How can I get an iPhone to download a contact card via URL redirect - iphone

I am working on a tracking tool and I am wondering if anyone knows how to get the iPhone to download a contact card via a URL redirect. iPhone will not download contact cards from the web. Has anyone figured out a way around this? In other cases with most mobiles, I can redirect them to a vcard or similar file, and using the correct http headers, get the phone to download it. iPhone does not allow vcard downloads so how would one get a vcard onto an iPhone via the web browser?

I have just published an alternative solution on my blog which describes how to attach the contact file as an attachment to a calendar file which is handled by mobile safari
Perhaps there is something here that you can work with. Doesn't specifically solve the redirect question but it does allow the user to open contact directly after going through the calendar app.
The blog shows complete solution including source code and images of the whole process and as such is a lot easier to read than what I can put here on Stack Overflow and I was trying to prevent duplication between many such forums. The main point to note is that Apple use :
X-APPLE-FILENAME=iPhone Contact.vcf:
QkVHSU46VkNBUkQNClZFUlNJT046M…etc… [base64 encoded VCARD]
for embedded VCARD in VCALENDAR files. Create a VCALENDAR file and then base64 encode your VCARD within it - code snippet below (full details on my blog)
# Send correct headers
header("Content-type: text/x-vcalendar; charset=utf-8");
# Alternatively: application/octet-stream
# Depending on the desired browser behaviour
# Be sure to test thoroughly cross-browser
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"iphonecontact.ics\";");
# Output file contents - simple version
#echo file_get_contents("iphonecontact.ics");
# Generate file contents - advanced version
# DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20120617T090000
# DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20120617T100000
# SUMMARY:iPhone Contact
# DTSTAMP:20120617T080516Z
# X-APPLE-FILENAME=iphonecontact.vcf:
# QkVHSU46VkNBUkQNClZFUlNJT046My4wDQpOOkNvbnRhY3Q7aVBob25lOzs7DQpGTjppUGhvbm
echo "VERSION:2.0\n";
echo "BEGIN:VEVENT\n";
echo "SUMMARY:Click attached contact below to save to your contacts\n";
$dtstart = date("Ymd")."T".date("Hi")."00";
echo "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:".$dtstart."\n";
$dtend = date("Ymd")."T".date("Hi")."01";
echo "DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:".$dtend."\n";
echo "DTSTAMP:".$dtstart."Z\n";
echo " X-APPLE-FILENAME=iphonecontact.vcf:\n";
$vcard = file_get_contents("iphonecontact.vcf"); # read the file into memory
$b64vcard = base64_encode($vcard); # base64 encode it so that it can be used as an attachemnt to the "dummy" calendar appointment
$b64mline = chunk_split($b64vcard,74,"\n"); # chunk the single long line of b64 text in accordance with RFC2045 (and the exact line length determined from the original .ics file exported from Apple calendar
$b64final = preg_replace('/(.+)/', ' $1', $b64mline); # need to indent all the lines by 1 space for the iphone (yes really?!!)
echo $b64final; # output the correctly formatted encoded text
echo "END:VEVENT\n";

You could try redirecting to a .tel site.
For example, my QR code redirects iPhones to
Or, if you don't want to buy a .tel, you can create a simple website which contains the phone number that you want with a "click to call" link.
<a href=”tel:123456798″>Call me on 123456789</a>


how to change my email format perl email

$SUBJ="Your unique confirmation link";
open(SM,"|/usr/sbin/sendmail $line");
print(SM "To: $line\n");
print(SM "Subject: $SUBJ\n");
print(SM "Message-ID: <".time().".$id.qmail\>\n");
print(SM "From: \"mycompany\" <>\n");
print("Message sent to $line\n");
print(SM "Content-Type: text/html\n");
print(SM $line);
I have this perl emailer script. This script is sending to all emails in list.txt an email message which is in message.txt. In message.txt it's a html code. This script is working perfect bt
My problem is that i want to send a message like this:
Hello blah blah your unique link is: I want a random link.In mean in each email sent to have another mylink.php?id=randmom. How can I do that? Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you are trying to solve two problems:
How to generate a unique ID per email sent
How to embed a unique link in each email (currently generated from a fixed text file)
For the first point, it really depends what the ID is being used for. One possibility is to just have a persistent counter, stored in a database or file, that increments for each email issued. Another possibility is to generate a UUID - you can use one of the many UUID modules on CPAN for this. Either way if the ID is to have meaning to your PHP scripts then you would want to be storing it somewhere.
For the second point, there are a number of possible solutions. The simplest is to stop using a separate file as an email template and put the template inline in your script, like this:
<p>Hello, here is your Link
... etc ...
The above example uses a 'here doc' to allow you to embed your email text directly in your script. Everything up to the _EOT_ is part of the string that is printed. Make sure that _EOT_ is on the line by itself and with no trailing spaces!
A more maintainable solution, which would allow you to continue to use a separate template file, would be to use the excellent Template::Toolkit.

