it has unzipped into the library called eigen-3.4.0
$ sudo cp -r eigen-3.4.0/Eigen /usr/local/include
Now you can compile your source files
You need to add the directory to which you copied Eigen to the include path of your project. After this #include<Eigen/Dense> should work.
Please google "visual C++ add directory to include path" to see how this is done.

how to generate a copy of this binary perl distribution

I'm working with an application that downloads its own copy of Perl from a 3rd party website as a sort of bootstrap. I'd like to get a different copy from a more trusted source like CPAN, but I can't find any precompiled copies of Perl (only full source distributions) and I don't know how to build from source. Is there anywhere I can get a precompiled copy?
Another problem is that I don't know for sure that this download is just "a compiled copy of Perl". I'm assuming that, but I don't know what it's supposed to look like.
It comes in a .tar.gz which really only has two directories populated:
/bin (contains perl, cpan, perldoc, enc2xs, etc)
/lib/5.16.3 (contains subdirectories for various CPAN modules)
So to summarize: 1) Is this what Perl looks like when it is compiled? 2) Where can I get a pre-compiled version of Perl for my OS (RHEL 7), or if this isn't possible, how can I best generate a compiled version?
PS: For those who are curious, this is the copy of Perl that is downloaded by Miyagawa's Heroku Perl buildpack (, which I am using for a project. He downloads copies of Perl stored on a website, which might just be his own hosting, not sure.
I don't know how to build from source
This is documented in INSTALL in the distribution.
It's quite simple on a unix system:
cd /tmp
tar xvjf perl-5.26.1.tar.bz2
cd perl-5.26.1
sh Configure -des -Dusethreads -Dprefix='/some/dir'
make test
make install
You might also want to pass -Duserelocatableinc to make the install relocatable.
You can also use perlbrew or plenv to assist you with installing perl and managing multiple installs of perl.

wget :: rename downloaded files and only download if newer

I am trying to use wget to download a file under a different local name and only download if the file on the server is newer.
What I thought I could do was use the -O option of wget so as to be able to choose the name of the downloaded file, as in:
wget -O local-name
and combine that with the -N option that doesn't download anything except if the timestamp is newer on the server. For reasons explained in the comments below, wget refuses to combine both flags:
WARNING: timestamping does nothing in combination with -O. See the manual
for details.
Any ideas on succinct work-arounds ?
Download it, then create a link
wget -N
ln weird-name local-name
After that you can run wget -N and it will work as expected:
Only download if newer
If a new file is downloaded it will be accessible from either name, without
costing you extra drive space
If using other tool is possible in your case, I recommend the free, open source lwp-mirror:
lwp-mirror [-options] <url> <file>
It works just as you wish, with no workarounds.
This command is provided by the libwww-perl package on Ubuntu and Debian among other places.
Note that lwp-mirror doesn't support all of wget's other features. For example, it doesn't allow you to set a User Agent for the request like wget does.

Installing Sphinx on Linux VPS

After hours of searching Google and StackOverflow, I haven't been able to resolve this issue...
I'm trying to install Sphinx Search on my VPS, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that this search feature is extremely important to my project.
I've tried the following commands in puTTy to unpack the Sphinx tarball:
tar xzvf sphinx-2.0.6-release.tar.gz
tar -xzvf sphinx-2.0.6-release.tar.gz
It says there's no such file or directory. I know the file is there because I put it there myself, so I'm assuming now that I've misunderstood what is going on here.
Can someone get me past this step so that I can get lost on the next one?
It says there's no such file or directory. I know the file is there because I put it there myself,
Probably not in the right folder - need to 'cd' into the folder containing the file.
But as you dont seem that familer with linux, would suggest using the RPM file instead - so dont have to compile from source.
get the RPM from
and then upload that. Then use "yum localinstall nameofrpmfile.rpm"
Check the output of uname -a to find if you have 64bit or 32bit system. If mentions x86_64 you have 64bit, and so want the x86_64 RPM file.

How to convert WOFF to TTF/OTF via command line?

