how to debug MEF exception? - mef

we are currently using MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework, ) and it throws out exceptions, with limited information to proceed on.
is there a way to debug MEF exceptions?
My exception is like this:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.AssemblyCatalog.get_InnerCatalog()
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.AssemblyCatalog.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.AggregateCatalog.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CatalogExportProvider.GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.TryGetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition, IEnumerable`1& exports)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.AggregateExportProvider.GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.TryGetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition, IEnumerable`1& exports)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.TryGetExports(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition, IEnumerable`1& exports)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CompositionContainer.GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.TryGetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition, IEnumerable`1& exports)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TryGetExports(ExportProvider provider, ComposablePart part, ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TrySatisfyImportSubset(PartManager partManager, IEnumerable`1 imports, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TryPreviewImportsStateMachine(PartManager partManager, ComposablePart part, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.PreviewImports(ComposablePart part, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ComposablePartExportProvider.Compose(CompositionBatch batch)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CompositionContainer.Compose(CompositionBatch batch)
at System.ComponentModel.Composition.AttributedModelServices.ComposeParts(CompositionContainer container, Object[] attributedParts)
at MyApp.Extension..ctor(Assembly assembly) in W:\MyApp\Source\\Extensions\Extension.cs:line 45
The Code is simple:
var aggregateCatalog = new AggregateCatalog();
_assembly = assembly;
var assemblyCatalog = new AssemblyCatalog(assembly);
aggregateCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
_compositionContainer = new CompositionContainer(aggregateCatalog);

I feel your pain. When I'm stuck, I typically dump the MEF composition information to get more information on the cause of the composition failure. For instructions on how to do this, see Diagnosing Composition Problems in the MEF Programming Guide or the Debugging MEF topic on MSDN.
In .NET 4.5 (or the current MEF 2 preview 4 release available on codeplex) there is a simpler option: you can improve the usefulness of the error message by disabling silent rejection in the CompositionOptions which you pass to the container constructor.
edit: ah, you're getting a ReflectionTypeLoadException. That's another matter: it means that the types in some assembly cannot be successfully loaded, typically because they reference other types that cannot be found. In your code example, you should be able to reproduce the problem by invoking assembly.GetTypes(), without involving MEF.

Daniel Plaisted has written quite an in-depth blog article about diagnosing issues with MEF.
Can you show us what exceptions are being thrown?


What does UML "redefines" mean?

In the UML specification there are plenty occurrences of the word "redefine". Not a single mention of what redefinition means. Perhaps it's too simple? Anyway, if someone could explain it even simpler that'd be just great.
Snapshot from UML 2.5.1, Intervals:
I found a clue to what it does using a modelling tool (Sparx Enterprise Architect). If having an interface sub-class of another interface, I get the option to "redefine" operations and attributes of that interface.
I made a wild guess on what it might be used for and redefined it with more parameters. The extra parameter represented the "number of output arguments" added by the Matlab compiler when compiling a Matlab function to a C# library. Then I went ahead and made another sub-class for CLI and redefined arguments accordingly (int return value, all inputs are strings).
The UML 2.5.1 defines redefinition in section (page 100):
Any member (that is a kind of RedefinableElement) of a generalization of a specializing Classifier may be redefined instead of being inherited. Redefinition is done in order to augment, constrain, or override the redefined member(s) in the context of instances of the specializing Classifier.
For a feature such as an attribute, a property, or an operation:
Feature redefinitions may either be explicitly notated with the use of a {redefines <x>} property string on the Feature or implicitly by having a Feature which cannot be distinguished using isDistinguishableFrom() from another Feature in one of the owning Classifier’s more general Classifiers.
Suppose for example that you have a class Node with two attributes: from: Node[*] and to[*]: Node. You could then have a specialization FamilyMember (a node in your genealogy) and you could redefine the members: parent : FamilyMember[*] {redefines from} and child : FamilyMember[*] {redefines from}
Another example: you have a polymorphic class Shape with an abstract operation draw(). You can specialize that class into a class Circle that will have its own draw(). You could leave the redefinition implicit (just mentioning the operation), or you could be very explicit with draw() {redefines draw()}.
The abstract syntax diagrams apply UML to the UML metamodel. The redefinition have the same meaning, but it is explained in a shorter manner in section 6.
Let's take an example in your diagram: let's take IntervalConstraint:
IntervalConstraint inherits from Contraint. A Constraint is composed of a property specification:ValueConstraint (page 36), so IntervalConstraint inherits this property.
Your diagram tells that IntervalConstraint is composed of a property specialization: Interval that redefines the more general specification of the constraint. It's a redefinition, because it narrows down its type (fortunately, Interval inherits from ValueSpecification so there's no risk of inconsistency).

