Dynamic Version Numbering in a Default.png - iphone

I have a Default.png which includes a version number on it. Every time I update my app, I have to change it both in the lite and full version's default.png and default#2x.png. Hassle, no?
I'm pretty sure I've been going about this the wrong way. What should I do instead? (I would like to show a version number on launch, not just nix it altogether.)

Compile-Time Image Compositing
If your logo doesn't need to change other than the version number, then you can use your graphics library of choice at compile-time to refactor the png. Pseudo code below:
UpdateLogo(String logoName, String version)
WidgetImage MyLogo(logoName + ".png");
MyLogo.DrawText(800, 650, version);
MyLogo.Write(logoName + "Final.png");
UpdateLogo("Logo.png", "Version 1.0.0");
Compile that program and keep it around as a custom build tool. Then whenever you need to build your application you can compile Logo.png into LogoFinal.png. If you need help using XCode or other tools to generate image files I suggest you search for image manipulation tools separately from "dynamic versioning".
Ideally your version string will use constants defined in an easily-editable table or controlled by your build system. At the very least it will save you from opening up Photoshop every time you need to build your app.
For Display in a Running Application
You should be using a font to draw the version number on top of the logo. Then you can just include a resource file that is text-based and can be easily updated by automated tools for each build.
Can you create custom build rules for XCode based on file type?

Apple's Human Interface Guidelines say that the Default.png shouldn't be used as a splash screen; it should represent all of the UI controls the application will show, but without any localizable text or content. (Think of how the the built-in apps like iPod and Contacts behave.)
If you're doing it for a client and they demand it, you can always use the "But the app store might reject it for violating their terms!" argument.
Of course, this doesn't apply if you're not submitting to the Store or if you just don't care. :)
A technical add-on for the people posting above: make sure that any png compositing you're adding to the build process runs before pngcrush executes, so that you're not replacing an optimized image with a script-generated (and likely unoptimized) one. You may also run into weird issues if you try doing it after pngcrush runs (it not displaying), anyway.


Modify OS X app without source code using Swift

The problem is the following.
The title for button FindName is wrong and it should be Search, another thing is that window title is misspelled: "DisplayUsrEmail"
I don't have the source code of the application.
My main requirement is to write the small application that will modify the current application and fix above problems.
I have to write the new app using Swift.
What I did:
1) It is quite simple to change the title of the button without coding. (FindName -> Search) I changed it in the Info.plist file.
2) It is also easy to change the app title (Executable file) in the Info.plist, but in my case, it doesn't change the window's title "DisplayUsrEmail"
3) I opened the apps unix executable file in the hex editor (used https://hexed.it/) and found there the title "DisplayUsrEmail". But the app crashes when I add the byte with symbol 'e'. ("DisplayUsrEmail" -> "DisplayUserEmail") I can just change the title with the same characters count, but it doesn't resolve my problem.
So, is it possible to write the new app that will modify the current one? If yes, what is the workflow?
The app is compiled through xcode and is a known fact that it is not possible to retrieve the source code from the compiled application.
To answer your question: no, it's not possible.
I don't think that this is at all possible. When an app is built, it's also codesigned to prevent any changes to it. If any changes are made, macOS can't (or refuses to) open the app. This is a security feature that prevents people from modifying applications to bypass security measures, licensing, etc. in the app. Since you've modified the app, you are seeing this security feature in action in the form of the app crashing when you attempt to launch it.
That being said, it MIGHT be possible to modify the UI elements only without affecting the executable. In the app's resources folder, there should be a file with a ".nib" extension. This is the compiled user interface which is where the incorrect spelling of the window and button are. If you modify this file ONLY, the UI elements might be correct when you launch the app again. It's also possible that this nib file is part of the codesigned bundle and modifying it will cause a crash, just as if you'd modified the executable.

Write setting.bundle in runtime

I can write at design time a setting bundle, but I need to make its content appear according to certain condition
can I do that , if yes any sample code, and where to put this code
Best regards
You can't dynamically create a Settings.bundle and write it out while your application is running on the iPhone. It needs to be included in the code signed application package.
What you can do, though, is customize your already created bundle's content & UI based on those certain conditions. E.G. different preferences load different strings or graphics.

How does Viddy implement downloadable filters?

