Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for "Find My iPhone?" - iphone

I've been looking at this page:
for the configuration profile keys. I couldn't find one for the feature "Find My iPhone." Is there a key for that? If so what is it?

Sorry, but both Michael and titaniumdecoy are only partially correct. The "Find My iPhone" app is an app that helps you locate your iOS device if you have the settings set in your iCloud settings on the device.
I too would be interested in knowing if it is possible to push out a configuration profile (using IPCU) that has the "Find My iPhone" setting locked on even though it is technically an iCloud user settings.

I agree with #titaniumdecoy (and +1 to him).
If you are trying to push "Find My iPhone" onto all your iPhone(s) and you have more than just 3 or 4 iPhones to manage, maybe you can use something like Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility for Windows to install the app onto all the iPhones you have control over.


How do I access my app listing in App Store without iphone?

So, my app is approved and now I'd like to check what does listing look like in App Store. Is there way to do it without iPhone?
You can go to iTunes (Both Mac and Windows PC has supported) application and find your app.
There you can check how your app looks like in iPhone.
One more possibility: "[Your_APP_ID]"
First of all, it can take up to 48 hrs for your app to appear in all stores world-wide.
In iTunes Connect, you will find the direct link to your app. Depending on the browser (Safari vs. Chrome/Firefox/IE), first the iTunes Web Preview should show your app's store listing. From there you can view it directly in iTunes (if it's installed on your machine.)
To check if your app is available in all territories, go to "Pricing and Availability" and check for the right settings there. (Available in all territories)

Is there a neat way to tell if iPhone/iPad has been set a passcode by user

I have asked this question long before.
I know it maybe impossible, but as far as I know, 'Find my friends' has this features and it works just so well, so I wonder if now there is a neat and legitimate way of doing that.
Just because Apple's Find My Friends app has a feature does not mean the API is publicly available. If this app is not an enterprise app, you can't use private APIs and have your app put on the app store. If it is an enterprise app, you may want to look into setting up a configuration profile for the device. In order to access the VPN for my employer, I had to install a configuration profile (visible in Settings) that requires a passcode to be entered every time I unlock my iPad. Without that, I cannot VPN into their intranet. TestFlight uses a similar approach with profiles to register a device to receive builds. I would check out this link from Apple on setting up these sorts of profiles for enterprise applications:
There's no way to detect this programmatically from within an iPhone SDK-based application. If you need to, you should file an enhancement request with Apple at

How can I install an unsigned application on an iPhone from Xcode?

How can I install an unsigned application on an iPhone from Xcode? I am using last version of Xcode and the iOS 5 SDK.
You can't.
Apple wants people to sign up with their developer program, and so the only way to install an unsigned app might involve jail breaking, but I don't know enough as I've never jailbroken an iOS device.
Maybe you're not ready to purchase the license yet. That's when you require JailCoder - an easy to use app for tweaking your project and Xcode. Purchase the license and publish your app when you're happy testing with JailCoder.
Note: Here also a jailbroken device is required.
CAUTION! This DOES require a jailbroken iOS Device.
Yes, you CAN!
If you've built it on your own, you can simply use your phone as developer device (if you don't know how, just google it, I don't remember yet).
The trick is to force Xcode to don't try to code sign your app. If you don't, you'll get an error every time, you try to build it.
Go to Terminal and type:
sudo /Applications/ /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk/SDKSettings.plist
(You might replace iPhoneOS5.0 with your target SDK)
You'll be asked for your admin password.
Now change the value for the key CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO.
You are almost done.
Go to your project settings, look for "Code Signing" and set all values to Don't Code Sign.
Set the active scheme to your iPhone instead of iPhone 5.0 Simulator and go to Product → Build For → Build For Archiving
Now go to your Organizer Window, head for your iPhone, go to Applications, press the plus sign at left bottom and choose your build path.
In Xcode4 it's /Users/you/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/yourApp/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ by default.
Select your App binary (it will have a "forbidden" badge, because you're on Mac architecture) and click open.
Wait a few seconds and now your app should be available from your SpringBoard.
It would require jailbreaking, which I don't see why not because my jailbroken iPad doesn't have a virus after probably 300 apps. All the apps from the default repositories are checked and don't have a virus.

How can I get to installed app list on iPhone device?

I'm new for iPhone dev.
I got a question for development of iPhone app.
Is it possible to get to installed app list on iPhone device?
Connect you device in your system, use following command in terminal
ideviceinstaller -l
you will get the list of app installed in you iphone device
note: you should install ideviceinstaller package in your system
Apps on a non-jailbroken phone are "sandboxed" so you don't get unfettered access to the filesystem. This means that you can't directly see what other applications are available. Also, just because they're installed does not mean that they are available to the current user. For instance, Safari is always installed but can be disabled in the Parental Controls settings.
The best supported (i.e., in a way that Apple will approve of) way of of doing it might be to check the available URL schemes. For example, if "http:" is supported then Safari is usable; if "mailto:" is available then Mail is usable, etc. Of course, not all applications have URL schemes.
You might want to grab yourself a copy of the Apple iPhone Configuration Utility, which will give you a list of installed apps, plus access to the console output from the iPhone.
Grab the iPhone configuration tool and run this regex on the Export:
[ \t]+<key>CFBundleDisplayName</key>[ \t\r\n]+<string>([A-Za-z \&\-,\!]+)</string>
You can then grab the list of apps nice and easily.
Here's what I did, without jailbreaking. (yes it sounds stupid, but it was simple and worked well for me)
Go to your home screen.
Hit the lock button + home button (takes a screenshot)
Open you folders and do the same.
Do the same for any other pages you have.
All the names of installed apps are now in your pictures folder, just copy the pictures to your computer, and finished!

Is it possible to programmatically change the name of an iPhone app once it's installed on a device?

I'm curious - is it possible to programmatically change the name of an iPhone app that is used on the iPhone OS home screen? I know it's just an entry in the Info.plist file, but I haven't seen any apps doing it.
I'd like to distribute a "Lite" version of an existing app and allow users to upgrade to the full version via in-app purchase. However, once they purchase the app, I'd like to change the app's icon and name to read "Layers Pro" instead of "Layers Lite." I feel like this is important to maintain consistency and a good upgrade experience.
No, it's not possible. The Info.plist and everything in the app bundle is read-only once it's installed on an iPhone.
No, you can't. The only way to change the name of an iPhone app is when you update the app through iTunesConnect.