Referencing nsmutablearray to Data Model - iphone

I have a design issue which I am trying to analyze in my current project and thought maybe someone could help me figure this out. I have an nsarray object which I filter through predicate, and I want to set that object as my data model through view controller. First, is this a good practice of doing so? Since, I want to have an access of that object through out my transaction. I am not dealing with any database, plist, or core data model at current, these are just custom data model class I have created.

It's very common for a view of some sort to be backed by an NSArray, or an NSMutableArray. (Particularly, a UITableView, which can provide a single cell for each object in your array.)
Depending on the scope of your project, you can either investigate using Core Data for binding your model to your data:
CocoaDevCentral Core Data Overview
Or, for something a bit easier but less robust, you can look into implementing the methods defined in the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols, if you want to populate the cells of your table on a per-request basis.


Can NSManagedObject class objects be used as models?

I have a bit confusion in choosing whether to use NSManagedObjet class objects directly as models or whether to create separate classess for models and create data mappers to map data from these model class to NSManagedObject class objects.
Is there any harm in using Core Data objects as models ? What are the pros and cons of both approches?
Thanks in advance,
I read your question and I take it you are not asking whether to use NSManagedObject directly or whether to subclass NSManagedObject, but if you should have your model as separate classes which use Core Data by explicit methods written by yourself.
Core Data is designed to act as the model layer for your application. I do not see any real benefits in having your own model classes, writing an interface for them and implementing it in core data behind the scenes, unless you really need the freedom to give up core data entirely at some point.
I recommend you create your model classes as subclasses of NSManagedObject. You are free to extend those in any way you deem necessary beyond what core data provides you, but at the same time your model classes will have full benefits from the core data framework: faulting, caching, data integrity assurances, cascade deletes, etc...
If you just use NSManagedObject, you will not have the benefit of the convenient "dot.notation" when referring to attributes and relationships.
Also, you will have to retrieve all values with valueForKey and set them with setValueForKey followed by strings. This can be extremely error prone and cumbersome and the resulting code is not nearly as readably as with the dot notation.
Finally, in your object classes you can implement all kinds of additional functionality. Where would you put this code otherwise? Remember the principle of encapsulation that helps produce independent and reusable code.

How do I manage models & views in an iPhone app?

I have a bunch of model objects that inherit from NSObject (Result). And I have a bunch of view objects that inherit from UIView (ResultView). They exist in a 1:1 relationship (one model for one view). In my controller I have an two arrays: one for Result objects and one for ResultView objects. The controller displays many of these result views and they can be added/deleted/reordered. Trying to keep 2 arrays in sync (results & resultViews) isn't working out. How should I approach this problem?
I'm considering initializing a view object with a model object (eg: an initWithResult: in my ResultView class and then retain a pointer to the Result object in the ResultView). Then I could do something like ResultView.result to access model data. Is there a better solution? This would break MVC, wouldn't it?
Unless you're trying to persist these model objects in a DB or something similar, I would put a view property on the model objects. If you don't have to create the view for any reason, then just nil it out to save on memory.
Does it break MVC? I guess. But if your model objects will always have a view associated with them, it starts to go into the blurry line area. No programming god will send you to hell for breaking the standard a little bit.
Do what's clean, optimal, and easiest for another programmer to understand when looking at your code.
Ok, if I understand your question correctly, the model objects are persistent while the views are dynamically created/deleted. You are relying implicitly on the index of the two arrays to achieve the mapping of two parts. One simple way is to add a "model object id" in your view class. Then you can easily reference to the correct model object in the view.

Can I remove an object from the fetchedResultsController without deleting the object from the db?

I have been trying to remove an object from the tableView I am working with without deleting the object from the db, and I can't figure out how to do it.
I have tried setting a predicate on the fetchedResultsController, to filter objects that have a BOOL set to a certain value. Then, when I change that value, I expect that I can get that object to stay in the db, but out of the fetchedResultsController because of the predicate, but alas, that isn't working.
How can I remove an object from my tableView's dataSource (the fetchedResultsController) without deleting it from the core data db completely?
Please help! I've been bashing my head against this for way too long
I've always rolled my own table view data source when I need to weed out fetched results. NSFetchedResultsController objects are great when you want to show everything in your data base, but not so great when you want to weed out some of the data on the fly. I fetch the data, then iterate through the results array looking for the data I want to keep. The good objects get added to a new array, which becomes the basis of my table view data source.
The times I've implemented this, the data manipulation happens in a model object which hands off the array to the UITableViewController subclass that implements UITabelViewDataSource protocol methods. I suppose you could implement this as a subclass of NSFetchedResultsController, but I've never tried that approach.

Syncing up Core Data with a NSMutableArray

I know this is probably a pretty basic question, but I'm working with Core Data and a UITableView. I import all the data from Core Data to various mutable arrays. When a user rearranges the items in the table, it's easy enough to swap the items in the mutable arrays I obtained from core data earlier, but is there an easy way to sync the new mutable array with the existing core data? Any help is appreciated!
I think your question is actually how to persist the order of the data in your table view rows in Core Data.
The answer is you have to introduce a new integer / NSNumber attribute to keep track. I have done this in a simple app managing a to-do list.
Use a NSFetchedResultsController. It greatly simplifies using a table view and Core Data together. No need worrying about intermediary arrays.
Lion added support for ordered to-many relationships, which is much easier than storing the indices within the entities. If you're targeting Lion you can mark the relationship Ordered and access it using a new class NSOrderedSet, which will persist its order, like an array.

What is the best practice to reference model objects in views with Core Data?

I have an NSManagedObject that described an animal, it has the attributes "name", "species", "scientificName" etc. I display all animals in a UITableView and managed the NSManagedObjects with an NSFetchedResultsController.
To provide my table view cells with the information necessary to render the content so far I just weakly referenced them to my NSManagedObject describing the animal. However, sometimes the NSManagedObject should get faulted and when the table view cells are redrawn, they re access the properties of the object and thus prevent the fault.
What are the best practices to provide view objects with information when using core data as data source? If possible I would like to avoid copying all attributes of the NSManagedObject over to the table view cell.
I believe it is a good practice to clearly separate the Model, View and Controller layers. Especially making sure the Views are not holding Model state. Holding on to a NSManagedObject holding on to a Model object. Copying some data is unavoidable.
I usually implement a method for "painting" the View with the Model data. Something like this in the UITableViewCell subclass:
-(void)configureWithAnimal:(NSManagedObject*)animal {
self.nameLabel.text = [animal valueForKey:#"name"];
self.speciesLabel.text = [animal valueForKey:#"species"];
// Etc.
This way it is a single line of code in the UITableViewController subclass to setup the cell, independently of newly created or reused cells. And if many tables wants to reuse the custom cell then not all f them need to reimplement the code to seeing up the cell.