can`t bind[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]]

I want to use sttp library with guice(with scalaguice wrapper) in my app. But seems it is not so easy to correctly bind things like SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]
Try[_] and Try[AnyRef] show some other errors, but still have no idea how it should be done correctly
the error I got:
kinds of the type arguments (scala.util.Try) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type T).
[error] scala.util.Try's type parameters do not match type T's expected parameters:
[error] class Try has one type parameter, but type T has none
[error] bind[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]].toProvider[SttpBackendProvider]
[error] ` ^
SttpBackendProvider looks like:
def get: SttpBackend[Try, Nothing] = TryHttpURLConnectionBackend(opts)
complete example in scastie
interesting that version scalaguice 4.1.0 show this error, but latest 4.2.2 shows error inside it with converting Nothing to JavaType
I believe you hit two different bugs in the Scala-Guice one of which is not fixed yet (and probably even not submitted yet).
To describe those issues I need a fast intro into how Guice and Scala-Guice work. Essentially what Guice do is have a mapping from type onto the factory method for an object of that type. To support some advanced features types are mapped onto some internal "keys" representation and then for each "key" Guice builds a way to construct a corresponding object. Also it is important that generics in Java are implemented using type erasure. That's why when you write something like:
bind(classOf[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]]).toProvider(classOf[SttpBackendProvider])
in raw-Guice, the "key" actually becomes something like "com.softwaremill.sttp.SttpBackend". Luckily Guice developers have thought about this issue with generics and introduced TypeLiteral[T] so you can convey the information about generics.
Scala type system is more reach than in Java and it has some better reflection support from the compiler. Scala-Guice exploits it to map Scala-types on those more detailed keys automatically. Unfortunately it doesn't always work perfectly.
The first issue is the result of the facts that the type SttpBackend is defined as
trait SttpBackend[R[_], -S]
so it uses it expects its first parameter to be a type constructor; and that originally Scala-Guice used the scala.reflect.Manifest infrastructure. AFAIU such higher-kind types are not representable as Manifest and this is what the error in your question really says.
Luckily Scala has added a new scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag infrastructure to tackle this issue in a better and more consistent way and the Scala-Guice migrated to its usage. That's why with the newer version of Scala-Guice the compiler error goes away. Unfortunately there is another bug in the Scala-Guice that makes the code fail in runtime and it is a lack of handling of the Nothing Scala type. You see, the Nothing type is a kind of fake one on the JVM. It is one of the things where the Scala type system is more reach than the Java one. There is no direct mapping for Nothing in the JVM world. Luckily there is no way to create any value of the type Nothing. Unfortunately you still can create a classOf[Nothing]. The Scala-to-JVM compiler handles it by using an artificial scala.runtime.Nothing$. It is not a part of the public API, it is implementation details of specifically Scala over JVM. Anyway this means that the Nothing type needs additional handling when converting into the Guice TypeLiteral and there is none. There is for Any the cousin of Nothing but not for Nothing (see the usage of the anyType in TypeConversions.scala).
So there are really two workarounds:
Use raw Java-based syntax for Guice instead of the nice Scala-Guice one:
bind(new TypeLiteral[SttpBackend[Try, Nothing]]() {})
.toInstance(sttpBackend) // or to whatever
See online demo based on your example.
Patch the TypeConversions.scala in the Scala-Guice as in:
private[scalaguice] object TypeConversions {
private val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
private val anyType = typeOf[Any]
private val nothingType = typeOf[Nothing] // added
def scalaTypeToJavaType(scalaType: ScalaType): JavaType = {
scalaType.dealias match {
case `anyType` => classOf[java.lang.Object]
case `nothingType` => classOf[scala.runtime.Nothing$] //added
I tried it locally and it seems to fix your example. I didn't do any extensive tests so it might have broken something else.

