Facebook publish to feed - facebook

Recently I'm working with the Graph API of facebook and I got the authentication ready, though publishing to my own feed gives me a hard time..
I'm trying to find the correct URL to do this, because I am using MonoTouch and the only way to publish is using a webrequest. I tried to check what the API said but it wasn't quite clear, I'm trying the following url:
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance!

You are missing the parameter method with the value post.
Try this:


Facebook Graph API - Getting Comments

I'm trying to use Facebook graph API to get all the comments (mine and others) on my Facebook posts.
Currently I'm testing the api using Graph API Explorer & so far I'm getting only my comments.
I want to know did they change their policy or is there a way to get all the comments?
P.S: I didn't write any code so far.
But I followed the link:
to use the graph API explorer and this is what I'm getting:
the image
In the "Tools" you will find the tool. And as you can see you will get the list of the comments. I'm just showing one of my comments (testingggg) as an example.
Unfortunately, the API doesn't give me the others' comments.
Am I missing something?
Thank you.
according to the document this is the way to get all the comment docs

Not getting all comments using Facebook Graph API

I'm trying to get comments using Facebook Graph API using this code
where XXX is replaced by my access token. The problem I'm facing is I'm not getting all the comments. It's end output is like this:
enter image description here
One of the solution through which I'm able to get all comments if using limit like this:
This solved my problem since I had only 50+ comments. Still looking for more better solution.

Pulling a single facebook comment by id fails OAuthException

There seems to be something wrong with the facebook graph api right now. Even using API explorer tool generates the error. Can anyone pass a regular request for a single comment without throwing this exception?
I have been facing this problem for close to 24 hours now. I could not read a comment by the Facebook API anymore. It has been working prior to this.
Pulling comment - https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/[comment-id]?access_token=[access-token]

facebook graph page/picture edge returning questionmark

So this is a little bit odd, I have a website that trawls facebook looking at specific pages and requesting data from them.
As part of this I request the picture object of the page: http://graph.facebook.com/285361880228/picture
This returns a question mark instead of the page profile picture.
Other links to pages seem to work without a problem.
Does anyone know what may be causing this?
I am currently using version 2.3 of the API.
I'm assuming it has something to do with the page setup, as according to the facebook documentation,I should be able to read this.
It seems like the facebook page has not been published. Try publishing the page and access the image using same link. It will work.

How do you publish a picture to an event with facebook opengraph?

I am able to successfully publish an event to facebook but am unable to include a picture. It looks like this needs to be done via a "connection" in open graph but I can't seem to find a clear example on how to do this.
Yeah, the picture connection appears to be read-only. However it wouldn't hurt to try sending an HTTP Post to /{event id}/picture and seeing if it's just an omission in their API documentation. My guess is that it is not available.