mib name printing from mib values in perl - perl

This is the code that I used to walk through the table in net:snmp using perl:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
my $OID_hrSystem = '';
my $OID_ifPhysAddress = '';
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => shift || 'localhost',
-community => shift || 'public',
-nonblocking => 1,
-translate => [-octetstring => 0],
-version => 'snmpv2c',
if (!defined $session) {
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $error;
exit 1;
my %table; # Hash to store the results
my $result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-varbindlist => [ $OID_hrSystem ],
-callback => [ \&table_callback, \%table ],
-maxrepetitions => 10,
if (!defined $result) {
printf "ERROR: %s\n", $session->error();
exit 1;
# Now initiate the SNMP message exchange.
# Print the results, specifically formatting ifPhysAddress.
for my $oid (oid_lex_sort(keys %table)) {
if (!oid_base_match($OID_ifPhysAddress, $oid)) {
printf "%s = %s\n", $oid, $table{$oid};
} else {
printf "%s = %s\n", $oid, unpack 'H*', $table{$oid};
exit 0;
sub table_callback
my ($session, $table) = #_;
my $list = $session->var_bind_list();
if (!defined $list) {
printf "ERROR: %s\n", $session->error();
# Loop through each of the OIDs in the response and assign
# the key/value pairs to the reference that was passed with
# the callback. Make sure that we are still in the table
# before assigning the key/values.
my #names = $session->var_bind_names();
my $next = undef;
while (#names) {
$next = shift #names;
if (!oid_base_match($OID_hrSystem, $next)) {
return; # Table is done. chakri
$table->{$next} = $list->{$next};
# Table is not done, send another request, starting at the last
# OBJECT IDENTIFIER in the response. No need to include the
# calback argument, the same callback that was specified for the
# original request will be used.
my $result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-varbindlist => [ $next ],
-maxrepetitions => 10,
if (!defined $result) {
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error();
Output is: = 1 hour, 12:00.77 = �
+ = 1536 = BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-14-generic root=UUID=5c4c8d22-3cea-4410-aaad-f297c75d217e ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7 = 1 = 133 = 0
But the required output for me is as follows:
hrSystemUptime.0 = 1:08:54.36
hrSystemDate.0 = 2011-12-14,16:0:2.0,+1:0
hrSystemInitialLoadDevice.0 = 1536
hrSystemInitialLoadParameters.0 = "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-14-generic root=UUID=5c4c8d22-3cea-4410-aaad-f297c75d217e ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7"
hrSystemNumUsers.0 = 1
hrSystemProcesses.0 = 133
hrSystemMaxProcesses.0 = 0
The main thing in the output is I want mib names to be printed in the output instead of the mib values

You could use the SNMP module (available on Ubuntu as libsnmp-perl) which offers a tied hash to loaded MIBs, %SNMP::MIB. Here's some example code:
use SNMP;
print "$SNMP::MIB{''}{label} = \n";
#Should print "hrSystemUptime = "
Because %SNMP::MIB is a tied hash, you can't just do a lookup and assign to a lexical variable, i.e. my $oid = $SNMP::MIB{$oidstr}. You have to access it directly every time.
There is lots of other information that it loads from the MIB, including data type, which could help with the issue it looks like you have with hrSystemDate. Also, see the man page for mib_api if you need to load specific MIBs. The ones you used in your example loaded by default on my system, though.

have you tried the snmpget command on your server? When I run snmpget direcly on CLI, the result cames with the name:
Ex: /usr/local/bin/snmpget -O Q -v 2c -c Community x.x.x.x .
IF-MIB::ifHCInOctets.100663301 = 152528664859348
If it works for you, you might want to exectute the command in the PERL code, instead of using the LIB. Then you just have to handle with the output.
Also, tou can use snmptranslate to tranlate your OIDs:
Ex: /usr/local/bin/snmptranslate
More Info -> http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/TUT:snmptranslate
Why don't you:
my $pathSnmpTranslate = '/your/path/to/snmptranslate';
for my $oid (oid_lex_sort(keys %table)) {
my $oidTrans = `$pathSnmpTranslate $oid`;
if (!oid_base_match($OID_ifPhysAddress, $oid)) {
printf "%s = %s\n", $oidTrans, $table{$oid};
} else {
printf "%s = %s\n", $oidTrans, unpack 'H*',$table{$oid};
On my machine it worked:
> /xxx % /usr/local/bin/snmptranslate
> /xxx % /usr/local/bin/snmptranslate