Why can't code in #:fallbacks refer to the generic methods?

This code:
(require racket/generic)
;; A holder that assigns ids to the things it holds. Some callers want to know the
;; the id that was assigned when adding a thing to the holder, and others don't.
(define-generics holder
(add-new-thing+id holder new-thing) ;returns: holder id (two values)
(add-new-thing holder new-thing) ;returns: holder
[(define (add-new-thing holder new-thing) ;probably same code for all holder structs
(let-values ([(holder _) (add-new-thing+id holder new-thing)])
produces this error message:
add-new-thing+id: method not implemented in: (add-new-thing+id holder new-thing)
I'm able to fix it by adding a define/generic inside the fallbacks, like this:
[(define/generic add add-new-thing+id)
(define (add-new-thing holder new-thing)
(let-values ([(holder _) (add holder new-thing)])
but this seems to add complexity without adding value, and I don't understand why one works and the other doesn't.
As I understand #:fallbacks, the idea is that the generic definition can build methods out of the most primitive methods, so structs that implement the generic interface don't always need to reimplement the same big set of methods that usually just call the core methods with identical code—but they can override those "derived" methods if needed. say, for optimization. That's a very useful thing*—but have I misunderstood fallbacks?
It seems strange that fallbacks code couldn't refer to the generic methods. Isn't the main value of fallbacks to call them? The documentation for define/generic says that it's a syntax error to invoke it outside a #:methods clause in a struct definition, so I'm probably misusing it. Anyway, can someone explain what are the rules for code in a #:fallbacks clause? How are you supposed to write it?
* The Clojure world has something similar, in the potemkin library's def-abstract-type and deftype+, but not as well integrated into the language. potemkin/def-map-type illustrates very nicely why fallbacks—as I understand them, anyway—are such a valuable feature.
The second version of your code is correct.
The first version of your code would work if you had a fallback definition of add-new-thing+id, but because you are referring to any possible definition of that method outside of the fallback scope, you need to import it.
It effectively feels a bit repetitive to have to define the generic again inside the fallback clause. It's because #:fallbacks works the same way as #:methods, and therefore has the same behavior of overriding generics with its own definitions.
To make it explicit that you are overriding a method, you need to "import" it inside your clause, using define/generic (which is not really defining anything, it is just importing the generic into the context).
As the documentation for define/generic says:
When used inside the method definitions associated with the #:methods keyword, binds local-id to the generic for method-id. This form is useful for method specializations to use generic methods (as opposed to the local specialization) on other values.
Then in define-generics:
The syntax of the fallback-impls is the same as the methods provided for the #:methods keyword for struct.
Which means #:fallbacks has the same behavior as using #:methods in a struct.
The logic behind that behavior is that method definition blocks, like #:methods and #:fallbacks have access to their own definitions of all the generics, so that it's easy to refer to your own context. To explicitly use a generic from outside this context, you need to use define/generic.

How do Frege classes work?