I know about services like Online Font Converter, but I am interested in offline solution, preferably over command line. Does anyone know a tool or workflow how to convert WOFF to OTF/TTF offline?
I wrote a simple tool for that:
Currently only tested with ttf files.
Here is the reference code for making WOFF files: I have a mirror:
To compile and install, make sure you have the zlib development libraries installed (e.g. in CentOS6 yum -y install zlib-devel as root), then
git clone
Then, as root:
cp sfnt2woff /usr/local/bin
Once this is done, to make a webfont, enter the directory with the .ttf file, then run sfnt2woff
sfnt2woff Chortle2014f.ttf
This creates a Chortle2014f.woff webfont file. Replace “Chortle2014f.ttf” with the name of the actual webfont to convert.
The first link I provide has Windows and MacOS binaries for people who do not wish to install a compiler.
Here is the reference code for making WOFF2 files: Note that this code will not install in CentOS6, but compiles and installs just fine in CentOS7:
git clone --recursive
cd woff2
make clean all
woff2 font generation is similar:
woff2_compress Chortle2014f.ttf
I didn't like the fact that the current best answer is a Python script, and there also appear to be cases of people saying it doesn't work. In addition, none of the current answers seem to make mention of compiling WOFF converters with the zopfli compression algorithm, which is superior to the standard zlib algorithm that other tools use. For these reasons I decided to go the "proper" (i.e. non-script) route and add my own answer in the process.
Note: the compilation process for both of the below utilities is very easy, and made even easier by simply copying and running the snippets of code I've provided below, but they do still require a working compiler. If you haven't compiled software from source before, you may need to setup a compiler environment first. If you're using Cygwin, you can follow the first part of my answer here to set up the MinGW-w64 cross-compiler.
WOFF CLI converter (with ZOPFLI compression)
First, compile and install sfnt2woff1 by pasting all of the following into a terminal and pressing Enter:
git clone woff &&
cd woff &&
make &&
chmod 755 woff2sfnt-zopfli sfnt2woff-zopfli &&
mv woff2sfnt-zopfli sfnt2woff-zopfli /usr/local/bin &&
rm -rf ../woff
Once the tool has been compiled and installed, convert a TTF or OTF file to WOFF by running:
sfnt2woff-zopfli <inputfile>.ttf
You can also use the -n option to increase the number of iterations the program is run in, increasing compression at the cost of conversion time (the default number of iterations is 15).
To convert all files in the current directory to WOFF:
for i in *; \
do sfnt2woff-zopfli.exe "$i"; \
WOFF2 CLI converter (with Brotli compression)
First, compile and install Google's woff2 tools by pasting all of the following into a terminal and pressing Enter:
git clone --recursive &&
cd woff2 &&
make clean all &&
mv woff2_compress woff2_decompress woff2_info /usr/local/bin &&
rm -rf ../woff2
Once the tool has been compiled and installed, convert a single TTF or OTF file to WOFF2 by running:
woff2_compress.exe <inputfile>.ttf
To convert all files in the current directory to WOFF2:
for i in *; \
do woff2_compress.exe "$i"; \
You can even convert a WOFF2 file back to TTF or OTF:
woff2_decompress.exe <inputfile>.woff2
1 Note that SFNT here refers to the SFNT table format that both TTF and OTF font formats are built around.
Ive been looking for this too but, sorry i couldn't find an offline one but i found this: - no longer available
its really good
EDIT: Found a command line tool
I used the python script linked above by
barethon to write an online javascript converter of WOFF to OTF
I realise this thread has been inactive for some time now, but with the help of a few stackoverflow users, I was able to use the above mentioned python script [ by #hanikesn] to create a workflow allowing batch conversion of woff files.
If not for the original poster's use, then for others who come across this thread in search of the same thing, check out my thread for details on how to do this:
Modify Python Script to Batch Convert all "WOFF" Files in Directory
Even if you don't need to batch convert, produces unreliable results, and has a 0.4 MB limit on conversions unless you upgrade to a paid account, and both are needlessly time consuming compared to offline solutions.
Good luck!
EverythingFonts has an online tool that appears to work well.
If you wish to do it offline, following Erik Tjernlund's answer on Super User, you can downloaded the source and compile executables of woff2sfnt and sfnt2woff.
The latest version as of this writing was from 2009/09/09. Unfortunately I've discovered that it doesn't appear to work for all WOFF files, sometimes complaining of a bad signature and sometimes simply giving a broken OTF file.
On a Mac with Homebrew it's simpler than the other mentioned approaches.
.woff2 to .ttf
brew install woff2
woff2_decompress somefont.woff2
This will leave you with somefont.ttf in the same directory.
.woff to .ttf
Converting WOFF (not woff2) is a little trickier, woff2_decompress probably won't handle it. You would first want to convert the .woff file to .woff2, then use the woff2_decompress command to turn that into .ttf file.
There's a brew tap that can be used to install sfnt2woff, which can be used to convert your .woff to .woff2.
brew tap bramstein/webfonttools;
brew install sfnt2woff;
sfnt2woff somefont.woff;
woff2_decompress somefont.woff2