facebook-c#-sdk Windows Phone 7 Authentication - Why the secret? - facebook

This post { AppSecret with Windows Phone 7 }
indicates that the WP7 sample doesn't use the AppSecret to login from windows phone, but the current sample in the 5.3.2 download does use the secret.
However, FacebookOAuthClient.cs throws exceptions if it isn't provided. Also, http://blog.prabir.me/post/Facebook-CSharp-SDK-Writing-your-first-Facebook-Application.aspx
shows a sample without using the AppSecret.
Reading Facebooks developer docs it appears that the secret is intended for backend (webserver) auth to facebook, not client apps, and that it is poor practice, maybe insecure, and probably fattening to include your secret in your client application.
Do I misunderstand the guidance, or is there some way to authenticate with the facebook-c#-sdk without using the secret?

In WP 7.0 there was a problem with Fragment in Url (all after # was truncated). Facebook return auth token in Url Fragment, so without it it was impossible to authentificate like desktop/mobile app. The solution was to switch to Web mode, where you can receive auth token if you know AppSecret, so it was the only solution for that (but with security gaps).
In WP 7.1 Fragment Url bug was closed and now you can use normal authentification mode (without AppSecret on client).

If you could access anything of mine WITHOUT first having me authorize the app (solely using the app ID without an access token or a app secret), then that would be a HUGE security hole. Not only to my profile, but to any app out there since the app id is public.
The short answer is, you are required to have a user (or other type of) access token or an app secret to get information.

I figured out the problem was not with the SDK, but the Windows Phone 7 sample included. That sample uses the server-side flow. The changes necessary to the example were:
loginParameters["response_type"] = "code";
loginParameters["response_type"] = "token";
and removing the entire labda function in webBrowser1_Navigated:
// The url is the result of OAuth 2.0 authentication.
if (oauthResult.IsSuccess)
var oauthClient = new FacebookOAuthClient { AppId = AppId, AppSecret = AppSecret };
// we got the code here
var code = oauthResult.Code;
oauthClient.ExchangeCodeForAccessTokenCompleted +=
(o, args) =>
and replaced it with this:
if (_fLoginMode && oauthResult.IsSuccess && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(oauthResult.AccessToken))
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/FacebookInfoPage.xaml?access_token=" + oauthResult.AccessToken, UriKind.Relative)));
And, of course removing the AppSecret constant


Thinktecture IdentityServer3 Facebook Login Button Issue

I am using "IdentityServer3 - IdentityManager - MembershipReboot" in my project for User Management, Authentication & Resources Authorization.
I started from below sample and have gone good for creating users, authenticating them via /connect/token api and authorizing resources.
A brief architecture for my solution is
MySql as database. Communication via MembershipReboot.EF to MembershipReboot.
The client project is developed using html + angularjs.
Resources APIs are developed using Nancy & hosted on Owin+Katana in a seperate project.
Authentication Services(IdSvr+IdMgr+MR) are hosted in a seperate project.
Now I want to create a simple button/link clicking on which leads me to facebook login. The functionality of this button should be same as defined in IDSvr default login page's(https://localhost:44333/core/login?signin=4f909a877cc465afd26d72f60ec08f51) "Facebook button".
I have tried googled internet a lot but none of cases are matching my scenario.
I even tried to replicate the request-response behaviour of default IdSvr facebook login but that does not work as cookies are not being saved on end client.
Also i tried to hit "https://localhost:44333/core/signin-facebook" and getting response as HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error from server. So i think might be I am somewhere wrong in setting facebook options in IdSrv project.
So if someone can just provide me a single IdSvr API to connect or tell me how to config Id Svr so that mapping a url can redirect it to facebook login. Or can tell me that where I am wrong in setting facebook authentication options in IdSrv.
A short and simple answer for my question is that I was looking for url.
Read further if you want to get better idea about this url
After lots of Hit&Trial & Study efforts, I have got solution for this. Well I think root cause for this problem was that sudden new technical things(Owin, Katana, OAuth, IdentityServer, IdentityManagement, MembershipReboot, Owin Facebook) and a meager time to understand them all.
I would advice folks that whoever is in same situation as me then first get an idea about OAuth. I found below link as a short and good one.
After this I learnt that in our scenario we are dealing with two applications and hence two authentication.
For connecting User to Facebook. We created an app on developers.facebook.com
For connecting User to IdentityServer. We created a client in Clients.cs file on AuthenticationServices project.
So now here is the final solution.
localhost:44333 where AuthenticationService is running
locahost:8088 where FrontEnd services are running which iscalling AuthenticationService .
1. Create client app in AuthenticationServices as below
new Client
ClientName = "Implicit Clients",
Enabled = true,
ClientId = "implicitclient",
ClientSecrets = new List<ClientSecret>{
new ClientSecret("secret".Sha256())
Flow = Flows.Implicit,
RequireConsent = true,
AllowRememberConsent = true,
RedirectUris = new List<string>
"http://localhost:8088/login/auth" //This should be redirect url you want to hit after your app(not facebook app) redirects.
ScopeRestrictions = new List<string>
//SubjectType = SubjectTypes.Global,
AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt,
IdentityTokenLifetime = 360,
AccessTokenLifetime = 360,
2 Create Authorize URL as below
var client = new OAuth2Client(new Uri("https://localhost:44333/core/connect/authorize"));
var startUrl = client.CreateAuthorizeUrl(
clientId: "implicitclient",
responseType: "token",
scope: "read",
redirectUri: "http://localhost:8088/login/auth",
nonce: "random_nonce",
responseMode: "form_post",
acrValues: "idp:Facebook");
The facebook app after successful authorization will redirect default to http://localhost:44333/signin-facebook. So no need to do any changes there.
Finally on http://localhost:8088/login/auth you will get access_token(+ few other parameters) after successful authentication. Here onwards you can use this token to access resources from Resources server.

