github and XCode 4.2 issues - iphone

I am having a lot of issues with integrating XCode 4.2 git and github. For some reason doing control+command+c always gives me an error of:
The operation could not be performed because no valid working copies were found.
I check on Windows->Organizer->Repositories and the repo is there. When I click on the folder that has the name on my project and commit using the repository control, I can do commits, now the issue is that the Push is always grayed out. How do I get around this issue? Tried restarting several times and it didn't help at all

xcode4's version control sucks.
you can try gitx(l) instead (download it here)
Anyway, any GUI git client can't do much on git functions. trying to learn git command on console is a better choice.

There is a series of git basics video tutorials - you can even download the video files themsleves in hi def at - 9 vids in all about 40 mins - they get quite a few thumbs up. We also invested in Smart git - and its almost very good.


Clone huge 16 GB Git repo with Eclipse Neon

Is there any way I can clone a huge Git repository (16+ GB) using the Git integration of latest Eclipse Neon?
I'm cloning by HTTP connection.
First, I ran into timeouts, but then increased the Remote connection timeout to 1800 seconds in Eclipse config.
Then the cloning almost completed, but at the very end it always fails telling me Premature EOF.
I have increased the http.postBuffer to 524288000 also (as many users suggested on StackOverflow), but this was not much of a help.
I also tried cloning the master branch only, but again, I was stuck with the same error message.
Is EGit not capable of handling such a big repo over HTTP?
The only Git-related way to clone such a huge Git repo would be through the recent (February 2017) GVFS (Git Virtual File System).
As tweeted, for a 270GB repo:
“The Windows codebase has over 3.5M files. With GVFS (Git Virtual File System), cloning now takes a few minutes instead of 12+ hours.”
GVFS is based on Git fork:
And based on a protocol whose specifications are described here.
This is not yet supported by EGit, or even regular Git for now.
Depending on what you want to do with the repo, a shallow clone may be the solution (it won't bring the full git history):
also, for such big repo, consider using git lfs in the future:
finally, I've seen many huge git repos that became so big because had files that wasn't supposed to be saved on git (executable files, binaries, videos, audio, and so on). If by mistake something like that happen, you can remove it from history using filter-branch. Check this SO ans: How to remove/delete a large file from commit history in Git repository? or this github article
Microsoft has been developing GVFS that may be a solution in a near future (i think it's still not ready, but I haven't tested)
Do you really have a code project that's 16GB? That's pretty crazy, man!
I think the least painful way to go about this, is to open your shell and just type git clone http://my-url/project.git. And then try to see if you can make the repository somewhat smaller.
Eventually, I ended up cloning the repository using a SSH connection.
This works fine, even from within Eclipse (using EGit).
I had to create a SSH key in Eclipse properties, since Putty's PPK format is not compatible with Eclipse. Then, I managed to clone the entire repository.
Seems like HTTP is not suited to download a chunk of 16+ GB. :)

Struggling with managing my eclipse workspace and what to do about syncing it between two machines

I'm trying to sync my workspace with PC<---->Laptop. PC is windows, the laptop is ubuntu Linux. Both have 5.1 Mars eclipse version.
So far I've been using dropbox to sync in between but problems started occurring but managed to solve them. I was compiling classes with a newer version of java and the other eclipse didn't know what to do. Syncing with dropbox is really not an elegant way of doing this.
So now I'm trying out git, but so far I've been confused by it and how it works. I have managed to set the git plugin in the eclipse but not sure what to do next. The plugin is called EGit.
As far as I understand so far, it works like this? workspace--->local repo---->git repo? Then I would have to manually sync the code back on my laptop by entering the commands in terminal?
I already did push some stuff to my private repository, but that was on my laptop.
Is it possible to setup an easy way to sync the code? I know git is a good versioning system and a good way to keep the code updated? I'm a first year CS student and so far I don't have any complicated or large projects to manage with. I'm just looking for a nice way to sync the code. I guess having git setup is an ok way to go about it, but I'm overwhelmed by the features of git and not really grasping it.
Thanks for reading.
It would be a good idea to learn how to do it right. It's a better investment of your time than working on workarounds which only work in a certain situation or which are of limited use. Yes, you could use git for that. You do not really need the EGit plugin, just use the git command line, in my opinion that is easier. There are a bunch of great git tutorials out there. For the beginning the basic commands like git init, clone, pull, status, diff, add, commit, push are sufficient. You would need a central git repository, get a free GitHub account for that purpose.
Compiled classes should not be commited into your source repository. Add folders with any generated files to your .gitignore file.