There is a very cool iPhone app called Viddy where you can download filters to apply to videos.
How can they pack filters outside the app, and make them available to users via downloading?
One way would be to have an in-app purchase that's just a document that describes an image processing graph. (Think of a nodal graph representation for something like Shake or Nuke.) For example, a glow is often implemented as a blurred image mixed with the original image. You could create a document which describes that processing graph. Once you've downloaded such a document into your app, you can implement it using Core Image filters, or write your own using GLSL, or even just straight CPU processing.
It's pretty simple, they do use shaders and they're downloaded from the internet.
Download iExplorer for Mac, connect your iPhone with Viddy installed.
Check Library/effects folder in Viddy.app. You'll find afx_1_0.xml and vfx_1_0.xml files there.
Download them to your Mac, open them and you'll find filters definitions there along with URL to download them.
An example is SOHO filter. Download this file, open it and you'll see three files there: shader.fx3 where shader is defined, thumb.png for thumbnail and vignette.png file, which is used for this shader as well.
We did use same approach in unnamed application, but we did encrypt all this information along with shaders itself to avoid analysis like this one :)
Encryption, decryption example request in comment
Let's say you have .fx file with your shader (or any other file).
Open Xcode and go to Build Rules where you can define build rule for *.fx files. Set it to run your Custom script: which can look like this one:
${PROJECT_DIR}/../Tools/bin/crypt -e -k $ENC_KEY -i ${INPUT_FILE_PATH} \
This script produces .cfx file, which has same content as .fx file, but is encrypted.
crypt binary came from this project: download crypt Xcode project.
Download encrypted resource demo.
Copy EncryptedFileURLProtocol.* and NSURL+EncryptedFileURLProtocol.* files into your project.
In app delegate call this to register your protocol [NSURLProtocol registerClass:[EncryptedFileURLProtocol class]];
And now when you do want to open encrypted resource, you have to use protocol encrypted-file instead of file://. This task handles NSURL category from demo project and you can simply use [NSURL encryptedFileURLWithPath:#"/path/to/my/encrypted/file"].
It's pretty simple and you'll find most info you need in sample app (link above). Also you can mangle your encryption / decryption key in application, so, people have to think and the key is not easily readable. Now, when you access encrypted file via this NSURL, it's automatically decrypted for you in app. The decryption key is set in sharedKey in EncryptedFileURLProtocol.m file.
The easiest way to do this is to build the filters into the app itself, and have the in-app purchase simply unlock the ability to use them.
If you wanted to avoid the download time for all the additional images or other pieces needed, you could still include the code in the main app, and just download the extra resources needed. You can use something like Urban Airship's IAP support to host & download the IAP resources. (You might also want to look into new features of iOS 6 in this vein.)
GLSL shaders may be downloaded in source code form and then to be used for processing. It gives very flexible way to create new filters after having app published. From another hand it might be enough just to update (download) additional filter data. For example, Instagram uses same color curve technique for most filters but with different curve data, so it they want, they will be able to update their filters online.
Filter for videos also uses CIImage class like intagram application for images. See the link here:"http://www.icapps.be/face-detection-with-core-image-on-live-video/". Now filters can be download the filter (actually its In App Purchase happening).
Put the purchase/download method right beneath the case:
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
[self ...];
so whats happening is purchase of filter for free which can be used on any video. Actually method is enabled to have filter after SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased.

Is there a way to convert epub format to images?

I need a tool to programmatically convert epub files to a series of images. The output should look like screenshots taken on a canonical device (for this application, an iPad). I haven't been able to find any tools that do something like this.
So what I'd really like (1) is a tool that does that. But assuming that I'm correct that no such tool exists, is there (2) a library (preferably a Perl module, but I'm not that picky) that will read and render ePub?
Obviously, rolling my own I could combine tools for unzipping, reading html, reading xml, putting everything in the right order, and rendering html within certain constraints. Though I'd rather not do that, and if that's the only option I'll have to go on to look for a tool that will do the last part of that or I'll have to create that too.
Any leads on (1), or failing that (2)?
Apologies if what I'm about to type is just crazy-talk on my part--in fact, I'm pretty sure it is--but perhaps something like this might work and I'm kind of interested in knowing how well it might work for you:
Use Frank (https://github.com/moredip/Frank) to control the iOS Simulator on a Mac. Program it to open up the EPUB docs you need.
All you need then is something to automate the taking of the screen shots. Obviously, these will look like the EPUBs are being rendered in an iPad (or an iPhone if you wish--the iOS Simulator does both, of course).
Automating the screenshots can probably be done with AppleScript, although the hard part might be getting it to talk to Frank. Worst case, you can tell Frank to pause for 5 seconds after it loads each page and tell AppleScript to take a screen shot every five seconds. That sucks, but if you're desperate, it will get it done. It's also possible Frank can somehow make the screenshots happen--I haven't used it enough to know.
Pandoc can convert from EPub to LaTeX (and therefore to PDF) or to any number of other formats. Conceptually this should be a type (1) solution.
depends on your definition of "look like" - do you want the user-chrome or just the epub rendering for a given screen size.
I would check out the various epub readers for your platform of choice, size the window to your preferred dimensions, and then just "print" the epub to a virtual printer that outputs to image files - on windoze I use imageprint.
You could easily make a "frame" from an iPad product shot and place your screenshots within that - only thing missing would be as I said the user chrome.

iphone embedding images in the executable file

When releasing to the application store someone wrote in an offhand comment that you need to avoid embedding your images into the executable.
How do you do that?
I've seen code in various books that suggests encoding images as C byte array constants in the source code, and I can say that that's definitely a bad idea for reasons ranging from inefficient pixel formats to unsalvageable memory. That would qualify as "in the executable file" in a way that bundle resources don't, since bundle resources are packaged alongside the executable rather than within it.
I am not sure if I get you correctly, but maybe he meant accidentally adding image files to the Compile Sources category in your build target? This usually does not happen with images, but i have seen it happening with js files.
Perhaps they meant that you should only include images in the bundle that are essential.
The bundle is essentially read-only so you cannot remove an image from the device that is in the bundle. Therefore placing lots of example images that you expect a user to remove/not want is not a good idea because when the user deletes the images from inside your app no space on the device will be reclaimed.
Of course it is fine to place images in the bundle just make sure that they are required and are not taking up unnecessary space that the user cannot reclaim.