Facebook UserId returned from Azure Mobile Services keeps changing within the same Windows Phone app

I'm a newbie to app development. I am building a Windows Phone 8.1 app and have followed the tutorial here: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-dotnet-backend-windows-store-dotnet-get-started-users-preview/ to add authentication using Facebook. Everything seems to work fine, except that every now and again it appears to stop bringing back any data from my Azure database. Further investigation revealed that the UserId that is being shown from the code below, changes periodically (although I can't quite work out how often it changes).
// Define a member variable for storing the signed-in user.
private MobileServiceUser user;
var provider = "Facebook";
// Login with the identity provider.
user = await App.MobileService.LoginAsync(provider);
// Create and store the user credentials.
credential = new PasswordCredential(provider,
user.UserId, user.MobileServiceAuthenticationToken);
message = string.Format("You are now logged in - {0}", user.UserId);
var dialog = new MessageDialog(message);
dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("OK"));
await dialog.ShowAsync();
This code is identical to the code in the tutorial. The Facebook app settings (on the Facebook developers site) confirm that I am using v2.3 of their API so I should be getting app-scoped UserIds back. I have only ever logged in with one Facebook account, so I would expect the UserId to be the same each time, but they're not. The UserId is prefaced with 'sid:', which someone on the Facebook developers group on Facebook itself says stands for Session ID, which they would expect to change, but if that's the case, I can't work out where to get the actual UserId from that I can then store in my database and do useful things with. I'm sure I must be doing something basic wrong, but I have spent hours Googling this and cannot (unusually) find an answer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So dug deeper. This is how Mobile Apps work (I was thinking from a Mobile Services perspective). The issue here is that the Gateway doesn't provide static SIDs, which is what User.userId provides. The work around to this is listed in the migration doc.
You can only get the Facebook AppId on the server.
ServiceUser user = (ServiceUser) this.User;
FacebookCredentials creds = (await user.GetIdentitiesAsync()).OfType< FacebookCredentials >().FirstOrDefault();
string mobileServicesUserId = creds.Provider + ":" + creds.UserId;
You should note, that this Id is directly connected with your Facebook App registration. If you ever want to migrate your App to a new Facebook App, you'd have to migrate them. You can also use the Facebook AppId to look up the user's global facebook Id via the Facebook Graph API, which you could use between applications. If you don't see yourself using multiple apps, etc., you can use the Facebook AppId just fine.
Hard to tell what's going on to cause you to use a SID instead of the Faceboook token (which like Facebook:10153...).
It may be faster to rip out the code and reimplement the Auth GetStarted. Maybe you missed a step or misconfigured something along the way. If you have the code hosted on github, I can try to take a look.
Another thing you can do is to not trust the user to give you their User id when you save it to a table. On your insert function, you can add it there.
function insert(item, user, request) {
item.id = user.userId;
That should, theoretically, be a valid Facebook token. Let me know if that doesn't work; can dig deeper.

HWIOAuthBundle, how to manually authenticate User with a Facebook access token?