My code to change the password from remote server is not working

I was using this in the perl script, where it is login to a couple of servers and trying to change the password for the servers through a remote host. But the problem is that the password is not getting changed on both the servers as well as i am not finding a way to check if the new passwords are passed to the servers using expect. i am posting that part of the code where it is checking for the prompt and trying to change the password.
package Session;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Expect;
use IO::Pty;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use Switch;
use YAML;
use feature 'say';
my $host1 = $ARGV[0];
my $host2 = $ARGV[1];
my $host1_adapter_name = $ARGV[2];
my $host2_adapter_name = $ARGV[3];
my $exp = Expect->new;
my ($selfObj) = #_;
my $str = "{$host1}\{root} # ";
my $cmdStr; my $result; my $dev_id;
my $timeout = 10;
my $min = 192;
my $range = 32;
my $host1_dev_id = _adapter($host1_adapter_name);
my $host2_dev_id = _adapter($host2_adapter_name);
my #hosts = ("$host1", "$host2");
print ("host2 name is=$host2------");
foreach my $n (#hosts)
print ("value of n is $n\n");
if ( $n eq $host1 )
if ( $n eq $host2)
print ("inside 2nd if-----\n");
sub _login
my ($host,$host_dev_id) = #_;
my $exit = 1;
$exp = Expect->spawn("telnet $host") or die "unable to connect , Please check the connection & retry again: $!\n";
if (!defined($exp))
print "Please check the connection & retry again\n";
return -1;
`sleep 2 `;
`sleep 3 `;
qr '[#>:][\s]?$',
sub {
$cmdStr = "passwd\r";
$result =_run_cmd($cmdStr);
qr'root\'s New password:\s*';
qr'Enter the new password again:\s*';
# $exp->send('passwd:\s*',5);
$exit = 0;
eof =>
print("FileName : Session.pm , ERROR: premature EOF in command execution.\n");
'-re', qr'[#$>:]\s?$', # wait for shell prompt, then exit expect
sub _adapter
my ($adapter_name) = #_;
print "Adapter name: $adapter_name\n";
case "AUSTIN" {$dev_id="e414571614102004"}
case "CX5" {$dev_id="b315191014103506"}
case "CX4" {$dev_id="b31513101410f704"}
case "CX4_EG10" {$dev_id="b315151014101f06"}
case "CX4_EG25" {$dev_id="b315151014101e06"}
case "CX3" {$dev_id="RoCE"}
case "CX2" {$dev_id="b315506714106104"}
case "CX3_PRO" {$dev_id="RoCE"}
case "CX3_PRO1" {$dev_id="b31507101410e704"}
case "HOUSTON_LR" {$dev_id="df1020e214104004"}
case "HOUSTON_SR" {$dev_id="df1020e214100f04"}
case "HOUSTON_Cu" {$dev_id="df1020e214103d04"}
case "SHINER_S" {$dev_id="e4148a1614109304"}
case "SHINER_T" {$dev_id="e4148e1614109204"}
case "SLATE_SR" {$dev_id="df1020e21410e304"}
case "SLATE_CU" {$dev_id="df1020e21410e404"}
case "EVERGLADES" {$dev_id="b315151014101e06"}
else { print "Adapter not in list\n"}
return $dev_id;
sub _run_cmd
my $output; my $output1;
my ($cmdStr) = #_;
$exp->send($cmdStr ."\r");
$exp->expect(21, '-re', $str);
$output = $exp->exp_before();
my #PdAt_val = split("\r?\n", $output);
foreach my $line1 (#PdAt_val)
if ( $line1 =~ /(\(\d+\))(\s*root\s*\#\s*)/)
if ( $1 =~ /\((\d+)\)/)
if ($1 != 0)
print("*************** Command $cmdStr didn't ran sucessfully ***************\n");
return $output;
There are individual solutions for different systems. So some systems got from their god the must have highlevel restrictions. So the regular says, that you cant login as root directly. To step up the long way to the stage you can use sudo or su. I didnt see that mind in your lines.
# The simpliest way is to use what you have!
sub passwd
my $user = #_[0];
my $password = #_[1];
# as root
my $execline = qq~passwd $user:$password~;
# as root with second password
my $execline = qq~passwd $user:$password\n$password~;
# for microsoft certified ubuntu noobs, kidding mint's
my $execline = qq~sudo $password && passwd $user:$password~;
# for apple greyed, debian nerds, solaris freaks
my $execline = qq~su $password && passwd $user:$password~;
my $return = system("$execline");
print &passwd("root","the magical word");
# elseif read this.url([to get the higher experience][1]);
[1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/714915/using-the-passwd-command-from-within-a-shell-script

