I have trained a Hopfiled network using newhop function, when I am simulating this network for my test input data, [y,Pf,Af] = sim(net,{1 repeatnum},{},{im1}); it is working properly but the problem is that it gets number of iterations as an input argument e.g. 100 iterations. The network may converge on the input data for example in 5th iteration and there's no need to continue the simulation. Is there any way to simulate until the convergence of network?
Check out net.adaptParam.goal.
If necessary, set net.adaptFcn and net.adaptParam properly and according to the help of help nntrain.
From help traingd:
Training stops when any of these conditions occurs:
1) The maximum number of EPOCHS (repetitions) is reached.
2) The maximum amount of TIME has been exceeded.
3) Performance has been minimized to the GOAL.
4) The performance gradient falls below MINGRAD.
5) Validation performance has increased more than MAX_FAIL times
since the last time it decreased (when using validation).
I wonder to know ho we can define the limit of iteration for solving nonlinear functions in OpenModelica? is it possible to log the average of iteration per time step or number of iterations per time step?
As far as I know, there is no way to limit the number of iterations of the nonlinear solvers in OpenModelica (you can limit many other iteration types though)
To see the execution times, counts, and maximum time to solve the system (to get average, divide total time with execution count), enable Profiling (under the Simulation Flags). Note that profiling adds some overhead to the total simulation times especially if you have many small systems you profile. You may need to press the refresh button in the transformational debugger window that pops up if the information isn't populated automatically.
I am trying to run an action recognition code from GitHub. The original code used a batch size of 128 with 4 GPUS. I only have two gpus so I cannot match their bacth size number. Is there anyway I can compensate this difference in batch. I saw somewhere that iter_size might compensate according to a formula effective_batchsize= batch_size*iter_size*n_gpu. what is iter_size in this formula?
I am using PYthorch not Caffe.
In pytorch, when you perform the backward step (calling loss.backward() or similar) the gradients are accumulated in-place. This means that if you call loss.backward() multiple times, the previously calculated gradients are not replaced, but in stead the new gradients get added on to the previous ones. That is why, when using pytorch, it is usually necessary to explicitly zero the gradients between minibatches (by calling optimiser.zero_grad() or similar).
If your batch size is limited, you can simulate a larger batch size by breaking a large batch up into smaller pieces, and only calling optimiser.step() to update the model parameters after all the pieces have been processed.
For example, suppose you are only able to do batches of size 64, but you wish to simulate a batch size of 128. If the original training loop looks like:
loss = model(batch_data) # batch_data is a batch of size 128
then you could change this to:
smaller_batches = batch_data[:64], batch_data[64:128]
for batch in smaller_batches:
loss = model(batch) / 2
and the updates to the model parameters would be the same in each case (apart maybe from some small numerical error). Note that you have to rescale the loss to make the update the same.
The important concept is not so much the batch size; it's the quantity of epochs you train. Can you double the batch size, giving you the same cluster batch size? If so, that will compensate directly for the problem. If not, double the quantity of iterations, so you're training for the same quantity of epochs. The model will quickly overcome the effects of the early-batch bias.
However, if you are comfortable digging into the training code, myrtlecat gave you an answer that will eliminate the batch-size difference quite nicely.
I am using the KNIME Doc2Vec Learner node to build a Word Embedding. I know how Doc2Vec works. In KNIME I have the option to set the parameters
Batch Size: The number of words to use for each batch.
Number of Epochs: The number of epochs to train.
Number of Training Iterations: The number of updates done for each batch.
From Neural Networks I know that (lazily copied from https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/153531/what-is-batch-size-in-neural-network):
one epoch = one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples
batch size = the number of training examples in one forward/backward pass. The higher the batch size, the more memory space you'll need.
number of iterations = number of passes, each pass using [batch size] number of examples. To be clear, one pass = one forward pass + one backward pass (we do not count the forward pass and backward pass as two different passes).
As far as I understand it makes little sense to set batch size and iterations, because one is determined by the other (given the data size, which is given by the circumstances). So why can I change both parameters?
This is not necessarily the case. You can also train "half epochs". For example, in Google's inceptionV3 pretrained script, you usually set the number of iterations and the batch size at the same time. This can lead to "partial epochs", which can be fine.
If it is a good idea or not to train half epochs may depend on your data. There is a thread about this but not a concluding answer.
I am not familiar with KNIME Doc2Vec, so I am not sure if the meaning is somewhat different there. But from the definitions you gave setting batch size + iterations seems fine. Also setting number of epochs could cause conflicts though leading to situations where numbers don't add up to reasonable combinations.
I've read a few ideas on the correct sample size for Feed Forward Neural networks. x5, x10, and x30 the # of weights. This part I'm not overly concerned about, what I am concerned about is can I reuse my training data (randomly).
My data is broken up like so
5 independent vars and 1 dependent var per sample.
I was planning on feeding 6 samples in (6x5 = 30 input neurons), confirm the 7th samples dependent variable (1 output neuron.