I have a website (Symfony2) with HWIOauthBundle used to connect with Facebook and everything works fine.
Now, I'm trying to build an iOS app with Cordova and Ionic framework (AngularJS) and I want to authenticate my user with Facebook :
With $cordovaFacebook, I authenticate my user and get a valid Facebook access token, that's ok
I try to use this access token to authenticate my user on the server-side with HWIOauthBundle :
GET http://..../login/facebook?code=MY_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN
Symfony rejects my request with this log :
INFO - Matched route "facebook_login" (parameters: "_route": "facebook_login")
INFO - Authentication request failed: OAuth error: "Invalid verification code format."
So my question is : how can I authenticate my user on both front and back end with Facebook connect?
Thanks :)
I've also been wondering how to implement a server side login with the HWIOAuthBundle.
I didn't find any solution on the web, so I coded the functionnality based on hints I've read on the net.
Basically, you have to :
authenticate the user on your app
make an http request to your server with the Facebook token.
ont the server side, check if the token is for your Facebook app, and retrieve the user's Facebook ID.
Get your user from the DB based on the fetched ID.
Here's my Symfony controller:
public function getSecurityFbAction($token)
// Get the token's FB app info.
#$tokenAppResp = file_get_contents('https://graph.facebook.com/app/?access_token='.$token);
if (!$tokenAppResp) {
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Bad credentials.');
// Make sure it's the correct app.
$tokenApp = json_decode($tokenAppResp, true);
if (!$tokenApp || !isset($tokenApp['id']) || $tokenApp['id'] != $this->container->getParameter('oauth.facebook.id')) {
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Bad credentials.');
// Get the token's FB user info.
#$tokenUserResp = file_get_contents('https://graph.facebook.com/me/?access_token='.$token);
if (!$tokenUserResp) {
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Bad credentials.');
// Try to fetch user by it's token ID, create it otherwise.
$tokenUser = json_decode($tokenUserResp, true);
if (!$tokenUser || !isset($tokenUser['id'])) {
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Bad credentials.');
$userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
$user = $userManager->findUserBy(array('facebookId' => $tokenUser['id']));
if (!$user) {
// Create user and store its facebookID.
// Return the user's JSON web token for future app<->server communications.
I throw the Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException exceptions to handle login errors on my app.
Of course, you really should use https because you will be exchanging sensible information.
I don't know if it's the best way to do it but it works well.
Hope it helps !
Well, I think that Symfony doesn't actually reject your request. Facebook is. I'm not sure if this might help, but I know that a bunch a problems can happen when dealing with the Facebook Auth :
Do you know if the tool sends, along with the code parameter, a redirect_uri parameter ? If so :
Did you check that your redirect_uri HAS a trailing slash at the end ? See this
Silly question, but did you check that your app_id is the same when you got authorized via Cordova ?
Check that your redirect_uri DOES NOT have any query parameter.
Check that the redirect_uri that you use during the whole process is the same all the time.
Overall, it seems that your issue is almost all the time related to the redirect_uri URI format.

Facebook OAuth Login - access_token API returning "This authorization code has been used"

This question has been asked a few times on Stack, but there have been no real answers. Let me try to explain my situation anyways.
We use an application that uses Facebook OAuth2 login. This login used to work fine till last week, and all of a sudden it is troubling us now.
Application Flow:
Step 1: User presses login with Facebook button on our website
Step 2: Redirected to Facebook login/authorization page
Step 3: On authorizing the app, the callback comes to our application, with a short lived "code" param.
Step 4: This "code" param would be exchanged for a 60 day Access token using "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token" URL.
Error in Step 4:
When we try to exchange the short living "code" for the access token, we get this error from Facebook.
{"error":{"message":"This authorization code has been used.","type":"OAuthException","code":100}}
For users who are newly coming to the application, the above-said error does not occur.
For a returning user this call fails with the above-said error.
Our application is live for more than 9 months now, and this error has come only in the past 7-10 days. We have had thousands of users using it successfully prior to that.
What I already got from Forums:
Here is my interpretation of what I read. May be inaccurate.
Facebook has some weird policy that necessitates the app developer to maintain the temporary 10 minute code until the 60 day code that was obtained during the first login expires. So we should create a cookie with the Access token on the user's browser. I was even able to see people modifying their code in order to create the cookies.
What's really bothering me?
The suggested solutions assumes that the cookie that they create would be present in the user's browser always. This is a bad assumption to make, as the cookie may be erased at any time.
I have another app Id/app secret that I use for my development (i.e localhost), and that works perfectly. The login happens fine out there, But its only the product machine that has the problem.
This problem didn't happen on the production machine for nearly 10 months since we launched the app, and it has come all of a sudden. Worst of all, I am unable to get any record of recent changes that breaks this flow.
Platform: Python, Google Appengine. We do not use any Facebook SDKs, we make direct HTTP Calls to all the login URLs.
Call that fails : https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token - we are passing the appId, secret and code (obtained from facebook) within 20 seconds of the first call happening.
Hope there is enough information here to show that our code is not totally incorrect. Any tips/pointers from people who have encountered and solved this problem is Welcome. If its a Facebook bug, and the Facebook dev comes to notice, I would be even happier.
I got round this issue by using a random GUID which is appended to each callback url i pass into facebook. It seems the code that facebook returns is made up of a few parts including the redirect_uri parameter you have to specify. By using this GUID trick, your app continues to work but facebook thinks it's a different URL hence generating a new code.
If you store that GUID in a temporary session, it's always the same. Here's a very cut down version of what I mean. I'm using C# but the solution will be the same:
Before i start the oauth process:
Session["facebook_buster"] = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Then to kick off the login:
var facebook = new FacebookClient();
var loginUrl = facebook.GetLoginUrl(new
client_id = ...,
redirect_uri = ..."/facebook/oauthcallback?buster=" + Session["facebook_buster"].ToString(),
display = "popup",
scope = "publish_stream,user_photos"
And then in my callback method, when I want to exchange that code for a new access_token:
var facebook = new FacebookClient();
dynamic result = facebook.Post("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = ...,
client_secret = ...,
redirect_uri = ..."/facebook/oauthcallback?buster=" + Session["facebook_buster"].ToString(),
code = Request["code"] // this is the returned code from the first method
Note in that second method i'm using the same session key so that the authorization code is successful.
Been testing this all morning by revoking permissions / manually changing my stored access_token (in my db) / removing my stored access_token completely and it works every time.
Hope this helps!
I struggled with this today for a while too. Not sure if you're using the Facebook PHP class (from what you wrote, it seems you don't), however, it could be a pointer anyways - the problem was that the Facebook PHP library seems to obtain the token from the code automatically and I was trying to do it again.

