Fiddler: how to make a subnet-based filter? - fiddler

I would like Fiddler2's host filter to keep sessions to all hosts on 192.168.2.*
The docs say that e.g. filter would catch all * but I can't figure how to do the same kind of filtering for IP subnets instead of hostnames.
Is there a specific syntax? Should I use a custom rule?

You need to write a custom rule. Inside OnBeforeResponse, look at the m_hostIP property on the session and use that to set the UI-HIDE flag if it doesn't match the site you care about.


Serverside viemodel to use server's name in RestPost

I use serverside job (viewmodel) to inform another not mdriven service via restpost periodically.
And I have the stupid question - how to get MDrivenServer computer's name in the viemodel?
Is there something like "string.currentuser" but for the computer's name?
Thank you!
You do not have access to the computers name from with the serverside job. But you can give your MDrivenServer variables that you can access.
This way you can have a variable vComputerName:string defined in your server, assign it a value once and for all: vComputerName:='TheCorrectName'
If your ServerSideViewModel has a matching variable : vComputerName:string it will be set prior to execution.

How does sw-toolbox router rule order/priority work?

In my service worker (which uses sw-toolbox library) I have setup two routes as follows:
toolbox.router.any("/user/*", toolbox.networkOnly);
toolbox.router.any("/user/logout", toolbox.logoutHandler);
I assumed that the second rule which is specific to the "/user/logout" path, would act as an exception to the first rule (which is a blanket rule for the path "/user/*") however, I can confirm that it does not.
Am I using this sw-toolbox route config correctly?
I think the rules are independent, first matching rule wins. So this should works:
toolbox.router.any("/user/logout", toolbox.logoutHandler);
toolbox.router.any("/user/*", toolbox.networkOnly);
See Jeff's comment on this issues: "The routing to handlers should match in the order they're registered"

How do you use the serviceNameFilter when calling QueryClient.GetServiceListAsync

I'm using Azure Service Fabric with stateless services. I have a list of services deployed under an application, and there's a naming convention used with those service names. I'd like to get a list of services that match a filter expression.
Here is a link to a screenshot of my service fabric explorer. I don't have the reputation points to post an image.
Service Fabric Explorer screenshot
In this example, the name of my application is SFApp1, and the name of my service is HelloWorldStateless. I'd like to query the service fabric cluster to locate all services with the name "HelloWorldSt*" (under the SFApp1 application of course).
I know I can query to find all services with the application name "fabric:/SFApp1", and it'll return all services under that application. This overload of GetServiceListAsync takes just an application URI.
FabricClient client = new FabricClient();
ServiceList serviceList = client.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(new Uri("fabric:/SFApp1")).Result;
I also know I can query to find a specific service. This overload takes an application URI AND a service URI and will return a single-item list.
FabricClient client = new FabricClient();
ServiceList serviceList = client.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(new Uri("fabric:/SFApp1"), new Uri("fabric:/SFApp1/HelloWorldStateless")).Result;
What I'm trying to find out is if there's any way to do something like a wildcard search.
FabricClient client = new FabricClient();
ServiceList serviceList = client.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(new Uri("fabric:/SFApp1"), new Uri("fabric:/SFApp1/HelloWorldSt*")).Result;
The name of the parameter where the service name is specified is serviceNameFilter, and the method returns a list. I'm wondering why they would return a list for this overload if the result was always going to be a single-item list. Also, the parameter name "serviceNameFilter" suggests (to me at least) that there's the ability to supply some kind of expression to narrow down your list.
Here's what I've tried already. I've tried the code above, where I chop off a few characters and put an asterisk. I've tried without the asterisk to see if it was a substring match. I've tried SQL-style, with a percent symbol. I've tried a question mark. All of those attempts returned an empty list.
My current workaround is just to ask for all services under that application, and I'll filter them on the client code end with a linq expression. That'll work, but I worry about performance if my list of services gets really big.
Would be nice if I could inspect the source code to answer this myself.
Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do, or am I just misinterpreting what "serviceNameFilter" means, and it just means you have to put the entire service URI that you're looking for?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Unfortunately that API parameter is terribly named. It's not really a filter at all, it's just the name of the service (since there's no other query that just returns one service, this is how you "filter" from all the services in an application down to just one in particular).
The nearest thing to what you're looking for is EnumerateSubnames. It's not a wildcard search, but you can get all the names that exist "underneath" a given name (for example, all of the service names that exist within an application, or all names with some specific prefix). Depending on the structure of how you create your service names this could work for you.
// System.Fabric.FabricClient.PropertyManagementClient
public Task<NameEnumerationResult> EnumerateSubNamesAsync(Uri name, NameEnumerationResult previousResult, bool recursive)
For example: Presume the following names exist in the cluster:
Note that in this case the application would have been created with the name "fabric:/SomeApplication" and then the services with the detailed names above incorporating the "Zone" segment.
If you now EnumerateSubnames("fabric:/SomeApplication/Zone1", null, true) you'd get back a result that gave you the full names that matched (1 & 2 above).