perl - Resolve hostname and AP status from SNMP

The idea is that the first get_table gets the AP status off a WLAN controller, then it uses get_request to get the AP's hostname as it's printing out the status table. The problem I'm having is the $ap_name comes back as an array, when I just want the single value.
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => "$hostaddr",
-community => "$community",
-timeout => "30",
-version => "2c",
-port => "161");
if (!defined($session)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
exit 1;
my $ap_stat = $session->get_table( -baseoid => $ap_stat_oid );
my $ap_name = $session->get_table( -baseoid => $ap_name_oid);
if (! defined $ap_stat || ! defined $ap_name) {
die "Failed to get OID '$ap_stat_oid': " . $session->error;
my #ap_name_array;
foreach my $ap_name_key (keys %$ap_name) {
my #ap_stat_array;
foreach my $ap_stat_key (keys %$ap_stat) {
Edit: I changed it up a bit but still can't figure out what's next. I think I want to store the print output's into arrays and then join them and print for the joined array but I'm not sure how.
Edit: Here's my desired output:
AP-01 = 1
AP-02 = 1
AP-03 = 2
AP-04 = 1
More edits: I got the values into an arrays, now I'm just trying to get the output right.
Figured it out using use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise); from here
if (! defined $ap_stat || ! defined $ap_name) {
die "Failed to get OID '$ap_stat_oid': " . $session->error;
my #ap_name_array;
foreach my $ap_name_key (keys %$ap_name) {
my #ap_stat_array;
foreach my $ap_stat_key (keys %$ap_stat) {
print pairwise { "$a = $b\n" } #ap_name_array, #ap_stat_array;
Beat you to it #ThisSuitIsBlackNot, thanks anyways!

If elsif if snmp issue

I have some devices I want to get the temperature from. Some devices do not give a numeric temperature, just OK or 1. Basically I want to poll on mib then if that is blank poll another, if still blank print problem.
my $walk = `snmpwalk -O n -v 1 -c $community $switchaddr`;
$walk = substr("$walk", -3); #remove spacing
#print "\r$switchaddr $walk"
if ($walk =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { #If something is returned
print "$switchaddr $walk";
} elsif ($walk eq "") {
$walk = `snmpwalk -O n -v 1 -c $community $switchaddr`;
print "$switchaddr $walk\n"; #Should print 1
} else {
print "$switchaddr Problem\n";
Thanks for the help.
Use this, a lot better:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SNMP;
my $OID = '';
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => shift || 'localhost',
-community => shift || 'public',
if (!defined $session) {
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $error;
exit 1;
my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [ $OID ],);
if (!defined $result) {
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error();
exit 1;
printf "The sysUpTime for host '%s' is %s.\n", $session->hostname(), $result->{$OID};

Perl SNMP trap generator for scale testing?