Sending a video from Perl to a client over HTTP

I am currently making a perl script that will convert a file to webm/ogg/mp4 format and then send it back to the user but in embed video. It all works except that I can not send an EOF so the HTML5 video player knows what the end is and so he can correctly use the file (like going to a specific time and even knowing when the file has ended (now it just stops but you can't do anything anymore with the video.
elsif ($path =~ /^\/((\w|\d){11})\.webm$/ig) {
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
$handler = \&resp_youtubemovie;
Function to send webm file
sub resp_youtubemovie {
my $cgi = shift;
my $youtubeID = shift;
return if !ref $cgi;
$movie = <movie>;
print "Content-type: movie/webm\n";
print $movie;
I've already tried with a while loop and a buffer but that doesn't work either, I've also tried to change the HTTP status code to 206 Partial Content because I wiresharked some other video streaming websites used it but it didn't matter. So anyone an idea how to open a movie file and stream it correctly?
Rather than doing this by hand, a framework like Dancer can take care of this. This will save you many, many, many headaches. It also allows you to take advantage of the Plack/PSGI superglue which figures out how to talk to web servers for you.
use Dancer;
get qr{/(\w{11}\.webm)$}i => sub {
my($video_file) = splat;
return send_file(
streaming => 1,
Using Dancer routes you should be able to adapt your existing code pretty easily especially if its a big if/elsif matching against various paths. Dancer does a very good job making simple things simple, it also gives you a huge amount of control over the exact HTTP response if you need it.
A few notes...
The content-type for webm is video/webm which may be the source of your problems. Dancer should just get it right. If not you can tell send_file the content type explicitly.
(\w|\d){11} is better written as \w{11} since \w includes \d.
You must use the 206 Partial Content HTTP status and you must also send:
The Accept-Range: bytes header.
A Content-Range: 0-2048/123456 header where you send the starting and ending byte index of the content followed by the total byte length of the content. The client will be sending you the byte ranges it wants in the request header. The client may send multiple byte ranges in a single request, in which case you'd also need to send the content with multipart word boundaries.
Finally, to get back to your question, if the client requests a byte range that isn't satisfiable then you send a 416 HTTP status and close the connection.

