How to erase the searchform, on the search results page, of indexed_search? - forms

I tried to just erase the html markup from the indexed_search template file, this does work fine, until I found out that this causes a Javascript error where I can not use the numeric navigation. (Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next >).
So is there a typoscript command, or a other way, to erase the search form which is on the results page?

Unfortunately when you empty the search form you won't be able to use the page browser at all.
It is using the value from the search form and an offset (basically does a new search with your parameter)

Idea for a workaround: How about hiding the standard search form (that contains the search term) with display:none; and adding a second, empty search form to the template?


Some links displayed as text in TYPO3

I have added links to a list of sentences in my TYPO3 backend.
In the frontend, some of these sentences are rendered properly, with a link to them. However, some others are rendered as plain text, with the tag visible.
View of the text in the backend
View of the rendered text in the frontend
What caused the problem, and how can I correct it?
your description of the error is not good enough to give a good answer. please explain more in detail what you are doing: templates, configuration, ...
for the moment I guess: you use fluid-templates and have fluid-variables which contain the rendered content.
instead of outputting the content of a field directly (like {fieldname}), where the rendering is done by fluid you need to output the already rendered output without interfering of fluid (rtefieldname->f:format.raw()}) as for RTE-fields the content is already rendered in html. otherwise all specialchars are converted to show as given.
It might be that the <a> tags aren't closed properly.
Try checking the HTML code from the backend (by clicking the <> button in the backend). See if the </a> tag is where it should be, at the end of each sentences.
You need to find the difference between the lines that work and the lines that don't.

Kentico form - captions inside form element

I am guessing this is really simple but I haven't been able to work out a solution.
I have created a form in Kentico and need to show the caption in the form element itself. I can do this in bootstrap but cannot seem to get this to work in the form editor. I am guessing this is because of the id kentico assigns to each form element.
An example would be the search box used on the stackoverflow site.
Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
When configuring some text field and form control is Text box under Editing control settings click 'Advanced' you will see the Watermark section, where you can put your caption (Text field). This caption will be displayed in form element.

Zend Framework 1.10: disableLayout and form tags

I'm working on an action that displays a form in the view page. This is the content of the view (let's call it form.phtm):
<?php echo $this->form; ?>
This view is used both to show a complete page with its header, content and footer, or just the content, to be displayed in a reveal panel.
Header and footer are provided by the layout files, and the content is the line of code above. So, when it is meant to be displayed in the reveal panel, I specify it to the action by passing an 'ajax = true' parameter, and the action disables the layout so that only the content is output.
All of that looks fine, but when trying to submit the form from the reveal panel, it doesn't work.
When inspecting the markup, I realize that the form open and close tags don't exist, though all the fields and buttons are displayed. This only happens after calling disableLayout() (i.e. in the full version of the page the full form is output).
I think my question can be summed up as "What is the diference between echo $this->form with the layout enabled and the same code with the layout disabled"?
P.S. I know I can manually echo the form tags and elements, I just want to know if there is an easier/more elegant way to display the whole form without having to worry about whether it is being called via ajax.
Edit 17/05/2015: I was using the word "label" but I meant "tag" (already corrected).
Ok, my bad.
Because of the way I was including the parts of my document, the mentioned form ended up being nested inside another form, and thus Chrome removed the inner form tags.
This post gave me the lead:
tag is not shown when created with php

How to completely change the css position of an element on the page to appear in another part of the document flow?

I have a long form with text inputs, and in the middle of it, I'd like to insert a jquery upload (blueimp) file plugin which uses a form element. I know that nested forms are not valid markup. How can I use CSS to visually position a form element inside another form element without doing some messy absolute positioning?
It seems like using an iframe to generate the content, and then inserting the iframe into the middle of the original form works quite well. I'm unfamiliar with the caveats of iframes but everything seems to work fine.

Is there an extension that lists timed-out and/or hidden elements in TYPO3?

If editors frequently work with show / hide dates for pages and content elements, there is an increasing number of outdated, hidden content in the Backend.
For housekeeping, it would be nice to have an extension that lists such not-displayed content, maybe also hidden items.
Is there something?
I'm not aware that there is any extension for this purpose. But you can use the list module for something similar.
Place any kind of content on your "root" page. In the list module, you now see the table "Page Content". Click on the header cell to get only "Page Content" records. In the bottom of the list module, in the search part, perform a search "4 levels down" with an empty string.
You then have all contents from the root page 4 levels down. In the field selector, select the "hidden" field. In the table, click the table head "Hide" twice to have all hidden elements on top.
Then you can bookmark this view. Not exactly what you wanted, but it gives you some kind of overview.
In theory it should be possible for admins with the "DB check -> Full search" tool. See my answer for question typo3: what is the fast way to find which page has certain extension
However, I found out there is a bug which prevents it from working as it's supposed to in TYPO3 4.5.x. I'll update this answer once the bug is fixed.