multiple image stitching - matlab

i have successfully implemented an algorithm to calculate a transformation that aligns feature matching using RANSAC. After that I can stitch the images. But now I am trying to do this for multiple images.
I can compute the transformation for each pair of images and stitch them together. But i want on a whole. Is it possible?

I think you need to map all images into one place defined by a specific 'destination image'.
I.e., pick a certain image (Should probably be in the middle of the pack in terms of where the camera points) and compute the transformation between that destination image and every other image.
Then map every image into the destination space.
I guess you could also map all images into some other destination space/projection -- but you need something more than RANSAC for this.


Aligning two images

I have two images of the same shoe sole, one taken with a scanning machine and another with a digital camera. I want to scale one of the images so that it can be easily aligned with the other without having to do it all by hand.
My thought was to use edge detection, connect all the points on the outside of the shoe, scale one image to fit right inside the other, and then scale the original image at the same rate.
I've messed around using different tools in the Image Processing toolbox in MatLab, but am making no progress.
Is there a better way to go about this?
My advise would be to firstly use the function activecontour to obtain the outer contour of the shoe on both images. Then use the function procrustes with the binary images as input.
[~, CameraFittedToScan] = procrustes(Scan,Camera);
This transforms the camera image to best fit with the scanned image. If the scan and camera are not the same size then this needs to be adjusted first using the function imresize.

Automatic assembly of multiple Kinect 2 grayscale depth images to a depth map

The project is about measurement of different objects under the Kinect 2. The image acquisition code sample from the SDK is adapted in a way to save the depth information at the whole range and without limiting the values at 0-255.
The Kinect is mounted on a beam hoist and moved in a straight line over the model. At every stop, multiple images are taken, the mean calculated and the error correction applied. Afterwards the images are put together to have a big depth map instead of multiple depth images.
Due to the reduced image size (to limit the influence of the noisy edges), every image has a size of 350x300 pixels. For the moment, the test is done with three images to be put together. As with the final program, I know in which direction the images are taken. Due to the beam hoist, there is no rotation, only translation.
In Matlab the images are saved as matrices with the depth values going from 0 to 8000. As I could only find ideas on how to treat images, the depth maps are transformed into images with a colorbar. Then only the color part is saved and put into the stitching script, i.e. not the axes and the grey part around the image.
The stitching algorithm doesn’t work. It seems to me that the grayscale-images don’t have enough contrast to be treated by the algorithms. Maybe I am just searching in the wrong direction?
Any ideas on how to treat this challenge?

An algorithm for merging matched lines?

I've designed an algorithm that matches correspondent lines seen from different positions of a robot.
Now I want to merge correspondent lines into one.
Does anyone know an algorithm for this purpose?
It seems like what you're trying to do is a mosaic but restricted to 2D. Or at least something similar considering only extracted features. I'll go through the basic idea of how to do it (as I remember it anyway).
You extract useful features in both images (your lines)
You do feature matching (your matching)
You extract relative positional information about your cameras from the matched features. This allows to determining a transform between the two.
You transform one image into the other's perspective or both to a different perspective
Since you say you're working in a 2D plane that's where you will want to transform to. If your scans can be considered to not add any 3D distortion (always from the same hight facing perpendicular to the plane) then you need only deal with 2D transformations.
To do what you call the merging of the lines you need to perform step 3 and 4 of the mosaic algorithm.
For step 3 you will need to use a robust approach to calculate your 2D Transformation (rotation and translation) from one picture/scan to the other. Probably something like least mean squares (or other approaches for estimating parameters from multiple values).
For step 4 you use the calculated 2D transform and possibly a previous transformation that was calculated for the previous picture (not needed if you're matching from the composed image, a.k.a moasic, to a new image instead of sequetial images) use it on the image it would apply to. In your case probably just your 2D lines from the new scan (and not a full image) will need to be transformed by this global 2D transform to take their position and orientation to the global map reference.
Hope this helps. Good Luck!

Fit two binary images (panorama?)

I have several binary images which represent a partial map of an area (~4m radius) and were taken ~0.2m apart, for example:
(Sorry for the different axis limit).
If you look closely, you'll see that the first image is about 20cm to the right.
I want to be able to create a map of the area from several pictures like this.
I've tried several methods, such as Matlab's register but couldn't find any good algorithm for this purpose. Any ideas on how to approach this?
Thanks in advance!
Two possible routes:
Use imregister. This does registration based on image intensity. You will probably want a rigid transform.
However, this will require your data to be an image (matrix), which it doesn't look like it currently is.
Alternatively, you can use control points. These are common (labelled) points in each image which provide a reference to determine the transform.
Matlab has a built in function to determine control points, cpselect. However, again this requires image data. You may be better of writing your own function to do this or just selecting control points manually.
Once you have control points you can determine the transform between them using fitgeotrans

Image filter to separate ricegrains

I am trying to solve an image filtering issue with MATLAB 2013a. Here are two images on which I am trying to work.
My aim is to obtain each rice grain as a separate image.
Following is the process I used and was successful for the first image.
Convert to gray scale,
Obtain grey threshold,
Convert to binary,
Perform dilation and erosion for more accurate filtering,
Use connected component analysis with bwconncomp,
Save each component.
Now if I try to achieve similar binary image for image2, all the rice grain connected to each other comes as a single component.
I have tried to derive edge map with 'canny' or any other like 'sobel', its not working.
Can someone please guide me to achieve this.