How to link files directly from Github (

Are we allowed to link files directly from Github ?
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
I know this is allowed on Google Code. This way I don't have to worry about updating a local file.
The great service RawGit was already mentioned, but I'll throw another into the ring:
Lets you link to specific commits, as well as auto-get the latest (aka master)
Incurs no damage from high traffic volumes; RawGit asks that it's links be only used during development, where as GitCDN give you access to the latest version, without the danger of the servers exploding
Give you the option of auto minifying your HTML, CSS and JavaScript, or serving it as written (
Adds compression (GZip)
Adds all the correct headers (Content-Type, cache-control, e-tag, etc)
Full disclosure, I'm a project maintainer at
You can use external server Just remove a dot between words 'raw' and 'github' => and use it. More info you find in this question.
However, according to the rawgithub website it will be shutting down at the end of October 2019.
You can link directly to raw files, but it's best not to do it since the raw files always get sent with a plain/text header and can cause loading problems.
You need carry out the following steps
Get the raw url of the file from github. Which is something like
Visit Paste the git url above in the input box. It will generate two url's, one for development and other for production purpose.
Copy any one of them and you are done.
The file will act as a CDN. You can also use gist urls.
GitHub Pages:
GitHub repo raw files:
Use GitHub Pages, DO NOT use raw files.
GitHub Pages are based on CDN, raw files are not. Accessing raw files will directly hit on GitHub servers and increase server load.
Add a branch your project using the name "gh-pages" and then you'll (shortly after branching) be able to use a direct URL such as (using your URL, and assuming "style.css" is a file in the "master" folder in the root of your "project" repository...and that your Github account is "username").
For those who ended up in this post and just want to get the raw link from an image in GitHub:
If it is the case of an image, you can just add '?raw=true' at the end of the link to the file.
Original link:
Raw link:
Copied directly from
load any GitHub release, commit, or branch
note: we recommend using npm for projects that support it
load jQuery v3.2.1
use a version range instead of a specific version
omit the version completely to get the latest one
you should NOT use this in production
add ".min" to any JS/CSS file to get a minified version
if one doesn't exist, we'll generate it for you
add / at the end to get a directory listing
After searching for this same functionality, I ended up writing my own PHP script to act as a proxy. The trouble I kept running into is even when you get the RAW version/link from Github and link to it in your own page, the header sent over was 'text/plain' and Chrome was not executing my JavaScript file from Github. I also didn't like the other links posted for using third party services because of the obvious security/tampering issues possible.
So using this script, I can pass over the RAW link from Github, have the script set the correct headers, and then output the file as if it were coming from my own server. This script can also be used with a secure application to pull in non-secure scripts without throwing SSL errors warning of "Non-secure links used".
<script src="proxy.php?link="></script>
# This script can take two URL variables
# "type"
# Sets the type of file that is output
# "link"
# The link to grab and output through this proxy script
# First we need to set the headers for the output file
# So check to see if the type is specified first and if so, then set according to what is being requested
if(isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] != ''){
case 'css':
header('Content-Type: text/css');
case 'js':
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
case 'json':
header('Content-Type: application/json');
case 'rss':
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1');
case 'xml':
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
# Otherwise, try and determine what file type should be output by the file extension from the link
# See if we can find a file type in the link specified and set the headers accordingly
# If css file extension is found, then set the headers to css format
if(strstr($_GET['link'], '.css') != FALSE){
header('Content-Type: text/css');
# If javascript file extension is found, then set the headers to javascript format
}elseif(strstr($_GET['link'], '.js') != FALSE){
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
# If json file extension is found, then set the headers to json format
}elseif(strstr($_GET['link'], '.json') != FALSE){
header('Content-Type: application/json');
# If rss file extension is found, then set the headers to rss format
}elseif(strstr($_GET['link'], '.rss') != FALSE){
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1');
# If css xml extension is found, then set the headers to xml format
}elseif(strstr($_GET['link'], '.xml') != FALSE){
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
# If we still haven't found a suitable file extension, then just set the headers to plain text format
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
# Now get the contents of our page we're wanting
$contents = file_get_contents($_GET['link']);
# And finally, spit everything out
echo $contents;
If your webserver has active allow_url_include, GitHub serving the files as raw plain/text is not a problem since you can include the file first in a PHP script and modify its Headers to the proper MIME type.

Sending email with attachment

I've a custom form (created with form API) that need send an uploaded file by email. The current form submit handler sends the email without attachment using drupal_mail().
So I'm looking for a solution to properly send email with attachment from Drupal. Mime Mail seems an overkill because HTML mail, templating and its other features are not required. But the only other alternative I see is to set the appropriate headers and serialize the attached file in the mail body when processing the mail in my hook_mail() implementation.
Did I miss anything? Is there any module to handle this?
Mimemail is the easiest solution here. Be it an overkill or not, it will allow you to get it done with a single function call.
If you insist, you may have your homemade attachment sender: base64 encode your attachment(s), add them to the mail body, add the correct headers and you're done.
You can use mime mail and force the message body to be sent in plaintext format. Here is an excerpt from the module's readme file:
This module may be required by other modules, but is not terribly
useful by itself. Once installed, any module can send messages by
calling the mimemail() function:
$sender - a user object, text email address or an array with name, mail
$recipient - a user object, text email address or an array with name, mail
$subject - subject line
$body - body text in HTML format
$plaintext - boolean, whether to send messages in plaintext-only (default FALSE)
$headers - a keyed array with headers (optional)
$text - plaintext portion of a multipart e-mail (optional)
$attachments - array of arrays with the file's path, MIME type (optional)
$mailkey - message identifier
return - an array containing the MIME encoded message
The key thing being to set the $plaintext argument to TRUE. Now you can have your cake and eat it too.
You could always have a look at the Swift Mailer module which lets you send HTML (MIME) e-mails, e-mails with inline images and e-mails with attachments. It is also cabable of automatically generating plain text versions based on the HTML e-mail version, which in the end will let the user's e-mail client display the preferred version (HTML or plain text).
The Swift Mailer module is available on
For the record : I'm the author and maintainer of the module.
The Webform module allows you to create a form and has a file option which can be used as an attachment. All available form components are listed on the module's manual page.
Once installed Webform will appear as a content type. Once you have saved the fundamentals, such as the title and the email to address, you will have the ability to add the required form components.
Add a component of type 'file', ensuring the 'email' (to recipient) option is ticked, and you will then be able to customize the permitted file types, extensions, sizes and upload folder.
You could use the Zend Framework.
function sendEmail($params){
ini_set('include_path', 'inc/');
require_once ('inc/Zend/Mail.php');
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setSubject( $params['subject'] );
$mail->setBodyText( $params['bodyText'] );
$mail->setBodyHtml( $params['bodyHtml'] );
$mail->setFrom( $params['fromEmail'], $params['fromName'] );
$mail->addTo( $params['toEmail'], $params['toName'] );
// Finally, add an attachment
assert( file_exists($params['attachFile']) );
$at = $mail->addAttachment(file_get_contents($params['attachFile']));
$at->type = $params['attachType'];
$at->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
$at->filename = $params['attachName'];