Eclipse EGit, working with forked project. Getting updates from the original project

Hello everybody I have this "big" and frustrating problem,
I have forked a project from git and as usual it is available in my account in GitHub. I then set up a project in eclipse selecting from an existing URI. All is ok, if I work with my own version of the project.
What I want to do is, because the project is changing and growing day by day, to have an updated copy from the original project and, every time I want to download any change I would like that the download is from the original project.
At the moment the only way (with EXTREMELY big problems) I found is using "Team > Fetch from Upstream" the changing the link to the repos using the "config" button. Obviously this lead to conflicts and annoying problems. I am sure that this is not the correct way to handle a forked repos and I need help.
I am using windows 7 and eclipse with egit, if I press Windows-R and then cmd it don't recognize the command "git" so I can't use console commands.
Any help?
With windows 7, you can install git to your machine and use console command as normal. (Link to download)
See this link to configure git to sync your fork with the original repo.
Hope this can help.

How to undo the sync to get the files in local repo back?

I'm very new to github and I started using it a few weeks ago for my uni group project.
The problem that I'm having is:
There is a remote repo on github where everyone in the group is using.
I do have a local repo on my laptop, where I've worked my part of the project.
I recently committed and synced the updates that I made to github using desktop app for mac.
I got a few errors and the sync failed.
After that when I looked at the files that I have locally, they got overwritten by the ones from the git(non-updated version) and all of my work are gone.
Can you please help me on what I should do to receive the files that I had locally? Is there any way that I can undo that last sync. I found a few suggestions online, but since I'm not sure which one to use, I don't really want to mess up the files anymore.
(Nearly) All changes made to git repositories can be undo. We don't know the commands you entered but enter it at Google for a specific solution.
You proberly have to use something like:
$git rebase

Problem with Git Repository in Xcode 4

In my iPhone app, I am using the in-built Git repository of Xcode 4 so that all the team members can work on the same project.
Now the problem is that even after I commit my changes to the repository, It still shows modified (M) symbol in front of the committed file.
What could be wrong?
I want to ensure that once I commit the changes it should not show "M" for that file.
Is there any setting which I have to do to make it work fine?
What can be done?
The built-in Git repository is a local repository only. How do you share that with your team? If you hooked that repository to GitHub, for example, you will experience problems as the implementation is not 100% reliable. I would use the command line in this case and git add/commit/push the changes. There are discussions and tutorials in the GitHub Blog.
Without knowing what you're doing in Xcode, or how you have set up your repository all I can say is that you should check the status of your repository in the command line. Maybe your commit fails for some reason and you're not seeing the message in Xcode.
Try git status to see what state your repository is in.
Try git add <your files> and then git commit to see if you can actually commit your changes.
Did you stage your files before committing (git add)? Otherwise the commit will do nothing.
You would need to Push the changes in Xcode 4 to remove the "M" or modified status. If you don't have the command line mojo like most people, you can just use the functions built in as they were intended.
It won't solve your issue of sharing as it is only a local repo. I'm finding that even using Xcode 4 with an outside repo, you need to learn some command line stuff or it just isn't going to work, or at the very least kick your butt enough to make you consider giving it up.
Just to make it clear, the process for Xcode 4 is as follows:
File-->Source Control-->Commit
File-->Source Control-->Push