Viewing 3D model in a browser - plugins

How can i see a 3d model in a web browser? Is there any existing plugin or something that can be used to visualise the 3d models generated by AutoCAD or something in a browser.

Make DWF and use Freewheel to display it in a browser.


Interactive dynamic online Map using QGIS

I am want to deploy a map from QGIS to a website. I am using a plugin called "Leaflet" which works perfectly with my map layers by generating HTML code to add in my website's HTML code. The problem is whenever I want to change something in my map layers, I have to generate a new HTML code and add it again in my website.
Is there a way to automate the whole process? Is it possible to connect my whole QGIS project to my website or something similar?
Thanks in advance

How to import gltf 3d models in Flutter?

Does anyone know a good way of importing gltf 3d models in Flutter?
I tried using:
but wasn't able to load a gltf file with any of them.
The lightly documented three_dart_jsm repository has a class "GLTFLoader" that is able to load gltf/glb files.
For viewing the gltf, I would recommend three_dart by the same author.
Model_viexer_plus does import a gltf model and displays it, i returned the gltf file using a route from my backend, and used that route as entry into ModelViewer url and it worked perfectly.

Import .ai (illustrator file) in Unity and display them

I want to load an illustrator file in my game. Unity should recognize different layers, colors, and forms, and layers with text and display them in a 2d canvas.
The goal is that the players can click on different forms and that unity recognize them as individual forms. Do you know any unity asset or a way to make this possible?
For example when you import an image like this as an illustrator file ->
I thought about an SVG file but then I canĀ“t use the different layers.
Illustrator has a proprietary file format, it has no publicly available documentation for newer versions. While you can dig out old specifications (this is why some programs only support AI files saved in ancient versions) I do not think you can just go in and start supporting a 2021 variant without requesting (and motivating) the spec from Adobe. They might also want to charge you for it.
SVG on the other hand is free and it's spec is public so there is much widely spread support. also SVG supports groups which can get your around the need for layers
Vector Express is a free conversion API you should be able to use. (requires a network connection, though)
You should be able to POST a request ( to this endpoint, with the raw AI file as the body:
This will return a JSON object with a link to an SVG file that you can then download and display.

How to print a stateflow chart as svg file

I would like to print an existing stateflow chart to a svg file. I have found...
...but sfprint does not support svg format. BUT, when I use "Export to web..." from my simulink model the generated webview has the stateflow diagrams as an SVG, so it seems this must be possible.
I am using matlab version R2010a.
Matlab Syntax : slwebview
Export Simulink models to Web views
filename = slwebview(system_name)
filename = slwebview(system_name,Name,Value)
A Web view is an interactive rendition of a model that you can view in a Web browser. You can navigate a Web view hierarchically to examine specific subsystems and to see properties of blocks and signals.
You can use Web views to share models with people who do not have Simulink installed.
Web views require a Web browser that supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
Reference Link :

Export a 3d plot from Octave to be shown interactively on a web browser

I would like to export a 3d plot done using Octave and to show it interactively using a web browser.
I would be able to rotate the plot as if I was seeing it directly using Octave.
Is there any way to do this?
I tried to search a bit but I have not found anything useful.
I found something for R here R: using rgl to generate 3d rotatable plots that can be viewed in a web browser? but I don't know how to do this in Octave).
Octave itself creates 3d charts, but they are not interactive:
So you'll have to use another application and have octave feed data into 3d interactive charting software so that users can play with it on a webpage.
"Processing" tool for 3d interactive charting
software from ( could help you. You will be responsible for exporting the raw data from octave into the format acceptable for the interactive 3d plots.
webMathematica 3.2 tool for 3d interactive charting
software from ( that you can embed into your web page that can generate interactive and dynamic 2d and 3d content for users to play with.