I would train on neural network by running say 6 or 7 iterations. before trying to predict the next iteration outside of my training data.
Say I have
each sample = 5 independent variables & 1 dependent variables (6 vars total per sample)
output = just the 1 dependent variable
sample:sample:sample:sample:sample:sample->output(dependent var)
Training sliding window 1:
Set 1: 1:2:3:4:5:6->7
Set 2: 2:3:4:5:6:7->8
Set 3: 3:4:5:6:7:8->9
Set 4: 4:5:6:7:8:9->10
Set 5: 5:6:7:6:9:10->11
Set 6: 6:7:8:9:10:11->12
Non training test:
7:8:9:10:11:12 -> 13
Training Sliding Window 2:
Set 1: 2:3:4:5:6:7->8
Set 2: 3:4:5:6:7:8->9
Set 6: 7:8:9:10:11:12->13
Non Training test: 8:9:10:11:12:13->14
I figured I would randomly run through my set's per training iteration say 30 times the number of my weights. I believe in my network I have about 6 hidden neurons (i.e. sqrt(inputs*outputs)). So 36 + 6 + 1 + 2 bias = 45 weights. So 44 x 30 = 1200 runs?
So I would do a randomization of the 6 sets 1200 times per training sliding window.
I figured due to the small # of data, I was going to do simulation runs (i.e. rerun over the same problem with new weights). So say 1000 times, of which I do 1140 runs over the sliding window using randomization.
I have 113 variables, this results in 101 training "sliding window".
Another question I have is if I'm trying to predict up or down movement (i.e. dependent variable). Should I match to an actual # or just if I guessed up/down movement correctly? I'm thinking I should shoot for an actual number, but as part of my analysis do a % check on if this # is guessed correctly as up/down.
If you have a small amount of data, and a comparatively large number of training iterations, you run the risk of "overtraining" - creating a function which works very well on your test data but does not generalize.
The best way to avoid this is to acquire more training data! But if you cannot, then there are two things you can do. One is to split the training data into test and verification data - using say 85% to train and 15% to verify. Verification means compute the fitness of the learner on the training set, without adjusting the weights/training. When the verification data fitness (which you are not training on) stops improving (in general it will be noisy), and your training data fitness continues improving - stop training. If on the other hand you use a "sliding window", you may not have a good criterion to know when to stop training - the fitness function will bounce around in unpredictable ways (you might slowly make the effect of each training iteration have less effect on the parameters, however, to give you convergence... maybe not the best approach but some training regimes do this) The other thing you can do normalize out your node's weights via some metric to ensure some notion of 'smoothness' - if you visualize overfitting for a second you'll find that in the extreme case your fitness function sharply curves around your dataset positives...
As for the latter question - for the training to converge, you fitness function needs to be smooth. If you were to just use binary all-or-nothing fitness terms, most likely what would happen is that whatever algorithm you are using to train (backprop, BGFS, etc...) would not converge. In practice, the classification criterion should be an activation that is above for a positive result, less than or equal to for a negative result, and varies smoothly in your weight/parameter space. You can think of 0 as "I am certain that the answer is up" and 1 as "I am certain that the answer is down", and thus realize a fitness function that has a higher "cost" for incorrect guesses that were more certain... There are subtleties possible in how the function is shaped (for example you might have different ideas about how acceptable a false negative and false positive are) - and you may also introduce regions of "uncertain" where the result is closer to "zero weight" - but it should certainly be continuous/smooth.
You can re-use sliding window's.
It basically the same concept as bootstrapping (your training set); which in itself reduces training time, but don't know if it's really helpful in making the net more adaptive to anything other than the training data.
Below is an example of a sliding window in pictorial format (using spreadsheet magic)
Line 294 shows how the code is ran using randomization, it resets the randomization at position 353 so the rest flows as normal.
I was also able to use a 1 (up) or 0 (down) as my target values and the network did converge.
I'm running Monte Carlo simulation for a Simulink model with a Matlab script that looks more or less like this :
model = 'modelName';
for ii = 1 : numberOfMC
% Some set_param...
% Some values are set
results{ii, 1} = numberOfMC;
% ect...
As the number of Monte Carlo trials increase, the time of one simulation increases as well like n^2.
Is there a simple explanation for that and is there a solution to have something linear in time?
Thank you!
When I split my simulation in 6 batchs, and I run them in series, the sum of the simulation times is far less than when I run the entire simulation ine one shot.
As it seems that there is a limit to what one can do without feedback from the asker I will just post my comment as an answer:
My bet would be memory issues, if you want to eliminate this see whether the problem still occurs if you don't store the result in the first place, simply remove this line:
results{ii, 1} = numberOfMC;
Also confirm that you don't have other growing variables or that you accidentally make the input more complex as you go. It is probably not relevant, does the time also increase like this if you do all simulations in reversed order? Or if you do the full amount of iterations, but each time with exactly the same input?