Which official document describes the icons and iTunesArtwork that has to be included in an app bundle? - iphone

I've got the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf, but a search for "Icon-Small" or "iTunesArtwork" returns no match.
There must be a different document which goes into detail what icons are needed, and specifically how the iTunesArtwork has to be created. Which one is it? I remember there was one which talked about iTunesArtwork and explicitely mentioning not to add an extension as well as not to add alpha, but that's almost 2 years ago.
Edit: Found it in the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf on page 11. It's in a blurry image, so search didn't work because of that. Anyways, I also remember there was a more detailed discussion about this somewhere else.

Look at Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines and the "App Icons on iPad and iPhone" Q&A too.
There is also this Programming Guide that talks about the subject.
Note: Got all this using a simple Google Search anyway

The "Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines" section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines has detailed information about the various icons you need to create for your app: http://developer.apple.com/library/IOs/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconsImages/IconsImages.html
Also, you don't need to include iTunesArtwork in your app bundle. See my answer to this question: iPhone/iPad and iTunesArtwork

Here you can find the guide lines for preparing an app to be submit to app store


Is there a list of required graphics assets for iOS apps in the app store?

Google provides a clear list of graphics assets are needed for promotion in their Play market, as well as sizes and requirements for launcher icons.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't find a similar list of graphics assets and icon requirements for iPhone apps in Apple's iTunes store.
Does such a list exist?
The link in the answer of pre doesn't work anymore, so I'll provide the links I've found useful for gathering information about app assets:
First Steps: Identifying Your App in iTunes Connect
iTunes Connect App Properties
The first link will provide you with some general guidelines on how the artwork and text will be shown in the App Store while the second one is a detailed list of all assets that need to be filled in or provided.
For the App Store you'll need one 1024px icon and at least one screenshot in retina solution (two if your app is universal - one for iPhone one for iPad)
In your app you'll need at least one icon for each device type you support (iPhone/iPad), but you probably should provide more. For different icon sizes an app should support please refer to this document.

iPhone: different icon for homescreen and App Store

I would like to know if the app icon on the iPhone can be slightly different than the one shown in a large version in Apple's App Store.
It was discussed in short here: Tips for a successful AppStore submission?
But I wanted to make sure if anyone has more experience with that.
To give an example: The New York Times has many words incorporated in its app icon (see http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/nytimes/id284862083?mt=8). Would it be okay to have a full black colored background without the words in the small/homescreen version of the icon?
I had one application (RefFinder) rejected just because the two didn't match. But they were quite different; I guess it's OK if they're only slightly different.
yes i have submit couple of application with different app icon and big application icon on App store.
Here is one example: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-business-credit-blueprint/id360499998?mt=8
They can be different, but they have to accomplish the same design. I mean, they have to be recognized as the same applications (same colors, fonts.. same feeling)
You could achieve this using the new UIApplication.setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API in iOS 10.3 to change the app icon at runtime.
Note you need to ship the updated app icon as part of the app bundle however.

Is it possible to localize the app icon and Default.png?

Is it possible to localize the app icon and Default.png files? Do I just drop them in the respective language folders or must I do something else?
As per my comment, there's an answer elsewhere, but you can read more in the Internationalizing Your Application section of the iPhone Application Programming Guide. There's an example of how to structure your language files in your app bundle, for example.
The correct answer is that it is not possible to localize the app icon.
An iOS application should be internationalized and have a
language.lproj folder for each language it supports. In addition to
providing localized versions of your application’s custom resources,
you can also localize your application icons and launch images by
placing files with the same name in your language-specific project
directories. Even if you provide localized versions, however, you
should always include a default version of these files at the
top-level of your application bundle. The default version is used in
situations where a specific localization is not available. For more
information about localized resources, see “Localized Resources in
Apple docs update/change frequently. This is the correct link at this point in time. Also, I haven't actually tried localizing the app icon/default images, but Apple says it works so why not :-)
This same question appears numerous times on stackoverflow.

Localization of icon and default screen in iPhone

Can the app icon and default screen be localized in iPhone? Has anyone tried it?
In theory it should be possible as they're just image resources, but I found no explicit mention of this in the documentation, and I wouldn't like to have my app rejected or failing for this.
Official documentation quote:
"An iPhone application should be internationalized and have a language.lproj directory for each language it supports. In addition to providing localized versions of your application’s custom resources, you can also localize your application icon (Icon.png), default image (Default.png), and Settings icon (Icon-Settings.png) by placing files with the same name in your language-specific project directories. Even if you provide localized versions, however, you should always include a default version of these files at the top-level of your application bundle. The default version is used in situations where a specific localization is not available."
I'm trying to do the same, and I found this:
Until yesterday though I was never totally sure it was not possible. Then I spotted this thread in the Apple developer forums. There is a post by Bill Dudney, author of the excellent iPhone SDK Development book from Pragmatic Programmers and now an Apple employee. Bill confirms that localizing the application icon is not currently supported and suggests raising an enhancement request.

What are apple's app store guidelines for the big icon (512x512)

I want to distribute an iPhone app to the store and cannot find any guidelines for the iTunesArtwork icon. I heard it has to be jpg, but
can it also be .png?
do they add the rounded corners?
do they add shine?
The information is all in the iTunes Connect part of the Apple website. Look for the "Download the Developer Guide" PDF in:
You can put the same image into your Ad Hoc distribution (in the .ipa bundle) if you want it to appear in iTunes when doing Ad Hoc testing.
Update: removed old broken link, see comments for the new link.
They say the image has to be JPG or TIF, but they sometimes accept PNGs. You can try submitting it with a PNG, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk given how much time it takes for them to review submissions. If they do reject it for that reason alone, you'll just have to resubmit and keep waiting.
They'll add the rounded corners and highlights for you, though.
PNG's work but make sure they are at least 24 bit as this caused me a lot of trouble. Apple accepted the 8 bit file but it looked horrible scaled down.