It seems that Frege's ideas about type-classes differ significantly from Haskell. In particular:
The syntax appears to be different, for no obvious reason.
Function types cannot have class instances. (Seems a rather odd rule...)
The language spec says something about implementing superclasses in a subclass instance declaration. (But not if you have diamond inheritance... it won't be an error, but it's not guaranteed to work somehow?)
Frege is less fussy about what an instance looks like. (Type aliases are allowed, type variables are not required to be distinct, etc.)
Methods can be declared as native, though it is not completely clear what the meaning of this is.
It appears that you can write type.method to access a method. Again, no indication as to what this means or why it's useful.
Subclass declarations can provide default implementations for superclass methods. (?)
In short, it would be useful if somebody who knows about this stuff could write an explanation of how this stuff works. It's listed in the language spec, but the descriptions are a little bit terse.
(Regarding the syntax: I think Haskell's instance syntax is more logical. "If X is an instance of Y and Z, then it is also an instance of Q in the following way..." Haskell's class syntax has always seemed a bit strange to me. If X implements Eq, that does not imply that it implements Ord, it implies that it could implement Ord if it wants to. I'm not sure what a better symbol would be though...)
Per Ingo's answer:
I'm assuming that providing a default implementation for a superclass method only works if you declare your instances "all at once"?
For example, suppose Foo is a superclass of Bar. Suppose each class has three methods (foo1, foo2, foo3, bar1, bar2, bar3), and Bar provides a default implementation for foo1. That should mean that
instance Bar FB where
foo2 = ...
foo3 = ...
bar1 = ...
bar2 = ...
bar3 = ...
should work. But would this work:
instance Foo FB where
foo2 = ...
foo3 = ...
instance Bar FB where
bar1 = ...
bar2 = ...
bar3 = ...
So if I declare a method as native in a class declaration, that just sets the default implementation for that method?
So if I do something like
class Foobar f where
foo :: f -> Int
native foo
bar :: f -> String
native bar
then that just means that if I write an empty instance declaration for some Java native class, then foo maps to in Java?
In particular, if a class method is declared as native, I can still provide some other implementation for it if I choose to?
Every type [constructor] is a namespace. I get how that would be helpful for the infamous named fields problem. I'm not sure why you'd want to declare other things in the scope of this namespace...
You seem to have read the language spec very carefully. Great. But, no, type classes/instances do not differ substantially from Haskell 2010. Just a bit, and that bit is notational.
Your points:
ad 1. Yes. The rule is that the constraints, if any, are attached to the type and the class name follows the keyword. But this will change soon in favor of the Haskell syntax when multi param type classes are added to the language.
ad 2. Meanwhile, function types are fully supported. This will be included in the next release. The current release has only support for (a->b), though.
ad 3. Yes. Consider our categoric classes hierarchy Functor -> Applicative -> Monad. You can just write the following instead of 3 separate instances:
instance Monad Foo where
-- implementation of all methods that are due Monad, Applicative, Functor
ad 4. Yes, currently. There will be changes with multi param type classes, however. The lang spec recommends to stay with the Haskell 2010 rules.
ad 5. You'd need that if you model Java Class Hierarchies with type classes. native function declarations are nothing special for type classes/instances. Because you can have an annotation and a default implementation in a class (just as like in Haskell 2010), you can have this in the form of a native declaration, which gives a) the type and b) the implementation (by referring to a Java method).
ad 6. It's orthogonality. Just as you can write where M is a module, you can write when T is a type (constructor), because both are namespaces. In addition, if you have a "record", you may need to write T.f x when Frege cannot infer the type of x.
foo x = x.a + x.b -- this doesn't work, type of x is unknown
-- remedy 1: provide a type signature
foo :: Record -> Int -- Record being some data type
-- remedy 2: access the field getter functions directly
foo x = Record.a x + Record.b x
ad 7. Yes, for example, Ord has a default implementation for (==) in terms of compare. Hence you can make an Ord instance of something without implementing (==).
Hope this helps. Generally, it must be said, the lang spec needs a) completion and b) updates. If only the day had 36 hours .....
The syntactic issue is also discussed here:!topic/frege-programming-language/2mCNWMVg5eY
---- Second part ------------
Your example would not work, because, if you define instance Foo FB then this must hold, irrespective of other instances and subclasses. The default foo1 method in Bar will be used only if no Foo instance exists.
then that just means that if I write an empty instance declaration for
some Java native class, then foo maps to in Java?
Yes, but it depends on the native declaration, it doesn't have to be an Java instance method of that java class, it could also be a static method or a method of another class, or just a member access, etc.
In particular, if a class method is declared as native, I can still
provide some other implementation for it if I choose to?
Sure, just like with any other default class methods. Say a default class method is implemented using pattern guards, that does not mean that you must use pattern guards for your implementation.
native [pure] foo "javaspec" :: a -> b -> c
just means: please make me a frege function foo with type a -> b -> c that happens to use javaspec for implementation. (How exactly is supposed to be described in Chapter 6 of the language reference. It's not done yet. Sorry.)
For example:
native pure int2long "(long)" :: Int -> Long
The compiler will see tat this is syntactically a cast operation, and when it sees:
... int2long val ...
it will generate java code like:
Apart from that, it will also make a wrapper, so that you can, for example:
map int2long [1,2,4]
The point is that, if I tell you: there is a function X.Y.z, you're not able to tell whether this is a native or a regular one without looking at the source code. Hence, native is the way to lift Java methods, operators and so forth to the Frege realm. Practically everything that is known as "primOp" in Haskell is just a native function in Frege. For example,
pure native + :: Int -> Int -> Int
(It's not always that easy, of course.)
Every type [constructor] is a namespace. I get how that would be
helpful for the infamous named fields problem. I'm not sure why you'd
want to declare other things in the scope of this namespace...
It gives you somewhat more control regarding the top namespace. Apart from that, you don't have to define other things there. I just did not see a reason to forbid it once I committed to this simple approach to tackle the record field problem.

