What are the green and red gems beside Github Gist Revisions - github

I have just started to use Github and have been doing some tests with Gist, I notice beside each revision there are little green and red dots of varying amounts. Does anyone know what they are?
The following image, for example, is captured from this gist.

Those red and green dots represent insertions and deletions in the revision, respectively. There is something similar associated with commits on GitHub (actually, you see the same information when committing in Git), except there you can hover the mouse pointer over the dots and get more information. For example, when hovering over the colored squares in this commit you can see the number of additions and deletions.


Split hunks with Gitkraken

After making changes to a tracked files in a Git repository, GitKraken allows you to view default hunks per file. You are given the option to Stage or Discard these hunks.
git add --patch provides the option to split hunks into smaller hunks. I am wondering whether this functionality exists within GitKraken and, if so, how to utilize it.
In Gitkraken's diff view you can stage/unstage/discard multiple lines by selecting them (click and drag over the lines, the text of the lines is now marked blue) and then right click to choose what you want to do.
For staging single lines there is also a green plus which appears next to the line when you hover your mouse over it.
Click on the green plus to stage the line.
This Gitkraken support site shows this in the following screenshot:

detect white space difference between two files

We are using git. I am using eclipse. Some of the committers may not be using eclipse. Here's what is happening.
I make a small change in an existing file (properties/xml/java) and save it and commit it.
gitk (without ignore space change) and eclipse thinks the whole file changed. The commit shows ## -1,354 +1,354 ## which means the entire file changed.
When I check for code change difference, with ignore white space, then I can see the text difference. But I don't know what white space change is causing this.
How do I detect what white space difference is there between two files? It could be new line character, carriage return, tab, or something else.
This is how eclipse compare editor works. Unlike other file compare tools(kdiff3 or winmerge or Beyond compare) it shows entire file instead of showing only the difference.
But you can jump to individual changes by clicking on the change book markers as highlighted below.
You can integrate other compare tools(Ex: Beyond compare, winmerge) in eclipse.
Refer these links
Beyond Compare with git
Winmerge with git
White space changes are shown in GREY background color

What's the star icon in eclipse? How to erase them?

I'm using eclipse4.2.2.I cloned a repository from github and then created a pydev project in the same directory.Here's what the navigator looks like:
As you see,the star icons and red background color are really annoying.
Could somebody explain what those things are, and how to get rid of them?Thank you!
I'm assuming you're on Git Repository Exploring perspective and star means it's a new / modified file (source control wise). In a way this is a helpful extra information to show you which file has changed since last commit
Changing to other perspective might no longer show the stars. Have a look at the perspective switcher (normally at the top right corner)

What do the colors in the Github for Windows shell mean?

When "gitting" in Windows, I happily use the Github for Windows client, but since I do a lot of work in Linux as well I often end up in the shell when anything more complicated than committing or syncing has to be done. I really like the Posh-Git additions with colors and some info on the state of the tree, but I've been unable to find a good resource on what they all actually mean.
For example, the name of the current branch can be yellow, cyan, red and perhaps other colors as well. If there are local changes, there is a set of extra things (for example +0 ~1 -0) that are mostly displayed in dark red, but I think I've seen them in other colors as well (I don't know how to reproduce it though - since I don't know what the colors mean...)
Is there a summary somewhere on how to interpret the extra information that the colors and digits give?
Colors are explained under The Prompt in the README shown at https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-git/. To summarize:
Cyan means the branch matches its remote
Green means the branch is ahead of its remote (green light to push)
Red means the branch is behind its remote
Yellow means the branch is both ahead of and behind its remote
The +~-! status represents added/modified/removed/conflicted file count in your index (dark green) and/or working directory (dark red).

tortoiseCVS how to tell tag from branch

I have a dummy question.
I have so many tags in cvs
Now I am not sure which ones are real branches which ones are simply tags.
Select any one file in CVS, right click History, then tortoiseCVS gives a list of history including all tags and branches.
The tags are in yellow background, branches are in green background.
Also the icons for tags are different from branches on the history window.
Tag icon is a curve arrow within a square, while branch icon is two-overlapped dog-eared pages.