How to get web page reference using NPAPI? - plugins

I have created a Safari plugin using webkit API and the plugin is working fine on Safari 5.0. Now the next target is to run this plugin on Safari 5.1 and as per Apple information I need to change webkit to NPAPI but I am not able to find any documentation regarding NPAPI.
When I run my plugin on safari 5.1, the GUI runs fine but when I try to get the web page reference to get the current Page URL, gets the Page mainframe for DOM to read the html source of loaded website.
How can I get web page reference and URL through NPAPI ?

I'm really not sure I understand your question; you can get the current page URL through NPAPI by using NPN_GetValue to get the window's NPObject (NPNVWindowNPObject), then query the "location" property and then the "href" property of that.
You can also find information about npapi at:,,, and (official site).
All of that said, you may want to look at FireBreath; it'd simplify a lot for you.


How to launch an external website from a chrome app?

I'm looking to link to a sign up page on an external webapp via a chrome app. The simplest way to manage this seems to be to open a new tab in the chrome browser (not a new webview in a new window of the app).
Tabs seem deprecated and a webview appears very unofficial and unsafe. Basically, is there a way to effectively do this:
Sign up
And the bigger question of course: is there a better way to approach what seems like a simple problem?
Your conceptions, "Tabs seem deprecated and a webview appears very unofficial and unsafe", seem very strange. tabs is simply not enabled for Apps, and <webview> is alive and well.
But if you must open it in the browser, will do the trick. See also this question.
Edit: Also, upcoming is the chrome.browser.openTab API. Leave your feedback if you have use cases for this feature.

How to deal with missing hw back button on iphone in a phonegap app?

I have a web app, hosted in a phonegap application (i use phonegap build for this)
The setup is simple, but shouldn't really matter in this case. I'll tell you anyways because sometimes the devil is in the details, right? :)
The details
The phonegap app is really just the minimal setup with one single html. That html actually serves as a splashscreen - the background of HTML has an image. There is a meta refresh tag, set to redirect the page to an external url. I'll call it from now.
The website at is build using jquery mobile and angularjs. I use that adapter floating around to handle the problem with both frameworks wanting to manipulate the dom on page load. This is the domain the app is really hosted on and where the whole application is run.
The setup
One page has a link to an external page. That page has a bootload of javascript, showing some fancy stuff. If you click the link - your app takes you to that page. That is great! It actually works on all devices. On my desktop browser and android app, i simply hit the hardware (or browser) BACK button and i'm returned to my app at Iphone on the other hand doesn't have a back button :(
My first attempt is creating a landing page that has a back button/link and an iframe to host the fancy page. It works on desktop and android even though i get some exceptions/errors in the console. It doesn't load on iphone - i can only suspect security issues. I am told that what i'm trying to do with the iframe won't work which i think is true.
How do i deal with this? I actually tried the InAppBrowser like this:
var ref =, 'random_string', 'location=yes');
And i checked my config.xml has this:
<preference name="stay-in-webview" value="false" />
I also added this to my page:
<script stype="text/javascript" src="phonegap.js"></script>
Leaving out the phonegap.js file since phonegap build promise to include the correct version.
It still opens the page in the same view/app without the possibility to go back - i get the excat same result as just opening the link the normal way.
Help me {insert jedi name here}, you're my only hope!
I found the problem. The phonegap.js file is automaticly deployed ON the device so only the first index.html (with the meta refresh) actually links correctly. The pages on is not linking to the file. I placed the phonegap.js on and it's working. Only problem, the phonegap.js is different per device - meaning only the device i picked the phonegap.js from is working - the other devices break!
Anywhere i can link to the native apps files? i tried file:///{path}/phonegap.js but it doesn't work. I can see/guess the path, which is different per device, but for iphone its
Payload{name}.app\www - it won't load from there though... i also tried
but that doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
I decided to go back to the drawing board and place all the html files on the device instead. I'll implement JSONP on my ajax api instead so i can let the API live on and still access it from the phone. It's probably also the intended way to make a phonegap app - i just liked the other approach more...
I actually just answered a question like this the other day. You can find it here. In short, see below:
Ensure you have <script src="phonegap.js"></script> in each of your pages that wants to use the inappbrowser
You should NOT need to include a plug-in tag in your config.xml. I am pretty sure that around 2.5 they included inappbrowser in the core build functionality.
To open a link in the inappbrowser, use this javascript:
function openURL(urlString){
myURL = encodeURI(urlString);, '_blank');
This will open the passed URL in the inappbrowser. If you change, '_blank'); to, '_system'); it will open the passed URL in the system browser.
Finally, your item clicks look like this:
<a href='#' onclick='openURL("http://www.urlyouwant")/>
Also, depending on the version of phonegap you are using, stayinwebview is depreciated.
***Based on your edit: Do not put phonegap.js in your project directory. When you upload it to build, it will include it in your project.

Android Facebook login dialog opens without any styling

I am using the Cordova official Facebook plugin and run into a weird issue...
The login process, which previously worked just fine for me, is now open in some native Android "black-screen" view without any styling.
The functionality works just fine - the authentication process succeeds, so there is a consistent connection with Facebook. The thing is, I am expecting a Facebook view instead of only the text content without any styling. Here is an example with Facebook native Hackbook app:
Tried running on two different devices - the issue remains.
Tried with cordova 2.2.0, then started a fresh project with 2.5.0 - the issue remains.
Please advice.
Well, I have spent too much time on this issue, and it seems like this is the new Facebook SDK for Android.
I really wish I am wrong here, but here are examples from Facebook's flow for Android:
Also - when checking the other sample apps in the SDK, all of them behave the same. The only one that shows a Facebook page is the Hackbook, and by it might be because this app is implemented with the old API (version 2):
Hackbook: another sample app demonstrating a selection of Graph API calls. Note that this sample is untouched from v2.0 of the SDK, and demonsrates the SDK's backward-compatibility.
Ok, digging a bit more into it, it seems that there is no iframe involved here, the screen can be changed as you wish with a regular android activity theme added to the activity.
Here is an example of adding one of Androids default themes to the androidMenifest.xml (you can of course create your own Faceboke like theme ):
<activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity"
android:label="#string/facebook_login" />

How to make a plugin like app in iphone

I want to make an plugin like app in iphone for mobile web browser, in which i want to use safari (or any browser) current link and also link which is present on the web page, when i click on it my app should invoke for using targeted link.
I know plugins are not supported in mobile browser,
Can anybody have any solution without jailbreak?
Thanks in advance.

PhoneGap (iPhone / Xcode 4) All links open in Safari

I installed PhoneGap in Xcode but every link I place in the HTML open in Safari, is there a way to get around this? (Even window.location = ''; opens safari)
Also does anyone know how you can start with a remote address instead of a local?
Late response, but here's what I found out if anyone stumbles across this that doesn't require using the ChildBrowser plugin mentioned earlier.
Cordova.plist (found in the Supporting Files folder) has some settings for determining this behavior:
The URLs need to be added to "ExternalHosts" in order for them to be whitelisted (add as
many as needed & you can use * as a wildcard).
Set "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" to YES.
There might be other settings worth configuring there as well, but those two should prevent links & window.location from opening via Mobile Safari.
I've never used it, but often see others referencing the ChildBrowser plugin, which looks like it may fit your needs. You can check out the readme.txt for more info.