How to integrate JasperServer into Liferay - jasper-reports

How can I integrate JasperServer 4 to Liferay 6? I found an article that describes how to integrate JasperServer CE 3.7.0 into Liferay 6.0.5. But I doubt that it won't be applicable to version 4. I check and found a portlet for JasperServer 3.7.1. However, there is no JasperServerPortlet for version 4 in the web site.

There's one here: - JasperReportsServer-portlet-4.7.0.war
Note though that it's intended for JBoss portal, so it's possible something won't work in Liferay. Unfortunately, this would mean you'd have to develop your own integration for Liferay.

Related after migration to liferay 7 from liferay 6.2

I get below error in console when deploying each portlet after migration to liferay 7 which was working fine with liferay 6.2
ClassNotFoundException: cannot be found by MAIPF_MyAccount-portlet_7.0.0.1
SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://IDPLaptop/MAIPF2012_dev_VR7
My guess is that you fell into a common issue I keep seeing on StackOverflow when people try to upgrade to Liferay 7: libraries within the server's lib are not visible for all portlets.
With the ability to code OSGi modules,if one moves their portlet to an OSGi bundle, they need to keep track of the dependencies that module require.
As the jar you are using is not a bundle, you will need to create a uber bundle or use compileInclude to create a fat jar for your module.
Liferay 7, out of the box, does only support open source databases. As you state that you're using Service Builder, you might need to install Antonio's SQLServer integration or move to the commercial offering, Liferay DXP.
Check Victor's answer as well. I commonly use open source databases and DXP anyways, so the nitty-gritty-details that are hidden here are only my theoretical knowledge, I rarely get to experience this in practice.

BaseActionableDynamicQuery Upgrading to LiferayDXP

I'm upgrading portlet from Liferay 6.2 to Liferay DXP.
I cannot find the BaseActionableDynamicQuery in Liferay 7 API.
DefaultActionableDynamicQuery replaces in Liferay 7 the old BaseActionableDynamicQuery of Liferay 6.2
More info see source code here:

Where can I obtain SDK for Alfresco Community 5.2c?

I have Alfresco Community v5.2.0 and Alfresco Share v5.2.c that running on Apache Tomcat 7.0 Servlet/JSP Container, installed on CentOS 7.3.
To customize Alfresco I need the appropriate Alfresco SDK.
Where can I obtain it?.. I downloaded alfresco-community-sdk-4.2.c from sourceforge, set it up in Eclipse Luna.
Can I use this version of SDK for customize Alfresco 5.2c?
If you are using eclips for customization then follow this link to set alfresco sdk with eclips.

Netbeans wizard for JSF pages doesn't recognize TomEE 1.6 to have Web Profile support

I am creating a Java EE 6 application with the help of Netbeans 8.0 and TomEE 1.6. I have successfully added the server to netbeans and even generated some entity classes. I am currenlty trying to generate some JSF pages using the Netbeans wizard. However I get the following message
Cannot be generated for Java EE 6 sources wihtout server with complete Java EE 6 Web profile support (at least EJB Lite support).
I am using TomEE plus
The problem is Netbeans 8 has a bug in which it fails to find the tomee-common-[version].jar in the [TomEE]/lib directory.
The solution is to simply rename the jar file to an older version.
For example, you have [TomEE]/lib/tomee-common- or [TomEE]/lib/tomee-common-1.7.1.jar. Rename these files to [TomEE]/lib/tomee-common-1.6.0.jar
This should sort you out :)
you can use tomcatEE 1.7.2 with a few small changes
you find here:
I think this also applies to TomEE 1.6
According to the following sites:
Tomcat does not support EJB's therefor you would need to use an enterprise server that at least supports EJB Lite. One such server would be GlassFish

jbpm with liferay

I can run a sample workflow done with jbpm5 ​​outside of liferay
but now I want to run this example in liferay
So the problem is how to integrate jbpm5 with liferay
I think I need to edit some configuration files in liferay
I'm reading these instructions but I can not find the solution
It's not than simple if you are trying to integrate jBPM5. As you can see the tutorial that you mention has being written for jbpm 3.1.2, a very old version. It will be a great community contribution to integrate jBPM5 to liferay, so if you are interested we can guide you, but you will need to do the work and research to get it working. I can help you with the jBPM5 but you will need to dig into the liferay bits.
I suggest if you want to run Workflow inside Liferay, first you must find a plugin for workflow engine. As fas as I know, Liferay supports Activity, JBPM, Kaleo,.. Have you downloaded JBPM plugin for Liferay? Because for default Liferay using Kaleo.