REST Resource route naming for get and ResourceByID and ResourceByName

I am trying to write 2 Rest GET methods.
Get user by Id
Get user by userName.
I need to know if there is any resource naming convention for this. Both my id and username are strings.
I came up with:
However, 2) doesn't seem correct and if I change 2) to /api/{v}/users/{username}, I am mapping to 1) as both id and username are strings. Or is it considered acceptable to use /api/{v}/userbyName/{username}?
How should I name my resource route in case 2) ?
First of all: (15 minutes which will solve all your questions)
And what is unique? Is the username unique or only the id or both are unique?
There is a simple rule for all that:
However, 2) doesn't seem correct and if I change 2) to /api/{v}/users/{username}, I am mapping to 1) as both id and username are strings.
If your item can be identified with an id and also with an unique username - it doesn't matter if it's the username or the id - simply look for both (of course your backend needs to handle that) and retrieve it.
According to your needs this would be correct:
but I would choose only to use: /api/{v}/users/{userid} and filter by username only with a query parameter (description for that down there below)
Also will I break any rules if I come up with
Yes - /api/{v}/userbyName/{username} will break the rule about /collection/item because userByName is clearly not a collection it would be a function - but with a real restful thinking api there is no function in the path.
Another way to get the user by name would be using a filter/query paramter - so the ID will be available for the PathParameter and the username only as filter. which than would look like this:
This also don't break any rules - because the query parameter simply filters the whole collection and retrieves only the one where username = username.
How should I name my resource route in case 2) ?
Your 2) will break a rule - so I can't/won't suggest you a way to do it like this.
Have a look at this: this simple presentation will help you a lot about understanding rest.
Why would you go this way?
Ever had a look at a javascript framework like - let's say ember. (Ember Rest-Adapter). If you follow the idea described up there and maybe also have a look at the json format used by ember and their rest adapter - you can make your frontend developer speed up their process and save a lot of money + time.
By REST you send back links, which can contain URI templates. For example: /api/{v}/users/{userid} in your case, where v and userid are template variables. Since the URI structure does not matter from a client perspective you can use whatever structure you want. Ofc. it is more convenient to use nice and short URIs, because it is easier to write the routing with them.
According to the URI standard the path contains the hierarchical while the query contains the non-hierarchical part of the URI, but this is just a loose constraint, in practice ppl use both one.
Ofc. you can use a custom convention, for example I use the following:
I don't use plural resource name by collections
I end collection path with slash
I use slash by reducing a collection to sub-collections or individual items
I don't use slash to give the value of a variable in the path, I use colon instead
I use as few variables and as short URI as I can
I use query by reducing a collection to sub-collections especially by defining complex filters with logical operators
So in you case my solution would be
But that's just my own set of constraints.
Each resource should have a unique URI.
GET /users/7
"id": 7,
"username": "jsmith",
"country": "USA"
Finding the user(s) that satisfy a certain predicate should be done with query parameters.
GET /users?username=jsmith

Why use selectors and not a new URI?

I have a doubt, I have a URI that will bring me all user's account from another rest service. Example:
GET /users/21212/account
Now I have the need to bring 3 kinds of different groups of user's account, something like: "low-account", "medium-account" and "high-account".
But the discussion is, how should I enable this on my endpoint ?
GET /users/21212/accounts/low-account
GET /users/21212/accounts/medium-account
GET /users/21212/accounts/high-account
GET /users/21212/accounts/1?selector=low-account
GET /users/21212/accounts/1?selector=medium-account
GET /users/21212/accounts/1?selector=high-account
I'm inclinated to follow the first approach, I think is more intuitive and the manutenability of the code will be easily preserved... What do you think is conceptual right/better and why ?
I would choose the following option:
GET /users/12345/accounts?group=low-account
It will return you all accounts that belong to 'low-account' group for user 12345.
I tend to use query params if they represent something like filtering. Also I would recommend you to take a look at HATEOAS principle. Then you will be more flexible with your URIs.