Can a html5 local app have an asp.net session? (local webapp for iPhone)

The context:
I'm actually developing a small web app (C#/MVC2). Users are going to use their iPhones (and probably Android phones in the future) to access it.
At the moment it's quite simple (it just shows some info and reports from our customer's ERP), and I decided to give a try at creating local webapp that the users could add to their iPhones, so that they had an icon for it and, most importantly, most files are locally cached, so that only the relevant data is obtained using json from the server.
The problem:
To authenticate users, a small form asks for username and password, and sends them to the server via ajax, which in turn validates the user and sets the authcookie. If the app is executed in Safari, everything works ok, but if it's executed locally (that is, in Mobile Safari directly from an icon), the server validates correctly the user, but this validation is lost when the next ajax call to recover data is made.
Does this mean that session cookies are not supported by Mobile Safari in webapps? I'm doing it wrong?
And most importantly: What's the best way to authenticate users in a local webapp that access remote data?
I'm not quite sure about what do you mean by local webapp. I assume that it's an HTTP web server running on localhost.
If that's the case, you need some protocol to communicate between http://localhost and http://yourwebsite.com, and that protocol should help localhost authenticate user via yourwebsite.com. I think OAuth might be what you're looking for.
The first time the user access your local webapp, he will be redirected to yourwebsite.com for the authentication. After that, yourwebsite.com will bring him back with an OAuth token. After verifying that token is valid from yourwebsite.com, localhost can serve user on its own.
(I realise I'm very late to this question, but anyway…)
Mobile Safari employs a slightly different web engine to that used in "home-screen apps" (i.e. web pages that you bookmark as self-contained icons on the iOS home screen).
Perhaps the issue you're seeing with cookies comes from that, rather than in Mobile Safari per se? I guess it's easy enough to test: if the app all works OK in Mobile Safari, and not from a home screen icon, there's your answer.
As an alternative take, rather than relying on authentication in the on-line version of the app, another approach that may work for you / your organisation is using the app in an unauthenticated state, but over a VPN for mobile workers? (This will still work OK as an offline web app).
Instead of using a cookie can't you have a ajax call to login that just returns the "authcookie"-value. The value can be saved using localStorage or similar.
Later when you want to fetch something you can send this value to the server using a custom header (X-authentication or similar) or just append it as a GET-variable to the url.
Your best bet :
To access a protected resource, the client includes the access token
in the Authorization header of the HTTP request
Login :
var loginData = {
grant_type: 'password',
username: ...,
password: ...
type: 'POST',
url: '/Token',
data: loginData
}).done(function (data) {
// Cache the access token in session storage.
sessionStorage.setItem(tokenKey, data.access_token);
Second request:
// If we already have a bearer token, set the Authorization header.
var token = sessionStorage.getItem(tokenKey);
var headers = {};
if (token) {
headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token;
type: 'GET',
url: 'api/values/1',
headers: headers
}).done(function (data) {});
If you don't plan to use Web API, you must generate your own token and put it in every request data