How to "find" sequence element and predicate result at once? - scala

Suppose I have a function f(n:Int):Option[String]. I would like to find such 1 <= k <= 10 that f(k) is not None. I can code it as follows: (1 to 10).find(k => f(k).isDefined)
Now I would like to know both k and f(k). val k = (1 to 10).find(f(_).isDefined)
val s = f(k)
Unfortunately, this code invokes f(k) twice. How would you find k and f(k) at once ?

My first try would be:
(1 to 10).view map {k => (k, f(k))} find {_._2.isDefined}
The use of view avoids creating intermediate map. Or even better with pattern matching and partial function:
(1 to 10).view map {k => (k, f(k))} collectFirst {case (k, Some(v)) => (k, v)}
This returns Option[(Int, java.lang.String)] (None if no element satisfying f is found).
You might also experiment with .zipWithIndex.

A bit shorter - just map and find:
// for testing
def f (n: Int): Option [String] =
if (n > 0) Some ((List.fill (n) ("" + n)).mkString) else None
(-5 to 5).map (i => (i, f(i))).find (e => e._2 != None)
// result in REPL
res67: Option[(Int, Option[String])] = Some((1,Some(1)))

A slightly more verbose version of Tomasz Nurkiewicz's solution:
xs = (1 to 10).view
xs zip { xs map { f(_) } } collectFirst { case (k, Some(v)) => (k, v) }


How to get minimum value for each distinct key using ReduceByKey() in Scala

I have a flat map that returns the Sequence Seq((20,6),(22,6),(23,6),(24,6),(20,1),(22,1)) now I need to use the reduceByKey() on the sequence that I got from the flat map to find the minimum value for each key.
I tried using .reduceByKey(a,min(b)) and .reduceByKey((a, b) => if (a._1 < b._1) a else b) but neither of them are working.
This is my code
for(i<- 1 to 5){
var graph=graph.flatMap{ in => in match{ case (x, y, zs) => (x, y) :: => (z, y))}
.reduceByKey((a, b) => if (a._1 < b._1) a else b)
For each distinct key the flatmap generates I need to get the minimum value for that key. Eg: the flatmap generates Seq((20,6),(22,6),(23,6),(24,6),(20,1),(22,1)) the resultByKey() should generate (20,1),(22,1),(23,6),(24,6)
Here is the signature of reduceByKey:
def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) ⇒ V): RDD[(K, V)]
Basically, given a RDD of key/value pairs, you need to provide a function that reduces two values (and not the entire pair) into one. Therefore, you can use it as follows:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq((20,6),(22,6),(23,6),(24,6),(20,1),(22,1)))
val result = rdd.reduceByKey((a, b) => if (a < b) a else b)
// Array[(Int, Int)] = Array((24,6), (20,1), (22,1), (23,6))

How to yield multiple values?

I have a for comprehension like:
val ao = Option(1)
val bo = Option(2)
val (x,y) = for (a <- ao; b <- bo) yield (a+b, b+a*2)
However this does not work. For comprehension returns Option[(Int,Int)] but cannot be assigned to individual x and y.
If I do:
val Some((x,y)) = for ...
It causes exception when yield None.
How to achieve this goal? I want x and y to be Option[Int]. I hope to find an elegant solution without using like x._1 or x.getOrElse, or match
It should have been unzip, but unfortunately, unzip returns Lists, not Options. Probably the shortest work-around would be:
val pairOpt = for (a <- ao; b <- bo) yield (a+b, b+a*2)
val (x, y) = (,
Isn't pattern matching the best way to handle options?
val res = for (a <- ao; b <- bo) yield (a+b, b+a*2)
val (x, y) = res match {
case Some((x, y)) => (Some(x), Some(y))
case None => (None, None)
Why would that not be considered 'elegant'?

Scala type mismatch when adding elements to hashmap

I am representing a graph's adjacency list in Scala in the variable a.
val a = new HashMap[Int, Vector[Tuple2[Int, Int]]] withDefaultValue Vector.empty
for(i <- 1 to N) {
val Array(x, y, r) = readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
a(x) += new Tuple2(y, r)
a(y) += new Tuple2(x, r)
I am reading each edge in turn(x and y are nodes, while r is the cost of the edge). After reading it, I am adding it to the adjacency list.
However, when adding the Tuples containing a neighbouring node and a cost to the HashMap I get:
Solution.scala:17: error: type mismatch;
found : (Int, Int)
required: String
a(x) += new Tuple2(y, r)
I don't understand why it wants String. I haven't specified String anywhere.
+= is the operator for concatenating to a String.
You would probably want to do something like: a.update(x, a.getOrElse(x, Vector()) :+ (x, r)).
Also, you are writing Java code in Scala. It compiles, but amounts to abuse of the language :/
Consider doing something like this next time:
val a = Range(1, N)
.map { _ => readline.split(" ").map (_.toInt) }
.flatMap { case Array(x, y, r) =>
Seq(x -> (y, r), y -> (x, r))
.mapValues { ( _._2) }

