App crashes in Blackberry os7 - blackberry-webworks

My app developed with Blackberry webworks v 2.1.1 was working fine in OS6 simulator and device(Blackberry Torch 9800).But crashing every time with OS 7 simulator(Blackberry Torch 9810,Blackberry Bold 9930) while navigating from one page to other page.I am using html and java script and also using jquery 1.6.4 min.js.

Have you tried upgrading to the latest version of the Webworks SDK (v 2.3.1)?


Can't use Monaca barcode scanner plugin on Android 7

I use barcode scanner plugin on my Monaca app. It works nicely without Android 7 devices. I got this error at Android 7 phones:
In Enlish: Sorry, the android camera faced a problem. You may need to restart the device.
Monaca BarcodeScanner Plugin can’t be used with Android version 6 or higher and it may also not work with Cordova 6.5 projects for iOS platform.
However, you can import phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner into your Monaca project. This plugin will work on Android version 6 or higher without any issues. Please test it on custom Debugger or built app.

integrating facebook with blackberry 10

I am trying to build an app which shows posts when connected in cascading style.
I am using Momentics IDE Downloaded Blackberry 10 simulator (works fine)
Webworks 2.1

facebook c# SDK in Windows Store app LoginButton will not render in Designer

I am using VS2013 following the tutorial facebooksdk login-ui-control once I get to step 9 my Design view does not render and if I hover over facebookControls:LoginButton in the XAML I show an error "ResourceMap not found"
I am using
Facebook C# SDK Version:
Facebook SDK for Windows & Windows Phone Version:
I've had the same problem.
Facebook SDK version 6.4.2
Facebook.Client version 0.8.5-alpha
targetFramework win81
but after first F5 the control starts working OK. Seems *.PRI files did not load correctly. see

Phonegap based web application generated by GWT comiler doesn't run on xcode simulator

I'm using GWT to create the UI for my Mobile application and move the compiled code to a phonegap application.
Every thing works fine in Android simulator (and Galaxy S2). But when trying to create an iphone application, I got a blank page without any worning or error.
I'm stuck in this problem even though I followed all the instructions in the getting started tutorial Have you please any idea?
GWT version: 2.4,
JDK: 1.6,
Phonegap cordova: 1.7
Take a look at
It has a library for building gwt applications for phonegap. The bootup situation (which can be quite tricky) is handled inside gwt-phonegap

flex 4.5.1 with air 2.7 on ipad

I was reading that air 2.7 version should improve my application performance which is awesome.
Howeverrr , I do not understand what determines what air version is compiled with my application, if I upgrade the air version that is running on my dev machine will that make the change?
I was looking for a parameter in the flex project settings but all I can find there was the sdk to use with my app (4.5.1)
How do I export my app in a way that it will run on air 2.7 ???
The SDK determines which version of the AIR for iOS Packager is used when building your application.
In Flash Builder 4.5.1 (and Flex 4.5.1) the iOS emulator uses AIR 2.6; however the actual packager--when you export a release build / create the IPA--will use AIR 2.7 .
As long as you have Flash Builder 4.5.1 and are using the Flex 4.5.1 SDK; you're goign to have IPAs that use AIR 2.7.
There are ways to overlay different AIR SDKs into different Flex SDKs, however in your case I do not think it is needed.