Parse and display MIME multipart email on website

I have a raw email, (MIME multipart), and I want to display this on a website (e.g. in an iframe, with tabs for the HTML part and the plain text part, etc.). Are there any CPAN modules or Template::Toolkit plugins that I can use to help me achieve this?
At the moment, it's looking like I'll have to parse the message with Email::MIME, then iterate over all the parts, and write a handler for all the different mime types.
It's a long shot, but I'm wondering if anyone has done all this already? It's going to be a long and error prone process writing handlers if I attempt it myself.
Thanks for any help.
I actually just dealt with this problem just a few months ago. I added an email feature to the product I work for, both sending and receiving. The first part was sending reminders to users, but we didn't want to manage the bounce backs for our customer admins, we decided to have a message inbox that the admins could see bounces and replies without us, and the admins can deal with adjusting email addresses if they needed to.
Because of this, we accept all email that is sent to an inbox we watch. We use VERP to associate an email with a user, and store the entire email as is in the database. Then, when the admin requests to see the email, we have to parse the email.
My first attempt was very similar to an earlier answer. If one of the parts is html, show it. If it's text, show it. Otherwise, show the original, raw email. This broke down real fast with a few emails not generated by sendmail. Outlook, Exchange, and a few other email systems don't do that, they use multiparts to send the email. After a lot of digging and cussing, I discovered that the problem doesn't appear to be well documented. With the help of looking through MHonArc and reading the RFC's (RFC2045 and RFC2046), I settled on the solution below. I decided on not using MHonArc, since I couldn't easily resuse the parsing and display functionality. I wouldn't say this is perfect, but it's been good enough that we used it.
First, take the message and use Email::MIME to parse it. Then call a function called get_part with the array of parts Email::MIME gives you with ->parts().
get_part, for each part it was passed, decodes the content type, looks it up in a hash, and if it exists, call the function associated with that content type. If the decoder was able to give us something, put it on a result array.
The last piece of the puzzle is this decoder array. Basically, it defines the content types I can deal with:
message/delivery-status, which is actually also plain text
The non-multipart sections I return as is. With mixed, related and alternative, I merely call get_parts on that MIME node and returns the results. Because alternative is special, it has some extra code after calling get_parts. It will only return html if it has an html part, or it will return only the text part of it has a text part. If it has neither, it won't return anything valid.
The advantage with the hash of valid content types is that I can easily add logic for more parts as needed. And by the time you get_parts is done, you should have an array of all content you care about.
One more item I should mention. As a part of this, we created a separate domain that actually serves these messages. The main domain that an admin works on will refuse to serve the message and redirect the browser to our user content domain. This second domain will only serve user content. This is to help the browser properly sandbox the content away from our main domain. See same origin policy (
It doesn't sound like a difficult job to me:
use Email::MIME;
my $parsed = Email::MIME->new($message);
my #parts = $parsed->parts; # These will be Email::MIME objects, too.
print <<EOF;
for my $part (#parts) {
my $content_type = $parsed->content_type;
if ($content_type eq "text/plain") {
print "<pre>", $part->body (), "</pre>\n";
elsif ($content_type eq "text/html") {
print $part->body ();
# Handle some more cases here
print <<EOF;
Reuse existing complete software. The MHonArc mail-to-HTML converter has excellent MIME support.