I've hacked the script below together to let me generate traps to a test server. What I really need is something that will generate traps at a large scale so that I can check my tools on the receiving end to find out where the bottleneck is, such as UDP, Net::SNMP, Perl, etc.
I had hoped this script would let me generate something like 10k events/second but I am sadly mistaken.
Does anyone know if I can do this in Perl or have a suggestion of another way to do it?
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Log::Fast;
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
my $ROOT_DIR = abs_path("$FindBin::Bin/..");
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use Net::SNMP qw(:ALL);
use Time::HiRes qw( time sleep );
#FIXME - I had to add below for Perl 5.10 users.
# on Perl 5.10, I would get the following when running:
# perl -e"autoflush STDOUT, 1;"
# Can't locate object method "autoflush" via package "IO::Handle" at -e line 1.
use FileHandle;
# Create default logger, will reconfigure it as soon as we read configuration from database
my $log = Log::Fast->global();
my $myname = $0;
$myname =~ s{.*/}{}; # leave just program name without path
# Command line options
my $options = {
debug => 0,
verbose => 0,
logfile => "./$myname.log",
help => 0,
community => "public",
trapsource => "",
timelimit => 1,
sub usage_and_exit {
my ($exit_code) = #_;
print STDERR qq{
This program is used to generate SNMP traps to a specified host at a specified rate
Usage: $myname [-o --option]
-h : this (help) message
-d : debug level (0-5) (0 = disabled [default])
-v : Also print results to STDERR
-l : log file (defaults to local dir
-r : Rate (events/sec)
-ts : host to generate messages FROM
-td : host to generate messages TO
-tl : Run for this many seconds (default 1)
-c : community
Example: $myname -td -r 1 -tl 5 -v
'debug|d=i' => \$options->{debug},
'help|h!' => \$options->{help},
'verbose|v!' => \$options->{verbose},
'logfile|l=s' => \$options->{logfile},
'rate|r=i' => \$options->{rate},
'trapsource|ts=s' => \$options->{trapsource},
'trapdest|td=s' => \$options->{trapdest},
'community|c=s' => \$options->{community},
'timelimit|tl=i' => \$options->{timelimit},
) or usage_and_exit(1); # got some invalid options
if ( $options->{help} ) {
# Reconfigure log to use logfile (as we finally got it from $settings), also
# set proper level and output based on $options{verbose} and $options{debug}
# Finally we are initialized, announce this to the world :-)
$log->INFO("Program initialized successfully");
my $date = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
# start func
my $period = 1 / $options->{rate};
my $start = time();
my $limit = time() + $options->{timelimit};
my $total = $options->{rate} * $options->{timelimit};
$log->INFO("Generating $options->{rate} trap(s) every second for $options->{timelimit} seconds (1 every $period seconds, $total total events)");
while($start < $limit) {
my $elapsed = time() - $start;
if ($elapsed < $period) {
sleep($period - $elapsed);
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $options->{trapdest},
-community => $options->{community},
-port => SNMP_TRAP_PORT, # Need to use port 162
-version => 'snmpv2c'
if (!defined($session)) {
$log->INFO("ERROR: %s.", $error);
exit 1;
my $result = $session->snmpv2_trap(
-varbindlist => [
'', TIMETICKS, 600,
'', IPADDRESS, $options->{trapsource}
if (!defined($result)) {
$log->INFO("ERROR: %s.", $session->error());
} else {
$log->INFO("SNMPv2-Trap-PDU sent from $options->{trapsource} to $options->{trapdest}.");
} else {
$start = time();
# There should only be subs from here down
# =================================================================================================
# Helper functions
# =================================================================================================
# commify not used yet
sub commify {
my $text = reverse $_[0];
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
sub setup_log {
my $log_dir = dirname($options->{logfile});
# Create log dir, and build log path if not provided by command line option
if ( !-d $log_dir ) {
mkdir( $log_dir, 0755 ) or die("mkdir $log_dir: $!");
if ( !$options->{logfile} ) {
$options->{logfile} = $log_dir . "/" . basename( $0, '.pl' ) . '.log';
my $log_options = {};
# Set up output to file or both file and stderr
if ( $options->{verbose} ) {
# make multiplexer FH sending data both to file and STDERR
open( my $fh, '>>:tee', $options->{logfile}, \*STDERR )
or die("$options->{logfile}: $!");
$log_options->{fh} = $fh;
else {
open( my $fh, '>>', $options->{logfile} ) or die("$options->{logfile}: $!");
$log_options->{fh} = $fh;
# Setup extra information to put in every log line, depending on debug level
if ( $options->{debug} > 1 ) {
$log_options->{prefix} = "%D %T %S [%L] ";
else {
$log_options->{prefix} = "%D %T [%L] ";
$log_options->{level} = $options->{debug} > 0 ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO';
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my $msg = shift;
$msg =~ s/\n//;
$log->INFO("Starting logging to $options->{logfile} with pid $$");
sub DEBUG {
my ( $level, #log_args ) = #_;
if ( $options->{debug} >= $level ) {
Perhaps use something like Parallel::ForkManager ? In addition, with specific regard to testing scalability of your SNMP collector, you'll probably be interested in the use case of receiving the traps from many HOSTS, not just a single host sending traps at a high rate. For that, you might want to look at using pssh.
One problem might be the slowness of Net::SNMP in pure-perl - perhaps exectuting snmptest or snmptrap via the shell might be faster ? Worth a try.