Scala pattern matching with disjunctions not working

I am learning Scala and don't understand why the following is not working.
I want to refactor a (tested) mergeAndCount function which is part of a counting inversions algorithm to utilize pattern matching. Here is the unrefactored method:
def mergeAndCount(b: Vector[Int], c: Vector[Int]): (Int, Vector[Int]) = {
if (b.isEmpty && c.isEmpty)
(0, Vector())
else if (!b.isEmpty && (c.isEmpty || b.head < c.head)) {
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount(b drop 1, c)
(count, b.head +: r)
} else {
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount(b, c drop 1)
(count + b.length, c.head +: r)
Here is my refactored method mergeAndCount2. Which is working fine.
def mergeAndCount2(b: Vector[Int], c: Vector[Int]): (Int, Vector[Int]) = (b, c) match {
case (Vector(), Vector()) =>
(0, Vector())
case (bh +: br, Vector()) =>
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount2(br, c)
(count, bh +: r)
case (bh +: br, ch +: cr) if bh < ch =>
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount2(br, c)
(count, bh +: r)
case (_, ch +: cr) =>
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount2(b, cr)
(count + b.length, ch +: r)
However as you can see the second and third case are duplicate code. I therefore wanted to combine them using the disjunction like this:
case (bh +: br, Vector()) | (bh +: br, ch +: cr) if bh < ch =>
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount2(br, c)
(count, bh +: r)
This gives me an error though (on the case line): illegal variable in pattern alternative.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help (also on style) is greatly appreciated.
Update: thanks to your suggestions here is my result:
def mergeAndCount3(b: Vector[Int], c: Vector[Int], acc : (Int, Vector[Int])): (Int, Vector[Int]) = (b, c) match {
case (Vector(), Vector()) =>
case (bh +: br, _) if c.isEmpty || bh < c.head =>
mergeAndCount3(br, c, (acc._1, acc._2 :+ bh))
case (_, ch +: cr) =>
mergeAndCount3(b, cr, (acc._1 + b.length, acc._2 :+ ch))
When pattern matching with pipe (|) you are not allowed to bind any variable other than wildcard (_).
This is easy to understand: in the body of your case, what would be the actual type of bh or br for example if your two alternatives match different types?
Edit - from the scala reference:
8.1.11 Pattern Alternatives Syntax: Pattern ::= Pattern1 { ‘|’ Pattern1 } A pattern alternative p 1 | . . . | p n consists of a
number of alternative patterns p i . All alternative patterns are type
checked with the expected type of the pattern. They may no bind
variables other than wildcards. The alternative pattern matches a
value v if at least one its alternatives matches v.
Edit after first comment - you can use the wildcard to match something like this for example:
try {
} catch {
case (_: NullPointerException | _: IllegalArgumentException) => ...
If you think about that, looking at your case clause, how should the compiler know if in the case body it should be allowed to use ch and cr or not?
This sort of questions make it very hard to make the compiler support disjunction and variable binding in the same case clause, thus this is not allowed at all.
Your mergeAndCount2 function looks quite fine with respect to pattern matching. I think that its most evident problem is not being tail-recursive and thus not running in constant stack space. If you can solve this problem you will probably end with something that is less repetitive as well.
You can rewrite the case expression and move the disjunction to the if part
case (bh +: br, cr) if cr.isEmpty || bh < cr.head =>
val (count, r) = mergeAndCount2(br, c)
(count, bh +: r)
You can yet simplify a little bit:
def mergeAndCount3(b: Vector[Int], c: Vector[Int],
count: Int = 0, r: Vector[Int] = Vector()): (Int, Vector[Int]) =
(b, c) match {
case (bh +: br, _) if c.isEmpty || bh < c.head =>
mergeAndCount3(br, c, count, bh +: r)
case (_, ch +: cr) =>
mergeAndCount3(b, cr, count + b.length, ch +: r)
case _ => (count, r)

Converting a sequence of map operations to a for-comprehension

I read in Programming in Scala section 23.5 that map, flatMap and filter operations can always be converted into for-comprehensions and vice-versa.
We're given the following equivalence:
def map[A, B](xs: List[A], f: A => B): List[B] =
for (x <- xs) yield f(x)
I have a value calculated from a series of map operations:
val r = (1 to 100).map{ i => (1 to 100).map{i % _ == 0} }
.map{ _.foldLeft(false)(_^_) }
.map{ case true => "open"; case _ => "closed" }
I'm wondering what this would look like as a for-comprehension. How do I translate it?
(If it's helpful, in words this is:
take integers from 1 to 100
for each, create a list of 100 boolean values
fold each list with an XOR operator, back into a boolean
yield a list of 100 Strings "open" or "closed" depending on the boolean
I imagine there is a standard way to translate map operations and the details of the actual functions in them is not important. I could be wrong though.)
Is this the kind of translation you're looking for?
for (i <- 1 to 100;
val x = (1 to 100).map(i % _ == 0);
val y = x.foldLeft(false)(_^_);
val z = y match { case true => "open"; case _ => "closed" })
yield z
If desired, the map in the definition of x could also be translated to an "inner" for-comprehension.
In retrospect, a series of chained map calls is sort of trivial, in that you could equivalently call map once with composed functions: == andThen g andThen h)
I find for-comprehensions to be a bigger win when flatMap and filter are involved. Consider
for (i <- 1 to 3;
j <- 1 to 3 if (i + j) % 2 == 0;
k <- 1 to 3) yield i ^ j ^ k
(1 to 3).flatMap { i =>
(1 to 3).filter(j => (i + j) % 2 == 0).flatMap { j =>
(1 to 3).map { k => i ^ j ^ k }