Redundancy in OCaml type declaration (ml/mli)

I'm trying to understand a specific thing about ocaml modules and their compilation:
am I forced to redeclare types already declared in a .mli inside the specific .ml implementations?
Just to give an example:
(* foo.mli *)
type foobar = Bool of bool | Float of float | Int of int
(* *)
type baz = foobar option
This, according to my normal way of thinking about interfaces/implementations, should be ok but it says
Error: Unbound type constructor foobar
while trying to compile with
ocamlc -c foo.mli
ocamlc -c
Of course the error disappears if I declare foobar inside too but it seems a complex way since I have to keep things synched on every change.
Is there a way to avoid this redundancy or I'm forced to redeclare types every time?
Thanks in advance
OCaml tries to force you to separate the interface (.mli) from the implementation (.ml. Most of the time, this is a good thing; for values, you publish the type in the interface, and keep the code in the implementation. You could say that OCaml is enforcing a certain amount of abstraction (interfaces must be published; no code in interfaces).
For types, very often, the implementation is the same as the interface: both state that the type has a particular representation (and perhaps that the type declaration is generative). Here, there can be no abstraction, because the implementer doesn't have any information about the type that he doesn't want to publish. (The exception is basically when you declare an abstract type.)
One way to look at it is that the interface already contains enough information to write the implementation. Given the interface type foobar = Bool of bool | Float of float | Int of int, there is only one possible implementation. So don't write an implementation!
A common idiom is to have a module that is dedicated to type declarations, and make it have only a .mli. Since types don't depend on values, this module typically comes in very early in the dependency chain. Most compilation tools cope well with this; for example ocamldep will do the right thing. (This is one advantage over having only a .ml.)
The limitation of this approach is when you also need a few module definitions here and there. (A typical example is defining a type foo, then an OrderedFoo : Map.OrderedType module with type t = foo, then a further type declaration involving'a Map.Make(OrderedFoo).t.) These can't be put in interface files. Sometimes it's acceptable to break down your definitions into several chunks, first a bunch of types (types1.mli), then a module (mod1.mli and, then more types (types2.mli). Other times (for example if the definitions are recursive) you have to live with either a .ml without a .mli or duplication.
Yes, you are forced to redeclare types. The only ways around it that I know of are
Don't use a .mli file; just expose everything with no interface. Terrible idea.
Use a literate-programming tool or other preprocessor to avoid duplicating the interface declarations in the One True Source. For large projects, we do this in my group.
For small projects, we just duplicate type declarations. And grumble about it.
You can let ocamlc generate the mli file for you from the ml file:
ocamlc -i > some.mli
In general, yes, you are required to duplicate the types.
You can work around this, however, with Camlp4 and the pa_macro syntax extension (findlib package: camlp4.macro). It defines, among other things, and INCLUDE construct. You can use it to factor the common type definitions out into a separate file and include that file in both the .ml and .mli files. I haven't seen this done in a deployed OCaml project, however, so I don't know that it would qualify as recommended practice, but it is possible.
The literate programming solution, however, is cleaner IMO.
No, in the mli file, just say "type foobar". This will work.