Why is Net::SNMP::Dispatcher failing with "select() error [No child processes]"?

I need some help identifying, and eliminating, the cause of an odd child process error when polling SNMP services.
During SNMP connect, I verify SNMP connectivity by polling for the
device name until it times out:
sub snmp_close {
my $self = shift;
$self->{SNMP_SESSION}->close if (defined $self->{SNMP_SESSION} && $self->{SNMP_SESSION});
$self->{SNMP_SESSION} = undef;
sub {
my ($self, $ip, $community) = #_;
# If there's a leftover session around, make sure it's closed
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $ip,
-community => $community,
-nonblocking => 1,
-version => 'snmpv2c',
-translate => [
-timeticks => 0x0
if (!defined $session) {
$self->_logger->logcluck("Can't create SNMP object, error: '$error'");
$self->{SNMP_SESSION} = $session;
my $end = time() + 90;
while (time < $end) {
$self->_logger->debug("Probing for SNMP connectivity, giving up in " . int($end - time()) . " seconds");
my %sysName = $self->get_bulk('');
if(scalar keys %sysName >= 1) { # try polling sysName..
return 1;
else {
sleep 5;
# if we've made it this far there's no hope for snmp...
$self->_logger->warn("No SNMP connectivity after 90 seconds");
$self->{SNMP_SESSION} = 0;
sub get_bulk { # return a hash of oid keys and values
my ($self, $oid) = #_;
$self->_logger->logdie("Not connected; call snmp_connect") if not defined $self->{SNMP_SESSION};
$self->_logger->logdie("Connection failed") if not $self->{SNMP_SESSION};
my %table;
my $result = $self->snmp->get_bulk_request(
-varbindlist => [ $oid ],
-maxrepetitions => 20,
-callback => [\&_table_callback, $self, \%table, $oid],
if (!defined $result) {
$self->_logger->warn("SNMP error: '" . $self->snmp->error() . "'");
use Data::Dumper; my %_table = map {s/\Q$oid.\E//; $_} %table; $self->_logger->debug("SNMP Debug, OID polled: '$oid', response is: " . Dumper(\%_table));
return %table;
Most of the time, this works flawlessly, but some percentage of the time
I get a FATAL error out of Net::SNMP::Dispatcher:
FATAL: select() error [No child processes] at perl/lib/perl5.8/Net/SNMP/Dispatcher.pm line 635.
at perl/lib/perl5.8/Net/SNMP/Dispatcher.pm line 635
Net::SNMP::Dispatcher::_event_select('Net::SNMP::Dispatcher=HASH(0xaca5ce0)', 4.99994683265686) called at perl/lib/perl5.8/Net/SNMP/Dispatcher.pm line 601
Net::SNMP::Dispatcher::_event_handle('Net::SNMP::Dispatcher=HASH(0xaca5ce0)') called at perl/lib/perl5.8/Net/SNMP/Dispatcher.pm line 80
Net::SNMP::Dispatcher::activate('Net::SNMP::Dispatcher=HASH(0xaca5ce0)') called at perl/lib/perl5.8/Net/SNMP.pm line 611
Net::SNMP::snmp_dispatcher() called at perl/lib/perl5.8/Device.pm line 857
Device::get_bulk('Device::Class=HASH(0xb1e405c)', called at perl/lib/perl5.8/Device.pm line 824
Device::snmp_connect('Device::Class=HASH(0xb1e405c)',, 'COMMUNITY_STRING') called at perl/lib/perl5.8/Device.pm line 912
(Line 857 is the snmp_dispatcher in get_bulk, above)
I'm new enough to perl -- and totally new to SNMP -- that I don't really
know how to troubleshoot this. The method in question is executed in a
mod_perl CGI call, if that helps isolate the problem.
Some local investigation turned up the fact that this is a side effect of multi-core machines; the child process ran on another core, and its pipe file handle was not available to the parent process.